Struggling With Play Time

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Video of Brindy carrying her toy cause she's adorable. It's not letting me upload the video, so click here.


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Mar 14, 2016
Agreed. Awwwwww, she is so good!!!

Yes. :/ As you get older it gets even more challenging. :( Yes, you do have "the eye". Well, you are doing something right to get the pictures you get. Yes, very scary. :( Yes, hopefully some day I will be able to get into a store again. :/

:/ But she has to be that way for now. Awwwww, I know. I WISH I could take her. SO frustrating. People really are frustrating. Yep. People.............................. :(

Yes. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yep. BUT maybe something will invent something even more meaningful. Fingers crossed. We have a water crisis because of this stuff. :(

Awwwwwwwwww. Yes, I guess they do do what they need to. Interesting, I did not know that. Yes, I am trying. I am giving them food now. So far so good. I also get them nuts but they seem to bury them. :/ Yes, I started small and it is gone. The one does beg now though....................... So I give him a nut. Awwwww, I really like the opossum. :/ I wonder why people do not like them? They are gentle creatures.

I can't get the video. Any idea why?


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Apr 29, 2022
A few minutes at first is a good thing. It will build. Keep at it.

Get them moving for meal time by hiding foods for "hunting", homemade puzzles and/or treat balls. My 3 are 16, 1.5 and 10 mo. It is huge quality time to hunt food around the living room at night together. Each a different level of difficulty. They love it.

I got some recycled rabbit fur toys from Etsy for my 1.5 who was born outside. Loves em. He prefers I get on the floor and wiggle things around boxes and behind cat trees.
Catnip can help to get them hyper.

If they eat dry, tossing kibbles is a fun game.

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
A few minutes at first is a good thing. It will build. Keep at it.

Get them moving for meal time by hiding foods for "hunting", homemade puzzles and/or treat balls. My 3 are 16, 1.5 and 10 mo. It is huge quality time to hunt food around the living room at night together. Each a different level of difficulty. They love it.

I got some recycled rabbit fur toys from Etsy for my 1.5 who was born outside. Loves em. He prefers I get on the floor and wiggle things around boxes and behind cat trees.
Catnip can help to get them hyper.

If they eat dry, tossing kibbles is a fun game.
They do get a scatter feed for a snack, but not really hidden. Most of their meals are wet food and these activities can be a bit difficult to set up with three cats and two dogs. My female tends to be quite a bit faster than the males, so she needs to get things separately to make sure she doesn't get too much.

Rabbit furs could be a good idea. I did just order a rabbit fur toy for the dogs. Who knows, maybe the cats will like it.

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Agreed. Awwwwww, she is so good!!!

Yes. :/ As you get older it gets even more challenging. :( Yes, you do have "the eye". Well, you are doing something right to get the pictures you get. Yes, very scary. :( Yes, hopefully some day I will be able to get into a store again. :/

:/ But she has to be that way for now. Awwwww, I know. I WISH I could take her. SO frustrating. People really are frustrating. Yep. People.............................. :(

Yes. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yep. BUT maybe something will invent something even more meaningful. Fingers crossed. We have a water crisis because of this stuff. :(

Awwwwwwwwww. Yes, I guess they do do what they need to. Interesting, I did not know that. Yes, I am trying. I am giving them food now. So far so good. I also get them nuts but they seem to bury them. :/ Yes, I started small and it is gone. The one does beg now though....................... So I give him a nut. Awwwww, I really like the opossum. :/ I wonder why people do not like them? They are gentle creatures.

I can't get the video. Any idea why?
Stella is having really bad diarrhea and has thrown up once today. :( Not sure what to think of that. She doesn't get sick very often, but it always seems to be diarrhea when she does get sick.

Things do get harder with age, but I think learning new things can be good for the brain too, no matter how old. It's stimulating. That's something we focus on a lot with dogs. I mostly just mess with things until I get it right! Well, as you do things over and over again you get to know the settings just from experience. I do mostly the same things for all of my pictures for the shelter, so it's gotten easier. I'm trying to really learn about it all now though.

Well, the meds don't seem to be affecting Brindy as much anymore. Not sure that's a good thing though. She had two meets in two days. I did one, but haven't heard anything from them since. The other ended up adopting a puppy instead. Yes, people are very frustrating. I don't get it. They should be prepared for the commitment.

Maybe. But it's a tricky situation. We need more people to care. It's hard to get them to care about something that happens so slowly and isn't really going to have any dire affects for hundreds or thousands of years. But it is already affecting us even if it's not especially deadly yet. It's still becoming more dangerous.

