The "What are you Doing" Thread - 2016.

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Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I'm in Waterloo about an hour away from our house in the country, I just had all these appointments, dietician, dentist, physical therapy and babysitting my 17 month old niece tonight that I came here. We have an apartment here so he doesn't have so far to drive when he works at Target Distribution Center. Nala Ava Marie travels a lot! He has this week off of work & doesn't have to be here in town so I let him keep my baby kitten with him. Regretting it bc I miss her so much. Is he cleaning her litter boxes? Is he giving her the right amount of her food? Is he yelling at her for biting? Ugh so many unknowns. She's only been away from me when she had her emergency surgery when she got hurt and when she had her spay surgery. She's not very vocal but I miss her little meows. I miss her warm, fluffy little body. Even her morning kitten breath! Lol. I'm obsessed. [emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]10084[/emoji]️ I hope he put fresh water through her fountain!
Ask him to send you a video!  


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I'm in Waterloo about an hour away from our house in the country, I just had all these appointments, dietician, dentist, physical therapy and babysitting my 17 month old niece tonight that I came here. We have an apartment here so he doesn't have so far to drive when he works at Target Distribution Center. Nala Ava Marie travels a lot! He has this week off of work & doesn't have to be here in town so I let him keep my baby kitten with him. Regretting it bc I miss her so much. Is he cleaning her litter boxes? Is he giving her the right amount of her food? Is he yelling at her for biting? Ugh so many unknowns. She's only been away from me when she had her emergency surgery when she got hurt and when she had her spay surgery. She's not very vocal but I miss her little meows. I miss her warm, fluffy little body. Even her morning kitten breath! Lol. I'm obsessed. [emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]10084[/emoji]️ I hope he put fresh water through her fountain!
I'm sure she's fine. You taught him what to do. You'll be back with her soon. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
I'm lying here in terrible pain thinking how nice Margd is.
I'm feeling very sorry for myself and I know he's very worried.
Had to cancel my hair appointment and my ENT doctor appointment and may have to tell the children not to come on Friday evening. The boys are in the lounge being very quiet. Mmmmm!!!!
What are they planning. It's too early for them to go to sleep. I'd go and look if my back wasn't so painful.
Enjoy the rest of your day all of you.
sending you 
  that the xrays show no serious/permanent damage to your back, and sending you gentle (((hugs))) too


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Went a new dentist today. Aside from my heart racing (still!!) from the anesthetic, it's probably the most positive dental experience I've had in years. I didn't feel like they were trying to sell me things, or try to tell me there was more work needed when there really wasn't, or try to make me feel bad because my gums aren't perfect (my last dentist actually showed me a video geared toward kids to show what could happen if you don't floss!!!). They talked to me like an adult, no scary tactics, no trying to make money off of me - just making sure my teeth and gums are healthy.

I did have to have a couple of fillings, which I got done today. One was actually replacing a filling done at my last dentist that I just KNEW wasn't in there right (it actually had to be replaced a week later, so this was the replacement filling that had an issue!). Apparently there was space between the filling and the rest of the tooth, and it literally just popped out when he started drilling that. No, that's not supposed to happen! The other one was a tiny cavity in the back tooth. He said my teeth looked pretty good actually. Seriously, the last dentist made it sound like I'd need dental work for the rest of my life, most of which I really questioned.

Anyway, yeah, quite happy with this dentist. The hygienist was a sweetheart, I swear she was only 18 years old, but she was great at her job. And that was the fastest set of full-mouth x-rays ever done!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
I went to the dentist today too! Just for checkup, X-rays & cleaning. I have a large filling that's probably 15-20 years old so he suggested I get a crown in 6 months. My favorite dentist retired so it was the young guy. I don't like him as much. He's ok, idk he is just so young. Glad you had s good experience!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'm so excited! (It's the little things....bear with me.)

One of my co-workers came in this morning. We still don't have the parts needed to fix the boiler in the building. We measured our cubes and he just left to get plastic again. We had these plastic painters tarps a few years ago that we taped to our cube walls to create ceilings. It was wonderful and we were so toasty....we have electric registers in our cubes, but without ceilings, the heat just goes up. Up, up and away. Those plastic ceilings were simply wonderful. My plants loved being warm, I loved being warm. My co-worker loved being warm.

