The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
SUCH beautiful scenery!!!  NCIS is another one I need to catch up on.  I used to own through Season 8.  I'm scared to ask how many seasons they're up to.
On season 14 now! :lol3: A lot of new characters. . .some fans don't like it anymore, I'm OK with it though.

Docs Mom

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 13, 2010
Lafayette, IN
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 GIBBS! GIBBS ! GIBBS ! as Abby would say.... why does he look hotter now ? I guess that tells my age [emoji]128521[/emoji].
Let me assure you, I, do NOT look hotter the older I get... Must be a man thing. They look great with grays sprinkled or all gray. Me, I am watching my grayish roots grow out...hoping I can get my red/auburn back soon![emoji]128552[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Check this out!  I think it's pretty cool. It's a pet bowl that is a scale as well, so would be helpful if you have a sick kitty, or a finicky one who only eats so much. This would make it so much easier to know the exact weight, & how much they actually ate! 

I  just saw it on Zulily 
Can't see the details, including price, without signing up or logging in.  My opinion of Zulily just went down.  I get their emails, and am about to unsubscribe.

That said, I did a Google search on "petkit digital feeding bowl," and, unless you have Amazon Prime, it looks like they run in the high $80s to mid $90s.  With Amazon Prime it's the mid $20s to mid $30s.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Can't see the details, including price, without signing up or logging in.  My opinion of Zulily just went down.  I get their emails, and am about to unsubscribe.

That said, I did a Google search on "petkit digital feeding bowl," and, unless you have Amazon Prime, it looks like they run in the high $80s to mid $90s.  With Amazon Prime it's the mid $20s to mid $30s.

Amazon Prime is is SO worth it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Well, I'm supposed to get my school refund February 9.  It'll be a little over $2000.  That's more than enough to get us through February - the landlord said we could pay rent a couple weeks late.  I'm having trouble imagining one or both of us not having a new job by the time bills are due in March.  Plus, we both have tax money coming that would probably get us through March and possibly even April.  So, I'm really tempted to quit my job.  Sheer stubbornness is all that's keeping me from doing it.  I don't want to give the the satisfaction (even if that satisfaction exists only in my imagination) of getting me to quit before I have another job lined up.  Plus, what if I'm wrong?  What if neither of us manages to find another job?  But is it worth it?  I'm ridiculously stressed.  I'm snapping at John all the time for absolutely no reason.  If I was him, I probably woulda walked out.  I know I'm doing it, but I can't seem to help it.  And I'm still getting hives, stress migraines, and REALLY uncomfortable stomach issues.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Can't see the details, including price, without signing up or logging in.  My opinion of Zulily just went down.  I get their emails, and am about to unsubscribe.

That said, I did a Google search on "petkit digital feeding bowl," and, unless you have Amazon Prime, it looks like they run in the high $80s to mid $90s.  With Amazon Prime it's the mid $20s to mid $30s.


Oh, that sucks! I didn't think of that, just copy & pasting a page link.
I am not certain, but pretty sure they were 39.99.
(39. Something)
It just has a little digital reader inside the top rim of the bowl, that would show the weight of the food.
I like Zulily. Other than amazon, it's probably the site I've most ordered from, when I am able to anyway.

Yea, I wish I could afford Prime w/ amazon. It definitely is worth it. (I order my suppliments from there, as well as my air purifier fiIters) was hoping to use some of my Christmas bonus money from clients to get it, but am having to save it towards my taxes this year. After being short a couple clients now, I just haven't had any extra to save for them. .....Sucks!
Anything else I am saving toward Sammys dental cleaning & extraction she needs.
Her fundraiser for that is slow going, since I'm not on FB, but have no desire, or time to be. :slant:
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angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
I am doing a big happy dance!
It's finally confirmed that the show "Will & Grace" is coming back for a 10 episode season! LOVED that show!! :hobbes:
So excited!:D


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I am doing a big happy dance!
It's finally confirmed that the show "Will & Grace" is coming back for a 10 episode season! LOVED that show!!

So excited!
Not trying to be a downer here, but be careful about how high you get your expectations.

