Sunday Question of the Day, 10th of January 2021


Mother of one and numerous ferals
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Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Hello and Happy Sunday!!

I've asked this before but I will again.

We've all done it, a faux pas, you've said or done something incredibly stupid or embarrassing and wish you could hide.

I did this earlier this mornng. I was playing Words with Friends and I commented on how cute my opponent's dog was in her profile pic. She replied, "That's me!!" OMG, I wanted to take back my words but I just said oh well then you're very pretty!! She gave me an lol and it was fine. I'm so glad she had a sense of humor, ha!!!

What about you? You can have more than one
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Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
what did you do? ha!!!
Well I pretended I knew I was doing and made this silly "excuse" that I would not be able to come on the "exact" day because I suddenly had to be somewhere.

But really, I prayed that the earth would swallow me then and there. I knew that my friend was aware I was lying, but somehow just acted as if she accepted my story. It was the most embarrassing day of my life. Nothing beats that. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
I did this earlier this mornng. I was playing Words with Friends and I commented on how cute my opponent's dog was in her profile pic. She replied, "That's me!!" OMG, I wanted to take back my words but I just said oh well then you're very pretty!! She gave me an lol and it was fine. I'm so glad she had a sense of humor, ha!!![/B][/SIZE]
That is so funny!

Once a new employee asked my bosses secretary when her baby was due. She was not pregnant and she was not amussed.

I am sure that I have done and said plenty of dumb things but I can't think of any right now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
I did this earlier this mornng. I was playing Words with Friends and I commented on how cute my opponent's dog was in her profile pic. She replied, "That's me!!" OMG, I wanted to take back my words but I just said oh well then you're very pretty!! She gave me an lol and it was fine. I'm so glad she had a sense of humor, ha!!![/B][/SIZE]
That is so funny!

Once a new employee asked my bosses secretary when her baby was due. She was not pregnant and she was not amussed.

I am sure that I have done and said plenty of dumb things but I can't think of any right now.
My mom did that to a lady in a store once.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
This was Banshee's fault, way back when she was a wee kitten. We had company (not friends, more like acquaintances) and we were in the living room chatting. And Banshee came running out the hallway with one of my bras in her mouth. She got to the middle of the living room, tripped on the bra, and went butt over head. And sprawled there in my bra. Silence. Total silence. And then the guy just roared, he was laughing so hard. His wife actually asked me what kind of bra it was, that it was really pretty. I was mortified.

And then there was the time that my car was in the garage. We only had two vehicles at the time, so Rick had taken me to work that morning. I worked at the paper plant and a friend of mine (not a close friend, I didn't know him that well at the time), Little John, offered to take me home. It was on his way and he said it was no trouble. So I thanked him, we got into his truck and headed for home. (His truck, BTW, was 15 million feet off the ground; it had those huge tires and it was jacked way up. I had a time getting in, but I managed.) Well, we got home and I told him not to bother going up the driveway, that I'd just walk. Thanked him and got out of the truck. I forgot that we were 15 million feet off the ground and slipped out.....into a huge mud puddle. Slipped in the mud and ended up flat on my back under the truck with only my head showing. And all I could see was LJ's head with wide eyes, leaning over, and saying, "Pam, are you OK?" I dragged my sorry butt out from under the truck, looked at LJ and said, "If you ever even mention one word about this, I will kill you! I swear you'll be a dead man!" Once he saw that I was all right, he started laughing. In fact, he was laughing so hard, he had to hold his stomach. And the bloody tears were rolling down his face. Again, I was mortified. But, to my knowledge, he never said a word to our co-workers. He would, however, come over to my station at work and say, "I know!" Laugh like heck and walk away. We actually became pretty good friends; his wife would come in and use the pool.

But everything, including me, was mud: my coat, my clothes, my backpack. Rick and our son came home, saw everything strewn out in the yard to dry. Walked into the house and asked, "What the heck happened?" I told them and they started laughing. I was not amused. Took me forever to get that crap out of my hair.

I am a natural-born idiot and have other stories as well. But you get the idea.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
I put myself through college working at a Friendly's restaurant. (I actually ended up staying after my first degree, working it as a second job as I went through my master's program and thesis.) I started off as a server. We had a couple of options to say to a table when greeting them. That month, we were pushing appetizers. I could say, "Hi, my name is Elphaba. I am going to be your server today," ending with "Can I start you off with some (insert appetizer of choice) and (choice of beverage)?" or "Can I get you (appetizer of choice) and (choice of beverage)?" My mouth combined the two into "Can I get you off with." My appetizer of choice was mozzarella sticks, while the drink was a Coke. Thankfully, they were amused by it and left a good tip.

About six months later, I was in the cooler trying to reach some Italian salad dressing—one of those gallon-sized containers—but it was just a wee bit too high and my fingers just reached it. (I am 5' tall with shorter than average arms and legs.) I was able to scoot it to off the edge and was almost successful until someone slammed the cooler door and scared me. Most of the slightly used gallon spilled down the front of me. I lived half an hour away, so I could not go home for a quick shower. They did have extra shirts, but it had soaked through to my underclothes and skin and was all over the area of my pants that had not been protected by my apron. (I also got a new apron.) I REEKED of Italian salad dressing. I had to preface each introduction with "Sorry for the strong smell. I had an accident with Italian dressing." I am not a fan of salad dressing in general, and the incident made me hate Italian dressing. (Yes, I eat my salads without dressing.)

