The Secret Santa Hints Thread 2007


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2005
Pinellas Park, Florida
Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? I love fruity scents! I am LOVE bath stuff
Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)?
See my other post

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? I was born 10 days before Christmas! It's my fav time of year so I love anything to do with it

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? Sure!

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? Red, white tho.. gets dirty lol

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? Hmm... I like reds and black.
Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? Any with saftey

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc) No preference


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2006
Probably at work :(
I LOOOOOOOOOOVE word and number puzzles. If I could make a living doing Soduko or Crosswords, I'd be in hog heaven!! Figures--the one thing I'm good at means nothing. Some people sing, some people dance, not me.
I have already gone through my electronic soduko machine my BF got me for Christmas. Had to buy another one.


Top Cat
Aug 20, 2006
Have i mentioned Charlie has a cotton bud fetish? For some reason he needs to chew the hell out of them! (clean ones obviousely lol) they must be spiked with tuna

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? - Shower, atm i have my own shower, i don't use the bath (but dont know what will happen if we move) i'm using Lux glitterati (lemon with loofah). I dont ask for lotions/gels because i usually end up with a scent i don't like (sorry mum!)

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)? - gemstones/essential oils/books. Something i would love though is a pair of Emily the strange bad kitty earrings (i don't know where they are in Oz)

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best? - cotton buds! lol. We have a bag of small bouncy foam balls that Chuckie loves to chase around the house (especially good over floarboards, not carpet) i do like those springs you guys talk about, but ive never seen them

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? Nope. We have tonnes of them, i always wanted a colour theme but the decorating is up to the parents.

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? - Ooh can never get enough socks! No christmas ones, or bright pink or lime green or yellow. I love dark purple, black, silver. Anything with cool skulls (think lenore, Emily the strange, nightmare before christmas etc) or bats or spiderwebs or anything goth or something like black stockings with purple spiderwebs!!! woot! lol (btw i dont have petite feet, i got large ones from the father!! so if you guys have there what we have here (two different size ranges for the ladies, im the larger one)

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)?I do but i have a zillion blankets/throws that both Chuckie and i use.

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? well my bed is a combination of purple sheets/pillowcases, my doona cover is maroon underneath, and silky blood red/pink/orange on the top (matching pillow cases) my curtains are olive/army green. But if we move i might change. So don't get me any bed/wall stuff! lol

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? Chuckie has a flea collar even though he doesn need it, fprce of habit. It holds his council rego tag in case he runs off (yes he is chipped). I would love to find him a sexy green or blue tartan one (any boy colours) in a fabric.

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any! I like to see what ideas my SS will come up with and the paper gives me an idea of their personality


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 23, 2006
Wishing I were anywhere but here
Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet? Only if I knew the person and if they are on TCS

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies? Chocolate chip, oatmeal, peanut butterl, sugar cookies

Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)? Please no white chocolate or raisens.

Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? Not that I can think of

Do you like homemade gifts? Yes

Some more new questions for everyone!!!!!

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? I take a lot of showers so I would prefer shower products. I like any fruit smell except lemon.

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)? Not that I can think of.

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best? Lexi loves feathers and string! She isn't too fond of the laser pointer, but Tedi is.

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? Y, but not at the moment since I wouldn't know where to store it. Once I have a house, I would love some!

More questions!!!!!

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? What kind (warm fuzzy ones, toe socks, ones with prints on them?). I love socks with different animals on it or the toe socks!

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? Sure, Any blue color.

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? I like pastels and earth tones.

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? Lexi has a break away collar. I am always afraid she could get hung up on something.

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc) I like pretty much almost anything that sparkles or is metallic. I like seeing what other people pick out.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 9, 2005
What are you favorite types of food? I love pasta and mexican.

Favorite types of chocolate? I love any kind of chocolate, I have never had any fron th eUK, so you if my SS is from the UK, big hint. Just no nuts DH is alergic and I would not feel right if I could not share.

Favorite scents for candles? Any thing thats not to girly. I like earthy type scents. Ocean Breeze is my all time favorite.

Favorite scents for lotions? For lotion I like more girly scents. JAsmine and floral work best. Not a huge fan of citrus.

If you like to read, do you have a problem with receiving a used book? Not at all. I am a big fan of history so anything historical is great. Also Jack Kerouac.

Do you collect anything? I collect all kinds of things. Mainly cool action figures like the Simpsons or big foot, that type of stuff. Hot Wheels are big in my house too. Mainly just reproductions of old cars. But really just anything that is a bit odd and funny.

What is your favorite color? I love pink, but really I like any color but yellow.

If your SS is from overseas, is there anything special you would like them to include? Something from thier town or country would be nice. A local paper, if in english, I don't know how to speak any language but would love to read about what is going on in thier town. Also any kind of food item they could send would be cool too.

1-What colors are the rooms in your home?
Kitchen Fire engine red
Living area Hot wheel blue
Bathrooms white, and purple
bedrooms a soft grey with a touch of purple

2- what is your decorating style? I don't really have one but if I hade to go one way it would be more of a combo of Bauhaus meets the 1950's. Does that make scence?

Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches? Wordsearches and crosswords

Any colors that you don't like? Yellow, hate it, I don't know why, I just don't like it.

How do you feel about black & white photos? I LOVE them.

do your kittys like to wear clothes? Not yet but she will be getting a halloween costume and my DH wants to get her a shirt that says Security on it.

do you like to bake? I love to bake

who is your fav. sport star or team? Christian Hosoi

what is your favorite sport? Skateboarding, old school not new school, think Bones Brigade or Dog Town.

What is one thing you absolutely DONT want from your SS? I don't really want anything that is season oriented like a Christmas thing. I would prefer something I can enjoy all year.

We should also include our fav types of movies, music and books!

