The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I have no idea how these people get their information, but be aware of spammers. I have now received two emails. One with my brothers name and one with my best friends name. Full names, not just the first name, which could be a good guess. However, when I previewed it, it said "hello" and my email name, not my first name, and gave a link. I of course didn't open it. My spam folder didn't catch this. I guess because the person's name is in my contacts.
There is no way they could have guessed about the names. My friend is Italian and has a very different last name. Not common at all.

So be aware. However they are getting names about friends and family is beyond me, but double check before you open up email from someone. Who knows what sort of virus or malware can be attached. And if they can do this, they can most certainly out smart any antivirus program you may have.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Since apparently I rubbed a few members the wrong way with "spanking Max" I wanted to apologize to anyone that I may have thought I brutilized my little monkey. We have something I refer to as a SPANK. First of all I ask him if he wants A SPANK and all that is, is a pat or 2 on his fuzzbutt with a firm NO, ESPECIALLY if he could have been harmed or lost! I figure that is why no human children, I could NEVER hurt another living thing EVER. I even put spiders outside rather then hurt them. Once again, I 'm sorry to make so many people angry.....
I don't think anyone was angry. Just concerned. Is that Max in your profile pic? He's adorable!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
@raina21, :welcomeback1:, and :hugs:.

Its a small company, so me leaving will be a bit of a mess. We've already lost several long term employees there recently. I do feel bad ... so that would be part of the problem. My supervisor is the owner of the business and talking to him is always a huge challenge. I never end up saying what I want to say any time I talk to him so this is bound to be somewhat awkward.
This is why you write a letter. It gives you time to edit, to make sure that it says everything you need to say and nothing that you shouldn't..

I didn't know they had claws at that age!
They're born with claws. What they don't have early on is the ability to retract them. Ouch! I don't know how their mothers tolerate it when they're nursing.

What is it with some people who won't hear the word "no"? There's this guy who comes into the store occasionally and keeps asking for my number, pretending that I've already given it to him. I haven't. I've told him this. My number goes to friends (which he is most certainly not), my coworkers (in case of emergency), family members (obviously), and the hospital (mostly for when Grandma was so sick and AWM was having heart trouble)--and that's it. (The reason for this policy, you understand, is that a young man got hold of my number and then promptly gave it to his ex girlfriends. And yes, it was just as horrifying as it sounds, especially since I was looking for work at the time and afraid to answer my own phone. Bright side--you wouldn't believe how much my vocabulary expanded.) Anyway, he dithered so much trying to get my number that his friends in the cab began to leave without him (for which I'm grateful).
There is a school of thought that says that when you're trying to sell something to someone the first rule is to never accept "No" for an answer; many people have been taught this, and many men use it when trying to "sell" themselves. I've always found that "What part of 'No' did you not understand?" (with a rising level of volume every time you have to say it) seems to work.

Bright side--you wouldn't believe how much my vocabulary expanded.
I bet it did! :flail:

Well, after my coworker yelling at them yesterday morning they didn't turn the heat off on me last night--down, certainly, but not off. Still cold, but much better.

I have no idea how these people get their information, but be aware of spammers. I have now received two emails. One with my brothers name and one with my best friends name. Full names, not just the first name, which could be a good guess. However, when I previewed it, it said "hello" and my email name, not my first name, and gave a link. I of course didn't open it. My spam folder didn't catch this. I guess because the person's name is in my contacts.
There is no way they could have guessed about the names. My friend is Italian and has a very different last name. Not common at all.

So be aware. However they are getting names about friends and family is beyond me, but double check before you open up email from someone. Who knows what sort of virus or malware can be attached. And if they can do this, they can most certainly out smart any antivirus program you may have.
Some spammers will "spoof" the return "address" on email. I regularly get spam that says it's from me, but when I actually examine the From field it isn't my email address at all.

Also, some of your friends or family may have had their own email hacked. That happened to me a while back (I clicked on something I shouldn't have, from someone I trusted who had had his email hacked), and it sent out quite a few more emails from my account, to people in my contacts, before I realized what had happened and changed all my passwords.

