Uncertain About What Is Going On With Almost 3 Month Old Kitten.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2019
This will be probably rather long, as I feel it is a good idea to give as much detail about this that I can, even if it might seem like it does not relate to what is happening, you never know.

It started with a neighbors cat gave birth to five kittens. However she was moving them around. So we did not know the true amount at first. I discovered the first two when I heard little meows under my porches and looked under to find two kittens about a month old. Enough to be able to survive without the mother as long as soft cat food was the food.
Next day, the person that we pay to mow our yard, was mowing by our fence, which on the other side an vacated house was as the owners were literally kicked out because of how disgusting things were and a few other things were. Well anyways, he was mowing there, and all of a sudden, ANOTHER kitten comes around the corner following him and we got him and placed him under the porch with the other siblings.
Next day, we come out to check on them...uh oh, one is missing and no mother still to be found. So I went on a mission...find missing kitten and mother. Turns out it was the neighbors across from us had the mother and the other kitten we found had been moved back over there, but not the two very first ones we found, idk maybe the mother was in the process of doing it when I came looking. Not sure.
Well I gathered up the three of them when I found out they were old enough to not need nursing anymore. We moved all five inside our house.
Sadly, three of the kittens died from a very bad virus that is similiar to parvo in dogs, I did everything to give them a fighting chance but it was just too much for them. One of the kittens that died was from when we first found the two under the porches. The other was one who came from near the fence and the other was at the neighbors.
So for a while I watched these two like a hawk to catch it as early as possible if it was going to effect them too.
The one that was under the porch who survived has had some rather strange things happening. And I am uncertain if it is medical or what. I have been ruling out everything I could but am still very unsure and hope someone might know what is with this stuff.

The first thing, was he had a very bad eye infection, and no not the type where the eye just gets crusty, this was much worse as it had formed an abscress around the side of his eyelid and a bit above it. Well after a week or two, with me treating him every day, cleaning his eyes and checking the abcess and if it was able to drain some, clearing that up and gently pressing if it would drain more, without having to cause pain to him. So we thought ok, it was probably just an allergy like some cats do. But had came infected as well with the abcess.

The second thing I noticed was a little while after that, He had a complete bald spot on his back/side. So bad that you could see all the skin. We thought it may have been our dog. He is usually cat friendly unless they attempt to take his food. And once before we had a pregnant cat in here and he bit her fur and pulled some out and had it in his mouth. But it was not a large amount, and did not cause baldness. So I do not think he did it, also do not think so because in other places his fur is kinda uh..odd? Like around his neck, it is pretty thin and stretched out. Well the bald spot on the back/side cleared up. His neck though is the same as was.

Third thing, Some how he had managed to hurt his eye somehow. No idea what from but it was injured to the point that all around the outer eyes he was leaking blood. This is pretty much cleared now.

Next thing, He ended up having a bowel moment, and somehow he had got hold of a worm and not sure where it came from, nor how long he has had it. But It was only one, never happened before and has not again as I check to make sure.

And now the last thing. One day I was watching him, and noticed that something was on his back paw dangling. At first I thought maybe he had stepped on feces in the litter box by accident, cause it does happen. So I was going to clean him... Well when I went to clean, I found out more different and ended up cringing. It ended up being a piece of his paw padding.
He has 3 pads at the front of the paws, and then 2 in a straight line below those at the back.
It was the back ones messed up. On one foot it was still there but the very bottom one was torn off and just dangling. So I checked his other paw, same thing. Except the bottom one has already been torn off completely. And I can't for my life figured out what happened.

I ruled out alot of things by common sense. One being maybe he bit himself? But usually in those kind of injuried on paws it just punctures it, not completely rips it off.

Second ruled out was maybe he stepped on something and did it that way. But there is not anything around that could of done that.

And last thing I ruled out was, both my kittens has been going through that climbing everything phase, and they both would climb on the outside railing of a stationary fan, and thought maybe during that he got too far in and sliced up his pads with the fan... but I went to the extent to get a ruler, turn the fan off and measure the railing to the fan, then used that and then measured his paws... Could not be this, if this was the case it would have been atleast an inch if not more up, and on the front paws cause it is spaced enough to not allow a back padding to reach that far and it would be his front paws with the issue if it was that.