Movies: Classics, anything but scensless violence.
Music: I love music so anything is good. I am always up to listening to something new.
Books: Historical or narrative nased. I don't really like fiction or scifi type books.

Do you have pierced ears? Yes, they are streched to a 4 guage.

Are you allergic to any kinds of metal? no but I do not wear yellow gold.

Do you like jewerly? What kinds? I love jewlery, and love necklases the most.

How many animals do you have? What kind (cats, dogs, etc!) Tell us a little about their favorite toys/treats! I have one cat and thats it. You all know her ad Karma but we call her Monkey so anything to her should be labled Monkey so she knows its heres. Her favorite toy is the ring off of a milk gallon. She loves them all. She is still learnig how to play with real toys like mice and balls. She really does not eat treats nut when she does she seems to only like Feline Greenies.

Does your pet (s) have any allergies to certaint foods/treats that should be avoided? Most seafoods seem to make her itch. She can eat lobster and crab. She hates shrip though. Just no actual fish like salmon or anything. However small amounts of salmon in food does not bother her just the actual fish itself.

Do you like lip gloss? What flavors? Not really. I don't really like anything on my lips. I sometimes use tinted chapstick though. As for flavors, anything but strawberry.

What kind of magazines do you enjoy reading? Concrete Wave(skateboarding) I also like Martha Stewart Living and Cosmo. Cat Fancy if a big one too.

Do you enjoy board games?What is your favorite? Yes, I love Monopoly. I want to get the cat version, Catopoly, http://www.educationallearninggames....board-game.asp

What are your favorite "comfort" things that make you happy? Monkey, a soft fleese blanket. Toe socks. A good cup of tea.
Are there any scents (candles/perfume/etc) that should be avoided due to allergies? Just nutty ones because of DH's nut allergy. He gets a bit flustered to even smell them. Plus nut oils will cause him to have an attack so I just avoid all products with any thype of nut. Almond oil is in most bath and beauty products so be aware of that.

What size shirt do you wear? Med/Large depending
Do you prefer t-shirts, sweatshirts or blouses? t-shirts, sweatshirts

Are you allergic to nuts? No but Dh is all nuts including Sesame. So I just avoid those things now.

Do you have an IPod or MP3 player? MP3 player, a creative zen

Are you into crafts? What kinds? Yes cross stitching and I work with shells and a hot glue gun

Do you paint your nails? What tones? Yes anything dark or hot pink, I really like all colors of polich though. They all have a time and place.
Do you wear makeup? What shades? Yes, more earth tones. I have olive skin, dark hair and brown eyes if that helps.

How old are you? (roughly will do fine) 20 yr olds tend to like diff things than 50 yr olds

What are your hobbies?! I read, skateboard, play with Monkey, garden, cook

Do you like homemade gifts? Yes
If so, what kinds? Anything, if its from the heart its special

Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet? Maybe, as long as I knew they had no nuts and it was someone from TCS.

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies? Gingerbread

Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)? Nuts(because of DH) For me, I really am not a big fan of berries like strawberriesand rasberries. I love the smell but hate to eat the seeds.

Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...) No bubbles, she hates those. She really isstill learning the virtue of tous so anything is good. The more things I try the more thinks I learn about her.

Do you live in a house or an apartment??apartment

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? Both, anything not to citrusy.

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? Not really.

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? Sure, who doesn't. I love socks, Especially toe socks.

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? Yes and all colors but Yellow.

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? I actually like all colors. I have very eclectic taste so its all good. Jewel tones are my favorite.

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? She out grew her old one and we have not replaced it. She loved her color though. It was just the basic fast release. I am open to any type of collor for her.

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift?? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc)
Boy, thats getting really in depth. I like all wrapping paper. If it around a gift its good.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2006
Manchester, CT
What are you favorite types of food? I really like Itallian, but to be honest I'm not picky. As long as it isn't seafood I'll eat it.

Favorite scents for candles? Vanilla or anything fruity

Favorite scents for lotions? Same as candle answers.

If you like to read, do you have a problem with receiving a used book? Nope, if your going to buy me a book, don't hesitate to buy it used. I do it all the time.

Do you collect anything? Horse related stuff, because I'm a huge horse lover.

What is your favorite color? Green and Brown

If your SS is from overseas, is there anything special you would like them to include? Coins from their country or something that their country is known for.

Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches? I like both wordsearches and sudoku. I'm not a big fan of crossword puzzles though. Probably cause I suck at them.

Any colors that you don't like? Orange.

How do you feel about black & white photos? Sure.

do your kittys like to wear clothes? No, I can't imagine any of them liking clothes

do you like to bake? I wouldn't say I love to bake, but I do like it on occassion.

who is your fav. sport star or team? I like equestrian sports

What is one thing you absolutely DONT want from your SS? Nothing religous, I'm not religous. Anything else is fine.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 9, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
Some more new questions for everyone!!!!!

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? Shower. I like vanilla, or anything that will wake me up!

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)? I collect dragons and unicorns.

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best? Anything that isn't nailed down is fair game!

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? I love Christmas ornaments! I love unpacking the ornaments every year and remembering the story behind them.

More questions!!!!!
Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? What kind (warm fuzzy ones, toe socks, ones with prints on them?). The warm fuzzy ones are great, I wear them to bed. Don't like toe socks though.

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? I am a sucker for throws. My house is mainly done in light and dark blue, but when it comes to keeping warm, I don't care what color it is!

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? I like vibrant colors, but it doesn't matter really.

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? My kitties don't wear collars.