I don't think anyone was angry. Just concerned. Is that Max in your profile pic? He's adorable!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Well, :censored:. We just got a fancier DVR from DirecTV for free (because we've been subscribers since 1999) along with three free months of Showtime. So yesterday I recorded Blazing Shadows on Showtime, thinking that, unlike TCM, they would know better than to Bowdlerize it. I was wrong. Every instance of the "N" word has been removed, and it's an integral part of the plot! :cloudy:

One of these years I may give up and buy the movie on DVD.

{Note: Yes, I know that 'the "N" word' is just as offensive as the actual word; I'm using it here only because I believe the site will censor any actual use of the word.}

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Max's Human

Alpha Cat
Nov 25, 2017
I certainly hope that all this fuss is not about my MAXIMILION, my little escape artist! I have major traffic behind my house and people that run over pets on the street we live on. My Spank comment disturbed folks and my ONLY concern is keeping all pets on my street safe. And didn't mean to make it sound like MAX is not the boss of the household! And he is snuggling with me and loving me ALMOST as much as I love him♡

Max's Human

Alpha Cat
Nov 25, 2017
Did you ever wonder why FAMILY HOLIDAY movies are so successful??? We can all relate to certain family members, personalities and situations. I have a little something I like to do, ONCE I get home I spend the rest of the holiday renting a few of them, so in a little way my FAMILY SEEMS NORMAL AND IT IS HEALTHY TO LAUGH!!!!! Especially with good friends and a bottle of champagne. None of us are perfect and we all have "unique family members". Merry Christmas where ever you may spend it♡


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Does anyone here know anything about Frontal Lobe Dementia? Someone I love may have it. The information I've been able to find online is terrifying.


Blakeney Green

TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 3, 2017
Upstate NY
Does anyone here know anything about Frontal Lobe Dementia? Someone I love may have it. The information I've been able to find online is terrifying.

My uncle had it and ended up passing away from it a couple of months ago. It's a horrible disease. If you have any questions for me, I'll try to answer.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 16, 2016
New addition to the kitty corner.
My husband is cutting down a tree in the front yard and thought the cats would like this.

He is absolutely right too.
He plans to add to this, developing into a more interactive tree with places to sleep and play.

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
I certainly hope that all this fuss is not about my MAXIMILION, my little escape artist! I have major traffic behind my house and people that run over pets on the street we live on. My Spank comment disturbed folks and my ONLY concern is keeping all pets on my street safe. And didn't mean to make it sound like MAX is not the boss of the household! And he is snuggling with me and loving me ALMOST as much as I love him♡View attachment 210372
He's adorable! And I can tell he's spoiled!

If he's a real escape artist, you might want to consider a Scat Mat. It's a clear plastic mat that goes across the inside of the door. When a cat (or unwary barefoot human) steps on it, he gets a very mild shock. It took our guys about three tries before they decided they didn't really want to go out. Feather, our bright birman, figured out that she could jump over it. My husband caught her in mid-air and tossed her back onto the mat. End of problem. It runs off a small battery or can be plugged in. The shock is variable so it can work for larger animals, too. I've stepped on it, so I know it doesn't cause any pain; it mostly startles.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Marcy is more lovey than she was before the spay. I guess she's happier without all those hormones. In human years, she'd probably be a teenager. So of course she was moody.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Regarding spam: My Outlook separates mail into important, not so important and junk. I find notices in my "not so important" from "banks" that my account will be locked because of suspicious activity and I need to give some info via email. It looks like it comes from a real bank. However, when I look at the return address it's some piece of crap and not a bank address at all so it gets deleted and double deleted. When it really gets funny is when it's from a "bank" where I do not and never have had an account, of course that also gets deleted immediately. Only once did I get a real message from my bank and they were requesting that I come to any branch (it turned out to be a legit transaction) to have a look at something that looked suspicious to the bank. Then there are messages written in broken English that I have an inheritance and to contact them. Anyone from whom I could possibly inherit anything is long dead so that gets trashed. Another is from some religious nut who wants to give me money because I'm such a good Christian. Hello there! This person is not a Christian but a freethinker! More to delete and a good laugh is had by all. Even my cats are laughing.
Moral of this is: if you don't know the sender and/or their return address does not match the place from where they are emailing then forget about it, it's trash and somebody is trying to pull the wool over your eyes and wants info from you that might cost you some money, not give you any.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
All of those messages from people who want to give you some money, whether because you're "such a good Christian," or a long-lost heir, or (this is the one I really like) because the F.B.I., in conjunction with the Nigerian government, has discovered that you've lost money in a Nigerian scam and they're trying to reimburse you, are variations on the Nigerian scam. (See Advance-fee scam - Wikipedia.) What gets me about most of this kind of email is, as segelkatt segelkatt mentioned, the English. So many of these emails read like they were written by someone who got hold of a book about how to write a letter to a close friend in English. They start with phrases like "My dear, how is your family?" or "I hope your children are well" (I never had children) or something else that makes it totally obvious that they've never written a genuine business letter (at least in English) in their life.