So now, I am searching for an answer as this is very worrying. Is it something medical or what? Maybe someone hear knows a better answer, cause I don't.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm not able to help with what is happening, but I wanted to ask if you can obtain some goat milk to help supplement nutrients for him, and can you contain this little guy in a smaller space?
Do you have access to a vet?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Do the kittens live indoors only? How old are they now? What do you feed them?

The kitten who is having worms, eye problems, bald patches, and now a paw pad issue needs to see a vet for treatment. He needs worm medicine and antibiotics, and his paw pad may need stitching. He also sounds like he needs pain meds.

Can you get him to a vet? This is serious!

Y Yenihime


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:welcomesign: Welcome to TCS and bless you for rescuing that kitten! First - do you have access to a veterinarian? Basic home care is to keep him hydrated so giving him unflavored pedialyte is a good idea- if his skin snaps back right away, then 50/50 blend of pedialyte/water is okay but if it takes more than 2 seconds, give full strength for a day or 2 and keep checking (it's the same gentle pinch test that you use for humans). If you cannot buy pedialyte, then you can use the homemade recipe at www.kitten-rescue.com. Furballsmom Furballsmom has a great suggestion with using goat milk for extra nutrients for him.
And I agree 100% with Sarthur2 Sarthur2 that this kitten needs a vet. He needs antibiotics to help him fight the secondary infections from the feline panleukopenia virus (commonly called cat distemper or cat fever or feline infectious enteritis). You might find this article from the American Veterinary Medical Association useful:
Your kitten needs to be wormed and your local veterinarian or animal shelter is best to advise on the parasite protocols specific to your area.
If you can ask the advice of a good rural health vet or holistic vet, ask about feeding L-lysine and probiotics to help your kitten's immune system.
Meanwhile, rinse the kitten's injured pawpads with a clean and gentle antibacterial solution (NO alcohol, NO iodine, NO mercurochrome, NO peroxide - those damage good tissues and delay healing, even in humans - most surgeons and ER doctors now warn about that). If you use a human preparation such as betadine or phisohex, add just enough solution to warm, boiled-then-cooled water, so that your solution is lightly tinted. Otherwise, you can use 1/2 teaspoon salt in a pint of clean water (you can add a teaspoon of tincture of calendula or echinacea if you have it). Afterwards, apply a thin coat of coconut oil - it is both antiviral and antibiotic. If the kitten wants to eat some coconut oil, that is good - it is beneficial internally as well.
Can you find out if the mother cat will be spayed soon?
Please keep us updated on how things are going! Prayers and vibes for the little cat family!! :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2019
I'm not able to help with what is happening, but I wanted to ask if you can obtain some goat milk to help supplement nutrients for him, and can you contain this little guy in a smaller space?
Do you have access to a vet?
Unfortunately, I live in kinda like....the middle of nowhere. Not exactly nowhere but the kind of nowhere that is a tiny tiny tiny town, everyone KNOWS everyone. And the shops we have here are just dollar general and a superette. Neither of which has goat milk, the nearest place I can think of that might have it is walmart, and that is like an hour drive. We have been getting them normal dry food, but a softer kind usually. And also wet food sometimes, not always though as for some reason it seems to just tear the poor tummies up and I get to deal with diarrhea sprees...not nice and I myself have stomach troubles and no for a fact how painful it is, though what helps is mixing both the dry food and wet together. And have been giving them cow milk due to them still being pretty young, however they have grown out of that themselves, as we gave both milk, and water, and weened them off the milk to just water now.

I also cannot contain him, as he and his sister Tapper is approaching 3 months actually around the third or fourth (july 4th is when they were born.) We had a cardboard box when we started with all five that we would place them in all together with a towel, catnip toy and some food and drink incase, but only when we were both going to be asleep (I have to live my mom for well..reasons not important to this thread) But it's for their safety, as kittens love exploring around and can easily get hurt, stuck, have accidents, many things. I would always make sure they were cozy, comfortable, and alright with it and stay until all five was asleep. But tapper was the first one to get out, three of them never grew up enough to get out on their own completely. And so there just isn't a smaller space.

