Tips and tricks for dealing with biting?!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 31, 2021
Hi all,

I'm struggling with some of my cat's behaviour at the moment - over the last few months she's decided that its a great game to really attack my arms, biting and scratching to draw blood, and I'm sort of reaching my whit's end with it and hoped that people here might have a few tips and tricks!

Some background - I adopted sky at 16 weeks old from a family that couldn't cope with their 4 kids under 5, a dog and a kitten since the dog had started being very aggressive towards the kitten. This was 6 months ago and so she's 10 months old now, I got her spayed at 5 months old and she is a solely indoor cat. After a rocky start (I think both of us were very stressed for the first couple of months) we've settled into a routine and I am so glad I stuck it out, I love her to pieces!

At the beginning she didn't really pay much attention to my hands and arms as toys - and I've made sure she has a wide variety of things to play with that put on rotation so she doesn't get bored and have at least 3 interactive play sessions with her each day. But in the last 3 months or so this has changed. (seemingly) Unprovoked she will pounce on my arms, clamping down with teeth and claws - drawing blood. When this first started happening I did a bunch of research (well... googling) and came across suggestions such as making high pitched noises when they attack to mimic their siblings, hiss at them e.t.c. I tried these (although I stopped short of spraying her with water in the face) but they didn't seem to work so I started to just move her off me when it happened, put her on the floor and move away e.t.c, but she seemed to take this as a challenge and it only worked to provoke her further and she would continue to essentially hunt/pounce on me.

I next tried just ignoring her, so when she was clamped onto my arm I would just not react or move. Often she would bite down (hard) quite some times, move away and return to nip a few more times before moving on. One month on from adopting this strategy and nothing else has changed. Almost every day at least one of these attacks happens and I can't link it to anything in particular. Its not worse when I get home from a full day at work vs a weekend when I'm home all day. It doesn't seem to matter whether shes had 2 full hours of interactive play with me or 15 minutes.

Since she's only 10 months old she is still a kitten so I'm hoping she'll grow out of it over the next year r but if anyone has any tips or tricks I could try to save my arms in the meantime I'd be super grateful!

Thanks in advance,


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
It could be that she is getting in her final adult teeth. The four final teeth (molars) may not come in until late kittenhood or sometimes even early adulthood. I would buy some chew type toys and maybe a kickeroo or two and toss them away from you to see if she will go after them in place of your arm. Introduce them to her and then just leave them around for her to find again, and keep one by you at all times as well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 23, 2017
metro Detroit
You can make your own kicker toy out of a couple of old dirty sweat socks. Put one inside the other and tie knots in it. Cats seem to like it better the stinkier the socks. Cheap thrills for kitty!


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Try the tips here:

You need to have patience while teaching your cat what is ok and what is not ok to do. Give a a firm NO and move away from the cat. You can try hissing at the cat. Never reward bad behavior.

Some cats need the extra stimulation of another cat to play with and play rough with. That's something to consider.