Stressful Journey


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 2, 2017
in a month my cat and I will be moving from Japan to America. This will be a long and stressful journey for my cat. First we have to ride the bus, next take a subway train for 30 minutes, then take a bullet train for an hour and a half. From there another train or two followed by a walk to our Airbnb. After a night of sleep we will take an hour train to the airport. After this a check up at airport quarantine. Sadly my flight is not until 8 PM so we will have a few hours to kill.Tgen a 9 hour flight!!!

I’m already terrified about how stressful this time will be for my cat. So in preparation for the journey We are starting to practice riding buses and trains. Tonight was the first test.

I walked with him in his carrier to the bus he was a perfect angel silent and no crying for the 10 minute ride. When I got off the bus I noticed he looked like he wasn’t breathing. So I checked on him right away. He was breathing but very very still and slow breathing. I had to touch him to feel his breath’s. On the bus ride back it was the same . He did not move or blink or meow. He wouldn’t look at me when I called or made kissy noises just stared ahead. That is most people’s dream but I feared I was stressing him out too much. Are these practice trips good for this airplane trip? Or are these hurting him more than helping?Also anyone have tips for long travel with the cat. I bought some pheromone spray but I haven’t tried it yet.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 1, 2018
Hello! Wow, quite a journey for the poor little guy... Personally I don’t think the practice trips will help him, but others may have different advice... I think it is best to keep him as stress-free as possible before the trip to make sure he is healthy and strong and not compromised by any unnecessary stress. Getting him used to the carrier though is a good idea. You can feed him in there and get him to associate it with happy things.

If you haven’t done this already, I suggest putting a towel or blanket over the carrier to make it dark and cozy. Also put a smelly shirt of yours in there with him, and/or some bedding with his scent, so he feels safer. You can put a doggie pee pad at the bottom of the crate for easy cleanup in case he goes during the flight. The pheromones (like Feliway, I’m guessing?) should also help. I like using Composure Liquid Max for my cats. It’s not a sedative but it has some calming properties. Catnip also works well to calm my girls.

I’ve seen some handy travel solutions for things like litter boxes and water dishes, to minimize mess and spillage and hassle—I can’t remember them off the top of my head but if I find them again I will post them here.

When you get to the AirBnb, I would try to keep him in the bathroom or somewhere small and dark and quiet with no places he can escape or get lost. The last thing you want is a kitty that’s wedged itself in the box springs or missing in the room while you’re trying to catch a flight! Calming music, familiar scents, and a cozy place to hide should help him with the night at the AirBnb. But it’ll be tough on him.

Is he flying cargo or with you in cabin? If he’s flying in cabin, make sure you have an airline approved carrier (I’ve heard horror stories of people with cats being refused by airlines at the last minute because their carriers weren’t suitable). My carrier has extendable sides that zip down and make more room.

Just throwing it out there... is it possible to find a pet taxi-style service that will help make the journey easier? I live in Korea and will eventually move my cats back to the US, so I’m in a similar position, and there are several highly rated services I’ve been looking into to make things easier for me and my cats. They offer a lot of services like car transportation all across the country, boarding your pets, traveling to and from the airport including luggage, helping get your pets through quarantine and customs with proper paperwork, etc. I have taken my cat on the intercity bus, before I knew this pet taxi service existed, and it was a VERY stressful experience for her (not to mention she was noisy and annoyed all the other passengers) as well as for me. She was panting and shaking by the end of it. She is an easily stressed cat though so I have to do all I can to make our trip easier for her.

If there is a similar pet taxi service in Japan that could take you from your home all the way directly to the airport, for instance (even if it needs to be an overnight trip) that would be a LOT less stressful for kitty than constant stopping and starting, new smells and sounds, temperature changes, jostling the carrier... etc. It sounds like you have a long journey from your home to the airport so it may not be possible without an AirBnb stil along the way. But still, something to consider.