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc) I don't care if it's wrapped in a plastic bag from Wal-mart...the wrapping ain't going to be on it long!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 2, 2005
Latitude: 45° 31' North Longitude: 122° 39' We
1-What colors are the rooms in your home?
blue grey white a little red
Living area pinks pale blues pastels
Bathrooms master: green, powder room: grey
bedrooms master: greens, guest: pink

2- what is your decorating style? froufrou in LR, mission/SW in den

Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches? NO
Any colors that you don't like? orange
How do you feel about black & white photos? fine
do your kittys like to wear clothes? NEVER
do you like to bake? yes and I do it well and appreciate it in others
who is your fav. sport star or team? none
what is your favorite sport? to watch?tennis to do: canoeing
What is one thing you absolutely DONT want ? anything with a scent

We should also include our fav types of movies, music and books!

Music: classical
Books: eclectic, duh

Do you have pierced ears? yes
Are you allergic to any kinds of metal? no
Do you like jewerly? What kinds? earrings only
How many animals do you have? What kind (cats, dogs, etc!) Tell us a little about their favorite toys/treats! one cat, cat nip immune, lke fabric esp wool
Does your pet (s) have any allergies to certaint foods/treats that should be avoided? she hates catnip, likes honeysuckle
Do you like lip gloss? What flavors? plain, yes, no menthol

What are your favorite "comfort" things that make you happy? hot baths, kniepp juniper, almonds, milk chocolate
Are there any scents (candles/perfume/etc) that should be avoided due to allergies? all scents should be avoided, I can only handle a few.

What size shirt do you wear? medium
Do you prefer t-shirts, sweatshirts or blouses? neither
Are you allergic to nuts? cashews only
Do you have an IPod or MP3 player? ipod nano
Are you into crafts? What kinds? knitting crochet sewing all fibers
Do you paint your nails? What tones? rose and berry colors
Do you wear makeup? What shades? I am fair with green eyes
How old are you? (roughly will do fine) 20 yr olds tend to like diff things than 50 yr olds I like middleaged woman stuf hahahaha

I think it would be helpful to know how many pets you have, their names, and a basic description of them including their likes, dislikes, and potentially even their appearance. If they have a favorite thing.. this is the time to post it.
one calico named Abigail. she is unreactive to cat nip and doesn't get treats other than dry kibble. she loves toys that are wool or paper. noisy toys scare her and laser lights bore her. She has a very sensitive tummy and so she eats a very boring regular diet. moost of her toys are home made dangles and knots. she LOVES fleece however, in fact she is a fiber fetishist LOL

What are your hobbies?! anything to do with natural fibers and yarn. I also love to garden and cook

Do you like homemade gifts? oh yes, especially cookies

Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet? sure unless i have P*ssed them off hahaha

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies? old fashioned vanilla butter cookies, pizzelle, oh anything.

Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)? nope, well cashews that's all.

Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...) noise, plastic, easily breakable, tinsel

Do you live in a house or an apartment?? house

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? please no. I am so sensitive to scents that I have to be REALLY picky.

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)? little paper mache boxes, heart shaped things, those little shoes made of ceramics, seashells, small glass or ceramic turtles

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best? home made dangles - I have a ten year supply of the makings.

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? it depends- nothing overtly religious as I am jewish but I love snokflakes and winter things.
Do you like to receive speciality socks as a gift? oh yes. I adore funky socks. esp turtles or local themes

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? I have so many already

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? I love color period !!!

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind?
she has a cotton breakaway with her name and phone on it. plus a bell and her license tag.

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc) anything


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 27, 2005
What are you favorite types of food? ANY!!! I love Thai and Indian as far as ethnic goes.

Favorite types of chocolate? MM's and Dove Bar Miniatures. Mmmm...

Favorite scents for candles? Spicy, or anything that smells like a "Baked Good"

Favorite scents for lotions? Clean. Right now I am on a Eucalyptus kick. I would like some real lavender or patchuli lotion.

If you like to read, do you have a problem with receiving a used book? Absolutely not!! Receiving a favorite use book or two from my SS would be an awesome way to get to know her!

Do you collect anything? Cool and funky kitty figurines/art. The Magic Window by Wham-o! Google it if you don't know what it is. It was my favorite child hood toy. They are surprisingly expensive on ebay...My goal is to have enough that I can hang on a wall as art, but I haven't gotten that far yet!

What is your favorite color? I love them all!

If your SS is from overseas, is there anything special you would like them to include? Something of their home town! I tourist brochure, a magnet? (I collect those from places)

2- what is your decorating style? modern, mixed with some antiques

Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches? Sometimes

Any colors that you don't like? Nope!

How do you feel about black & white photos? Loooove them!

do your kittys like to wear clothes? Not willingly! But they do.

Do you like to bake? yes

What is one thing you absolutely DONT want from your SS? Umm, a snotty tissue?

Do you have pierced ears? Yes.

Do you like jewelry? What kinds? Real Silver or Gold. (metal allergies to other metal)

How many animals do you have? What kind (cats, dogs, etc!) Tell us a little about their favorite toys/treats!

Polly 2 years old, Roxie 1 year old, Buddy aka Zender aka Little Boy (we can't agree on a name!!) 9 months old!!

Our kitties are all pretty laid back. They love catnip, they don't get it often so it is a real treat. They love the laser pointer, who's battery is currently dead. lol They also tore up (because they loved it so much and mommy left it out by accident....once) a Cat Dancer. Those rabbit fur balls are favorite toys. To be TOTALLY honest, you could probably go to McDonald's, and ask them to buy a whole stack of cheeseburger wrappers, send them to us, and they would be in HEAVEN for ever!! I can't eat fast food in peace. They hear the wrapper and STARE at me until I crumple it up and throw it.
Silly kitties.

Does your pet (s) have any allergies to certain foods/treats that should be avoided? Nope! I usually feed greenies though. We try to go as natural as we can with food and treats

Do you like lip gloss? What flavors? ANY! The shinier the better!