Opossums are pretty impressive when you actually learn about them. Well, burying is a very squirrel thing to do. You're helping plant trees! ;) Haha, that's adorable. I'm not sure I've heard of a squirrel begging before. I'm not really sure why people took such a dislike towards opossums. I guess most not think they're very attractive. They seem to have a bit of a reputation for having rabies too, but it's actually very rare for them to get rabies. They're really great animals to have around.

I'm not sure. It works for me, but it wouldn't let me upload it as just a normal video. I guess because it's so short, it automatically uploaded it as a short. Very irritating. I'll try to figure it out.


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Apr 29, 2022
They do get a scatter feed for a snack, but not really hidden. Most of their meals are wet food and these activities can be a bit difficult to set up with three cats and two dogs. My female tends to be quite a bit faster than the males, so she needs to get things separately to make sure she doesn't get too much.

Rabbit furs could be a good idea. I did just order a rabbit fur toy for the dogs. Who knows, maybe the cats will like it.
I understand completely about the wet food. You can get lick mats and things for wet food if you desire. I haven't tried them. And yes tricky with the dogs too.

For the feeding I do easy mode for Nobel and harder for the other two. Nobel's are like, 3 under a chair and 3 on each of his old man steps.
For the other two they are under toys and up high, on the ball track (surprise to me, Nobel can get those too after watching the trouble twins). I have two small "treat" feeders and a bee-ball. I found that the boys are more attracted to the harder ones and tend to leave Nobel's easy ones alone now that they have a routine. Freeze dried treats or food can work well for this if your cats will go for that.

Perhaps the dogs could join in on the nightly food enrichment with a Kong or chew? Basically, you're just wanting to do something that stretches out that time before your cats go sleep, even though you are getting ready for it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
:( Poor Stella. Did she eat something different or something that was "too rich"?

That is very true. I really should do it when I can. As you say, it is good for the mind and that is very important. Yes, like baking or cooking. Finding that right "setting": It is just hard with something you can't see or feel. But I guess I could tell by how the pictures look after. But getting to see them on a computer is scary. Hopefully someday I can go into a store and have them show me. Well, you have a talent. Whatever else you can learn you will.

I would think that is good. Why not? Well, it is best if they aren't really good for her. I still don't understand but maybe it is just the wrong people. Yes. But most people are not like us. :(

Yes. :/ Well, it sure seems like it is having a bad effect already. Water is a serious issue. :/ Then the storms. I agree with you and any changes ew make will take time as well. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. BUT the changes made over the decades have helped. We had terrible smog before and now it is much better. Hopefully people wake up and keep trying to make progress.

Interesting, I didn't know that. I just kinda like them, they are cute and really nice. Yep. :/ It is cute BUT he is getting annoying now, begging. AND one of them got really mean to my cats and the cats backed off. One of the cats has taken on coyotes so being afraid of a squirrel is crazy!! But that squirrel was mean. He was eating next to them then started "boxing" them and drove them away from the food. I have never seen anything like it. I am creating a monster!!! I don't get the opossum view. I think they are cute. Ewwwwwwww, rabies. Good to know they don't usually get it. Ughhhhhh I get very close to mine. :/

Hmmmmmmm. It worked for you? Is there a setting you think? This has happened to me before many times. If i is a youtube I can see on the screen it works. :/


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Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016

I wanted to check in and see how Stella is feeling. I hope better.

Hopefully you are just busy with work, school, holiday etc.

Hope all is well.

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Sorry for not responding. Last week was the last of the term, so I had a big project due, then three days of work, and we went to a dog show. Plus I covered a few hours for someone else at work.

Stella is fine now. She went to the vet and had X-rays done. There was something abnormal in the pictures and there was fear of an obstruction or possible tumor, but we tried medicine (anti-nausea, antibiotic, & probiotic). She started getting better pretty quickly after though she was still uncomfortable for a while. Then she didn't poop for over 48 hours, but she finally did and now is back to normal. So no obstruction or tumor. Probably just inflammation caused by who-knows-what.

It is fun. Though I will admit phone cameras are getting better and better. Eventually we may not even need 'real' cameras. You can look at the pictures on the camera immediately after taking them. Just look and see what needs to be changed and try it again. I pretty much learned what settings I need in different scenarios by doing that. Then go through them on the computer to pick out the good ones because the screen on the camera is quite small.

