The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2021

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
We have 2 cats that come by the house daily. One we call Black Cat and the other Grey Kitty. The latter is younger than Boone and Gracie so probably barely a year old. Found out today that Black Cat got Grey Kitty pregnant. Poor baby. She is too young to have a baby. Neighbor said she say her recently with a little black kitten in tow. We have never seen the kitten but I told my husband that if I get the chance, I am snagging it and keeping it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
So frustrated right now. J has been up every half hour to 90 minutes and now seems wide awake though I'm trying to nurse her back t sleep. This is the second night in a row of terrible sleep and I'm so tired. I keep telling her I can't hold her all night and she needs to sleep in the big girl crib, and how am I supposed to be a good mom and play with her, and connect with her when I'm so tired and want to veg out.

I got an hour nap yesterday, but my husband needs to work today.

I know she's little and it's a season will pass and long term I'll be glad I was responsive, but I just want some sleep.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
So frustrated right now. J has been up every half hour to 90 minutes and now seems wide awake though I'm trying to nurse her back t sleep. This is the second night in a row of terrible sleep and I'm so tired. I keep telling her I can't hold her all night and she needs to sleep in the big girl crib, and how am I supposed to be a good mom and play with her, and connect with her when I'm so tired and want to veg out.

I got an hour nap yesterday, but my husband needs to work today.

I know she's little and it's a season will pass and long term I'll be glad I was responsive, but I just want some sleep.
Put her in crib..she will eventually sleep. Buy a good pair of earplugs. My nephew didn't let Grayson cry and he created
a monster. :hugs: :hearthrob::redheartpump:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Put her in crib..she will eventually sleep. Buy a good pair of earplugs. My nephew didn't let Grayson cry and he created
a monster. :hugs: :hearthrob::redheartpump:
No, thank you. That's not how I want to parent. My philosophy is that she's as much of a person as I am, and I don't like being left alone to cry, so I won't do that to her. I just needed to vent because these past two nights have been really bad, but generally she's not up this often.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
I agree with you. I heard you can't comfort a baby too much. You won't "spoil" them. Their attachment style is based on how their needs are met and if you comfort them sometimes and then leave them to cry other times, I think that'll teach them that they can't always depend on their caregivers. Not a good start.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
No, thank you. That's not how I want to parent. My philosophy is that she's as much of a person as I am, and I don't like being left alone to cry, so I won't do that to her. I just needed to vent because these past two nights have been really bad, but generally she's not up this often.
I agree with you. I never let my two cry it out, and successfully discouraged my daughter from letting Hobbit cry it out after she was pressured by her friends who told her she would raise a spoiled child. I have never and would never describe either of my children as spoiled. Not just because I am their mother, but because countless people have complimented them over the years over what good people they have grown to be. Excluding what they suffered under my ex-husband, my never spanked, rarely yelled at, and always comforted children grew into amazing, caring adults who are not in any way self-entitled, despite the mindset of those who think spanking, yelling, and "self-soothing" are all part of character building. (They were taught consequences and had punishments, but I never gave them their punishment or consequences while I was still angry with their behavior. I only yelled when they were doing something dangerous and I need to to get their attention. And, a few times at my daughter in her teens to show her how her yelling was unproductive. It always ended in a conversation after I got her attention, offered to let her calm down, and then spoke when we both were more levelheaded. I really hate yelling.) My children and I have close but non-dependent relationships.

You can spoil your children with things and privileges. You cannot spoil them with love and attentiveness.

On a different note, Verity taught Simon, Cassian, Xanthippe, and Juniper how to open our touchless trashcan. We woke up to pork chop bones on the floor and Simon's butt hanging out of the garbage. I caught her doing it yesterday, and no other cat had done it before, so we know it was her. I caught the others today. I know that Evangeline, Iroh, and Astrid will not do it because of their personalities, but that leaves 10 other cats who know or will know how to get into the garbage now. I guess we are going to have to turn off the sensor before we go to bed now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I'm really worried about finding a home for the cat I mentioned the other day.

When he was under anesthesia and the vet was able to get a closer look, he realized the tail damage was worse than he first thought. He ended up losing a leg and most of his tail.

My friend and her girls went to visit him yesterday and her 3 year old's face is still swollen from that short visit. Keeping him isn't an option. Stupid allergies.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
No, thank you. That's not how I want to parent. My philosophy is that she's as much of a person as I am, and I don't like being left alone to cry, so I won't do that to her. I just needed to vent because these past two nights have been really bad, but generally she's not up this often.
I don't believe in CIO, either. Good luck. Sleep regressions are a test of your sanity.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Thanks, everyone. I usually wait a minute because sometimes she'll make a noise when she rolls over, then fall back asleep, but if she doesn't she'll sit up and sob and it breaks my heart. She's also still in our room. I'm definitely not moving her across the landing until she's consistently only up once or twice a night.

