Unhealed skin lesion on older cat Big Foot

big foot

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2017
For the past year, Big Foot has been coping with a inch-like lesion on his right ear that has totally baffled my vet, a cat specialist.  A biopsy taken determined that the lesion is not an infection of cancerous. This is good, but the lesion grows wider each time the blood-like fluid (meaning not bleeding) dries like a scab but not, Big Foot flicks his ear and the dried fluid comes off revealiing raw surface that will not dry, scab or heal. An anti itching medicine and collar prescribed.  My home remedy was sulphur powder, but it did not initiate drying. The continues to believe that a skin graf is the only route to resolve the lesion, a cost of 2K, and I am already maxed out. So Big Foot copes.  Any ideas? Pops


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Did your vet try a steroid cream/ointment? How about Tresaderm (this is a general anti-everything from what I've been told, we got it for a bug bite reaction and it cleared up in 7 days on my cat)?

I haven't had the problem in a cat, but I have terribly sensitive skin. I know for myself I have had spots that don't respond to an anti-itch treatment. Honestly, I live my life with a constant itch so it takes a lot for something to itch (when I got a tattoo it didn't itch at all when healing to give a comparison). But problem spots usually respond to a topical steroid cream or antibiotic depending on what type of reaction it is. Before we figured out what was wrong I had scratched my legs nearly raw in some spots and had constant scabs in spots. The more I itched them the slower they healed; which sounds similar to what you are talking about. Mine was allergic reactions partnered with eczema and another skin issue.  

Since Tresaderm is a general topical ointment  to treat a variety of skin problems you might want to ask about it and see if it is an option for your cat. 
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TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
For the past year, Big Foot has been coping with a inch-like lesion on his right ear that has totally baffled my vet, a cat specialist.  A biopsy taken determined that the lesion is not an infection of cancerous. This is good, but the lesion grows wider each time the blood-like fluid (meaning not bleeding) dries like a scab but not, Big Foot flicks his ear and the dried fluid comes off revealiing raw surface that will not dry, scab or heal. An anti itching medicine and collar prescribed.  My home remedy was sulphur powder, but it did not initiate drying. The continues to believe that a skin graf is the only route to resolve the lesion, a cost of 2K, and I am already maxed out. So Big Foot copes.  Any ideas? Pops
Another miracle ointment, combo steroid, antibiotic, is Animax.  Discuss with your vet.