This weeks questions: 05/15/05


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Alberta, Canada
1. Do your kits bother your plants? They used to but not so much any more. Tango wants to get to the bamboo but can't figure out how.

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? Everywhere

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? About a 17 hour drive

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? No and No

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? Once in a while

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? Nope, I don't like cake!

7. Is there a basement where you live? Nope

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? 1

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Thankfully no

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Water

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? Of course! Plus LOTS of cheese, and bacon bits (real ones)

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? Baker has fallen in both and Cola in the tub, Tango hasn't "fallen" in the tub, she willingly gets in

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger?
Never heard of either

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? Yes and ICK!

15. Ever been mountain climbing? No

16. Are you right or left handed? Right

17. Do you get pedicures? Yes

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? Umm, canned baby corn, the rest is fresh

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? Sausage

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! No thank you

Have a great one everybody!! You too!!


TCS Member
Dec 5, 2004
At the kitty's beck and call
Hi everyone.........hope you had a great week and that the upcoming one is just as great! Yes thanks - hope you did too!

1. Do your kits bother your plants? Adelaide did a good job of pruning one in the conservatory when she first came inside and was panicking. But we don't have any others inside the house.

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? whichever place they choose to call their's at any particular time. Usually where my butt has just made a nice warm hollow in the cushion if I'm stupid enough to get up

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? Our nearest "ocean" is actually a sea - the "North Sea" and we live 100 miles away. We're about 120 miles from the Atlantic Ocean.

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? NO! Have no intention of floating way above the earth in a shopping basket thank you!

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? Nope

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? Yep - Hubby and daughter bought a mini cake for me to take to Paris. Daughter made me a Strawberry Shortcake cake for the day after my birthday whe I returned home.

7. Is there a basement where you live?No.

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? 1 bathroom, 1 cloakroom.

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you?Yes my purse (wallet) in Rome last year
. Watch out for gangs of young girls if you travel on the underground near the Spanish Steps. We'd been warned and they still got me.

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick?Water

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? They taste very nice but too fatty. Instead, cottage cheese or my favourite Insalate Caprese.

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? Nope.

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? Used to watch Benny Hill quite a bit. Don't know Hee Haw though.

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? What is one of those?

15. Ever been mountain climbing? Yep - have been to the top of Mount Evans, Colorado. All 14,135 feet. Well, drove all but the last 100 feet
so no, not really.

16. Are you right or left handed?Left.

17. Do you get pedicures?Sometimes hubby does one for me - he's great at them, otherwise I do them myself.

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges?Nope. Plenty of fresh or frozen veggies though.

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? hmmm don't know what keilbosa is. I'm not a great fan of burgers and sausages; but I do like a good chicken or veggie kebab.

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help!Nope. But plenty available for anyone that needs them.

Have a great one everybody!!
You too Susie


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
kittylover4ever]Hi everyone.........hope you had a great week and that the upcoming one is just as great!

1. Do your kits bother your plants?

Yes, nfact i saw him chewing on a new plant a friend has given us and i had to put them up on this high shelf where teufel knows not to go because if he ever does jump on this shelf he will rip the wall down!

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep?
On his rocking chair

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean?
about 6 - 7 hours
4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one?
no i havent and yes i would like to..

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store?
hm?? no

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday?
No i had muffins and i assembled them and wrote "happy b'day fwan"

7. Is there a basement where you live?

8. How many bathrooms does your home have?

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick?

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato?
I have never tried with sour cream to be honest!! but i do like it with butter

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet?
Yes... teufel likes to lick the water out of the toilet and i always wash him when he does, bf got him in the shower the other day when there was still some water in there.. teufel just went mental and there was water everywhere lol!!! and when we still lievd at my parents teufel liked to sit at the bathtub and watch me and fell in a few times but didnt scratch me up

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger?
Yes Benny hill is soo funny.... and i dunno hee haw? maybe id remember it if i saw it

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them?
Nope what are they?

15. Ever been mountain climbing?nope

16. Are you right or left handed?

17. Do you get pedicures?
i'm too ticklish

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges?
yes but mostly fruits

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose?
burgers and whats the difference between hotdogs and sausages??

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help!

Have a great one everybody!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 8, 2001
IA. If you need me, just meow..
1. Do your kits bother your plants? nope, don't have any. (except for the occassional cat grass which they can bother all they want)

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? Rocket, on the fish tank, Twig, on the chair, Isis, on the cat hammock, Luna, on the bed with us or in the cat ball.