I've been telling her that I will always come if she needs me, but it would be nice to give mommy a few three hour stretches at least. It doesn't look like she's teething, but her napping has been off the past few days, so maybe that's a factor, and I thought she passed the half step on the dairy ladder so I've been letting her have some original soup cracker goldfish, so the milk proteins could have built up enough to be a problem? We're on track for good nap timing today, so we'll see if it helps. If not, I'll cut out her fishies again. Or it could be none of those.

In other news, I made us an omelet for lunch with ground pork and Follow Your Heart fake parmesan shreds and it was really good! I wasn't impressed at all with the FYH cheddar slices, so I had low hopes, but was very pleasantly surprised.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Sometimes I don't think there really is a reason. It's part of being a baby. Or it could be a Wonder Week. The problem is they just can't tell you if they simply have a gas bubble or they heard a noise or if Dad flushing the toilet was just offensive to their sleep. :ohwell::dizzy: Being over tired always led to worse nights for my kids. DD as a toddler/preschool age had some night terrors if she got over tired. :cringe: I transitioned my kids to their rooms early and found we all slept deeper. DD used to wake at the crack of the floor outside her bedroom when you walked by. I think we were all disturbing each other being in the same room. :crazy: DS is plain nosey. :lol: (Still is....currently NOT doing the math problem on his test...)

Some of my friends didn't "get it" why I couldn't be flexible with nap times. Because it literally made things worse for all of us! I had a friend going through a spinal injury issue when DD was about 15-22 months old. She lived an hour and a half away and DD wouldn't sleep in the car let alone elsewhere. I called this friend often but didn't dare show up with an overtired, thus more energetic toddler! I'd have done nothing but keep DD out of trouble and pay my friend 0 attention. I found later that it really really offended her and her now ex-husband (who was her boyfriend at the time). She couldn't even handle it if DD started making noise when we were talking on the phone. :rolleyes2:

My mom started taking DD on Fridays to give me a break and DD rarely took a proper afternoon nap for her so she'd come home cranky and often have a rough night. She was a 2 nap baby for a long time and didn't give up her day nap till she was nearly 4. When she was about 9/10 months we took a trip for an out of town wedding. I had to hold her all night, every night. We ended up leaving a day early and getting home at like midnight. As soon as I put her in her own crib she was out and slept all night. :hmmm: :lol: (Not every night was that solid...that took time.) She still needs a good 11 hours of sleep. DH is a sleeper like that too so I guess it's genetic. DS and I can deal with less sleep better. Both kids love their comfort items though. DS still has his stuffed raccoon; although it's a lot flatter! DD has a silk elephant lovey she keeps nearby but she doesn't want it to wear out anymore so she doesn't snuggle it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
MoochNNoodles MoochNNoodles - she's been pushing the first nap back late and skipping the second so she's been up about seven hours before she goes to bed. There's probably a bit of overtired there.

Aren't omelets dairy?
Like Elphaba09 Elphaba09 said, I used vegan cheese. Eggs get confusing because they're in the dairy section of stores, but they're a completely different allergen!

:lol:mine always turn out to be a mess cant ever fold em up good
Oh, it looked like a hot mess, but it tasted good!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
Huh. I thought eggs were dairy. :headscratch:
You are not alone. A lot of people think that. They are a type of protein. All dairy is made from milk. There are non-dairy milk and milk-product substitutes. Those are typically proteins or carbohydrates depending on what they are made of. To be dairy, it has to be made from animal milk.:)

This may seem a bit silly, but we just bought a 1' x1' plot of land in a nature preserve in Scotland for my husband's grandma. She s very proud of her Scottish heritage and can trace part of her family to the Wallace Clan. Now, she is a land-holding Lady who is helping preserve a gorgeous area of Scotland. I hope she likes it!

The funny thing is that my family traces back to the Ramsays of Dalhousie who fought with Robert the Bruce and was Signatory to the Declaration of Arbroath. It tickled her to bits that our families have that connection. It also turns out that she met some of my West Virginia kin (the Irish ones) when she was younger. She could not recall the last name, but she recalled some stories and some strange names of some of the people. She even recalls hearing about my grandfather who ran off with my grandmother. She remembers it so well because it is difficult to forget hearing about the Irish coal miner (He was the Ramsey side) who ran off with a Choctaw prostitute. When she was telling me the story, she said the woman had a weird-sounding name but that it was an English word. My grandmother had an unusual name because of an unusual event on the day of her birth, so I asked her if that was it. Crazy to think of all these little connections dating back to the 1300s!

My grandfather came with some of his brothers and two sisters from Ireland. They had very Irish names, but for some reason my one great aunt named her children after colors. I have uncles named Blue, Red, Brick, Grey, and aunts named White, Pinky,and Violet. (Pinky's name was Pink Rose Everglenn. She used "Rose" and "Everglenn" as a way to welcome my grandma into the family because her second middle name was Glennrose.")
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