What kind of magazines do you enjoy reading? Home improvement, scrap booking, card making, entertainment etc...

What are your favorite "comfort" things that make you happy? tea, books

Are there any scents (candles/perfume/etc) that should be avoided due to allergies? nope, really flowery ones sometimes give me a headache

Are you allergic to nuts? Nope, Macadamias and Cashews are my favs!

Do you have an IPod or MP3 player? My IPod is broken.

Are you into crafts? What kinds? Card making, scrap booking, crocheting knitting.

Do you paint your nails? I wear acrylics

Do you wear makeup? What shades? Yes Natural shades

How old are you? (roughly will do fine) 33

Do you like homemade gifts? Yes!

If so, what kinds? Anything!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 21, 2004
Up to my eyeballs in Thomas the Tank Engine undies
What are you favorite types of food? I'll try pretty much anything
Favorite types of chocolate? I love Caramello candy bars
Favorite scents for candles? Cinnamon, pine, lime, anything fruity reallyFavorite scents for lotions?
If you like to read, do you have a problem with receiving a used book? Not at all
Do you collect anything? Cat stuff
What is your favorite color? It's a tie between blue and yellow
If your SS is from overseas, is there anything special you would like them to include? Maybe something that says where they are from

1-What colors are the rooms in your home?
Kitchen Sand
Living area Sand
Bathrooms Dusty Red
bedrooms Sand

2- what is your decorating style?

who is your fav. sport star or team? St. Louis Cardinals
what is your favorite sport? Baseball

We should also include our fav types of movies, music and books!

Movies: Romantic comedies and comedies
Music: Classic Rock
Books: Romantic mysteries, I love Linda Howard and Janet Evanovich (I have all the Stephanie Plum books

What size shirt do you wear? Large, I like 'em comfy
Do you prefer t-shirts, sweatshirts or blouses? Long sleeve t-shirts are my favorite
Are you allergic to nuts? No
How old are you? (roughly will do fine) 20 yr olds tend to like diff things than 50 yr olds: I'm 30

What are your hobbies?! Gardening and scrapbooking

Do you like homemade gifts? Yes
If so, what kinds? Any kinds

Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...) Nope [/b]

Do you live in a house or an apartment?? House

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? Yes, especially if it is from where my SS lives
Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? Yes


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 1, 2005
On the west side of... of... somewhere.
Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? Shower. Not a huge bath person... Vanilla is good, just nothing too flowery...

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)? Can't remember what I posted... but dragons, wolves, cats (figurines and such), cows, PENGUINS!!

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best? string... seriously. I really need to jury-rig a track system on the ceiling for play time... complete with remote control. They also like crinkly things... and they have a 'Nana and Rainbow (same company). I catch either one lovin' on those two... too funny. Jack even tried digging the 'nana out of the 'toybox' a few weeks back... I couldn't figure out what he was after until i started throwing toys onto the floor... as soon as i picked up the 'nana, he pounced on it.

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? I'm weird about my tree... I only use certain colors... blue and silver. If you can find something cool in blue, I'm game (the tiny fake tree is silver)

Do you like to receive speciality socks as a gift? What kind (warm fuzzy ones, toe socks, ones with prints on them?)? I like funky stuff, so toe socks are okay, have two pair. But I always like new, funky lounge socks...

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? Do I ever!! I have several fleece blankets all over my couch. red is a predominant color...

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? I like earth tones, but nice bold punches of color (accent wall painted red, for example) work well...

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? They have collars, just don't wear them... they do enough to keep me awake at night... jingling collars would make things worse!

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Who cares... If it has penguins/cats/or is silver, I'm happy... but I don't care that much...



TCS Member
Jul 4, 2002
Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches? Yea, I do, but I don't have time to do them.

Any colors that you don't like? Umm, never thought of it. Oh that puce colour.

How do you feel about black & white photos? I love them!
do your kittys like to wear clothes? I think they will kill me in my sleep if I ever tried!
do you like to bake? Yep, just not very good at it!
who is your fav. sport star or team? The New Zealand All Blacks Rugby team!
what is your favorite sport? Baseball and rugby
What is one thing you absolutely DONT want from your SS? A gnome!

We should also include our fav types of movies, music and books!

Movies: I like most movies if they are well made.
Music: Dont listen to music.
Books: I love mysteries, well written ones, of course.

Do you have pierced ears? Are you allergic to any kinds of metal?
Do you like jewerly? What kinds? I don't really wear much jewellery but I love hippy jewellery. I am not allergic to metal or anything like that.
How many animals do you have? What kind (cats, dogs, etc!) Tell us a little about their favorite toys/treats! I just have the two cats.
Does your pet (s) have any allergies to certaint foods/treats that should be avoided? I don't know if anyone can send treats to NZ.
Do you like lip gloss? What flavors? Yep, I always wear lip gloss. I like mango flavours.
What kind of magazines do you enjoy reading? I don't read many magazines. I prefer books.
Do you enjoy board games? What is your favorite? I love board games. I love the Game of Life and that kind of stuff.
What are your favorite "comfort" things that make you happy? I haven't thought about it.
Are there any scents (candles/perfume/etc) that should be avoided due to allergies? Nope.

What size shirt do you wear? Large
Do you prefer t-shirts, sweatshirts or blouses? tshirts (3/4 tshirts)
Are you allergic to nuts? Nope, I love them!
Do you have an IPod or MP3 player? Can't listen to music, so nope.
Are you into crafts? What kinds? Yep - scrapbooking.
Do you paint your nails? What tones? Nope, I am a biter.

Do you wear makeup? What shades? Not really. Would love to try mineral stuff though - I have medium complexion.
How old are you? (roughly will do fine) 20 yr olds tend to like diff things than 50 yr olds 31

I think it would be helpful to know how many pets you have, their names, and a basic description of them including their likes, dislikes, and potentially even their appearance. If they have a favorite thing.. this is the time to post it. Peedoodle is the only one with a favourite toy and that is a pig. It is in need of a wash as it is completely covered in cat saliva.

