To euthanize or not to euthanize

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 19, 2007
In Montreal, Canada
I just wanted to say I have been following this thread and I wish you and your kitty the best.
If she still enjoys being pet and if she purrs when you do, then I don't think it's time to let her go.
There have been many excellent advice. I am no expert, but I can say that I would WRITE them all down on a sheet of paper to make sure not to forget anything when you do get to see a vet. Re-read each post carefully to make sure you don't forget a thing.
I like the idea of the bag with zippers in wich you can put your cat in and give her sub-Q fluids. This would help a lot with her renal failure.
I hope L-Lysine will help.
Ask you vet about all the allergies, illness and medications that have been mentionned.
Bless you for everything you are doing for your cat that you seem to truly love and care about.


Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
Talk to your vet about Interferon. It would help her immune system quicker than the Lysine.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 6, 2010
Sorry for the lack of updates on this thread, and thank you to all who responded

Sadly the L-Lysine did not provide any improvement for my sweet girl's congestion issues.
I was giving 500g in the morning and 500g at night for 6 weeks and we saw zero improvement
This past weekend she lost interest in her food, even her wet food (which normally she slurps right up) and became even more lethargic than usual (or rather, what sadly become "usual" for her over the past 6-12 months), and started hiding behind the couch. She even started hissing at me if I tried to get her out from behind the couch to snuggle or eat dinner and she NEVER hisses at me (other people yes, she was a momma's girl!)

I knew she was done...the poor girl was so tired of feeling sick constantly and she was telling me it was ok to say goodbye

I spent two whole days lying on the couch with her and loving her and saying goodbye, I know I was blessed to have that time with her, not everyone is so lucky to say goodbye on their own terms
I made an appointment with a new vet whom a friend recommended as I wasn't thrilled with the other vets I've seen in town (part of the reason I hadn't taken her back earlier is I didn't like the vets we'd seen in the past and couldn't afford to keep trying new vets until I found one I liked) to do an exam, but deep down I knew she didn't want to do this anymore

The vet examined her and we talked about a few of the possible causes of the congestion. She didn't think it was herpes or a few of the other major ones we thought it might be given the symptoms she was exibiting and lack of some other major symptoms but of course would need to run tests to determine whether it was or not.
She gave a few suggestions of things we could try...antiobiotics, putting her under and flushing her sinuses, running a bunch of tests...she was honest and said it was up to me but essentially there would be a lot of tests and trying of treatments and we still might not be able to pin it down. I'd mentioned earlier in my post that this is not a cat that enjoys any sort of treatment. She was already uncomfortable, in pain and unhappy and I didn't want to put her through anymore.

The vet we went to was a wonderful compassionate woman who gave Aspen the peaceful ending she deserved.
My heart is broken, but I know my baby girl is finally no longer suffering
She's over in the Rainbow Bridge playing with all the other furbabies that I've lost over the years, and I'll be seeing her again one day

mystik spiral

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2009
Denver, CO
I'm so sorry to read this. But I'm glad you had a chance to cuddle and say goodbye to your baby. She is having a wonderful time over the RB.
RIP, little Aspen.
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