Because the meds are supposed to be keeping her calm to keep her safe during heartworm treatment. If they aren't keeping her calm then they aren't really doing their job. We seem to give animals to the wrong people a lot at the shelter I work at. It gets very frustrating. It seems like most of our dogs get adopted two or three times rather than just staying adopted the first time. People just seem so ignorant to the needs of animals and especially those who want one because they're pretty or they want a 'difficult' one without actually wanting to put in the effort of dealing with those difficulties.

It is. But most prefer to ignore that. It's a particularly hot year to them and that'll end when winter comes even if that winter is more mild. And if the winter is actually even colder/snowier than normal then that just confirms to them that global warming can't be an issue. But it is. Average temperatures have increased steadily over the last hundred years even if it isn't consistent.

They're good animals. We benefit from them even if we don't realize it. Oh, my! I know you don't like your cats being bothered or missing out on food, but the picture of one being chased off by a squirrel is a bit funny. Well, I don't think your cats will let themselves be bullied too much. They probably know they have a secure food source and it isn't worth the energy. It is quite strange though. I wouldn't have expected it. Rabies in opossums is quite rare. They're temperature is apparently too low. That being said, they can have other diseases so you should definitely be cautious. Any animal you come across could have something contagious to people.

I don't know why it doesn't work for you. I used all the same settings, but Youtube automatically uploads it as a short. I tried getting a longer one, but apparently it has to be at least 60 seconds and I only got 30, so it still wants to upload it as a short. :doh: So, I guess I will try again. I don't go back to work until Friday though, so if I need a whole new video then it won't be until then.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
OH MY!!! You are BUSY!!!!!! And of course, NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE!!!!!! :)

I am SO GLAD to hear she is ok!!! I am so glad the medicine worked. It can happen. :/

That would be nice. My phone does not have a camera. :/ Yes, before I would have to wait for the pictures to be developed. It would be nice. Hopefully some day................................

Ahhhhh, yes. I had a rescue with heartworm and now i remember what i had to do. Yep. Well, everyone makes mistakes. It is REALLY hard to find the "right" people. :/ Exactly. I think it is more the people than the rescue/humane society etc. BUT we can always do better but it is so hard to balance too tough and too loose. :/ Keep working on it though!!!

:( Yep, not good. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I like them. I KNOW, RIGHT?!!!!??!?!? This little squirrel (which I know the cats eat at times) chases them away, takes over the food!!! They let this one bully them. :( I mean I don't want them to attack the squirrel, just to "get along" like they did. The squirrel is more aggressive and I wonder if it is the cat food doing it. :/ Interesting. Yes, I know I should be careful. But they are so cute. But you are right, I need to be more careful. :/

That is so weird. I just tried again. There is something wrong on my end then but what? I want to see that one too though............. :(

Get some rest!!! Whew, I am tired thinking of your week. :/

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
It's been a little hectic for sure. A lot of fun at the dog show though. Saw a really pretty solid black GSD. I think he was young. He got Best of Breed. He did have a sloped back though. :( Didn't look awful, but definitely noticeable.

Yep, all better. I'm so happy the meds helped. Next step probably would have been an endoscopy.

Really? I thought all phones had a camera at this point. Mine has a decent one, but it's not quite as good as my DSLR camera. Taking pictures is certainly a lot more convenient than it used to be.

Yes, it's not a fun process. Fortunately, most dogs seem to get through it without issue. Brindy is young and healthy, so I think she'll be fine, but it is concerning. Oh, I know it's difficult to find the right people and no shelter is going to get it right every time, but I think we tend to be in way too much of a rush to get them out. I remember when I started volunteering new animals went three one week quarantine and one week after that just to get to know them before they were ever even available for adoption. We don't do any of that now. Which not only means we're adopting out animals we know nothing about (I've adopted a dog out literally hours after we got him), but we're also risking spreading diseases. A lot of the dogs we get from Arkansas and they often have coccidia or clostridium which is contagious and it ends up going around the shelter.

Well, the squirrel might need to learn a lesson. Hopefully the cats won't put up with too much, but I suspect they only back down because they do feel secure in their resources. The squirrel isn't a real threat like a coyote, more of a nuisance. That squirrel must really, really like the cat food. Well, it is your choice what precautions you take or don't take. We can't avoid every risk that occurs in our lives. Just be smart. Don't get bit. Wash your hands afterwards.

I don't know why it's weird. I don't know why YouTube had to make things difficult.