What are your hobbies?! Reading, walking, scrapbooking, riding my scooter.

Do you like homemade gifts? Yep, I do.
If so, what kinds? Any
Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet? Yep, but I don't know if they can be sent to NZ due to customs. Only sealed food can be sent.

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies?

Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)? Tomatoes. I hate them.

Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...) Nope.

Do you live in a house or an apartment?? House

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? Bath. Any scent except rose.

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)? Do dust bunnies count?

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best? The vegemite jar lid ring.

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? I Don't mind.

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? I don't mind.

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? Yep, I like USA flag throws.

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? Definitely vibrant. I love bright colours!

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? No

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc) I never thought about it. I prefer paper that can easily be recycled.


Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
Summary of questions so far:

What are you favorite types of food?All types
Favorite types of chocolate?Dark chocolates are best
Favorite scents for candles?Not a big fan of candles
Favorite scents for lotions? Vanilla, spicy scents
If you like to read, do you have a problem with receiving a used book?Recycling is always good
Do you collect anything? Keyrings from places I've visited
What is your favorite color?Green
If your SS is from overseas, is there anything special you would like them to include?Something representative of their country

1-What colors are the rooms in your home?
Kitchen - Green
Living area - Red, Blue, Gold
Bathrooms - light blue/pink
bedrooms - Rose, sage green

2- what is your decorating style?Southwest in the family room; Indian in the living room

Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches? no
Any colors that you don't like?Orange
How do you feel about black & white photos? They can be fascinating
do your kittys like to wear clothes? No - I like to sleep at night without wondering I will be attacked at night
do you like to bake? I like baking bread.
who is your fav. sport star or team?
what is your favorite sport?
Not a sports fan
What is one thing you absolutely DONT want from your SS? Can't think of anything right now

We should also include our fav types of movies, music and books!

Movies: Dramas, comedies
Music: All sorts: Alternative, Bluegrass, Swing, Latin
Books: Mainly novels, good suspense or ghost stories (no gore)

Do you have pierced ears? yes
Are you allergic to any kinds of metal? no
Do you like jewerly? What kinds? Yes - simple, classic pieces
How many animals do you have? What kind (cats, dogs, etc!) Tell us a little about their favorite toys/treats! 3 cats. Lucy likes anything that is not a toy but she can shove off the desk. Carly likes all sorts of toys if they are small like mice.
Does your pet (s) have any allergies to certaint foods/treats that should be avoided? None
Do you like lip gloss? What flavors? not big on lip gloss
What kind of magazines do you enjoy reading? Economist, crochet magazines
Do you enjoy board games? What is your favorite? Don't really have a preference
What are your favorite "comfort" things that make you happy? A cup of tea in my favorite cup
Are there any scents (candles/perfume/etc) that should be avoided due to allergies?No

What size shirt do you wear?Medium (Though I like sweat shirts to be oversized)
Do you prefer t-shirts, sweatshirts or blouses? Sweatshirts, blouses - don't wear t-shirts
Are you allergic to nuts?no
Do you have an IPod or MP3 player?yes
Are you into crafts? What kinds? Crochet
Do you paint your nails? What tones?no - have really bad nails
How old are you? (roughly will do fine) 20 yr olds tend to like diff things than 50 yr olds45

Do you like homemade gifts?
If so, what kinds?
Yes - anything that the person puts time into is valuable to me

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies?I'm not really into cookies and would rather not receive them

Do you live in a house or an apartment??yes

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? Shower

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present?yes

Do you like to receive specialty socks as a gift? sure

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)?yes - doesn't matter

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones?dark rich colors, earth tones

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? no

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc)doesn't matter


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
What are your hobbies?!
I like most things crafty. I don't have a lot of room to do some of the things I would like, but I still enjoy them. I love reading, and oddley enough, I now enjoy working out. It's fun to me now!
It's so strange!

Do you like homemade gifts?
If so, what kinds?
I like anything homemade! One year I got homemade jam and it was really yummy and very cool to hear the story of them getting the berrys and making the jam! So... anything goes!!

Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet? Yes I would and Yes I have!!! Thanks Kim!
(DH laughed at me for doing it too!!)

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies? Umm... I'm a fat chick... I like anything! I guess, chewy are my favorite, any flavor!

Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)? I dislike pecans and walnuts, but that's about it.

Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...) Kitters loves the simplest of toys! Though she doesn't really care for milk rings. (may have to try some toys that mimic milk rings and see if she changes her mind - she does that a lot to me! She didn't used to like catnip, now she's a little addict!

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? I like bath products more than shower products. I like somewhat milder scents, not too strong as I have sensitive skin, but most things don't bother me too bad.

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)? Not that I can think of at all... ohh... wait... I collect Fat!!
I got lots, though since I have too much now to display nicely, I'm getting rid of some!
Who needs some? Free to good home!

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best? Again, Kitters is a stuffed animals, spongy balls, rope mice, daddys pens, mommys socks and darn near anything else she can get her paws on type of gal!!

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? Not so much as I don't have a tree, nor a place to put one up! (when and if I ever get a house with some sense of space that will surely change)

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? What kind (warm fuzzy ones, toe socks, ones with prints on them?).
I do, mostly slipper socks. If they are everyday socks for me though they HAVE to be mostly cotton, then polyester. No acetate, spandex or nylon and they react bad with more than a few hours wear. (make my feet stink! :ewe

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? I love them!!! And I like green and pretty much anything!

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? I like anything.