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? far, far away.

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? God NO!!!

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? yes but I honestly forget I do and never use them then find them later when they are out of date! LOL!

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? nope, just WAY to many drinks!!!!!!

7. Is there a basement where you live? yes and the cats love it!

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? one and we desperately need another!

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? um.....not stolen per say, a video Mary Poppins, a friend borrowed it and hasn't returned it yet.........

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? honestly any of the three. in order though, tomato juice, lemonade, then water(as long as it was bottled)

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? no butter only sour cream.

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? Rocket fell in the toilet! I just about died laughing!

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? Yes and yes and I'm only 36 so it's not only the older folks! LOL!

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? yes I know what they are, no I don't like them.

15. Ever been mountain climbing? no. don't like heights.

16. Are you right or left handed? left.

17. Do you get pedicures? nope

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? yes, corn, and beans mostly yummy!

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? none of the above unless they were turkey hot dogs, or the burgers were Boca burgers.

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! no thank you!

Have a great one everybody!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Trenton, NJ
1. Do your kits bother your plants? Yes!! I have only one, which my cat got to. I've moved it but it's still very sorry looking. lol

2. Where is their favorite place to lay/sleep? Every where he sees fit.
Mostly on the couches, in the window sills and in his little house.

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? About a 1/2 hour or so. It was so nice.. in Florida I lived only like 5 minutes away from the beach. We were there all the time.

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? No, I haven't. But I would like to.

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? Sometimes.

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? I think so. lol Can't remember.

7. Is there a basement where you live? No, but I wish there was.

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? Just one very teeny, tiny one.

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Yes. A "friend" of mine when I was younger had stolen a bunch of things from me. I found them all at her house. We weren't friends anymore.

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Lemonade.

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? Yes.

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? CJ always ends up on the edge of the tub when I'm taking a shower. He has jumped in and gotten soaking wet before. lol

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? Before my time.

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? I know what they are but I don't like them at all.

15. Ever been mountain climbing? No, but I would love to.

16. Are you right or left handed? Right.

17. Do you get pedicures? Never have.

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veggies? No. I don't like canned vegetables. I like them fresh or frozen.

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? I don't really like meat but I'd choose a burger.

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! Nope! Hope you all have a great week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 12, 2004
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

Hi everyone.........hope you had a great week and that the upcoming one is just as great!

1. Do your kits bother your plants? I don't have any real plants because I would never trust Sash with them, he licks and bites my artificial plants if I don't feed him!

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep?at the moment on the chair by the window or on the floor since it's getting warmer and of course in the bed with me at night.

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean?probably about an hour or so

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one?no, and not sure if I would like to

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store?I used to but not to much anymore, too much of a bother

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday?Yes! I always have a birthday cake, I love cakes!

7. Is there a basement where you live?no

8. How many bathrooms does your home have?just one

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you?I'm sure I have but I can't remember what right now

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick?definitley lemonade

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato?just butter, I hate sourcream

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet?no, thank god

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger?no

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them?yes, no I don't like them

15. Ever been mountain climbing?no, but I would probably like to

16. Are you right or left handed?right

17. Do you get pedicures?no, never

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges?yes, I love lima beans and sometimes I will have corn or peas too

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose?none, only veggie hotdogs, veggie burgers or veggie sausage

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help!nope, please send them out to everyone who needs them!
Have a great week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
1. Do your kits bother your plants? Yes, Jasper has been known to dig in the dirt. One of our past cats would sleep in the mini cactus garden.

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? Anyplace close to me or mom.

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? That would be the Atlantic and it's about 1000 miles from here.

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? No, but would love to!

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? Sometimes

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? No

7. Is there a basement where you live? Yes, cold and damp.

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? Only one

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Nothing major

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Water

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? Yes - and cheese and bacon bits

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? Yep! Ari fell in the tub last week.
Guinevere (RB) fell in the toilet - not yet flushed.

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger?
Hee Haw - yes. Can still sing and recite bits. Music: If it weren't fer bad luck, I'd have no luck at all..."

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? Yes, been a while but I like them.

15. Ever been mountain climbing? No

16. Are you right or left handed? Right

17. Do you get pedicures? No, do it myself

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? Maybe some beans or green beans. We prefer frozen.

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose?
I'll have one of each please!

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! Not at the moment.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Originally Posted by kittylover4ever

1. Do your kits bother your plants? Only have one and it's on a high not yet.

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? On the couch on or next to my black sweater.