Side note: If you are one the shorter end, you know that we short people think we are taller than we are and will try to reach stuff we know we cannot reach first before getting a step stool. If our fingers touch it, we will keep trying long before admitting defeat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I am a physical/massage health care provider, and there was one time that a client was talking about what was hurting him prior to the treatment. Thankfully he is a long time client, with a great sense of humor. So he's done explaining his issue, so I said to him, "Don't worry, I'll rub one out for you." I realized immediately that my choice of words was SO not right....He grinned at me, and replied.."So you're saying I've been missing out all these years!?"...I said, "You know darn well that's not what I meant, now get your butt on the table!" as we both laughed. I could feel my face was beet red.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
I don't know how this happened, but I was at a movie theater bathroom. The b.r. was a mess and I almost didn't want to go there, but I had to go really bad.:disappointed: When I met my friend in the hallway, she took one look at me and went into a laughing fit. A couple of teens and old people were smirking and laughing. It turned out that a long stream of toilet paper got stuck to my shoe. My friend joked that I had a toilet paper stream stuck to my shoe that was longer than the train on Princess Di's wedding dress.😳 Well, after the initial embarrassment, I had a good laugh over the situation. It was pretty funny. :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
Back in the days of garter belts, mine came unfastened and slid down to my knees while hubby and I were at a salad bar. I pushed my plate into his hands and said, " Here, take this. " I wanted to go to the ladies room to take off the garter belt and stockings and stuff them in my purse. He said, " No, I don't like that." and put it back in my hands. All I could think to do was hobble to the ladies room with my plate. If anyone had been in there they would have thought I had a very strange eating disorder! :hide:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 20, 2019
I have, several times, mistaken strangers for other people that I knew. I’ve full on conversations (except it was just me talking to the person, who was too polite to interrupt), vented, talked about a weird subject that only me and the person knew about, and recounted strange memories that would sound weird too anybody who wasn’t involved. I guess I just have poor facial recognition :lol:
I’ve also told jokes to people that I didn’t know very well that I thought were hilarious but the other person clearly didn’t find amusing. That’s such an awkward predicament to be in!😹


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I've said and done so many embarrassing things but the first one that came to mind was when I was on the phone and got call waiting. It was my neighbor so I put the first person on hold and told my neighbor I couldn't talk because two people I knew just died and I was talking to one of them now. :flail: My husband has never let me live that one down.;)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
At a friend's bridal shower I was talking with a group of people including my sister. My sister's cat, Lilli, had recently died and she was saying how she hated feeling pressured to put her to sleep and I said, "Lilli needed to die," which was not at all what I meant to say. My friends were like, "there's Alyssa with her tact." I tried to explain what I meant which was that it was better for Lilli to be put down because she was suffering. My sister and I have a very good relationship despite that brain and mouth disconnect I had back then.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2020
Ah yes, the curse of social anxiety is being constantly aware of all the dumb stuff you've done throughout your entire life.

In 4th grade, my friend was in a class that was going to do a play. My older brother had been in that class and had played the character my friend was going to play. When I told my brother, he jokingly said he'd beat up anyone who tried to play the role. Me, being used hanging out with my bro and the neighborhood boys, didn't really think anything about it. I jokingly repeated it to my friend. Turns out I did not say it jokingly enough and she was legitimately terrified. I felt so horrible. I got sat down by the counselor to talk about what had happened and I think I was crying more than she was. I gave her my prized Lisa Frank eraser to say I was sorry. THe counselor asked if they needed to call my parents about what had happened. I shook my head, but couldn't know for sure. I still get slightly nervous when I'm in a car alone with my parents thinking that they're going to suddenly bring it up. In the end, my friend and I were friends again and she played the part and everything was fine. But for YEARS after that, I'd wake up in a cold sweat thinking about it.

Also every single time I talk to the guy I have a crush on, I totally mess it up and say wrong and weird things. To be fair to me, he always talks to me when it's too loud and I never know if he's going to try English or Korean first and he's always around cool guys or being asked to have pictures taken with him. It's roughhhhhhhhhhh for someone with social anxiety who also is trying to cross the threshold between fan and friend.
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Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Back in the days of garter belts, mine came unfastened and slid down to my knees while hubby and I were at a salad bar. I pushed my plate into his hands and said, " Here, take this. " I wanted to go to the ladies room to take off the garter belt and stockings and stuff them in my purse. He said, " No, I don't like that." and put it back in my hands. All I could think to do was hobble to the ladies room with my plate. If anyone had been in there they would have thought I had a very strange eating disorder! :hide:
OMG, Deb, I think by far you get a prize, ha!!! :flail::lol2:
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Mother of one and numerous ferals
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I did this earlier this mornng. I was playing Words with Friends and I commented on how cute my opponent's dog was in her profile pic. She replied, "That's me!!" OMG, I wanted to take back my words but I just said oh well then you're very pretty!! She gave me an lol and it was fine. I'm so glad she had a sense of humor, ha!!![/B][/SIZE]
That is so funny!
It was later but when it first happened it was so not funny, ha!! We played this morning and it's cool.