This poor kitty's story...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 2, 2013
Ontario, Canada
I just have to share the story of Squawky (that's her shelter name)!

These two older ladies are driving home one night in inclement weather and spot a distressed kitten on the side of the road.  The two old ladies pulled into the shelter's parking lot at break neck speed and carried the wet, chilled, hungry kitten into the shelter cradled in their mittens and scarves.  After Squawky recovered, she was put up for adoption through a local pet store.  During this time the two old ladies came by to check on her, get updates, and drop off cat food for the kitten then found along that highway.

Squawky was adopted by a family that promptly returned her after Squawky apparently went to the bathroom outside of her litter box.  This struck the shelter manager as odd since she was sure Squawky used the litter boxes at the shelter, but the persona was adamant and demanded to return her.

Squawky and a litter mate were then adopted by another person, who did not disclose that they had Jack Russell terriers.  Shortly after adopting the kittens the new owner left them unattended and the dogs killed one of the kittens.  Once word of this reached the shelter the manager demanded they return Squawky.

It was after this when I first met Squawky, my wife and I were looking for an addition to our family to be a playmate for our established kitten.  Squawky is a very energetic and upbeat cat and seemed too hyper for out kitten, so I decided on another kitten who we named Trivia.  As someone of you might know we lost our first kitten to FIP, and we're now looking for a playmate for Trivia.

This past weekend my wife and I took home a kitty named Stirling, who was new to the shelter.  The "kitten room" where we got our first two kittens from was having an outbreak of URIs.  (Trivia had one but with a good diet, medical care, and time has recovered very well.)  We tentatively adopted Stirling for all the logical reasons; he was isolated from the other kitties with URIs, he has energy, eats well, poops well, and is very beautiful - like, TV cat beautiful!

We spent a weekend with him and he was fun and playful, I spent time playing with him and he was affectionate, and I brushed his long fur but... Something was just amiss, something was off.  He was so perfect, but that ethereal quality, that magic, that spark was just not there.  After a fun weekend I returned Stirling to the shelter.  They were very understanding, and because he is young and healthy, and so damn sexy, he'll be quickly adopted.  While I was there, I visited the kitten room where the outbreak of URIs had occurred.

Sure enough, a few of the cats there were a bit sneezey.  I was also reacquainted with Squawky.  Things had not gone well for Squawky since our last meeting.

Squawky went into surgery to be spayed.  During the surgery the vet "nicked", well... something, not sure what, but she hemorrhaged.  It was touch and go but she survived and was starting to get back to her old playful, outgoing self.  I had heard enough, I was taking her out of there and that was that. 

So she and I went to the vet, she was dewormed, Revolutioned, got all her outstanding vaccinations, and had a check up.  Her stitches are healing well!  She's now back here, at home with me and sharing a roof with her old buddy Trivia from the shelter.  This poor cat has got to be down to about 6 lives now, and I hope she'll spend those last six lives with the three of us.  Right out of her carrier she jumped into the tub to taste the drain, leaped onto me to get lots of love, ate a snack, and beat up her new scratching post.  No fear, no hissing, just sheer enthusiasm for life.  Right now her and Trivia are playing with each other one paw at a time through the crack under the bathroom door.  She definitely belongs.  She is our cat.  I guess you just cannot pick a cat with logic, you got to let your heart choose.



NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Poor kitty! She must be so scared, yet relieved to have found you as a caring owner!

Thank you for taking in this little girl. She really needs you :)


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Oh wow!  She's a beauty!  So glad you followed your heart and adopted her.  Can't wait to see more pics of her!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Indeed, I think most of us end up going with our hearts. She is just beautiful....she rather reminds me of our Tabby-girl with that fur and those white paws. Thank you for taking this precious little one into your family.