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? 10-15 min. But most of that area is private houses so we drive 30-45 mins to where there is a boardwalk.

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? No but I think I would like to.

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? nope, should though

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? I had Blackberry cobbler. That was the birthday my husband learned that sticking birthday candles in a warm cobbler will melt the wax.....

7. Is there a basement where you live? Nope

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? 2

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? A bike, although that was probably my step-brother or step-sis's fault.

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Tomato Juice!

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? Oh yes! and cheese, and bacon

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? Noodles has fallen in the toilet twice...the only 2 times the lid has ever been left up!

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? Not applicable I guess!

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? Yes and I do every now and then.

15. Ever been mountain climbing? Love it! My mother climbed a mountin when she was pregnant with me and I've been doing it ever since. Even went on my honeymoon.

16. Are you right or left handed? Right

17. Do you get pedicures? I do them of my hobbies is painting scenes and things on my nails, which I am getting ready to do that as soon as I finish this actually.

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? Nope! I prefer fresh or frozen.

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? Kielbasa (if thats the same as kielbosa) as long as its from the Polish Meat Market in Utica where I used to live.

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! I could use prayers and vibes to just get through the week lately! Although on the 25th I'm going to the cardiologist for a test that I am not looking forward to so I'll realllllly need them that day!
Good questions!


TCS Member
Feb 24, 2004
Loving my beautiful baby girl
1. Do your kits bother your plants? I only grow kitty grass, so Sierra can bother it all she'd like!

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? Usually, wherever I am. For instance, if I'm at the computer, the computer chair, if I'm in the bedroom, the bed.

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? Over a sand dune.

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? No, would be an interesting experience.

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? Sometimes, but then rarely remember to take them with me.

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? No.

7. Is there a basement where you live? No.

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? One.

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Yes.

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Water

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? No, extra virgin olive oil or plain for me, please!

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? No.

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? My Dad used to watch them when I was little.

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? Yes I do. No I don't.

15. Ever been mountain climbing? No.

16. Are you right or left handed? Right

17. Do you get pedicures? No, do my own.

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? I prefer fresh veggies, but do have canned Italian green beans.

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? Grilled veggies for me, please!

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! Nothing in particular, thank you!

Have a great one everybody!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2004
Kansas City, MO, USA
1. Do your kits bother your plants? Well they used to. Gandalf completely destroyed a tree I had in the apartment when he was a kitten. And both he and Samwise would chew on any plant they could get their mouths near but now all I have a is an african voilet and some kind of small tree they that leave alone. The rest of the plants I gave away.

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? I have blankets all over the sofa and loveseat that they love to lay on if my lap is unavailable.

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? Several thousand miles, I live in the middle of the country so there is no ocean near by.

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? No I haven't but I would if I got the chance.

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? Yes, however I need to get better about remembering to use them.

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? Nope.

7. Is there a basement where you live? No, although I wish their was.

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? Just one.

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Yes, I had money stolen out of my purse at my first job other than that when I was a kid our house was broken into.

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Lemonade

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? Yes.

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? Yes Gandalf isn't the most graceful of cats ever and he's not afraid of water. Samwise on the other hand will run away if he figures out there is a lot of water nearby.

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? I love Hee Haw when I was a kid

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? I like eat their beef jerky in the strips not the ones shaped like a tube though.

15. Ever been mountain climbing? Yes.

16. Are you right or left handed? Right handed.

17. Do you get pedicures? I give them to myself.

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? Yes.

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? Burgers unless there is an open fire near by then hot dogs.

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! Nope just another boring week.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2003
Near Pittsburgh
1. Do your kits bother your plants? nope

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? hard one.. i would say either in the bay window or on the living room couch, depending on the time of day

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? about 6 hours.. maybe like 350 miles or so..

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? no and HECK no

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? yes but i rarely use them

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? yes.. i had two actually, one at my parents and on at bf's parents

7. Is there a basement where you live? well.. I'm sorta in between now, at my place there is, at bf's it's a raised ranch so the first floor kinda doubles as a basement

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? 2 each

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? yes.. most notably about 40 cds I had at my old job, someone I worked with stole them..

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? water

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? I hate baked potatoes period. No topping can really help the flavor for me.

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? not yet

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? I remember hee haw but not benny hill..

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? I love slim jims

15. Ever been mountain climbing? no.. i do some rock climbing type stuff but no safety harness so the rocks aren't that big..