Haha, will do. It's really hot right now, so we're mostly staying inside.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
So weird, now this reply box didn't show up so I kept clicking on the alert. :( Finally I can reply.

Whew, yes busy. Oh wow, cool. :/ Yeah, I don't like it either but I am sure he was gorgeous.

Thank goodness. Ughhhhhh, yep. :/ Let's hope all is fine. She is so adorable.

:/ Yes. Mine is like 12 years old. They keep asking to upgrade. I think they are going to end the service on it or something. But I guess I haven't used it in 2 years either so maybe it doesn't work now. Wow, that is amazing!!!!

No, it isn't. :( And there can be a lasting effect. Yes, I hope she will be ok. She should be. Yes, it is really a hard balance. Was there a leadership change? I do think it is more challenging to find people now since people are back in the office. It is so difficult. :( Oh my, yes, not good. And those are not good to have and spread. :( Why do they have so much of that?

Well, I have not seen him now for almost 48 hours. :( Nor my white squirrel. :( And I had evidence of blood etc. :( The cats have eaten something. SO sad. :( It is really weird, I wish you could have seen the squirrel. I have never seen anything like it. Yes, I really need to be careful. I do wash thoroughly, I am good at that. Yes, I need to be more cautious about being at risk of being bitten. You are right. I just get too trusting sometimes. :/

I think my computer is an issue. But I don't know why. I had real trouble with it yesterday. I couldn't really use it, it was really, really slow and locked up.

Oh my. Stay cool. I am sure Osiris is not liking it. :( Just take it easy.

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Wow, that is weird. Glad it's fixed now!

Very pretty. Lovely coat on that dog. The sloped back was the only problem.

She seems fine, so I think we're safe.

My mom had a flip phone for a long time. It still had a camera, but I don't think she ever really used it. It wasn't a good one. Current phones have at least an okay camera. Each upgrade gets a bit better though I don't get a new phone very often.

I think she should be fine. Heartworm treatment scares a lot of people out of adopting dogs, but it's not all that bad. I think easier in a home where one can provide plenty of mental enrichment and go for walks. No, I don't think so. The manager has been the same since I started volunteering. We've just recently had a change in director, but that's very recent and the manager usually decides these things. We get animals adopted relatively easily. Well, we seem a bit stuck at the moment with not many adoptions, but we have meets still happening. Generally though, we have a fairly high rate of adoptions. Just an also high rate of returns as well. Because there's a huge problem in the south where people don't get their animals fixed and they breed and they aren't getting the medical care they need. Then the shelter we get them from sends them off to other shelters with next to no information other than whether or not they've had vaccinations (often they don't!). And we just take them in and throw them in together in playgroups on day one without any knowledge of if any are sick, so then it gets spread.

Oh, no. That's so sad. Well, there's a reason there aren't very many white animals around. I'd say that squirrel was lucky to make it to adulthood. Would've been neat to see it though. Well, just think things through. If you're going to get close to wild animals that opossums are probably the better ones for it, but just remember than one being friendly doesn't mean they all are.

Hmm... That's unfortunate. May be a virus?

Not at all. We haven't gone to the park for the last few days. I take him out into the yard to play in the morning and he lasts about five minutes. Then he's done.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Really weird. I don't understand.

Awwwwwwwwwww. Agreed. :/ Not as gorgeous as Osiris?

Thank goodness!!!! Fingers crossed.

Ahhhhh, mine is older than hers. :/ Interesting. It is good to know that maybe my new phone will have a good camera.

Yes. My dog lived a long time but it did have an impact on her lifespan. :/ She had heartworm for a while as she was in bad shape when rescued. :( Hmmmmmmm. Well, I guess the faster adoption the more returns so finding that tradeoff is key, Oh my. I don't know anything about the south. That is ridiculous. :( Odd they would get them together so soon knowing that. :(

:( Another day and no sightings. :( Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I wish you could have seen it and them. :/ So true. I am really careful. I guess I just get too lax once I know them. :/ But I will be careful. :)

I don't think so. We don't really use the computer except for this site and we have anti-virus software. I don't know how a virus could get on it. I will do a scan and see if there is a virus.

:( Poor guy. :( Yep. He does not like it. My black kitty who is now inside was like that. She would just wilt in anything above 70 degrees. And our sun is really strong. The color just soaks up the sun. :( Hopefully it cools down soon for him.

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
It would be pretty close! There is something about a truly solid black GSD... Had more of the coat that I like too. Not too long to require a ton of maintenance, but definitely some fluff. But that sloped back...