Scrubs is my favorite show.  I've watched every episode so many times, I practically have it memorized.  They made 8 wonderful seasons.  The ending was wonderful.  Then they messed up.  For some reason unbeknownst to me, they decided to make a 9th season.  It's the season no one speaks of.  It's barely watchable.  It doesn't compare in the slightest.  I was so excited and then I was met with crushing disappointment.

Find out if the new season will have the same director.  If so, it might have a chance.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
You came dangerously close to giving me a spoiler.  Bobby died right before we went to bed last night.  LOL

Dead is never dead when it comes to the Winchesters.  I don't know about Bobby.  :(
Have you seen the episode "Clap Your Hands if you Believe?" I can't remember if it came before or after that moment, but the episode was hilarious.
Dang...they are just kids.  SIGH...I'm getting old.  Gibbs (NCIS) is more my speed now, and Ducky wouldn't be out of the question if I wanted an older man...

That said, I do enjoy the scenery.  I'm like an old dog lying on the porch.  I can't really chase the cars anymore, but I enjoy watching them drive by and barking occasionally!
Nothing wrong with that. 

Oh! I have a one-season wonder for you, if you're interested.

Anybody ever see Moonlight? Alex O'Loughlin is a vampire with Sophia Myles as his lady of interest. It was one of those cases where I came home from a meeting and saw it on SyFy. And, oh my, Mr. O'Loughlin was fine in that show. 

I bought the first (and unfortunately, only) season.
Of course! 
 I used to love  that show! Shame it was so short-lived...
I think you mean "knight," though if you ever figure out how to make him (her?) a roaming night, I'd be interested.

There's a wonderful S.F. book named Hellspark, by the late, great Janet Kagan.  In this particular future universe, many people wear something called "skinsuits," which are pretty much what they sound like, with a few added benefits.  They're controlled by computer and can supply warmth or cooling as needed, the computer can adjust the colors and patterns on them, can use them to spread the impact of a blow over a larger area which reduces damage, and the computer can use them to "see" what is coming at you (some of these depend on how good your computer is).  Anyway, in the first edition of Hellspark, one of the characters was described as having a "wind colored" skinsuit.  It was a typo, of course (it's not that kind of book); she meant "wine colored."  You can tell whether your copy of the book is first or second edition by looking for this typo.

You're right, I meant "knight." (Where's that blushing emoji when you need it?)
On season 14 now!
A lot of new characters. . .some fans don't like it anymore, I'm OK with it though.
I don't like that it has more of a sitcom feel to it now than it used to--I'm hoping they find their footing again.
@Mamanyt1953 GIBBS! GIBBS ! GIBBS ! as Abby would say.... why does he look hotter now ? I guess that tells my age [emoji]128521[/emoji].
Let me assure you, I, do NOT look hotter the older I get... Must be a man thing. They look great with grays sprinkled or all gray. Me, I am watching my grayish roots grow out...hoping I can get my red/auburn back soon![emoji]128552[/emoji]
In one of Mercedes Lackey's books, "I wouldn't eat fruit from a year old tree or drink wine bottled this year." (It's been a while since I read it, so I might have the quote wrong.)
Well, I'm supposed to get my school refund February 9.  It'll be a little over $2000.  That's more than enough to get us through February - the landlord said we could pay rent a couple weeks late.  I'm having trouble imagining one or both of us not having a new job by the time bills are due in March.  Plus, we both have tax money coming that would probably get us through March and possibly even April.  So, I'm really tempted to quit my job.  Sheer stubbornness is all that's keeping me from doing it.  I don't want to give the the satisfaction (even if that satisfaction exists only in my imagination) of getting me to quit before I have another job lined up.  Plus, what if I'm wrong?  What if neither of us manages to find another job?  But is it worth it?  I'm ridiculously stressed.  I'm snapping at John all the time for absolutely no reason.  If I was him, I probably woulda walked out.  I know I'm doing it, but I can't seem to help it.  And I'm still getting hives, stress migraines, and REALLY uncomfortable stomach issues.
Congrats on the refund! (And it sounds like you're about to hit shark week.)