I keep a eye on him as much as I can, I'm a very protective animal mother. Which is why it is just so strange, also the fact that there is just nothing around here that could be causing these issues for Diego. As I keep all sharp things and dangerous things where they cannot get to. So it is very worrying, I've never had a kitten do this. He's also stopped using the litter box, and I think it might be due to pain with his paws, but not sure. Also in this house, even if we could get him in a smaller room or something, we have doors with a good few inches of space at bottom that he could just crawl under, as he and his sister has done this many of times to me (Every single time I close the door when I use restroom lol)

And as far as vet goes, My mom and I are both on disability and a very strict budget. I only get what the minimum wage is here for someone that would be having a job at min wage. Which is one reason I am desperately trying to research and figure out what is going on with my poor kitten. I honestly wish I could afford vet treatment for all my animals. I really do. But since that is not possible for us I am doing all I can myself to help him if something is wrong.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US

It was the cow milk that was upsetting their stomachs. Now that they're on water only, try the wet food again.

Contain him in one of those rooms you mentioned and take a towel or two, roll it up and place it across the bottom of the door, on whichever side so that you can still open it but the kittens can't get out.

Also, do not allow the dog in, at all, ever. I know what you said about the dog, however it doesn't need to be near a hurt, sick kitten. It's just too much stress for this kitten.

Can you try these recipes also;


There may be something here, please see what you can do because this baby needs a vet.

(apologies for any dead links);
Financial Assistance – Day By Day Caregiver Support Inc.

Financial Aid for Pets

No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat's Life
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2019
Do the kittens live indoors only? How old are they now? What do you feed them?

The kitten who is having worms, eye problems, bald patches, and now a paw pad issue needs to see a vet for treatment. He needs worm medicine and antibiotics, and his paw pad may need stitching. He also sounds like he needs pain meds.

Can you get him to a vet? This is serious!

Y Yenihime
Yes they are indoor kittens only. Ever since I got all five of them, they have never gone outside, which is why I wonder if maybe it was something that happened before bringing him in, as nothing in this house could have done it, atleast nothing that I can logically think of.

Also, he is very young and most treatments as I have actually talked to some vets online that answer things for free said that usually the medicines for those things, he is too young at the moment. And might pose a greater risk. I also have gone to our dollar general here to check out things for him, as they do carry some cat/kitten things. And there was a worm treatment to help, but the age needed was older than this kitten. Only turning 3 months in a few days and most meds I believe are around 6 months at the minimum due to complications on young kittens bodies.

As far as vets, I do not have the budget to afford one, as I am on disability, and only get what a minimum wage person would get if having a job, about 600 dollars a months, and I have many cats I care for due to neighbor across the street not really taking care of them right at all.

And yes, I know this is serious, as I have never in my life had a kitten do this. And I have raised manys over my 27 years. Also with the worm, I think it might of been something that was from when before I brought them in, and also this might be a cause from before being indoors causing some of this stuff that was beyond my control. Not sure, but I know that is a very likely chance since I cannot figure out anything here to cause it.

Also I am unsure about the paw pad stitching, as it is not bleeding, and also the one that is left but dangling is just barely there and might end up falling off on its own and then regrow. But stitching might not be possible at this point or helpful due to just how very little it is attached.

And painmeds, I definitely can understand that. But he does not seem to be having pain or showing any signs of pain.
He still plays with his sister, and I mean really goes at her, wrestling, jumping around, all that, with no limp, walks fine, doesnt cry out when using those paws. You know, the signs of pain or distress from it.

The only thing I have noticed is he has stopped using the litter box, but I cannot say it is from pain, it may very well be that he is copying his sister. As she was first trained and then for some reason just stopped using that box, and he kept using it until recently, so it could be "Monkey see, monkey do" not really sure on that part.