Well, the powers-that-be kind of frowned on our "tacky" plastic ceilings. You couldn't see anything from the hallway as we were very careful how we attached the plastic. But somebody came inside my cube and decided it didn't fit the "image". Who cared? We were flipping warm for the first time in forever! But to avoid a hassle, we took them down.

And now? We're putting them back up. The temp right now is in the 50s and that's simply ridiculous. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2014
I hope that you heat up quickly, Winchester! Your employer sounds grumpy and disagreeable.

I'm home, went into work only to find I wasn't needed, because my boss switched me on the wrong day. Normally I'd be happy, but nothing's open at 7 am, so it's not like I could catch the bus to the mall or anything. So I'm grumbling here at home. Getting ready to get some sleep because as it turns out, I WILL be able to take Robin to the vet. Supposedly the best one in town. I hope so, Robins eye has been weeping for two months and the last $230 vet didn't fix the problem.

I'm just tired and cranky, worried about my cat but really really worried about one of my older sisters (the one I get along with so well it's like we're twins) who is very ill with pneumonia right now. Angry bc her coworker came into work with this very contagious form of pneumonia, and now both my sister and her fiancé are sick, but my sister so much worse. And she's 400 miles away, and I don't have a car or I'd be there already.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I went to the dentist today too! Just for checkup, X-rays & cleaning. I have a large filling that's probably 15-20 years old so he suggested I get a crown in 6 months. My favorite dentist retired so it was the young guy. I don't like him as much. He's ok, idk he is just so young. Glad you had s good experience!
After what I went through with my last dentist, I refuse to let anyone remove any of my old fillings. They are the only ones that really stay in there! Unless there's really a problem with them, no way is anyone touching them. EVER! I have one filling that has been there for almost 30 years! Then my last dentist put in a filling that didn't even last a week. Yeah, I'll keep my ancient fillings, thank you very much.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Eclipse has morphed into Destructo Kitty this morning.  I've cleaned up two water spills, one upstairs and one down. I had to break up the play session because he was too rough with Fluffy and I had to pull some Fluffy fur from his mouth.  He has been meowing in the kitchen off and on an when I go in there he is just laying on the floor.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
Exciting news! I am going to be with Nala Ava Marie today! And.....Dale told me there's a new feral cat hanging around our place!!! Am I the only one that gets excited to possibly meet a new kitty? [emoji]128522[/emoji] Most surprising of all is Dale gave him/her some food! My cat loving nature is rubbing off on him! Hopefully! He said she's a beauty. I asked if she looks like Nala Ava Marie, ya know, could be related since their both fetals in that area, could be possible? He said the only similarity is white/black coloring. He said this one has much longer fur than my baby. He said she ate the Hill's Science Diet food eagerly but not greedily and she's skinny so he was surprised she didn't just gobble everything right up! Maybe she's being fed elsewhere. He doesn't know if this cat is male or female but he said if he'd have to guess he'd say female bc he said she looks "fragile." I'll try to take picture as soon as I snuggle with my precious Nala Ava Marie since I haven't seen her in 2 days! I'm hoping he'll let me take this new baby to the vet & get him/her all taken care of like he or she deserves! I'm in love already, kitten unseen! [emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]10084[/emoji]️[emoji]128062[/emoji]


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Sitting here reading the CatSite, watching Judge Judy and thinking that I am really not wanting the leftover chicken along with the broccoli; wanting pizza...or something else...everything is frozen..

Maybe I will cheat and microwave a potato to go along with the broccoli.. I am really not feeling like the chicken. Sometimes, I do not care for it. Kind of like I have had enough of it for a while.

Beautiful day today.. felt like spring..and smelt like spring...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
Ack!  Sitting here thinking about my car. I just found out my right front tire is sitting on the rim! *sigh*

I have an air-compressor in my trunk, so I think I am gonna wait until Friday (when it will be about 60F outside) and go blow it up and then head to the tire store. My tires are less than 6 months old. This has happened twice before - 'someone' just left the air out of the tire. I'm hoping that is all this is. 

