Unused cat shelter... what to do now?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 7, 2013
hi all,

i set up a large size rubbermaid shelter since i have 3 feral cats who came with the property i purchased and i fenced off the bottom side of the deck so raccoons couldn't nest there.

it's up the hill a ways since it's rather large and unsightly, sits on some pillars about 8 inches tall, with a little landing pad, has two entrances/exits, plastic flaps, straw inside, and is insulated.

it's been raining and frosty, and my cats have never used it. i am worried ... we're in northern cal. so i don't know if they'll die of the cold but surely they'd be happier in there, there's room for three and they seem to be siblings, very friendly to one another, often curled up together, eating and playing together, watching out for each other, etc.

they know the shelter is there. but is there anything i can do to entice them to use it? or should i leave well enough alone? no one else is using it either. (skunks, raccoons, etc.)

they do sit in my lawn chairs on my deck, covered right now by a tarp, so a little rain protection... but still, not warm at night. it gets into the 30's.



TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I use catnip. But even that doesn't always work. We have a colony of at least 11 TNR cats - some far more feral than others. Five are quite friendly (pettable), another three aren't afraid of us, etc. We have out like 15 different shelters - all different types, different locations, etc. So far only two cats are using any of them.

Location does matter - we have put them out where we know the cats are comfortable hanging out.

We had a Feral Villa out for three years before anyone used it.

Others may have better ideas, but basically - you do your best, and the rest is up to them. :rub:


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
You might try taking the plastic flaps off until they get used to it.  I had them on a feral villa and my ferals wouldn't go in as the flaps scared them too much.  I also have tried placing it on the middle of my deck at first.  I would go out during the day and have them watch me place a few treats inside.  I have also used catnip.  My ferals preferred being on my deck near where they eat.  I tried placing rubbermaid shelters under my deck and they never got used.  Once I moved them to my deck, I had a few takers.  My ferals never liked the small space of a rubbermaid shelter or feral villa.  I now use a 6'x6' shelter logic shed in a box.  It is large enough to put the outdoor love seat that they sleep on during the warmer months.  It keeps them dry and out of the elements.  I also have 2 of the outdoor cat houses which I place onto the love seat.  They are heated and provide a small space for them to cuddle.  The houses are 2 walls with a front and back entrance and heat pad on the bottom.  I then unzip the sides so I can place them side by side and they can either sleep together or separate.  Here is a link

It is so hard to hit the nail on the head with the right shelter.  Ferals are so picky and so scared of anything that moves or makes noise.  They are also fearful of being trapped.  Keep trying and hopefully you will find a great location and the right trick!