As for pain killers, he is only like I said approaching three months. But a vet I spoke to about that said very small nsaid doses, or tiny aspirin doses can help some, So I have been doing that for him every few hours now. As it is the best I can do without seeing a Vet which I cannot afford.

And food: We feed them cat food, at the beginning we gave them softer food for kittens and cow milk (NOT tons, As I know that can be dangerous.) Also we have water dishes for them and my dog, so they had choices and they seem to be able to balance out what to drink for themselves, but I did keep a watch to not let them have too much cow milk.

Also got some wet food for them but that upsets the tummy after a bit. So we limit that now and when we do give it, it is mixed in with the dry. However we may be switching to just wet food or VERY soft food as around month 3, maybe 4 for some kittens, they begin losing their "Milk teeth" and is painful just as it is for teething babies/ kids getting adult teeth.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
painful just as it is for teething babies/ kids getting adult teeth.
Take a clean washcloth, well rinsed if you use dryer sheets, dampen it and partially freeze it. Let the kittens chew on this, the cold will help ease the discomfort.
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2019
:welcomesign: Welcome to TCS and bless you for rescuing that kitten! First - do you have access to a veterinarian? Basic home care is to keep him hydrated so giving him unflavored pedialyte is a good idea- if his skin snaps back right away, then 50/50 blend of pedialyte/water is okay but if it takes more than 2 seconds, give full strength for a day or 2 and keep checking (it's the same gentle pinch test that you use for humans). If you cannot buy pedialyte, then you can use the homemade recipe at www.kitten-rescue.com. Furballsmom Furballsmom has a great suggestion with using goat milk for extra nutrients for him.
And I agree 100% with Sarthur2 Sarthur2 that this kitten needs a vet. He needs antibiotics to help him fight the secondary infections from the feline panleukopenia virus (commonly called cat distemper or cat fever or feline infectious enteritis). You might find this article from the American Veterinary Medical Association useful:
Your kitten needs to be wormed and your local veterinarian or animal shelter is best to advise on the parasite protocols specific to your area.
If you can ask the advice of a good rural health vet or holistic vet, ask about feeding L-lysine and probiotics to help your kitten's immune system.
Meanwhile, rinse the kitten's injured pawpads with a clean and gentle antibacterial solution (NO alcohol, NO iodine, NO mercurochrome, NO peroxide - those damage good tissues and delay healing, even in humans - most surgeons and ER doctors now warn about that). If you use a human preparation such as betadine or phisohex, add just enough solution to warm, boiled-then-cooled water, so that your solution is lightly tinted. Otherwise, you can use 1/2 teaspoon salt in a pint of clean water (you can add a teaspoon of tincture of calendula or echinacea if you have it). Afterwards, apply a thin coat of coconut oil - it is both antiviral and antibiotic. If the kitten wants to eat some coconut oil, that is good - it is beneficial internally as well.
Can you find out if the mother cat will be spayed soon?
Please keep us updated on how things are going! Prayers and vibes for the little cat family!! :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:

Yes, many of these things I am aware of and have been doing those to begin with. The virus you named is the one I spoke about that I was saying is similar to puppies and dogs.

Also the dehydration test I have done for him and his sister very frequently as just because its been a good while since the other three passed from it, does not mean he and his sister are out of danger just yet. However they seem very active, playful, good appetite and thirst. And are not fatigues and just out of it. They also respond to sounds, their names, ect. Which this is the main things that the three that passed just did not do. And they went VERY quick, so fast I could not even do anything about it. It started with Tattles, she seemed to not feel well, and was sleeping and just napping. And I was unsure of what was going on as the real symptoms besides that was not there. About a a day or two later, I found her in the little cat bed we had for them. I was checking on her off and on ever since I noticed she was not acting so well.

And it was like 10 minutes she was ok and not dying... Check her again cause I just noticed something I guess off? She was going cold, and have these weird seizure like fits and meowing in so much pain. Broke my heart. I started rubbing her and holding her near me and trying to get her warm again, and give her liquids but it was just too much for her.