It's really stupid! I haven't gone anywhere in almost a week, so my car hasn't moved. I live in a disability building and some of the 
who live here get upset if you 'hog' the same parking spot for too long! I have an old cam from an old computer and I am thinking of sitting it on my dashboard and 'spreading the word' that I now have a dash cam to catch the so-and-so who is messing with people's cars around here. Hopefully, the BS will stop! 

Oh, yea... the beater bar on my vacuum broke today too! So when I go to the tire store Friday, I will take THAT in to be repaired. 

And now I am hearing the Boy's water fountain making a noise, so I am going to have to give it a good cleaning, change the filter and refill it. It will make a goofy noise when the water line gets too low. I better go take care of that NOW before the motor burns up. They say things happen in threes! 

Maybe I will take a cat nap after that? 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
This is new feral! Looks like a female to me? She's filthy dirty, I gave her can of food, she loved it! She's friendly but very, very cautious. There is something wrong with her ears....idk of you can see by the picture but both of her ears look as if she's been attacked by other cats or dogs or some other animal. She clawed my leg. Her claws are razor sharp. Could she have ear mites and scratched herself? She is really dirty. [emoji]128549[/emoji] I feel so bad for her. Idk if Dale will let me get her to a vet. I'd like her to be spayed, get her shots and deworming treatment.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
This is new feral! Looks like a female to me? She's filthy dirty, I gave her can of food, she loved it! She's friendly but very, very cautious. There is something wrong with her ears....idk of you can see by the picture but both of her ears look as if she's been attacked by other cats or dogs or some other animal. She clawed my leg. Her claws are razor sharp. Could she have ear mites and scratched herself? She is really dirty. [emoji]128549[/emoji] I feel so bad for her. Idk if Dale will let me get her to a vet. I'd like her to be spayed, get her shots and deworming treatment.
Poor little thing. Thank you both for caring about this little one

who knows? if she has ear mites, it could be from scratching. it could also be from another animal

I'd take her in and explain later. It's often easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.  

he probably won't mind. he's been caring for her also. he's a keeper!! 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
This is new feral! Looks like a female to me? She's filthy dirty, I gave her can of food, she loved it! She's friendly but very, very cautious. There is something wrong with her ears....idk of you can see by the picture but both of her ears look as if she's been attacked by other cats or dogs or some other animal. She clawed my leg. Her claws are razor sharp. Could she have ear mites and scratched herself? She is really dirty. [emoji]128549[/emoji] I feel so bad for her. Idk if Dale will let me get her to a vet. I'd like her to be spayed, get her shots and deworming treatment.
Um, she looks a bit...round.  Is there any chance you are going to be a grandma soon?  
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2015
Omg! I didn't think of that, she might be pregnant. She's cautiously friendly. I definitely agree better to ask for forgiveness than permission! That's the story of my life! Lol. I should call the West Union vet clinic, wish they could get her in yet today but they close in 30 minutes. She is thin except for her belly.....she kept arching her back and looked fearful.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Went a new dentist today. Aside from my heart racing (still!!) from the anesthetic, it's probably the most positive dental experience I've had in years. I didn't feel like they were trying to sell me things, or try to tell me there was more work needed when there really wasn't, or try to make me feel bad because my gums aren't perfect (my last dentist actually showed me a video geared toward kids to show what could happen if you don't floss!!!). They talked to me like an adult, no scary tactics, no trying to make money off of me - just making sure my teeth and gums are healthy.

I did have to have a couple of fillings, which I got done today. One was actually replacing a filling done at my last dentist that I just KNEW wasn't in there right (it actually had to be replaced a week later, so this was the replacement filling that had an issue!). Apparently there was space between the filling and the rest of the tooth, and it literally just popped out when he started drilling that. No, that's not supposed to happen! The other one was a tiny cavity in the back tooth. He said my teeth looked pretty good actually. Seriously, the last dentist made it sound like I'd need dental work for the rest of my life, most of which I really questioned.

Anyway, yeah, quite happy with this dentist. The hygienist was a sweetheart, I swear she was only 18 years old, but she was great at her job. And that was the fastest set of full-mouth x-rays ever done!
I'm glad it was an enjoyable experience as much as dentists can be. I'm terrified of the dentist.
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