16. Are you right or left handed? right handed

17. Do you get pedicures? no

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? maybe..?

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? either a hot dog or kielbassa..

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The future 'Green' House! (NW England)
1. Do your kits bother your plants? They used to (but I did put them on shelves - so what did I expect?!
) Now they just walk around them and nudge them!

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? Molly likes to sleep on my bed, as the sun shines on it and Tibby likes his pillow and blanket on the settee![/b]

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? Approximately a 45mile drive! But only a few miles from my parents'! [/b]

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? I haven't but i'll give anything a try!

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? I do when I see any! I love coupons and vouchers!

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? Nope

7. Is there a basement where you live? Nope

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? There is only one in the flat, but my new house has two!

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Yes
My personalised Swiss Army Knife - someone took it from my tool box, when I was at college

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Water

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato?

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? No really fallen in, but they will go in on their own free will!

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? I used to watch Benny Hill a LOT!

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? I don't know what that is! Round here, a Slim Jim is the tool you use to open the locks on car doors when you're trying to steal them!

15. Ever been mountain climbing? Yup, lots of times, I love it!

16. Are you right or left handed? Right, but I can write with both hands pretty well!

17. Do you get pedicures? I give myself pedicures!

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? Only Baked Beans!

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose?

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! Nope, should be okay this week, as long as I can get most of my pieces done for exhibition!

Have a great week everyone!
and i'm sending }}}VIBES{{{ to all of you that need them this week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 31, 2002
"Southside of Cincinnati"
1. Do your kits bother your plants? Not really

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? Snickers, by my head; Hammie, by my side; Jessie, on the rocker; KC, on my hair; Zorro, by Hammie; and Dusty, on the pillow near KC.

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? Oh boy. Um... 12 hour drive, not sure how many miles that is?

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? Never been up in one but it's on my to-do list.

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? No

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? Yeah, my boss bought a chocolate cake for me and one of my coworkers since we have the same birthday! They sang to us too!

7. Is there a basement where you live? Yeah, and it is a mess

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? 2 full baths & one 'half'.

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Yeah, my identity.

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Water

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? No, I like mustard and pepper.

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? Hammie is barred from all toilets, I have signs on all three johns stating he drinks/plays in them if ya leave the seat up. And he loves the tub, I let him play in the slick tub when I'm done.

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? I remember Hee Haw but did not like it cuz it made fun of us hillbillies.

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? Yeah I know them, but no I don't like them.

15. Ever been mountain climbing? Nah, just hiking.

16. Are you right or left handed? Right

17. Do you get pedicures? No way, I do it myself!

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? Yeah a ton, I am a veggie lover.

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? BRATS with extra mustard & sauerkraut.

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? Nope, should be a quiet week in my world...



TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 11, 2004
Home of Jon Bon Jovi!
1. Do your kits bother your plants? yes,. i only have non-toxic to kitty plants...she ate half the gardenia and most of the chives!

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? on our bed!

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? 1 1/2 hours

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? never been but I would like to

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? I REALLY should.

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? cream cake

7. Is there a basement where you live? yes

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? 2

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? yes, my car radio and credit card

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? lemonade

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? yes, both!

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? yes, cody use to play in the toilet and her water bowl when she was a baby.

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? yes, benny hill but I had to leave the room when it got too dirty!

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? don't like them!

15. Ever been mountain climbing? nope

16. Are you right or left handed? right

17. Do you get pedicures? yes

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? canned mushrooms

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? burger...only if they have dog and keilbasa next! I'm an oink oink!

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? thankfully no!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2003
Houston, Texas USA
1. Do your kits bother your plants? No, I keep all my plants up or outside away from Mittens so he doesn't chew them to pieces!!

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? Right now, he likes to sleep in a boot shoe box...he fits just perfectly in that box than a regular shoe box since he's so fat!!

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? I am about 45 mintues to Galveston, which is an island in the Gulf of Mexico. Does that count as an ocean though?

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? Actually, I would love to do that soon. It would be so neat. Anyone know where to do this?

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? Yes!

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? Yes! with 23 candles on it!

7. Is there a basement where you live? Nope!

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? one

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? My senior year in high school, my wallet and cell phone was stolen out of my purse when I went to the bathroom.

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Lemonade!

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? HAHA! Yes, I just had one for lunch!!

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? Just the bathtub, his butt is too big to fall in the toliet!

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? This doesn't apply to me...

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? Mmmm, beef jerky! Yum!