Next day or two..Bundles. He loved sleeping with me and I would always bring them to the food/water bowl when needed feeding and liquids. Then he and the others would come back with me and just sleep with me. Well I woke up one night, had a nap for maybe 30 minutes.... bundles was not near me, and I had a horrible fear for some reason... So I went looking. Did not take long, he had collapsed near our tv where we keep my service dogs dishes and was doing the same thing poor Tattles did, once again I did what I could and it was too much for him too. Another heart break.

Then a few days later, here we go again with Dora. And I noticed the signs in her immediately before it got bad. So I started doing everything I could to give her a fighting chance now that I knew what I was dealing with cause I went on a war path researching what was happening to them. It was between fading kitten syndrome and the virus... The one thing that gave it away though was the seizure like spasms they would have before dying.

So I buckled down and mom kind of just deserted us at that point and left me to deal with it all. I stayed awake for days, literally days, no sleep at all. Giving her bread with it soaked with milk to help her. And if she could not eat/drink on her own I would help her, and encourage her the best I could by using things with a high aroma, and a tiny bit salty to help kick in the normal reflex most animals and us have towards things like that. And for water, I had a clean ear dropper that has never been used, sucked water up into it (very small and narrow end so no choking.) She struggled at first not liking it, but then realized I think I was desperately trying to help her fight back. So around every thirty minutes, I would hold her, head up and help her grasp it and very slowly drop little drops of water for her passed her throat and directly into going into her stomach as she was so weak that she could barely swallow.

Unfortunately this was not enough. She fought hard and I did too, I refused to give up if she didn't. The night she passed the only thing I could do was wrap her up in a cozy towel, and hold her, gently petting her, letting her know I loved her and shes a good kitten.

But this is the strange part... When all of this was happening, tapper and especially Deigo, wanted NOTHING to do with those three... it was like if even one of them was in the bed, he would just refuse to get in with them, as if he knew something was wrong.

Instead, he would sit about half a foot away from the bed, facing the opposite reaction as if guarding them or something.

Tapper was similar, but she tried comforting them sometimes as if she knew too.

So for Diego, I do not think it is the virus. As he does not have any of the signs of that. And I check him and his sister all the time to make sure they are still ok. After losing three, I am on high alert even more high than before.

And that is why this is a bit worrying and strange.

Also for dehydrating I do that test as I said for both of them. He was a bit dehydrated from the test results, but I started giving him just normal water now since they have grown out of milk and also using bread and water for him to give more liquid into him, he cleared up pretty fast and seems to be normal now as well as his sister.

As for antibiotics, I have been using echinacea which is what I have on hand, that and aloe vera, as natural antibiotics. echinacea to fight infections, and the Aloe helps to sooth the areas. But before doing this I always clean his paws and gently make sure no debris has gotten in there.

I've also been worse than a maid about this house and trying to remove every single debris I can find to help.

I would wrap it gently, but giving the odd fur condition that I'm unsure at the moment, I do not want to hurt him by doing that, so I just let him lay out and rest on me while it dries.

As for mother kitty, That is beyond my control, as I said, the cat belongs to the lady across the street that has waaaay too many cats and just keeps getting more for some reason that she just can't handle. And I feel since this cat is not originally mine, it would be wrong to just take and spay her.

However, we do have a place about an hour and a half away from where I am that spays and neuters pets for free. And the lady did mention she's been "meaning to get her cats spayed and neutered but just 'hasnt got around to it'"

So I am kind of stuck in a odd position. Has not only that, but she also in the moment when getting the three kitties and finding the mother she passively said she has more if I ever want them. Which that right there tells me she is way over her head. However, I can understand her. Sometimes we love animals and they can be your best friend. But love only goes so far. It wont provide full tummies and care. Which is why I passively told her if she needs help with food or something, tell me. The reason I do this is because I have noticed, yes, many love their fur babies just as I love all of mine. So I rather be nice, not be evil and call shelters or something like that, as I have found alot of the time in places like that...they just don't get treated right at all. And I rather know she is giving them love and loves them. And be passive and let her know its ok to ask for help.