Well, it got up to eighty today. As in, eighty degrees F. I was late getting to bed because I had to go to the bank (which didn't open until nine, but it closed at noon today so AWM couldn't go for me), so I went to bed late. Thanks to the house getting to almost eighty-five, I woke up hot and sweaty and it took what seemed like forever for the house to cool enough for me to get back to sleep. I'm glad I got more honey sticks. I'm going to need them tonight.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Actually, I just finished shark week.  So hopefully my inner witch will go back to her cave for a while.  I never used to be all mean and angry during that time of the month.  I don't know if it's changing because I'm getting older or if it's just because I'm so stressed, it's playing havoc with everything.  I mean, I have every symptom of pregnancy except for shark week taking a sabbatical.  I'm moody and I cry at the drop of a hat.  My boobs are really sore and growing (I'm actually not complaining about that part).  My nose is more sensitive than a bloodhound's.  I've even been gaining a little bit of weight.  It's all going to my butt and boobs so I'm not complaining about that, either.  I've always been about 15-20 lbs underweight anyway.

Yeah, we just saw that episode.  It was pretty good.  Definitely made me laugh a few times.  But that one jerk fairy dude had no business beating the tar out of MY Dean!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I think you mean "knight," though if you ever figure out how to make him (her?) a roaming night, I'd be interested.

There's a wonderful S.F. book named Hellspark, by the late, great Janet Kagan.  In this particular future universe, many people wear something called "skinsuits," which are pretty much what they sound like, with a few added benefits.  They're controlled by computer and can supply warmth or cooling as needed, the computer can adjust the colors and patterns on them, can use them to spread the impact of a blow over a larger area which reduces damage, and the computer can use them to "see" what is coming at you (some of these depend on how good your computer is).  Anyway, in the first edition of Hellspark, one of the characters was described as having a "wind colored" skinsuit.  It was a typo, of course (it's not that kind of book); she meant "wine colored."  You can tell whether your copy of the book is first or second edition by looking for this typo.

You're right, I meant "knight." (Where's that blushing emoji when you need it?)
You mean this
?  On my computer it's on the 3rd screen of emojies, on the left hand side, two emojies above the black cat (
).  I also have trouble finding the emoji I want when I want it.

Don't blush too hard; typos are a fact of life.  I only mentioned it publicly so that others like me who are copying and pasting into a file on their computers would know to edit it.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Whining time. Moving is hard. The cats are very unhappy with me as I have had to go to the house the last few days to start unpacking so that the house isn't a mess when we move them in. I'd like it to be in some form of normal to help minimize cat stress. Of course having to go to the house the last few days has been stressing them out, so I'm not sure there is any way too win. Gah!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
happy moving! I don't remember enjoying it either. I got ticked off because I had to rush to pack up and to this day 12 years later- gasp! I still have boxes in my office with stuff packed up from my old place..I know I should just shuffle that stuff off to the goodwill and trash...sigh.

I just realized I almost missed Honeybee's birthday or Gotcha day for this year! Jan 23 2013 was her gotcha day. I remember it like it was yesterday..Jon was on his hands and knees talking to her in the cage..she was meowing at he let her out and crawled all over the kitchen and livingroom following her..she was swishing her tail back and forth meowing and rubbing on him. She was the sweetest girl ever...I was scared because I was going to keep her in the bathroom as everyone told me to keep her separated incase of illness...we didn't have the heart...I watched Jon crawl around the floor with her thinking to myself wow, just wow...and then I picked her up to feed her-she growled at Pumps and Floey..Floey hisses at her right from the start..Floey was queen bee kitty in my house..until Honeybee showed up. so after I fed her..she climbed down from the kitchen counter and jumped up on Jon's chest on the couch and spread out on top of him and went to sleep. I squooted next to him petting her the entire time watching her sleep. She was one tuckered out kitkat.

She was abandoned outside by a family I was told..but I got her from an old lady who said she couldn't care for her-she wasn't dirty or smelly so I don't think she was tossed outside..I think they came up with that story to make me feel bad about her...the older lady worried that she would trip her because she was an ankle circler kitty. either way she's mine now. I tell my firend to send pics to his friends' mom to show her Honeybee is happy and loved.

