Three Year Old Neutered Male Cat Is Running Me Out Of Rooms!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 20, 2016
My 3 year old, almost four year old, male cat has had a complete behavior change over the last 8 months. It started with just trilling, you know that sound that cats make like a person is rolling their r’s. Naturally, I assumed he wanted attention and would go to pet him, but he’d pull away or put his paw on my hand pushing it down, which meant that’s not what he wants. I’d leave him be and he’d be fine.
Then, he developed a meow on the end of the trill. When I’d pace or be doing house work and got to close to him, he’d trill then meow. That’s all, no other movements. A few weeks later and he’d do the trill/meow thing when I was walking back and forth in the house and he’d bow up like he was scared, ear flattened. That stopped itself, but it changed where he would just sit there with his eyes on the ground trilling and occasionally meowing if I got too close.
Now, it’s at the point where I can be sitting down and he trill/meows. And when I go to move or get too close he runs at me. He’s ran me out of my own room and all over the house. And within the last week he’s developed into lunging and biting with the trill/meow. Its not like a real bite, he just grazes the skin with his teeth. I don’t know what to do.
He eats fine, normal bowel movements, drinks plenty of water, no problem sleeping. He won’t play with humans and prefers to play alone with a felt mouse he gets from the Vet and occasionally a laser pointer.
What’s been happening: six months ago we moved, and then three weeks ago we moved again. Two weeks ago, we put a fence and he’s been able to go outside as he’s originally an indoor cat ( we have coyotes and he can’t go outside as he was declawed because he nearly took his own eye out with them when he was younger, so for safety reasons he is clawless). Letting him out into the fenced in area has helped with decreasing the frequency of the episodes, but he still has them. However, the last two episodes I’ve caught him and put him in the bathroom for 10-20 minutes which has broke the episodes down from a few hours to a few minutes. I thought maybe it was anxiety from the activity, but we have family meals on Sunday where 25-30 people show up for a few hours and he just sits in his chair with no problems. There are kids poking him and prodding him, walking back and forth from one end of the house to other, and no episode. Two other people live in the house and he only does the trill/meow/lunge/faux-bite thing with me.
This has never happened before and he’s my first kitty. Giving him up is not an option. Help is greatly appreciated on why this happening and what I can do to help him.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I think it is a game he is playing with you. Pretending you are the enemy, then stalking and “attacking”. But still, probably not a game you want him to continue. When he start the trill I would face him and give him a loud firm “no” and stand your ground. I would start out with a pillow in your hand to cover your legs if he comes in for a bite. You might need to do this quite a few times before he gives up the game.

One thing I just say is that it is very unfortunate that he has been declawed. It does affect cats both physically and psychologically and they do resort to biting since they can no longer defend by scratching,


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I feel like he's trying to play with you, but doesn't quite know how. Trilling isn't an aggressive sound, more of an invitation, like mothers calling to their kittens.

I would suggest trying a "tag" kind of game with him, where he runs at you and you run at him and so on, but I don't know if you're comfortable enough with his body language to try that. At least get a fishing pole kind of toy and see if that helps.

He is neutered, right? Most vets won't remove their claws if they aren't, so probably he is, just checking.