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? No.. I've bought her a couple, but I get worried about her getting caught on something so I take it off. She NEVER goes out so., it's not so big a deal, plus she's scared to go outside! (works fine for me)

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc) It doesn't matter at all!! It could be wrapped in infoil or newspaper for all I care. That's not a big deal to me.

Alright, must go to sleep, tired and hip is killing me! :eek:uch:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
This is great to be doing this again. I can't believe the last year has gone so fast. I have not been around much lately, due to visitors and general life problems, so it is wonderful to have a fun topic as an incentive to post again:

What are your favorite types of food? I like both savoury and sweet things - especially strongly flavoured. Not mint though.
Favorite types of chocolate? Anything with nuts in.
Favorite scents for candles? Spicy
Favorite scents for lotions? Citrus[/B
]If you like to read, do you have a problem with receiving a used book? I love used books
Do you collect anything? Decorated eggs, wall plates, small boxes and CATS!
What is your favorite color? Anything but brown/orange
If your SS is from overseas, is there anything special you would like them to include? Something typical and ethnic

1-What colors are the rooms in your home?
Kitchen yellow
Living area yellow
Bathrooms green/white
bedrooms yellow

2- what is your decorating style? simple with ethnic and classic touches

Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches? Not much
Any colors that you don't like? Brown/orange
How do you feel about black & white photos? Like good dramatic ones
do your kittys like to wear clothes? Only their collars
do you like to bake? Yes
who is your fav. sport star or team? Not into sports watching
what is your favorite sport? Horse riding
What is one thing you absolutely DONT want from your SS? keyring? But I don't mind really - I shall love everything

We should also include our fav types of movies, music and books!

Movies: Classics eg Casablanca
Music: Classical or easy listening
Books: Historical novels/biographies/books featuring cats
Do you have pierced ears? Are you allergic to any kinds of metal?
Do you like jewelry? What kinds? I do have pierced ears but rarely wear ear rings as I am allergic.
How many animals do you have? What kind (cats, dogs, etc!) Tell us a little about their favorite toys/treats! I have 7 cats and three ponies. The cats love feathered toys and catnip. The ponies really only like raw carrot and apple!
Does your pet (s) have any allergies to certain foods/treats that should be avoided? Not that I know
Do you like lip gloss? What flavors? I don't wear makeup
What kind of magazines do you enjoy reading? Don't read magazines
Do you enjoy board games? What is your favorite? Don't play board or card games
What are your favorite "comfort" things that make you happy? A cat on my lap (or preferably two or three!) White chocolate with nuts. Chocolate chip cookies
Are there any scents (candles/perfume/etc) that should be avoided due to allergies? None

What size shirt do you wear? Large - size 14 in UK, 44 in Europe, not sure in US
Do you prefer t-shirts, sweatshirts or blouses? I wear all of them not always at once though!
Are you allergic to nuts? No - I would die if I couldn't eat them!
Do you have an IPod or MP3 player? No
Are you into crafts? What kinds? Needlepoint and decorating eggs
Do you paint your nails? What tones? No
Do you wear makeup? What shades? No
How old are you? (roughly will do fine) 20 yr olds tend to like diff things than 50 yr olds My body was 63 last week - my mind is stuck between 15 and 30

I think it would be helpful to know how many pets you have, their names, and a basic description of them including their likes, dislikes, and potentially even their appearance. If they have a favorite thing.. this is the time to post it. My cats (except Cinders, the latest one) are in my siggy. They are all different and it would take ages to explain their personalities. My little foal, Tiffin, is a mischievous boy, already practicing to be a big stallion (he thinks!!!)

What are your hobbies?! Gardening, reading, looking after my animals

Do you like homemade gifts? Yes
If so, what kinds? Anything that reflects the presonality of the giver

Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet? Difficult one, but probably

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies? Chocolate chip

Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)? Not keen on dates

Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...) No, I supervise dangerous play

Do you live in a house or an apartment?? A farm

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? I like baths most - citrus scented

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)?

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best?

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? Yes, I have them from all over the world

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? Very happy - I wear socks all the time

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? Yes, neutral colours

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? My house is pale yellow with cream/rust furnishings. I am told I look best in bright colours, though they are not my favourites as colours!

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? Yes, safety elastic ones in their own colours - red, blue, green, black, purple, pink, yellow

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc) Wrapping paper only lasts as long as the cats take to shred it! So it should be cheap and cheerful

This was fun to answer, but I hope my SS is not now confused. I shall love anything and everything.


TCS Member
Mar 2, 2002
Lakewood (Denver suburb), Colorado
Do you live in a house or an apartment??

A townhome (attached single-family home). We do officially have "yard" but we don't maintain it (the HOA does). So any decorations would have to be seasonal.

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best?

Um, neither, actually. OK, let me clarify... It's not that I don't bathe - I do! But I'm one that generally rates sleep over a long shower, so I'm more of a get-in-and-get-out shower-er.
We have a small tub that's not much use for taking a bath.
If I had to choose, I would say shower, though.

For scents, the same as candles. Vanilla, lavendar, oh - and citrus for shower

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)?

Just kitty Christmas Ornaments.

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best?

Balls, catnip toys, honeysuckle toys, Da Bird

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present?

Yes!! I love ornaments because I will always remember back to where I got them when I'm decorating the tree.

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift?

Slipper socks are nice.

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)?

Probably too much! LOL I have an afghan on the recliner, another one on the couch, a black blanket on the couch, and a Colorado Avalanche throw on the couch. The cats have claimed everything on the couch as theirs to snuggle in.

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones?

I like the deep, rich colors. More muted than jewel tones, but still rich, if that makes any sense.

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind?

Nope. I'm trying to get Trent used to a harness (H-type), but Earl freaks when I put it on Trent. I don't know why, but he does.
I think I need to do it when Earl is knee deep in WOW.

