Tell me about your wedding


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
where you have the reception can govern whether alcohol is allowed. one of my brothers & my sister both got married in a Methodist church & had the reception there, as well [2 different churches, same denomination]. you cannot serve alcohol w/in the church grounds, so both receptions were non-alcoholic. my other brother got married at a facility that wasn't a church, & they had several beers to choose from to drink, as well as non-alcoholic choices.
alcohol can REALLY jack up the reception costs - it's usually the MOST expensive thing to serve.
all of those weddings were pretty small - just family/friends. i think Gwynne's might've had the most people invited to it, 'cause her groom had more family than any other the other spouses-to-be.
our extended family [50+ members, still going strong - & we all try to attend weddings!] has outnumbered the other family at every wedding in my mother's side of the family.


TCS Member
Jul 15, 2003
There's no place like home
DH proposed on November 12th and we pulled off a 200 person wedding on December 30th.

We first found a judge who was available that day, then found a hall to hold the ceremony and reception.

I had a friend who was a graphic artist who drew up the invitations, which we took to a local printer as a rush job.

While the invitations were being printed, we gave the moms 2 days for a guest list. We had the invites in the mail within 1 week of the proposal.

Another friend worked part time as a DJ so we asked him to play music at the reception.

I called the local musicians guild and asked about a small band to play for the ceremony and during the dinner. I interviewed them over the phone. The woman told me she had never played a violin over the phone for an interview before. They had done the musical Cats in Chicago and were absolutely awesome!!

My maid of honor and I bought dresses off the rack. She picked hers out first so that she could have a party dress she could wear again.

I went back to the hall that we reserved and picked out the meal, decorations and they cake. I was going to ask a friend to make the cake but we didn't have the time. We ordered a birthday cake for a niece and nephew whose birthdays were around that time.

Somewhere in there we ordered flowers, the tux, and a person to video the ceremony. We bought cameras for the tables and gave our good camera to a friend to take pictures.

DH and I then moved 1200 miles across the country. Yes, during the 6 weeks between proposal and wedding, we packed our apartment and moved across the country.

Expectations for the ceremony were really low, as we planned it so fast. So any problems that happened we just laughed about.
- The judge was on his third wedding that day and was drunk.
- The camera person was clueless so a cousin, a photographer, grabbed the camera and got the good pictures.
- The DJ was a baffoon. The maitre de had to jump in and do all the announcements during the reception (what do you want for free?).
- DH was almost late for the wedding. He and the best man had car troubles on the way up to the hall.
- An ice storm hit that night.

But the good times:
- We laughed the entire time.
- My father in law, the perpetual curmudgeon, claimed it to be the best wedding he had every attended.
- The musicians were absolutely awesome!
- The maitre de ran the wedding. We tipped him very, very well.
- The food was superb.
- We got a margarita on the way down the aisle after the actual ceremony.
- The 5 minute ceremony was just the right length when you have a drunken judge bobbing back and forth while slurring his words.

And all of this for about $10,000. We didn't have time to find cheaper options.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2007
back home in VA!
how was your wedding? Big or little? It was medium around 150 people mostly his family a few of mine and many friends...
Expensive or inexpensive? not cheap not expensive...we didnt have to pay for the church because his dad is the preacher there...My dress was 750 dollars, the food (mom cooked) I shopped was around 500 dollars....His aunt made our cake...Moms DH took pictures around 500 dollars we got copies for the whole family...Honeymoon was free 1 week to the beach in my moms condo...If I had it to do over again I would have had a professional photographer. I would recommend this to anyone!

Location? His dads church

Alcoholic or non alcoholic? non....

All in all it turned out very beautiful. Had we of done it our way we would have got married at The Depot a very beautiful dinner place with a church...but his dad refused to have the wedding anywhere but our church...


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
Originally Posted by strange_wings

Tiny - Married at the courthouse by a judge (she was nice, too)
Ours was at the courthouse too, and it was very nice. Neither of us wanted to waste the money on a big wedding. Just as well as we're no longer together


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
ooh...thank you for asking, I love being able to talk about this topic!

We planned all this with him on one coast and me on the other, tried to keep initial costs down as we thought we'd be paying for everything ourselves. My parents (long divorced) did decide/offer to pay, and that was a special gift all in itself.

We were married at a Lodge at a public park - gorgeous grounds, nice kitchen facility, beatiful cobblestone fireplace. We planned to be married outside under some apple trees - had rented an brass arch (doubt this is how one puts it but you get the picture) which was to be decorated with fresh flowers...however, it was grey, windy and threatening rain. I couldn't do that to my family, a lot of whom were elderly.

So the arch was set up in front of the cobblestone fireplace and it worked out just fine.

Though my husband is Catholic, he met with and we agreed to be married by a retired Methodist minister who was very special to me when I was growing up.

I had my gown designed and made by a seamstress who came highly recommended and finding the fabric and lace was something else (kept costs down if I found/bought the fabric myself)...with an online friend knowing the best place for me to buy shantung silk, a west coast place having the lace front and back piece I turned out so beautiful and was still under $1,000.