I commend you though for making the effort and taking the kitty back with you! A lot of expats here simply rehome their cats after a year or two when they decide to leave the country, and it really frustrates me because a lot of those cats end up without homes. That’s how one of my cats ended up with me, actually, being left behind by her previous family who left Korea. But it IS possible to take them back with us and we CAN do it! :)


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
If you choose to go with calming products, try some of them well ahead of time and see if they work. There are some that work on some cats, some others that don't. Also, consider Gabapentin, which is a mild sedative that you could administer during the trip to ease with stress if the calming products don't work.

Good luck!!!

She's a witch

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 21, 2018
Europe/WA, USA
I've had a long journey several months ago with two cats (uber+train+plane+uber), we used the following natural calming solutions: Feliway spray, calming collar, zylkene. I can especially recommend calming collars. Be careful with sedatives though, while it may be ok in the train, it can be dangerous to sedate a cat in an airplane because of the changed air pressure.

I was super stressed before the flight, I actually considered not moving at all because of the cats lol. But everything went so smooth and they slept almost all the time in the plane. Of course they were stressed at the airport etc but overall it wasn't worth my stress at all. They even ate and I was giving them some water through the syringe. They didn't pee nor poop the entire day though, but that was the first thing they did in their new place :-)
Good luck, it will be all right!!

EDIT to add: I also don't think the practice rides are essential. They will be stressed anyway unfortunately, so one time will be enough imo :-) but make sure they are comfortable in the carrier.
And think if you can shorten the means of transportation somehow, eg. taxi/uber ride instead of the first bus and subway maybe?
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 21, 2019
lso, consider Gabapentin, which is a mild sedative that you could administer during the trip to ease with stress if the calming products don't work.
I second the Gabapentin! It worked wonders for our stressed out boy on a very long road trip. He went from crying, panting, stress purring to looking out the window curiously, grooming himself and a whole lot of peaceful sleeping. Definitely have a conversation with your vet and see if it's right for your kitty.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I've never traveled with a pet, so can't really offer any advice, however, I'll post a TCS article that might be helpful.

Traveling With Cats

Good luck. Be sure to come back and let us know when you're both settled in the US.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 2, 2017
I've had a long journey several months ago with two cats (uber+train+plane+uber), we used the following natural calming solutions: Feliway spray, calming collar, zylkene. I can especially recommend calming collars. Be careful with sedatives though, while it may be ok in the train, it can be dangerous to sedate a cat in an airplane because of the changed air pressure.

I was super stressed before the flight, I actually considered not moving at all because of the cats lol. But everything went so smooth and they slept almost all the time in the plane. Of course they were stressed at the airport etc but overall it wasn't worth my stress at all. They even ate and I was giving them some water through the syringe. They didn't pee nor poop the entire day though, but that was the first thing they did in their new place :-)
Good luck, it will be all right!!

EDIT to add: I also don't think the practice rides are essential. They will be stressed anyway unfortunately, so one time will be enough imo :-) but make sure they are comfortable in the carrier.
And think if you can shorten the means of transportation somehow, eg. taxi/uber ride instead of the first bus and subway maybe?
luckily bus only 7 minutes

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Ohayo! I do not have anything to add to the marvelous advices posted about, but I do wish you and your cat the safest journey. I pray all will be well especially for your cat. Keep us informed when you get to the US.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 2, 2017
Ohayo! I do not have anything to add to the marvelous advices posted about, but I do wish you and your cat the safest journey. I pray all will be well especially for your cat. Keep us informed when you get to the US.
I sure will. We move at the end if this month. I just want to get him to the USA alive. I also don’t want him to hate me after lol He is my baby.


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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Aug 2, 2017
As I told the group a month ago I was moving from Japan to USA and so worried about all the stress on Levi.buses, trains, bullet trains and airplane. He had an unpleasant 3 day journey home but now he is happy. Thanks for everyone who gave me support and advice.



Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
So glad to hear the trip is over, and you're both safe and happy at home. :heartshape:

When you have time, and if you don't mind, do tell us about your journey.
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Aug 2, 2017
So glad to hear the trip is over, and you're both safe and happy at home. :heartshape:

When you have time, and if you don't mind, do tell us about your journey.
Warning LONG post ahead.

