Undiagnosed-complications After Spay


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 27, 2018
Hi everyone! I'm new here, I'm the Mom of Ghosty, a 9month female black beauty :) My baby is having some health issues after her spay, and as a first time cat mom I am desperately in need of some guidance.

One week ago today, I took her in to get spayed. Prior to, she received a clean bill of health, had no issues whatsoever leading up to this procedure. I was told the spay went great. She also received rabies and distemper vaccs along with a dose of revolution at the clinic. She was back to her usual crazy self the next morning following surgery.

On day 3 after surgery, I noticed she started becoming more lethargic and eating way less than usual. I thought she would continue to improve as the days went on so this raised a red flag for me. Still, I didn't think too much about it, thinking that maybe the pain was starting to catch up with her and she just needed time to recover. She did just have major surgery 3 days ago after all.

Day 4 was when I really started to worry as when I put out her favorite dishes to get some nutrition into her, due to the lack there of in the previous day, she straight up refused food and water. I decided if she wasn't eating by lunch time to attempt to feed/hydrate her via tincture dropper. Success. Still not eating/drinking but at least I'm able to get nutrients in. I purchased a high calorie nutrient gel that I've been mixing with water that I feed her through the dropper.

Day 5. A really bad day. Ghosty vomited overnight. It's Sunday so vet isn't open. Noooo!!! Continued trying to dropper feed/hydrate small amounts. More vomit after feeds within an hour. Also, diarrhea. GI infection? Related to spay? Incision site looks great and not infected. Not sure what to think, but as I'm unable to keep anything in her, I decide to take her in to the emergency vet.

Emergency vet said she appeared in good shape (no dehydration thankfully) but definitely running a low/moderate fever of 103.7. She thinks that she may have picked up a secondary infection from one of the other animals at the clinic when I took her in for spay. She ended up giving her a broad spectrum antibiotic shot called convenia that lasts for two weeks and a shot of famotidine (pepcid) to hopefully help with nausea. Still no answers for my baby but I was hopeful that the antibiotic would help!!!

Day 6, yesterday, started out very hopeful! No vomiting at all anymore and she's still getting some nutrition in through the high cal/nutrient/water dropper mix. but still had liquid diarrhea. Throughout the day, her poop became more formed, like soft serve ice cream. Positive sign? At one point, she even drank from her water bowl and ate a very small amount of dry food!!!! I was crying tears of joy lol. But as the afternoon/night went on, she still refused her fave foods, couldn't get her to drink on her own again. This is essentially 3 days of her main hydration/nutrient intake completely being reliant on me dropper feeding her. And I know she's definitely lost weight. When are we going to turn the corner?

Today is one week since her surgery and 3-4 days since she started having problems. I was up last night dropper feeding her few of hours. She looks good this AM, greeted me at my door, vocalizing again, perching in the window, if I didn't know the situation I wouldn't think this is a cat who has been hand fed the past 3 days. No signs of dehydration (no tenting skin) gums look pink and mouth is moist.

Does anyone have any idea what could be going on here? Next steps? I keep reading about distemper and I'm terrified that is what is going on. Almost no success stories found so I'm really hoping it's NOT. This girl is my world. I'm currently a student trying to support myself so my budget for vet visits and treatments is not super high but I am willing to do what I have to do to get her out of this. Should I take her back to the vet despite her showing small improvements? I don't know what else they would do at this point besides more testing.

Sorry for the novel here everyone. I'm just lost. If anyone has words of wisdom or advice from a similar situation or just what to expect with a GI infection of some sort, I would very much appreciate it!!!

cat princesses

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Just wanted to say hi and welcome. Did the vet send her home with pain medication for the first few days after the spay? I don't have much experience with distemper issues so I will defer to others here that work or run shelters. I would say it's a good sign that she seems to be perky - usually it's important to pay attention to the P's, playing, purriing, pooping, peeing, and also eating - maybe a food with a gravy might entice her to eat?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Hi and welcome!
What I know is that vaccines should be administered when an animal is fully healthy and possibly away from recent or future planned anesthesias. What I know is that two weeks before/after an anesthesia is a "no" window period for a vaccine.
Now you say that your cat was vaccinated before/during/right after the spaying surgery, so I think that, as far as I know, this isn't right.
What could possibly happen is that the immune deficiency triggered by the sedation and the surgery might open the door to the same (or other) diseases we were trying to protect a pet from.

I do hope it's not the case. I hope someone else might chime in and prove that I am wrong, but this is what a senior and experienced vet once told me.
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TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2018
This makes sense to me too, scary I do regret so much taking her to a high volume spay clinic and not her usual vet. The clinic allows for folks with low income to pay an extremely modest fee compared to vet which was so expensive. The place I took her is reputable and fixes all the cats from major adoption agencies in the area. I thought I was doing the right thing now I totally regret it! Her little immune system was probably bombarded.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
The rabies and distemper vaccines together may have been too much. I think when I take my cats to the vet in April, I'm going to have them do the two vaccines a couple weeks apart.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 27, 2018
If this is related to over-vaccination, would these symptoms be expected to lessen with time or can it cause permanent damage?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I sure hope so, I hope it's not permanent. Is she eating better today? Don't feel bad, I was going to get all the vaccinations done at once too, until I read that it's good to separate them by two weeks. The FVRCP Distemper vaccine itself is a combo of 3 different things- Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (Herpes), Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia (Distemper).
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TCS Member
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Feb 27, 2018
It seems like she's finally kicking it!!!! After almost 4 days of dropper feeds/drinks she went to her dry food bowl and ate a small amount on her own...TWICE TONIGHT!! And she's darting around the room, playfully swiping me, and taking part in one of her favorite activities, chewing on boxes! I'm so ecstatic...and I'm so happy I found this place thru this ordeal!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 28, 2016
Granite City,IL
It makes me happy to come across this thread and get to that last post!.. I have three cats.. two 2 yr old nuetered males and a brand new female 12 Wk old kitten.. I have had no experience with any cats at all prior to getting my two boys when they were kittens and thecatsite.com has been there for me A LOT!.. honestly don't know what I would do with out it! I'm so glad u found this website, I hope it helps u in the future as much as it has helped me! (& still helping!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Glad to read that the issues is gone.
I think the vets adviced you about boosting those vaccines within a month time.
Keep a close eye on your kitty and see if even the slightest anomaly or bad symptoms is gone before taking him in for the booster.
Keep in mind that if she's not feeling great it is better to postpone the vaccine. And the next time keep the two vaccines separated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I'm so glad that she's better! And thanks for telling us about your experience, I'm sure it can help others. :)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
You are a wonderful cat parent, Ghostycat.
It is possible she got infected even from the surgery, and rather than showing at the cut/wound, it was internal. But your love and dedication and some luck have pulled her through.
Four years ago we adopted three cats from the city shelter. The two young males and older female were all de-sexed just before they let us take them home. No issues with the males, but about a week following, the female began passing blood in the feces. Long story short, it was an internal bacterial infection related to the surgery. It took months to clear, and all behind us now. The vets didn't even suspect this and were doing the usual parasite/worms/cat colitis and what have you tests and treatments.
Maybe you will never know. But it is good to put this on a public site so folks will be aware that spaying is internal surgery and not trivial.