My Matron of Honor and my 3 bridesmaids were all my best friends - and I made sure to choose dresses that weren't the traditional bridesmaid dresses - my Matron of Honor wore maroon, and the bridesmaids were in a rose, blue and purple, each had flowers where the ribbons matched the color of their dress exactly. The two flower girls (both daughters of my friends) did not have matching dresses...we simply went and found two lovely dresses for each, and handmade headband with ribbons and artificial flowers.

The groomsmen were 3 of my husband's 5 brothers and looked SO gorgeous!

The caterer we found on a recommendation - went to the restaurant they had first, to trial their food, and then did hire them..they made a dish my husband to be had created, and just were super. They came, set up in the kitchen, set up the buffet table and did clean was so convenient!

They also rescued my wedding cake (we have this on video - though I didn't hear about it until after the wedding!)...the cake's top layer began to lean worse than the Tower of Piza - the chef managed to gently righten it without indenting the frosting

The cake itself was quite a story. I had wanted an Italian rum cake and we had a cookbook with a famous Utica bakeries recipe (the Florentine bakery) but the gal we hired to make the cake (known for her lovely icing work especially) let us know two days before the wedding that she couldn't get the recipe to work! My sweet aunt who lives in Utica, went down to the bakery and got what she calls a cafe cake - it had the flavors I wanted, we gave that to our cake maker, she scraped off their icing, used it as one of the 3 tiers of the cake and did her basketweave magic, with some fresh flowers also decorating the cake.

For the cake topper, we had an artist whose work we were introduced to when dating, make a custom piece (NOT expensive) was two cats - one in a tux with straight ears, one in a wedding dress with curled ears...real whiskers on each
and our names/date on the base they were standing on. My step-father carved a computer mouse which was also placed on the cake (since we met online).

Anyhooo....this is long enough. It was relatively small - under 100 I think. Both my Aunt Mamie and my mom stepped up and made Italian cookies that my husband and I served to our guests at the reception.

Our program, dh designed himself and printed up the day before at Kinkos. It featured a poem I began years before, and finished when I met my husband...which we now have framed with a fancy border, and hanging on our wall. It was about the longing of my heart for a soul mate.

For music we hired a quartet of music teachers who worked together doing such events for the pre-wedding music and processional.
My wedding present from a very special pair of friends who are professional musicians was for them to sing one of my favorite songs - The Wedding Song (she played bass and he placed accoustic was so lovely and the quartet also played for this

Honeymoon - we simply drove up to the Thousand Islands where my mom at that time had a small victorian vacation home and spent a couple of days there.

Then we drove my cats (my packed up house and car my mom and step-dad drove for was one processional cross-country!) cross-country...but that's a story for another day.

Sorry this is so long...


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 24, 2006
On the 12th floor
DH and I found the mayor of our town and asked him to marry us on a wonderful Sunday afternoon. Total cost: $150.00 ($50.00 of that went to a gift certificate to his favorite restaurant as a gift for doing the wedding). Yes, it really can be that inexpensive.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
We are both laid back casual people but agreed we wanted a large (we both come from big families) traditional indoors wedding in a fantastic old looking big church with stained glass, the reception followed after the wedding. The wedding was gorgeous as well and was the wedding of our dreams. It took awhile to plan, but the families were very helpful! I know that isn't the route for everyone, but I wouldn't have had it any other way, it was a magical and wonderful day!

I had 5 bridesmaids, all in my family. He had 5 as well on his side.
Beer and other alcoholic drinks were served liberally at the reception


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
Originally Posted by laureen227

you cannot serve alcohol w/in the church grounds, so both receptions were non-alcoholic.
Catholic churches you can


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2008
We haven't had a real wedding yet (i.e. legal and all that), but when we do it'll be about 50 people. We somehow have all of our bases covered by family and friends. His brother is a chef so he'll be making a family style meal of "upscale" barbeque/southern comfort foods. We will have alcohol available with dinner, but I don't really want people getting hammered so it'll be limited. All of the beer will be from the local microbrewery and the wine will be local as well. I plan to make all of the dinnerware and serving dishes. I don't like cake so I'm not paying for a cake I won't eat. I was thinking fresh fruit and ice cream instead. My brother thought it'd be funny to get ordained online a couple years ago, and since that makes him legal in Michigan he'll be officiating. DH is a photographer so a friend of his will be doing the photography. I was also going to get all of the flowers by finding local and in season flowers. Oh, and since it'll be August it'll all be outside by the water.

And I forgot to add that my sister is a hair stylist too, and we won't be having a wedding party.


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2006
DH and I organised our wedding in 7 weeks once we realised we were moving to the US and needed to be married for the visa (the wedding date had been set for the year after).

We didn't want to spend a fortune, so kept things pretty simple, but still had 80 or so people, with a beautiful setting, and a fun time.

We had the ceremony and the reception at the same venue - a beautiful hall at the local university. We were going to have the ceremony outside in the gardens, but the weather was a bit iffy, so we had it inside with a fireplace right behind us!

We had a high school string quartet playing during the ceremony which was so beautiful. They were really professional, and weren't too expensive.