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc)

Honestly, I've never even thought about it. I just appreciate the thought behind the gift. Doesn't matter if it's fancy packaged or not, it's the love contained within the gift that counts.



Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
Summary of questions so far:

What are you favorite types of food? mexican & italian
Favorite types of chocolate? i like it all!
Favorite scents for candles? bakery scents - chocolate, vanilla, etc.
Favorite scents for lotions? same as for candles
If you like to read, do you have a problem with receiving a used book? nope!
Do you collect anything? just cat-related items
What is your favorite color? royal blue, with hot pink as a very close 2nd
If your SS is from overseas, is there anything special you would like them to include? something from their area!

1-What colors are the rooms in your home?
Living area

all of the rooms in my house are blue - the front rooms are light blue, & the bedrooms are dark blue.
2- what is your decorating style?

Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches? i like difficult crosswords...
Any colors that you don't like? not really
How do you feel about black & white photos? i like them - i have a black & white section on my wall
do your kittys like to wear clothes? i'd say probably not - i've never tried them!
do you like to bake? yes
who is your fav. sport star or team? don't really have one
what is your favorite sport? baseball/softball for playing, ice skating for watching
What is one thing you absolutely DONT want from your SS? can't think of anything

We should also include our fav types of movies, music and books!

romantic comedies, suspense
Music: vocal jazz, classic rock
Books: all genres

Do you have pierced ears? yes Are you allergic to any kinds of metal? yes, nickel
Do you like jewelry? yesWhat kinds? necklaces or pendants
How many animals do you have? currently 5 cats Tell us a little about their favorite toys/treats! Cable likes 'skittery' toys, Chip LOVES catnip, Java likes furry things, Pixel likes small, soft toys. Firefox really likes crinkly things. they all like Kitty Kaviar, & Java likes Wildside Salmon.
Does your pet (s) have any allergies to certaint foods/treats that should be avoided? not that i'm aware of
Do you like lip gloss? no
What kind of magazines do you enjoy reading? cat ones, people
Do you enjoy board games? yes! What is your favorite? trivial pursuit
What are your favorite "comfort" things that make you happy?
books, chocolate & bubble baths
Are there any scents (candles/perfume/etc) that should be avoided due to allergies?
yes - anything that resembles Calvin Klein's 'Escape' or Estee Lauder's 'Sunflowers'

What size shirt do you wear? large to extra-large
Do you prefer t-shirts, sweatshirts or blouses?
t-shirts or sweatshirts
Are you allergic to nuts?
yes, but only almonds
Do you have an IPod or MP3 player?
Are you into crafts?
i knit, but i've got plenty of stuff.
Do you paint your nails?
yes - i use all different shades. i just found an emerald green!
Do you wear makeup?
yes. What shades? copper on my eyes, fair for my skin.
How old are you? (roughly will do fine) 20 yr olds tend to like diff things than 50 yr olds

I think it would be helpful to know how many pets you have, their names, and a basic description of them including their likes, dislikes, and potentially even their appearance. If they have a favorite thing.. this is the time to post it. check out my avatar for their appearance. Firefox is the only one not there - she's a torbie kitten.

What are your hobbies?! reading, watching tv, community theatre

Do you like homemade gifts? yep
If so, what kinds?
not picky

Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet? yes

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies?
anything with chocolate - i also love shortbread

Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)?
just almonds

Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...)

Do you live in a house or an apartment?? house

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? bath - see candles/lotions for scents

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? no - i don't decorate

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift?

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)?
don't really use them

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones?

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind?
they all have Ragtime collars

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc)
blue, with cats, of course!


TCS Member
Mar 22, 2005
More answers to more questions.

What are your hobbies?! Reading, watching movies, hiking, eating out
Do you like homemade gifts? Absolutely
If so, what kinds? Anything that reflect my SS's personality or creativity
Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet? Sure. I'm a trusting soul.

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies? Anything with chocolate
Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)? No
Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...) Definitely noisy ones. Gotta bunch of scaredy cats here.
Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? Either one, although I take more baths during colder weather and LOVE bubble bath. Prefer floral to fruity scents
Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)? No
Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? Yes. I inherited a bunch from my parents, but can also use more.
Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift? What kind (warm fuzzy ones, toe socks, ones with prints on them? I love the warm, fuzzy ones
Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)? Yes. I love blues, greens and pinks (more like rose, burgundy)
Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones? I more muted colors and pastels. My whole decorating scheme ended up being pale rose, green and blue, even though I didn't really intend it that way. Darker variations of these colors also work, like burgundy/maroon, navy, and forest green.
Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind? No
What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? I'm not picky about wrapping paper. I'll leave that up to my SS's good taste.


TCS Member
Jan 3, 2004
Nova Scotia
What are your favorite types of food? Italian, Mexican
Favorite types of chocolate? Milk, white (fave brand ~ Cadbury!)
Favorite scents for candles? Vanilla, pumpkin, food/fruity scents
Favorite scents for lotions? Vanilla
If you like to read, do you have a problem with receiving a used book? No problem at all!
Do you collect anything? Cat and Eeyore related things
What is your favorite color?Blue and silver
If your SS is from overseas, is there anything special you would like them to include? Something unique to your area (food is always good!!), or even something with the name of the place they are from (like a magnet, keychain, etc.)

What colors are the rooms in your home?
Kitchen ~ black, red, silver
Living area~ blue and red
~ yellow and blue (have a rubber duck theme in there!)
Bedroom ~ blue and green

What is your decorating style?

Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches? not really
Any colors that you don't like? pink, fluorescent colours
How do you feel about black & white photos? I LOVE black and white photos!!
do your kittys like to wear clothes? Never tried, and don't plan on it either!

do you like to bake? Not really
who is your fav. sport star or team? don't watch sports
what is your favorite sport? does surfing the internet count?

