The worst thing I have ever done to a cat


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Originally Posted by laureen227

mine aren't allowed in the laundry room... this is just one of the reasons.
Unfortunately my "laundry room" is just an alcove in my kitchen with barely room for the washer and dryer behind bifold doors. The only way I could keep the cats away would be to lock them in the bedroom every time I want to do laundry. It actually takes longer to round them up for that than it does to count noses before I start the dryer.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 11, 2006
when Kricket was little she was your typical nosy kitten. She ended up getting locked in the fridge. I could not tell you how long she was in there but it was not more than 2 hrs. I was making dinner, then DH and I sat down and ate. While eating we were watching tv and i heard this muffled gunshot sound. I knew the complex i lived in was not the greatest but never ever heard a gunshot before so i got all scared. Mind you never realized the cat was missing at this point. Then i heard the muffled gunshot sound again and then i realized Kricket was missing. Searched the apartment frantically, in the hallway everywhere, could not find her. Something told me to open the fridge. The muffled gunshot noise i heard was Kricket knocking over the roommates bottles of beer he had in the fridge. She was sooo happy to be out of there, never went into the fridge again and that was the night she learned to stay out of the kitchen. My other guys have all gotten closed in the closets, sloth got locked out of the apartment in the lil foyer thing we have. He wasnt even out there 5 minutes when i noticed. Sneaky kitties get into trouble!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 15, 2008
north eastern PA
id have to say the worst ive done is trip over them, accidentally step on their paws, and its mostly my fatty sabastian cause he always running right in front of me or getting tangled in between my feet when im trying to get in the kitchen, but i immediately go over say im sorry and pet him and its like he understands....its so cute


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 10, 2008
The worst things I've done to Raven are:
Sat on her. Yes I know it sounds wacky, but I honestly didn't see her. She loves to sleep curled in a little ball on the black chair in front of the computer, and since she is a pure black cat she blends in well. I was leaving for a local fair where my goats were entered, and I was going to be late to show them but I had to check my emails(forget why) so I ran into the office room forgetting to look on the chair and practically jumped into the seat. Next thing I know I hear a VERY loud "Reeeeow!" And four sets of claws dig into my backside. I stood up and Raven ran off. Thankfully she wasn't hurt, but I was scared for a while. She's a petite cat, fine boned and weighing only six pounds. Now I always look at the chair no matter how much of a hurry I'm in.

Shut her in a kitchen cabinent. I was putting away pots so I had the floor cabinant open, I guess she slipped in there when I wasn't looking. I finish pots and go on to watch a little TV when I here what sounds like metal pots falling off the ceiling. I run in the kitchen and open the cabinent, and Raven runs out, fur fluffed, tail completely bushed. I couldn't help but laugh since she hadn't been in there more than ten minuets and I knew she wasn't hurt.