As well, I grew up on a pretty good piece of land and a field. Had many animals that were my responsibility starting from around age 4 or 5. I am used to handling many animals at once, and I can provide the food and most things for them. And also am pretty educated in the field of health for them as I would volunteer alot sometimes to help out in shelters and things that needed volunteers, and learned many things from doing that. But I am not the end all knowledge, which is why I am asking for help here.

However, If I can get her permission to spay/neuter I would happily do it for her.

Sorry for long post. Just a lot to get out honestly.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi, I'm sorry, it looks like I posted while you were writing. If you would, take a look back at my posts 6, 8 and 9 above, hopefully there's something useful :)
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2019

It was the cow milk that was upsetting their stomachs. Now that they're on water only, try the wet food again.

Contain him in one of those rooms you mentioned and take a towel or two, roll it up and place it across the bottom of the door, on whichever side so that you can still open it but the kittens can't get out.

Also, do not allow the dog in, at all, ever. I know what you said about the dog, however it doesn't need to be near a hurt, sick kitten. It's just too much stress for this kitten.

Can you try these recipes also;


There may be something here, please see what you can do because this baby needs a vet.

(apologies for any dead links);
Financial Assistance – Day By Day Caregiver Support Inc.

Financial Aid for Pets

No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat's Life
No, it was not the cow milk doing it. As we had them drinking that from the start as they were only about a month old. Never had a bowel problem.Then we got some wet food for them to help since they had a bit of trouble with harder cat food, a day or two later, yep, the hershey squirts. So we stopped the wet food, and went back to a softer food, a day or two, bowels were fine again.

Also about the rooms, I know about the towel thing. However the rooms we could close him in, is just not suitable. And it is not an easy fix. It would take a long time to get that ready to be honest and even then there is no where to put or store the stuff. I have thought of that though.

And for the dog, I cannot let him out. He is very old, had him since I was 17, I rescued him as a smaller dog back them from a horrible family owning him. I was at the store, and heard little whimpers, went looking, was lead to a dumpster, opened it, the whimpers got louder and a bit of rustling. I dived in to look for the noise. Found him all duct taped up and thrown away like garbage. I spent hours gently getting the tape off. I found out later the reason he was thrown away was he was used in shows, ended up getting a second place once after many first place, and then they saw him as trash and dumped him. I would so pissed. Excuse the language, but I was. So I ended up taking him in, I had nothing at the time back then as a companion. And he was just as alone and unwanted as me. I have alot of mental issues and disorders so I got him enrolled in training to be a service dog.

We did keep him outside at the first, but he would ALWAYS dig and dig and dig til he could climb under the area and run right back up to our porch and bark, paw at the door to be let in. So we gave up and started the training, and he is now a service dog.

He is not actively aggress at all. Many kittens and cats have grown up here inside with him. Even had kittens in here with him here and never once has he harmed one. The worst ever happened is the incident with the fur. However this was during a summer coming up and she was shedding super bad. And he will only bark, and give a small snap that has NEVER hurt them at all.

Also these kittens have known him from one month old to now, they LOVE him. He keeps his distance actually, and they like to come to him and cuddle up with him and he don't mind at all. However if there was an issue I would try and work out something for my dog. But he has never been anywhere different than me this entire time. 9-10 years. However I do not feel he is a threat or stress, as if he was they'd try to avoid, and they don't.

As for the links I will give a look.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2019
Take a clean washcloth, well rinsed if you use dryer sheets, dampen it and partially freeze it. Let the kittens chew on this, the cold will help ease the discomfort.
Ah yes, I know about this. I have a chew toy for kitten, multiple ones actually so that they each have one, and I put them in the freezer to cool, and have many on back up for when the ones out get warm.
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2019
By the way, I don't believe the aspirin is a good idea;
Are Otc Medications Safe For Your Cat?
Yeah I thought that at first too, but then talking to some vets on some forums that help out and give advice for free said very small doses should be alright. And that was before I even mentioned the aspirin myself. So I am kind of at a struggle. But two or three vets agrees as long as it is only short term should be ok. So not sure if they were quacks or just know something I don't.