Urgent! Cat won't eat. Is Convenia to blame? Please help


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am so glad to read this! You advocated for your cat and he is now improving. Can you add "no Convenia to be given" to your file at the vet's?


TCS Member
Dec 6, 2023
Hi, all. Thank you in advance for any replies.
The short version of the story is my cat has had a cyst on his eyelid for at least 4 years but because he's a very timid former stray I've put off having it dealt with until February this year. He had bloods done and everything seemed fine, but the first week after the operation he hardly ate though his appetite was improving. Then for some reason he stopped eating altogether and also stopped drinking. The vet said he had a hard bladder so it was probably cystitis, a urine sample showed white blood cells and bacteria so a sample was sent away for culture. It took a week and I was amazed he survived, but fortunately I discovered he will eat Lick-e-lix and his results showed he had an e-coli UTI infection. He went for an antibiotic injection which the vet said was Convenia, which he'd apparently also had with his operation 4 weeks earlier. When I googled Convenia I'm sure you are all aware of the horror stories that came up.

It is now nearly 7 weeks since his operation and first Convenia, nearly 3 weeks since the second. For the last 4 weeks he has survived on nothing but Lick-e-lix and gone from a well fed ball of fluff to being extremely thin and weak. The (very expensive) operation and further tests etc mean I can't afford more treatment and I think the stress would finish him off anyway. He is drinking normally but refuses to eat ANYTHING. Not even tuna water, egg yolk or other things the same as or softer than lick-e-lix so I'm pretty sure it's not a mouth/issue. He had no symptoms of anything before the op or since, other than he now has severe loss of appetite. I am absolutley baffled as to why he will eat a box or 2 of lick-e-lix a day but won't touch anything else. But if I don't give him them he doesn't eat anything, I've tried.

I'm not saying it was the Convenia but what could he have already had that doesn't show up on basic bloods? And if it is the Convenia, will his appetite return when it's out of his system at 65 days, if not before? At the moment I'm trying to keep him going until it's out of his system because if it's kidneys or liver etc I sadly can't afford any treatment for him.

Any replies appreciated but please don't direct me to Convenia horror story sites, I've seen them all, I just want to know what might be wrong with him.

Thank you.
How is he now? Was was done to stop this worthless medication from completely taking him out? I am now experiencing this nightmare and I even said no I didn’t want this


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
You can ask to have the no Convenia written on his chart. I did and got the raised eyebrow, but write it they did. (Note they don't always notice what's written on the chart so be sure to mention you won't pay for it when you go in for treatment.) AND I wrote it in black marker on mine's cream white carrying case. Harder to ignore, but still possible.

You don't actually have to have a reason to refuse any particular treatment so it doesn't matter if they refuse to believe the Convenia has created problems before or not.