Tiny cat, big roar. Goodbye sweet Rory. 4/2014 - 2/8/2016


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
This response is way overdue, and I'm so sorry I didn't get around to it earlier.  I want everyone who responded to know how much your kind and thoughtful words have meant to me. I ended up losing another furbaby a week later: Phoebe, who passed at the age of 15. In fact, I was looking after Phoebe, who was ill, when Rory crashed. A family member took Rory to the emergency vet and it didn't occur to me at that time that I would never see her again. I thought, I had hoped with every fiber of my being, that she could be saved. I knew she was getting close to "that time", but I didn't think it had arrived just yet. So I have had to sort through a ton of guilt and remorse on top of my grief. Our family shrank by two so suddenly. It was a quite a shock, even though I knew neither of them would be around for much longer. It's always a shock, isn't it. 

Again, thank you so, so very much. Your words touched my heart and brought me to tears last time I was here, and here I am with the floodgates open once more. I hate that loving them means losing them one day. Despite how painful it is to say goodbye, I've never regretted opening my heart and home to them. Not for one second. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean 
Aw, I'm so sorry that you lost Phoebe.  It's just horrible to lose two so close together.  Even when you know that time is running short, it's still a shock and terribly hard to bear.  

RIP dear little Phoebe. 