Traumatic vet visit :(


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 10, 2013
Took my boy Skylar in for his rabies shot on Sunday and I knew it wouldn't be an easy trip since he hates vet visits. For some reason this time I was given a new vet who seemed like she was more of a dog type of person. Was afraid and I feel like she created more of an uncomfortable environment for him. She brought me these big sleeve gloves and the moment she did he flipped out and started to growl and hiss at me. I had no idea what to do since this was the first time he has ever done this to me. After that she decided to just take him in the back. Which freaks me out in itself because I'm just paranoid thinking "Why the heck does she need to take him into the back? What do they do back there????" they brought him back he was pissed off as ever I couldn't even touch the crate without him freaking out. Btw they broke the crate so I can only imagine what they did back there.....I have been with this vet for 20 years now and they allow my family to make payments if in the case something expensive comes up. So I really do not want to start new in case something major happens. 

SO to my post. It's been 2 days and he is still not the same I can tell by the look in his facial expressions and the way he looks at me now. It breaks my heart because I feel like I have lost all of his trust. He likes to sit on my computer chair and normally when I come to sit he jumps off or I'll pick him up and put him on my bed, but now he sits and just stares and he actually hissed at me and he also hissed at my niece who he absolutely adored before... Right now hes hiding out in our towel closet. Which is fairly normal for him but I always peak in and snuggle his face, but today I know he jut wont have it so I just let him alone and here I am. 

I guess my question is...I know situations like this is very common I've been googling up a storm, but is there anything that I can do? Or do I just give him his space and ride out the storm?
I'm so sad because this is my baby.I bottle fed him since his ears were just barely opening. His mother abandoned  him or got chased off by my dogs and I found them behind my shed trying to get to him. He's now over a year old and usually he follows me around the house and meows to greet me when I come home. I know its been 2 days and maybe I should just relax, but I know most of you know that isn't possible when you notice a difference in your babies 


TCS Member
Oct 9, 2003
W/ the best cats
You will have to wait until Skylar feels at ease again. But I suggest you talk to your vet about it. You have the right to request for better handling of Skylar during visits.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 17, 2013
Torrance, California
In the future never let them take him "in the back" again. There is no reason for it. He will feel safer with you there. I'm serious. I care for infants and the little buggers drive me nuts with their wiggling but I would NEVER not allow a parent to see what I am doing even if I have to get rough restraining the baby.

The baby feels safer with mom there and mom trusts me more knowing she can watch.

They only want to go into the back because they are nervous about their own performance in front of you. A confident caregiver just does what needs to be done.
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