What is one thing you absolutely DONT want from your SS? I can't think of anything

Do you have pierced ears? Yes
Are you allergic to any kinds of metal? nickel
Do you like jewerly? Love jewellery!!
What kinds? Rings, pendants, earrings (in silver/silver-toned ~ hate yellow gold!)
How many animals do you have? What kind (cats, dogs, etc!) Tell us a little about their favorite toys/treats! Three kitties (the fourth, Piper, now lives with my aunt and cousin). They love soft toys (balls, mice), and Chester and Nala LOVE catnip!! Treats ~ anything!!

Does your pet (s) have any allergies to certaint foods/treats that should be avoided? If they do, I'm not aware of it!
Do you like lip gloss? What flavors? I love lip gloss, and like most flavours. However, I just bought a bunch, so don't really need any more right now!

What kind of magazines do you enjoy reading? I don't read magazines all that often
Do you enjoy board games? What is your favorite? Monopoly, Risk
What are your favorite "comfort" things that make you happy? Books, fleece throws, hot chocolate, being home with my kitties.
Are there any scents (candles/perfume/etc) that should be avoided due to allergies? not due to allergies, but I don't like flowery or musky scents

What are your hobbies?! Aside from spending far to much time on the internet, I love to read, photography

Do you like homemade gifts? Love homemade gifts
If so, what kinds? no particular kind

Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet? Sure

What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies?
Shortbread, sugar cookies, and you can never go wrong with chocolate chip!

Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)?
Not a big fan of peanut butter cookies

Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...)
noisy toys

Do you live in a house or an apartment?? apartment

Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best? Shower products / same as with lotions

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present? Definitely ~ I'm not big on Santa/Reindeer type though. I love stars, holly, lights, snowmen

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift?
Definitely!! I love cute socks and wear them all the time!

Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)?
Love 'em!

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones?
vibrant and muted/earth tones! Not too big on pastels

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind?
nope, they don't wear collars

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc)
Makes no difference to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 16, 2005
Land of Hope and Mica
Sorry SS have not finished this yet. I'll update it again when I get a minute.

What are you favorite types of food?
Favorite types of chocolate? Try not eat this
Favorite scents for candles? Fruity
Favorite scents for lotions? Fruity
If you like to read, do you have a problem with receiving a used book? Nope
Do you collect anything?
What is your favorite color? Purple
If your SS is from overseas, is there anything special you would like them to include?

Something from their hometown

1-What colors are the rooms in your home?
Living area

2- what is your decorating style?

Do you enjoy puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, wordsearches?
Any colors that you don't like?
How do you feel about black & white photos?
do your kittys like to wear clothes?
do you like to bake?
who is your fav. sport star or team?
what is your favorite sport?
What is one thing you absolutely DONT want from your SS?

We should also include our fav types of movies, music and books!


Do you have pierced ears? Are you allergic to any kinds of metal? Yes and no
Do you like jewerly? What kinds?


How many animals do you have? What kind (cats, dogs, etc!) Tell us a little about their favorite toys/treats!
Does your pet (s) have any allergies to certaint foods/treats that should be avoided?
Do you like lip gloss? What flavors? Anything berry
What kind of magazines do you enjoy reading?
Do you enjoy board games? What is your favorite?
What are your favorite "comfort" things that make you happy?
Are there any scents (candles/perfume/etc) that should be avoided due to allergies?

What size shirt do you wear? S/M
Do you prefer t-shirts, sweatshirts or blouses? t-shirt or sweaters
Are you allergic to nuts? nope
Do you have an IPod or MP3 player? Ipod
Are you into crafts? What kinds?
Do you paint your nails? What tones? Red, white, pink
Do you wear makeup? What shades?
How old are you? (roughly will do fine) 20 yr olds tend to like diff things than 50 yr olds

I think it would be helpful to know how many pets you have, their names, and a basic description of them including their likes, dislikes, and potentially even their appearance. If they have a favorite thing.. this is the time to post it.

3 cats Mica, Rocket, and Hopey.

Rocket is very naughty, but also very sweet. He lives with my MIL in Somerset. He is a grey tabby and doesn't play with toys very often as he has access to my MIL's garden, common in the UK.

Mica like to fetch crinkly toys. She is a balinese (long haired siamese) kitty who is very sweet. Not exactly a lapwarmer she does like being near people.

Hopey is a sweet girl. She purrs when you pick her up and she will of her own accord sleep in your lap. She like stringy toys, mousies, and catnip.

What are your hobbies?! Cats, reading, writing, traveling.

Do you like homemade gifts? Yes
If so, what kinds?

Would you eat homemade cookies sent by a person you only know via the internet?


What are your favorite kinds of cookies, esp. holiday cookies?

Chocolate chip

Are there any ingredients that should be avoided (i.e. something you hate or are allergic to)?


Are there any kind of cat toys that should be avoided? (i.e. feathers, string, noisy toys that scare kitty...)

Loud squeaky toys.

Do you live in a house or an apartment??


Do you prefer bath or shower products? What scents do you like best?

Bath products love fruity smells.

Do you collect anything (that wasn't mentioned in other replies)?

What kind of toys do your kitties/other animals like to play with best?

Toy on string, anything that crinkles, catnip mousies, and little balls.

Do you like Christmas ornaments/etc as a present?

Sure, that would be nice.

Do you like to recieve speciality socks as a gift?


Do you like throws/blankets? What color(s)?

That would be lovely.

Do you like more vibrant colors, pastels, or more muted/earth tones?

Vibrant or pastels.

Do your kitties wear collars? If so what kind?

Mica wears snap collars

What color wrapping paper do you like best when someone gives you a gift???? Any kind of themed paper you like best? (snowmen, reindeer, green..etc)