The thing is, these people are looking for the most gullible victims they can find, and, whether or not it's deliberate, the weird English is a sort of sieve; anyone who responds to something like that genuinely is gullible, and therefore safe game (unless, of course, they encounter a scam-baiter {Scam baiting - Wikipedia}, a practice that I would not encourage as it does sometimes become dangerous). As for telling you that the Nigerian government is trying to reimburse you for money you've lost in a previous Nigerian scam, anyone who falls for that one is self-identifying as someone who was gullible enough to fall for a Nigerian scam in the past.

Unfortunately, the people most likely to fall for this stuff are also the people most likely to already be desperate for money. It's a very cruel sort of con-game.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I may end up having cat stew! Every single time I go to the bathroom, Connor or Murphy run in ahead of me and get on the toilet, making me move them before I can raise the lid and use it. Normally not a huge deal. Frustrating when the baby decides to kick my bladder and make things incredibly urgent. If I pee my pants thanks to one of these little buttheads, I'm gonna turn them into stew!
Ok, I won't, but they still need to stop it.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I may end up having cat stew! Every single time I go to the bathroom, Connor or Murphy run in ahead of me and get on the toilet, making me move them before I can raise the lid and use it. Normally not a huge deal. Frustrating when the baby decides to kush my bladder and make things incredibly urgent. If I pee my pants thanks to one of these little buttheads, I'm gonna turn them into stew!
Ok, I won't, but they still need to stop it.
:alright: It will be over soon, and then the real fun starts. :mommy:

You are going to post lots of baby pictures, right?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
@raina21, :welcomeback1:, and :hugs:.

This is why you write a letter. It gives you time to edit, to make sure that it says everything you need to say and nothing that you shouldn't..

They're born with claws. What they don't have early on is the ability to retract them. Ouch! I don't know how their mothers tolerate it when they're nursing.

There is a school of thought that says that when you're trying to sell something to someone the first rule is to never accept "No" for an answer; many people have been taught this, and many men use it when trying to "sell" themselves. I've always found that "What part of 'No' did you not understand?" (with a rising level of volume every time you have to say it) seems to work.

I bet it did! :flail:


Some spammers will "spoof" the return "address" on email. I regularly get spam that says it's from me, but when I actually examine the From field it isn't my email address at all.

Also, some of your friends or family may have had their own email hacked. That happened to me a while back (I clicked on something I shouldn't have, from someone I trusted who had had his email hacked), and it sent out quite a few more emails from my account, to people in my contacts, before I realized what had happened and changed all my passwords.


There's only so loud or rude I can be at work. I must be professional and polite at all times--of course, if the guy ever sees me outside of work, or when he's sober (I can't tell you how irritating that is!) then I can be a pert as I wish.

Speaking of scams, there's also the Love Doctor. No, seriously, they all start with things like "Want to know why he's not interested in you?" and "You've had your heart broken before and never fear!" I would think it's just random ads (for some reason my account gets hit with a lot of ads for dating sites), but every time I tell my e-mail it's spam, the address changes--so be on the lookout for that as well. Also, if you hate spam, this video is kind of fun to watch.

Well, :censored:. We just got a fancier DVR from DirecTV for free (because we've been subscribers since 1999) along with three free months of Showtime. So yesterday I recorded Blazing Shadows on Showtime, thinking that, unlike TCM, they would know better than to Bowdlerize it. I was wrong. Every instance of the "N" word has been removed, and it's an integral part of the plot! :cloudy:

One of these years I may give up and buy the movie on DVD.