Any phone you get today is going to have a camera. I don't think you could get one without a camera if you tried. Some certainly have better ones than others. None are as good as a DSLR though. Phone cameras are still quite slow which makes it hard to take pictures of moving subjects. You can take pictures of animals if they hold still, but not so much while they're on the move.

Yeah, if the heartworms get bad it can be a problem. I know we had a dog who we weren't sure would survive treatment. He has and he's fine now. In his forever home. All the manager seems to care about is getting animals out as quickly as possible. We have a cat who bit twice, was adopted out, and has now been returned for biting again. :ohwell: And I'm sure it'll be all about getting her out again once she's off bite quarantine. She also brought people to me saying they wanted to meet Misty, but come to find out they knew nothing about her. They had two fairly young kids who were rowdy and initially scared of every dog I introduced to them. Misty is a very, very nervous husky who doesn't do well with strangers and urinates and defecates almost strictly in her kennel. I talked them out of her. Yes, it is ridiculous. I know we get a lot of dogs from Arkansas and there's a few rescues who get dogs from Texas.

:( That's sad. I wish I could've seen them too! Well, I think it's normal to get more lax when you get to know anyone of any species. As long as you're smart about it, you'll probably be fine.

Viruses can slip through anti-virus software, especially if the software isn't the greatest. They aren't all made equally. Should make it harder though, especially if you aren't doing much. But even with anti-virus, you're still supposed to avoid opening suspicious emails, going to unsafe sites, etc. Part of the anti-virus's job is telling you if something isn't safe.

Osiris can barely handle anything over 60. It was 66 when we went to the park this morning and he acted like he was about to die. Stella isn't quite as bad, but she doesn't handle it great either. Ember loves the warmth though. She still wants to be on my lap and under the covers even when it gets to 70 degrees in the house!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
WOW!!! Pretty close.................. Must have been stunning. Totally agree. SO SPECIAL!!! Wow. Yep. :/ Sloped back...................

Interesting. Good to know. I want a camera. :/

Yes. Oh wow, that is a good ending!!! Yes, I can understand the desire to find homes. It is tough, a real balance. Hmmmmmm with the cat. :( And the Husky. :( Too busy is she? Good job making sure they were right (or not in this case). Whew, yeah, VERY ridiculous. I don't think I ever met anyone from Arkansas so I know nothing about them. :/ I don't like what I hear though. :( Maybe the USHS or ASPCA could do education?

:( Heartbreaking. :( I am sick about it. I know it is life and it is not fair but still...................................... Well, I feel like I understand the animal and probably overestimate my understanding. I do need to be more careful. :/

Yikes. But we don't really visit any sites. Just here and shopping (reputable). Probably 10 sites total. I don't even go to news sites or anything. I don't like nor understand computers. Maybe it is the anti-virus. I know I just got an "Ad Deleted" on this site today. It must be working?

Awwwwwwwww. Poor guy. I didn't realize Stella was like that also. Yep, cats LOVE the heat (for the most part) but my one girl is more sensitive for some reason. :/ You need a snow machine for them!!!! :)

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
I just loved his coat. Would've been about as perfect as a dog could be, in my opinion, if it weren't for the back. Osiris is my pretty boy, but that GSD was stunning.

You'll definitely get a camera. It is nice to have. I don't use my phone camera often, but I like having it when I do want to use it.

Yes, I am happy for him. He was actually the first dog I walked as an employee at the shelter. We all want the animals to get adopted, but it doesn't do any good when they all come back and some of them come back with bite histories. There is a balance and this clearly isn't it. The cat is a bit of an odd situation. None of the staff at the shelter have had any problems with her. Very sweet cat. Just need to respect her. The husky is a weird dog. Everyone jokes that she's part coyote because she looks a bit like them. Looks more wolf, really, but tiny compared to them. She was extremely scared of everyone when we first got her and it took about two or three weeks for her to open up. She's super sweet and very spunky, but still uses her kennel as a toilet. She's peed outside maybe two or three times. And I am happy to say that I talked them into another dog who I thought would be perfect, they adopted him, and he's been with them for a little over a month now. I don't know much about Arkansas or the south myself outside of what I've seen in rescue. It's not good though.

I understand. I'd be upset as well. You get attached to them in a way even if you've never actually interacted with them. I think you can make your own decisions and you'll be smart. I know I'd probably be tempted to feed the wild animals too.