We hired the suits for the men which turned out to be cheap. We had a friend of a friend who did photography shoot the wedding. We put in money for his petrol costs, and paid for a room in the place we were all staying, and he gave us an awesome deal. We bought the flowergirls dress off ebay. I figured most DJ's are pretty much the same, and we just wanted fun music, so chose someone cheap a friend recommended.

The venue we were using had a package which included pretty much everything, which we chose. So they set up the entire venue how we wanted, we chose a 3 course meal from a bunch of options they had, and they provided the alcohol (and the champagne was their own "brand", so cheaper than other options we had, and was soooooo good - so many people asked us what it was).

Because we didn't have to pay separate companies to come and set things up it made it much cheaper, and they were organised because they didn't have other people getting in their way.

So we had the whole white wedding, without anything being too over the top, so it was formal enough to enjoy the whole wedding experience, but casual enough for everyone to be relaxed and have fun.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2003
Double Springs, Alabama
OMG.......18 years and I STILL love to think of it!

Mind husbands sister is a wonderful seamstresss, she does pagent dresses and such for others so her wedding gift to me and Charlie was to make my dress and my two bridesmaids dresses for ONLY the cost of the fabric and trims.

Hub was already catering then, so he did both cakes and all the food, just called in family "favors" to keep everything flowing. So there again, only the cost of food.

We rented the tuxes for two groomsmen, two ushers, two priests and Charlie.

Rental for the church and fellowship hall (including cleanup was about $150.

We went to Gulf Shores for our honeymoon (his boss at the time had a condo there that he let us use for free for a week)..

The wedding was beautiful, the only hitch was the fact that just before the wedding march, our friend was to sing "Wind Beneath My Wings"......he started the tape, stood up, it played a few notes and the machine ate the tape!!!

I don't remember how much the photographer and video cost, but the total cost for the wedding, about 250 folks was under $1000. If I find some pics I'll scan them and post them.

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Our wedding was relatively cheap money-wise. We got the marriage license ($50), then got married at a public park in downtown Charleston (Required a $100 deposit and $90 park fee - we got $100 back). The officiant cost $150. I spent $50 on my wedding dress (bought it from someone I know and it was altered for free), Rob spent $120 renting a tux. I got silk flowers for my bouquet so I could keep it later, as well as silk flowers for the boutin-whatever's the guys wear, and a bouquet for my cousin (she was the "witness" for my side, Rob's brother was his "witness" - we didn't have a wedding party). They cost about $60 for all the flowers. We all went to dinner at Olive Garden afterwards, and someone else picked up the check for us (I think it was his grandparents).

We held our wedding reception on the Saturday following our wedding (we were married on a beautiful, 80* Tuesday in February). We had the reception on our land where we are putting our house. Had a bonfire reception and invited friends, family, and coworkers. That too was pretty cheap - my mom cooked, his aunt cooked, and we had assorted snacks that didn't require cooking (and some s'mores!). Bought a keg, some wine and some of those Smirnoff Ice drinks. The photographer was free too (at both wedding and reception), but his mom gave her money for her services.

I think in the end, it was around $600-700 total. We got almost $2,000 in gift money, as well as a few hundred in gift cards to buy things for our home. So it worked out rather well. It was pretty funny getting a check from my team leader at work

All of it was really nice. It felt more "personal" having the reception on our land, like a large party celebrating the marriage. And downtown was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. We have pictures with the harbor in the background, and just the old-Southern look to the park is nice.

Our honeymoon was probably the most expensive part of it all! $1500 for the cruise, $60 in gas for the car to drive to/from FL, $740 spent while on the ship, and $1000 or so spent souvenirs and an eternity band he bought me in St. Thomas (he's giving it to me on our 1 year wedding anniv).

miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
Yay!! I love weddings

DH and I were married on Sept 2/06. The weather was crummy but it was still a beautiful day.

We were married and had our reception done at a local golf course. It was so easy and fairly inexpensive. I'll pm you their website Natalie!


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2006
Oh yeah - for cars, we rented them through Hertz, and just did the ribbons on them ourselves. For "bridal cars", they wanted close to $1000 I think because they had chauffers, and rolled out red carpet every time you stepped out the car (the idea of that cracked me up). Instead my mum's partner at the time (who is a fabulous man) drove the girls car, and one of the groomsmen drove the other car.

You can hire a fancy car for the day MUCH cheaper, so don't waste your money unless you particularly want all the pomp (which is understandable if you do!).
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trouts mom

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Mar 4, 2006
Snowy Santa Land
Wow, thanks for sharing everyone! The stories are wonderful

I will keep this thread in mind when its actually an event that will be happening..I really have no idea on the timeframe. If Josh had his way, it would be this summer!
Crazy boy.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
We had about 175 guests came I think. I had a big bridal party; 7 bridesmaids, 6 grooms men, a flower girl, a junior bridesmaid and a ring bearer. We didn't have alcohol, so that kept the cost down, but it was on the expensive side. We cut costs on things like flowers since I'm trained in floral arranging.


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
Originally Posted by cococat

Catholic churches you can
i know - my cousin was married at her local [hometown] Methodist church. for the reception, we went across the street to the Catholic church, because she wanted to have wine served.