{Note: Yes, I know that 'the "N" word' is just as offensive as the actual word; I'm using it here only because I believe the site will censor any actual use of the word.}

I'll preface this with the fact that I don't normally like mystery books (they have a tendency to be entirely too formulaic, in my opinion), but there is one series I do read regularly--Donna Andrews Meg Langslow series. One of the most fascinating things about this series, in my opinion, is the fact that, not once in any of the books I've read, is a curse word printed. Oh, she'll mention someone "cussing a blue streak" or "swearing like a sailor", but the words themselves are never printed, leaving what was actually said to the reader's imagination. (Another reason I like her books is because her family is kind of like mine...:think:)

I certainly hope that all this fuss is not about my MAXIMILION, my little escape artist! I have major traffic behind my house and people that run over pets on the street we live on. My Spank comment disturbed folks and my ONLY concern is keeping all pets on my street safe. And didn't mean to make it sound like MAX is not the boss of the household! And he is snuggling with me and loving me ALMOST as much as I love him♡View attachment 210372
Ah, yes. I can see the wheels in his seemingly innocent little head turning right now...

Did you ever wonder why FAMILY HOLIDAY movies are so successful??? We can all relate to certain family members, personalities and situations. I have a little something I like to do, ONCE I get home I spend the rest of the holiday renting a few of them, so in a little way my FAMILY SEEMS NORMAL AND IT IS HEALTHY TO LAUGH!!!!! Especially with good friends and a bottle of champagne. None of us are perfect and we all have "unique family members". Merry Christmas where ever you may spend it♡
I prefer Family Holiday episodes, over movies, but my attention span isn't that great.

New addition to the kitty corner.
My husband is cutting down a tree in the front yard and thought the cats would like this.
View attachment 210389
He is absolutely right too.
He plans to add to this, developing into a more interactive tree with places to sleep and play.
Please post more pics as it gets done, so we can see how to do it!

Marcy is more lovey than she was before the spay. I guess she's happier without all those hormones. In human years, she'd probably be a teenager. So of course she was moody.
Ugh. I remember those years all too well, myself!

Regarding spam: My Outlook separates mail into important, not so important and junk. I find notices in my "not so important" from "banks" that my account will be locked because of suspicious activity and I need to give some info via email. It looks like it comes from a real bank. However, when I look at the return address it's some piece of crap and not a bank address at all so it gets deleted and double deleted. When it really gets funny is when it's from a "bank" where I do not and never have had an account, of course that also gets deleted immediately. Only once did I get a real message from my bank and they were requesting that I come to any branch (it turned out to be a legit transaction) to have a look at something that looked suspicious to the bank. Then there are messages written in broken English that I have an inheritance and to contact them. Anyone from whom I could possibly inherit anything is long dead so that gets trashed. Another is from some religious nut who wants to give me money because I'm such a good Christian. Hello there! This person is not a Christian but a freethinker! More to delete and a good laugh is had by all. Even my cats are laughing.
Moral of this is: if you don't know the sender and/or their return address does not match the place from where they are emailing then forget about it, it's trash and somebody is trying to pull the wool over your eyes and wants info from you that might cost you some money, not give you any.
At least you get some laughs out of it!

I may end up having cat stew! Every single time I go to the bathroom, Connor or Murphy run in ahead of me and get on the toilet, making me move them before I can raise the lid and use it. Normally not a huge deal. Frustrating when the baby decides to kick my bladder and make things incredibly urgent. If I pee my pants thanks to one of these little buttheads, I'm gonna turn them into stew!
Ok, I won't, but they still need to stop it.
:alright: It'll get better--in about six years. Maybe. How old is your step-daughter again?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
All right, I'm in a little bit of a bind. (Just a little bit, mind you.) One of the things that Grandma and I used to do together was make stars for the Christmas tree. We'd use yarn, those weird plastic sheets with the square holes, and clear plastic beads of different colors to make them. I thought, since I'll have a little free time this year, of surprising my family with another lot of them. (They're pretty, but not durable--they only last a season, which is why we made more every year.) I thought it would be a nice way for Grandma to still be part of the celebration this year--but I can't remember how to make them and I can't find a video explaining how on YouTube! :argh:

They look like this. Does anyone know where I might find the instructions on how to make them?
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