that's what's on my mind..I woke up with a ball of fuzz on my chest licking my hand..she wanted food and treats but I just pet her squinted at the clock..4am..snoozed until 5:00am then bounced her off because the bathroom was calling loudly. She hung around. she got super jealous at me when I came back to cuddle with Pumps who was next to Jon...she sat there glaring at me for quite a while..not sure why she is jealous...she didn't want to cuddle anymore as I tapped my chest telling her to come here Honeybee and sit on your blankie but she gave me this look like take a hike mom!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Actually, I just finished shark week.  So hopefully my inner witch will go back to her cave for a while.  I never used to be all mean and angry during that time of the month.  I don't know if it's changing because I'm getting older or if it's just because I'm so stressed, it's playing havoc with everything.  I mean, I have every symptom of pregnancy except for shark week taking a sabbatical.  I'm moody and I cry at the drop of a hat.  My boobs are really sore and growing (I'm actually not complaining about that part).  My nose is more sensitive than a bloodhound's.  I've even been gaining a little bit of weight.  It's all going to my butt and boobs so I'm not complaining about that, either.  I've always been about 15-20 lbs underweight anyway.

Yeah, we just saw that episode.  It was pretty good.  Definitely made me laugh a few times.  But that one jerk fairy dude had no business beating the tar out of MY Dean!!!
That fairy dude at the end that Dean was running from, before soulless Sam took care of the issue, was a redcap. I can't tell you how AWESOME I thought that was! Most people don't even know what a redcap is, and not only did they put one in, but they did it right! (Which is amazing, considering the butcher job they did for the others.)
You mean this
?  On my computer it's on the 3rd screen of emojies, on the left hand side, two emojies above the black cat (
).  I also have trouble finding the emoji I want when I want it.

Don't blush too hard; typos are a fact of life.  I only mentioned it publicly so that others like me who are copying and pasting into a file on their computers would know to edit it.

I'm glad people are enjoying it! 
Whining time. Moving is hard. The cats are very unhappy with me as I have had to go to the house the last few days to start unpacking so that the house isn't a mess when we move them in. I'd like it to be in some form of normal to help minimize cat stress. Of course having to go to the house the last few days has been stressing them out, so I'm not sure there is any way too win. Gah!
Welcome to home ownership! 

happy moving! I don't remember enjoying it either. I got ticked off because I had to rush to pack up and to this day 12 years later- gasp! I still have boxes in my office with stuff packed up from my old place..I know I should just shuffle that stuff off to the goodwill and trash...sigh.

I just realized I almost missed Honeybee's birthday or Gotcha day for this year! Jan 23 2013 was her gotcha day. I remember it like it was yesterday..Jon was on his hands and knees talking to her in the cage..she was meowing at he let her out and crawled all over the kitchen and livingroom following her..she was swishing her tail back and forth meowing and rubbing on him. She was the sweetest girl ever...I was scared because I was going to keep her in the bathroom as everyone told me to keep her separated incase of illness...we didn't have the heart...I watched Jon crawl around the floor with her thinking to myself wow, just wow...and then I picked her up to feed her-she growled at Pumps and Floey..Floey hisses at her right from the start..Floey was queen bee kitty in my house..until Honeybee showed up. so after I fed her..she climbed down from the kitchen counter and jumped up on Jon's chest on the couch and spread out on top of him and went to sleep. I squooted next to him petting her the entire time watching her sleep. She was one tuckered out kitkat.

She was abandoned outside by a family I was told..but I got her from an old lady who said she couldn't care for her-she wasn't dirty or smelly so I don't think she was tossed outside..I think they came up with that story to make me feel bad about her...the older lady worried that she would trip her because she was an ankle circler kitty. either way she's mine now. I tell my firend to send pics to his friends' mom to show her Honeybee is happy and loved.

that's what's on my mind..I woke up with a ball of fuzz on my chest licking my hand..she wanted food and treats but I just pet her squinted at the clock..4am..snoozed until 5:00am then bounced her off because the bathroom was calling loudly. She hung around. she got super jealous at me when I came back to cuddle with Pumps who was next to Jon...she sat there glaring at me for quite a while..not sure why she is jealous...she didn't want to cuddle anymore as I tapped my chest telling her to come here Honeybee and sit on your blankie but she gave me this look like take a hike mom!
Poor baby! (Mine were born February Second, so I haven't missed it yet.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
happy moving! I don't remember enjoying it either. I got ticked off because I had to rush to pack up and to this day 12 years later- gasp! I still have boxes in my office with stuff packed up from my old place..I know I should just shuffle that stuff off to the goodwill and trash...sigh.

