Two days after enema and soupy stool, crying cat


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 22, 2014
It's been an ordeal of a day trying to fix my little buddy. She went in for an enema after three days of no movement, and what I thought would be a typical visit has turned into a nightmare. Sadie has had a runny stool for two days now and has been using areas outside of the box along with crying. I was lucky to get to the vet before they closed and pick up some Metronidazole , which I administered about an hour ago. Sadie is quiet now and hiding.

My question is if anyone else has had this happen with their cats? Anything you'd recommend? I took her in today and they did blood work as well as administer a shot of Cerenia. The bloodwork came back normal, other than a little high WBC. The vet said that her history has always had them around 18k (19k today) and that could be from inflammation. The only thing that seems to have thrown us to where we are is the enema. which is a Covetrus brand. My previous Vet used a product by Bedco, so, I'm wondering if anything would be different between the two.

Any help would be appreciated, and prayers for my girl if you can spare them. Sadie is my best friend of 17 years


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
The fact that your kitty cries tells me she is experiencing discomfort going to the bathroom. Maybe the enema was too powerful for her and it has thrown off her Gut and Intestinal Flora causing this discomfort. Probiotics would be in order to repopulate healthy gut flora. If your kitty was treated by strong antibiotics or multiple rounds of antibiotics, the gut flora could take a major hit and what happens is antibiotic resistant diarrhea that doesn't go away till treated with medication. Maybe you can have the vet take a fecal sample and see if there is something that needs to be addressed. Your kitty is losing electrolytes with this diarrhea that can cause an imbalance. I use to give my kitties the original unflavored Pedialyte to replenish electrolytes.

Do you know what was the cause of the constipation that led up to the enema being administered? Could your kitty be experiencing sensitivities to cat food? Maybe she has Irritible bowel Syndrome that hasn't been diagnosed yet. There is also a condition known as Mega Colon where the nerves in the colon do not work properly and cats go for a long while without a bm. One of the worst situations with sudden onset of constipation is bowel obstruction and when there is bms coming out liquified, there is still the possibility of a partial bowel obstruction. While you are trying to find the root of this ongoing diarrhea, please look into why your cat became constipated. It could be something as simple as over indulgence of food or it could be something more.

Attached are articles I hope you find helpful. I hope your kitty's diarrhea clears up and there is nothing seriously wrong with her. Best of luck to you.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Is she any better now? I'm wondering if the enema was too strong for her. I know humans can experience cramping after them, so I would think that some cats do, as well. IF this keeps up, she'll need to go back to the vet. "Soupy," liquid stools can actually occur with blockages, as the fecal matter behind the blockage liquifies and forces out around it. That, I KNOW, is painful.