Update on Christmas trip & question


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Alpha Cat
Jun 30, 2008
Upstate New York
Here's the question. My sister gave me one of those battery-operated nail trimmers for my boy. I know he needs to be acclimated to it slowly, and I plan to take a couple of weeks for that. But has anyone used one of these? I use clippers now on his nails, and I like being able to see the quick while I'm working. This scares me a little. Anyone use them?

Trip Report
I took my boy (age 5) to my sister's for 3 days, and he seemed to do better than I did! I gave him some Rescue Remedy for the car trip, and although I don't know whether it made a difference (since this is the first time I took him in the car for a 2-hr. trip), he only complained for the first half hour and then seemed to settle in for the rest of the time.

When we got there, I took him into the bathroom to show him the litter box, and I left the door open just slightly to see whether he wanted to explore. He did. He explored every inch of the house, and immediately made himself at home. [My sister had two Feliway plug ins going for a week before we arrived, but, again, not sure if it made a difference.]

He wasn't 'quite' himself in the new place because he seemed to eat less than usual, and although he napped, it was not as much as at home. Overall, however, he seemed just fine, and I wouldn't hesitate to bring him again next year.

He may have though we'd moved because when we got home, he went through our house as though it seemed strange to be there. But he was soon back to his own routines, etc.