15. Ever been mountain climbing? Yes!

16. Are you right or left handed? Righty

17. Do you get pedicures? once a month

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? yes, but most of the veggies are raw and in the fridge

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? hot dog

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! Nope!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 1, 2005
1. Do your kits bother your plants?yes...they like to tip them over...instead of cow tipping its plant tipping

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? on the couch, our bed, or me

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? I dont know. I am about 20 minutes from the York River, and 10 from the Ware river and they both feed into the Chesapeake bay which empties into the atlantic ocean.

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? no, but I think I'd like to.

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? yes.

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? Yes.

7. Is there a basement where you live? no

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? 2 full baths

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? yes, I think so. But I dont remember specifics

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? water.

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? yes.....

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? yes...Jinx did right after my husband cleaned it. We gave him bath because I was worried he would ingest the Works toilet cleaner!

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? What is that?

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? yes..I like them. But I like the big Deli style ones. They're good when I dont have time for lunch.

15. Ever been mountain climbing? Sorta. I went to Roanoke and did the trail up the mountain, and I did backbone mountain in tennesse

16. Are you right or left handed? both. I write right handed but do things left hand dominant

17. Do you get pedicures? I only had one done by someone else, and shes my friend, I usually do them myself.

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? yes, you sure would.

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? keilbosa...started eating it when I dated my husband

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! My co-workers husband...he still has bleeding on the brain. Thanks.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 2, 2005
Ontario, Canada
1. Do your kits bother your plants?
-Only if i put them in her way

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep?
-In her bed underneath the coffee table or in the balcony doorway

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean?
- Really, really far! More than a good days drive

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one?
-No i havent, but i would love to

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store?
-not usually

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday?
-I always have cake. Mmmmm...cake

7. Is there a basement where you live?
-not on the 20th floor of this building

8. How many bathrooms does your home have?
- 1

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you?
-Can't remember anything right now but i know there's something

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick?

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato?
-just butter

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet?
-no but i'm waiting for it

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger?
-no im not old enough

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them?
-yes and no

15. Ever been mountain climbing?

16. Are you right or left handed?

17. Do you get pedicures?
-no, i dont have enough money for that

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges?
-no canned but lots of frozen

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose?

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help!
-well, im hoping my new coach will arrive this weekend and not may24 weekend. Im going away then.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Dade County, FL
1. Do your kits bother your plants? Yes, they do, especially Pitufo.

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? My bed!

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? 20 minutes.

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? No, I would love to.

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? Yes, I do.

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? Yes, I always have a BD cake.

7. Is there a basement where you live? Nope

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? 2 bathrooms

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? I don't think so.

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? Water

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? Yes, I do.

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? hehe, yes!

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? Not old enough

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? I've never had it before.

15. Ever been mountain climbing? nope, no mountains in Florida.

16. Are you right or left handed? I'm right handed.

17. Do you get pedicures? Yes, I do.

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? Nope.

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? Yumm, Burgers.

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! Nothing special, just getting my roof fixed before Hurricane season starts.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2004
wirral, uk
1. Do your kits bother your plants? i havent got plants

2. Where is thier favorite place to lay/sleep? usually on me, in bed he lays on my pillow

3. Approximately how far from where you live at the moment is the nearest ocean? ha, i havent got a clue

4. Ever been in a hot air balloon? If no, would you like to go up in one? i have never been on one, but would LOVE to

5. Do you clip coupons for the grocery store? nope

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your last birthday? yea! i had a pink one

7. Is there a basement where you live? nope

8. How many bathrooms does your home have? just the one

9. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? yes, my mobile phone when i was about 15

10. We're at a restaurant, and the only drinks on the menu are water, lemonade or tomato juice. what would you pick? lemonade

11. Do you like butter & sourcream on your baked potato? butter

12. Have your kits ever feel in the bathtub or toilet? ha yes

13. This may be for the older folks here. Have you ever watched Benny Hill or Hee Haw when you were younger? nope

14. Do you know what a Slim Jim is? Do you enjoy eating them? i dont know what one is

15. Ever been mountain climbing? yea, well... i didnt get to the top

16. Are you right or left handed? right

17. Do you get pedicures? yes, i love them

18. If I looked in your cupboards, would I see any canned veges? uurgh no

19. We're at a barbeque, and on the grill are sausages, hotdogs, burgers or keilbosa.........what would you choose? hotdogs, i could live on them

20. Anything you need special vibes for this upcoming week? We'd be glad to help! no thanks