I just realized I almost missed Honeybee's birthday or Gotcha day for this year! Jan 23 2013 was her gotcha day. I remember it like it was yesterday..Jon was on his hands and knees talking to her in the cage..she was meowing at he let her out and crawled all over the kitchen and livingroom following her..she was swishing her tail back and forth meowing and rubbing on him. She was the sweetest girl ever...I was scared because I was going to keep her in the bathroom as everyone told me to keep her separated incase of illness...we didn't have the heart...I watched Jon crawl around the floor with her thinking to myself wow, just wow...and then I picked her up to feed her-she growled at Pumps and Floey..Floey hisses at her right from the start..Floey was queen bee kitty in my house..until Honeybee showed up. so after I fed her..she climbed down from the kitchen counter and jumped up on Jon's chest on the couch and spread out on top of him and went to sleep. I squooted next to him petting her the entire time watching her sleep. She was one tuckered out kitkat.

She was abandoned outside by a family I was told..but I got her from an old lady who said she couldn't care for her-she wasn't dirty or smelly so I don't think she was tossed outside..I think they came up with that story to make me feel bad about her...the older lady worried that she would trip her because she was an ankle circler kitty. either way she's mine now. I tell my firend to send pics to his friends' mom to show her Honeybee is happy and loved.

that's what's on my mind..I woke up with a ball of fuzz on my chest licking my hand..she wanted food and treats but I just pet her squinted at the clock..4am..snoozed until 5:00am then bounced her off because the bathroom was calling loudly. She hung around. she got super jealous at me when I came back to cuddle with Pumps who was next to Jon...she sat there glaring at me for quite a while..not sure why she is jealous...she didn't want to cuddle anymore as I tapped my chest telling her to come here Honeybee and sit on your blankie but she gave me this look like take a hike mom!
Cats are rarely dirty or smelly, even if they have been living outside.  Mickey was a little dirty and smelled like car exhaust so I think he narrowly avoided becoming kitty roadkill before we found him, but other than that, I've never known cats to be unclean.  It might have been a guilt trip, but it might have been the truth.  Hard telling.  And I am SO glad Mickey survived long enough to be our kitty.  Anything could have happened to him out there!!! 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
On season 14 now!
A lot of new characters. . .some fans don't like it anymore, I'm OK with it though.
I know.  Some folks get just fanatically (well...stands to reason) attached to certain characters.  I can live without any of them except Gibbs and Abby, as long as the replacements are good and interesting.  So far they have been.  I was a bit iffy about Ducky, but I like the Jimmy Palmer character, and given David McCallum's age, Ducky has an expiration date that I can almost read without my glasses.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
 I've been counting plant cells today in my new role as a citizen scientist.  I signed up for Zooniverse ( which lets anyone help with research projects around the world.  Research can be really labor intensive and volunteers can make a huge difference.  Anyway, there are so many different projects to choose from covering just about any area of interest you can imagine.  I figured I'd start with something easy - after a lifetime spent looking at plant cells, I know them when I see them.  Next, I might try my hand at transcribing old ships' logs.  Fun stuff. 


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Not a good day. My brother-in-law died today when he went out for a jog. Just dropped dead. He's 13 years younger than my sister - only 47 years old (I'm not even sure he's the age she was when they met). I only take solace in knowing that whatever happened, he probably didn't know what hit him.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Not a good day. My brother-in-law died today when he went out for a jog. Just dropped dead. He's 13 years younger than my sister - only 47 years old (I'm not even sure he's the age she was when they met). I only take solace in knowing that whatever happened, he probably didn't know what hit him.

I'm so sorry. How terrible. Yes, hopefully it was so sudden, he didn't suffer in any way.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Not a good day. My brother-in-law died today when he went out for a jog. Just dropped dead. He's 13 years younger than my sister - only 47 years old (I'm not even sure he's the age she was when they met). I only take solace in knowing that whatever happened, he probably didn't know what hit him.
i'm so sorry for your loss. 

i'm wondering if there will be another firewood avalanche, in my firewood stacks outdoors. i went outdoors today and found one, and got the wood restacked.
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