Might not be likely that you have a virus, but I don't know that it can ever be completely off the table if there is an issue. Unfortunately, they are a big issue. Or if the computer is old then it may just be at the end of its life. I'd say it could also have too much stuff on it, but I'm guessing you don't download much and you don't have a camera to be taking pictures with!

Stella isn't as bad as Osiris. Before we had him, I thought she was terrible. Now she doesn't seem bad at all! I don't think my boys care too much about the heat. Not like Ember, anyway. I don't think they dislike it, but they aren't as obsessed with it. They're more snuggly in the winter. Haha, yes, we do. Osiris would love that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
WOW!!! THAT is saying something!!!! You didn't get a picture, did you? :/

:) I HOPE SO!!!!

Awwwwwwww. Yes, totally agree. Hmmmmmm, well, with cats it is often the human that is the problem in my opinion. :/ Awwwwwwwww.. Not good the kennel use. :( Wow, GOOD JOB!!! A forever home hopefully!!!! :) No, not good at all. :(

Yes :( Well, I will try to be. I don't view the opossum as wild which is probably a problem...................

It is a very old computer. :/ Yeah, I don't know about the virus. I have to do the scan. No, it really doesn't have anything on it. We really don't use it.

Isn't that the way? All perspective really. Awwwwww, the boys. YES!!! He would LOVE IT!!! Now, how to get one................... ;) I help someone from Canada and they seem to always have it cold. Yuck for me but for some (and Osiris) it works!!! :)

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Unfortunately, no. I didn't want to be a creeper taking pictures of someone's dog. But I guess it wouldn't have been weird if I took pictures while he was in the ring.... I didn't think of that then. I wish I had.

You don't have to hope. I really don't know that you could get a phone without one. Lol.

Definitely human error, but why so many people? You'd think someone would be smart... She's very sweet. She nipped me once, but looked sort of surprised herself when she did it. Lol. Certainly no broken skin. I'd hate to see any of these people with our one cat who is very easily overstimulated. I think the dog they took home was about as perfect of a fit as you can get with a rescue dog. Only issue with that dog was he'd jump a lot when excited, but he'd calm down and stop. The kids were even walking him around the play yard on their own and he just went right with them, no pulling or anything. If they bring him back then I don't think they need a dog!

The opossum is definitely wild. I do think that's something important to keep in mind. A wild animal is a wild animal no matter how tame it may seem. Doesn't mean their aggressive, just means their instincts to survive are very much intact.

Yeah, could be the age. I know my mom has had some issues with her desktop that's fairly old. Unfortunately, things aren't really made to last these days. But sometimes they can be cleaned up and work better. I know most of my issues come from having large programs on my computer. My last one couldn't cope.

Indeed. I consider anyone worse than me to be quite terrible. I don't handle the heat well myself. I hardly have to worry about myself with Osiris though. He'll have a heat stroke well before me! I do believe snow machines are quite expensive, so Osiris is just going to have to wait for us to move north. I wouldn't say I love freezing cold temperatures, but if I had to put up with that to avoid the heat, I would.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Sorry for the delayed response. A lot of stuff going on right now.

Oh my!!! I didn't think of being a "creeper"!!! Hahahaha, I guess I know you so I know you aren't. :/ Yes, in the ring or as I would do (if I had a camera). Ask because "your dog is GOREOUS!!!". :)

Ahhhh, yes. I meant I would like a camera like yours. To be able to take them when they are moving (which is most of the time).

:( Yes. Right? It is weird. Awwwwwwwww. She didn't mean anything by it. Cats do nip sometimes. How the human responds matters most imo. Awwwww, wow. AGREED!!! Sounds like a GREAT dog!!!

Yes. :( I just don't think of him like that. He is better than my dogs!!! :/ I am always careful about being perceived as a threat in anyway. Oddly, the opossum actually acts like a dog, a well behaved dog. He LOVES his chicken. You are right, bad things happen when we let our guard down. :/

:/ Ughhhhhhhhhhh. Change is really hard for us. Anything different is scary. Hard to explain but my generation this is all so new.

Oh my. I prefer the heat. :/ I don't like cold. I get cold at 70 degrees. :( I shiver easily when it gets colder at night. :( Awwwww, poor Osiris. :/ Yes, I think they probably are. :( So north it might be in time. Oh my, freezing cold. The benefits of being young!!! But I guess a person can always add clothes for the cold then nothing else to do when hot other than sitting in cold water or something!!! Hahahahahaha

I think I need to get a new computer. :/ But with Covid I am afraid of having someone in to set it up. :/