The journey was rough. Normally would never put so much stress on the kitty but moving so no choice. Leading up to the journey had Levi get his Japanese microchip (sadly different from usa so will need to get another one), vaccines and of course medical checks. Rabies not required because in California now ( but moving to Vegas in 3 months so must get his rabies shot before then).

Day 1 Kitty and I travel via bus and subway to Nagoya station. He didn’t make a peep. Got lunch at mcdonalds and waited for friend who is taking care of my taxes as I leave but he arrived 2 hours late!!! :( Kitty was getting good attention from some older ladies at Mcdonalds. Finally after friend shows up we take an hour and a half bullet ride to Tokyo. Again Levi was silent and calm but he refused food or water. At Tokyo my friend meets me and we find my “Pet Friendly Hotel”. Literally enter pay lady who owns place she tosses me keys and leaves. This place was terrible for pets. Small objects to chew on, laundry soap packets spilled on floor... I had to make cat safe. Room was freezing to. My friend and I let cat out of carrycase and we played with him. He was scared and hide for first hour
but then came out for pets and food. I felt safe so I went out to dinner with my friend for 2 hours. I come back and Levi is fine. But then I realized my cat could have died!!!! My cat lightly hit glass sliding door to balcony and it opened!!! Like no joke 4 storys up. I tried to close it and lock it to realize door broken lock and always open!!! I thank god he did not leave while I was at dinner. I forced door closed as much as possible and shoved tv stand to stop it from opening. But I got little sleep worrying about that glass door.

Day 2: Up all night watched toutube. Levi went to potty and drank a little water. So check out is 9:30 so Levi gets back in carrier. We go to starbucks and again doesn’t make a peep but then on hour bus ride to airport he screams bloody murder. I felt bad. Japanese people muffled saying “ Stupid foreigners bringing cat. Annoying!” Etc but like dude what can I do? Not going to leave my baby!
We go to animal quarantine and he is healthy. So now it is noon and flight is not until 7:30 pm. :(
We sat on bench for a few hours, i ate lunch at cafe where he started crying again. I tried to give him water but he kept knocking over bowl and getting wet. He refused treats. He was definitely stressed and I felt so sad for my boy. At 2 pm we checked in and I paid the 210 dollar fee to bring my pet on Delta. From there security. When I said “I have a cat” the staff all panicked so I think not many people bring cats from Japan to another country in flight. I had to take him out of carrier and walk him through security machine. I felt like royal wedding because everyone stopped to watch as I paraded my cat around. As I put him back in the carrier a few people told me my cat was beautiful. :) that made my day.
So from here we literally sat at terminal for 4 hours and again he was SUCH A GOOD BOY. No crying just relaxing. Again tried to give him water but he refused. Then we boarded and his cage barly fit I had no foot room.
I told woman next to me I have a cat and she just smiled. He was silent for first 2 hours but then he cried almost non stop next 7. Yea he was so upset he physically wrestled around in bag and moved the bag! Then I heard a painful cry not his usual stress cry. ( your not allowed to open the bag ever during flight) F THE RULES I heard a pain scream so I quickly ran to aisle with space and took him out and thank god I did because when he wrestled around he slipped out of harness and it got wrapped around his front arm!!! I had to take off harness but as I did he tried to escape and I felt like an asshole but I had to push him back into carrier like he was resisting but I had to push him in. Thankfully he got in enough for me to zip it shut. He screamed and yowled rest of trip and the girl next to me was pissed. :(
Japanese are polite and no one yelled at me but I think some people were mad. Finally we finish the journey with a 2 hour car ride in traffic. Once home he was soon happy and purring. Also eating my cords from college graduation lol

A happy end!



Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
You weren't kidding when you said it was a stressful 3 days! It sounds like he may even have used up a couple of his 9 lives, but the good thing is you both arrived safely, and are settled in now. At least for a few months. And the trip to Vegas will be nothing compared to the trip you both just endured. Thanks for sharing your "adventure".


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
Wow! What a journey! You’re probably both exhausted. It sounds like Levi really was a good boy, even if he did cry on the plane. Nice to see those last two photos of him looking relaxed! :)