To A Dear Cat I Saw on the Road Today


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
I didn't know you. We only had one previous encounter about a year ago when in the dark of night you rushed out in front of my car and I had to swerve into the other lane to avoid hurting you. I remember afterwards checking to make sure that I hadn't hit you. Your striking white fur and point colors would have made you easy to spot even in the dark, but you retreated into the bushes, heading safely back home that time. I forgot about you over the passing months until this morning as I was driving to work, I saw your still form upon the road in the very same place where I had nearly hit you a year earlier.

I'm not sure why it hurt so much to see you lying there, unable to make the leaps through the bushes and home again. I would have hoped that our close encounter might have taught you something, might have pushed you to stay away from the rushing cars. But alas, this morning proved that this was not the case. In all your beauty, you were still and cold, unable to return home again. I moved you a few feet closer, off the road so that your owners might find you as I did with the look of a cat sleeping. My heart aches with them, whoever they are. I know that it would feel so harsh and cruel to lose a cat in this way. 

You were gone from the edge of the road when I drove home at the end of the day. I hope that they found you and buried you in a place that you enjoyed while you were living. I hope that they were able to say their goodbyes to you even though they didn't get the chance to while you were living. I could tell by your beautiful coat that you were loved and cared for. I hope that they got the chance to express this to you one last time. 

 Gods speed lovely angel. 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Thank you so much for acknowledging that precious angel, and for moving him (or her) off the road. My heart just breaks everytime I see one on the side of the highway, and it is WAY too often. Last week I cried when I saw a kitten lying so still and cold. May they all be blessed.  

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
Oh, how truly sad!
My heart breaks just thinking of that poor kitty lying there.
I hope the poor little thing is at peace now.
RIP Sweet Little Kitty!
You were special!