Suddenly terrified of the treats he loves...


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2016
Earlier this morning, my cat Graham tried to jump onto a dining room chair. Something went horribly wrong and he fell off it - very awkwardly - which I only half-caught happening, and was so panicked watching it happen, I didn't even pay full attention to how he landed. On his side? His head? Front legs heavy? Back legs heavy? I couldn't honestly tell you if you offered me a million bucks. I just remember he fell awkwardly.

He did, however, get up and move around... a little gingerly... but I watched him, then felt him all over and I assume nothing broken (it's not a huge drop from chair seat to the floor after all), and he seemed OK. But it still worried me because he's 15 years old and been a bit off with his back legs lately and I feared it might be related to that, or he was possibly re-injuring something that had been causing his recent troubles.

( His past history, featuring the weak/injured back legs is in this mega long thread - )

But that's not the point of this thread...!!!

Once I was sure he was alright, I said, "Let's have a treat to cheer up!" and he got excited as he heard the bag of treats being rustled.

These are fairly new treats, glucosamine heavy, to help his senior joints. This past week he has gobbled them like crack. He's excited to know they're coming, he gobbles them with glee, and he cries for more. He ADORES them.

So I get down on my knees with a treat in hand... he's excited... then he smells the treat and pulls away.

I offer it again. He smells it and looks at me in TERROR. No puffy tail, but he is freaked out.

"What's wrong?" I ask, and he RUNS down the hallway to another room, peeking out from its doorway.

I gave it 15 mins then went down the hall and tried it again. He basically shook his head and moved away again.

Naturally, I won't be trying the treats any time soon, Maybe another 12hrs at the earliest.

So, any thoughts on this? Have you had a cat who's gone from adoring something to being terrified of it? I'm trying to think whether he equates the treat with his accident, but the treats weren't out, or near, where he fell awkwardly. It seems something in their smell is putting him off? Maybe he's nauseous from the accident and they don't go well with that? No idea.

In every other way, however, he's moving pretty well, purring (with ears forward), and being loving to me.

He just doesn't want to know about the treats...?!?
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Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Well that's different. Nausea usually presents with smacking of lips, or showing interest in food but ultimately walking away. But not fear. The weirdest thing Lucky did was to try and bury something he didn't want to eat (even if he used to love it).

I can't even imagine why he'd be scared of a treat, of all things. To not be interested, that I get. But not afraid.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2016
Yeah, it's one of the weirdest damn things I've seen.

It's not fear of me... I can approach, and he's absolutely normal.

It's not fear of the environment... he's now roaming all over the house.

It's not fear of food or drink in general... I've seen him have both at least a couple of times since.

It's... bizarre. I cannot explain enough how much he's LOVED these treats... until this moment.
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cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I wouldn't know, either.  Changes as to why a cat suddenly does not like a treat or food, is still a mystery to me. Is it smell, taste, sore teeth, sore mouth? Stomach acid? etc.

I just can never tell. I end up trying so many different cat foods and treats, to find one that they like.

But being afraid of a treat...versus just indifferent, and not interested, is not something I'm familiar with.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Was there something on your hands that could have put him off? Had you just washed your hands or washed dishes, anything like that? Cats are really sensitive to smell, he might be picking up on something you're not even aware of.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2016
That is a good thought, Norachan, but I can't say I'd done anything I haven't done 100 times before; stuff which has never bothered him.

Probably in the previous 15 min, I'd washed my hands. But with the same soap he's smelled many times before.

I just tried again. He eyed the bag with fear and actually backed away from it. So I took it away, and tried him with just the treats. He ate them.

(And just for added info... Graham never backs away in fear *from anything* so it's really out of character and weird...)

He ate without the same happiness or gusto as previous occasions, but at least he ate. Now I'm wondering what's up with the bag.

Just a simple, small, plastic bag with a ziplock. He's seen it many times before. Used to love smelling it. I'm at a total loss...
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