Stress Cystitis


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 10, 2016
Hi people. So my 6 year old kidney disease cat has had a rough few days. Last Friday was his 6 monthly vet checkup. All was clear, his condition was stable. Over the weekend, he stopped eating so I took him to the vet yesterday early morning. They did a number of tests and an abdominal scan and found nothing wrong except they heard/felt a lot of liquid in his intestines so they diagnosed gastroenteritis as an explanation for for not eating. The vet was especially careful to rule out anything urinary. They gave him an appetite stimulant and anti nausea meds. Then I take him home in the afternoon. And after a couple of hours I notice he is leaking urine. It’s gets progressively worse and he seemed more desperate to hide from us. Still not eating. I took him BACK to the vet (there was a night vet there, not his usual one) and she said she think it’s stress related cystitis she gave him an anti inflammatory, a mild calmative and gave me some extra of the calmative. I bring him home again. He ate something.

And then I spent the entire evening following him around and wiping up his urine. I slept at 11pm with him lying on layers of towels on my bed. Around 3am he leaves and heads to the dining room where I put towels down on the chairs and he settles on one of them. He’s been sitting there not moving for hours now.

I’m so stressed by all this. How long does stress cystitis last? Any tips for coping with the incontinence? I’m not even going to work so I can clean up after him. Will I be dealing with leaking urine for days to come?? Anyone else experienced this?

I see he leaked through the towels on my bed and stained the duvet cover and probably the duvet inner too (it’s duck down) - how do I clean this?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
My cat had a severe bout of cystitis several years back. He also had incontinence issues, but he had been catheterized for 5 days, and was also on several different medications. His incontinence was not constant, it was just random leaking, small amounts, and he would still use the litter box. His incontinence lasted a little over a month, progressively getting better as time went on. One of the medications he was on was supposed to help with toning the muscles of his bladder and urethra, I wonder if that is something you can discuss with your vet.
One thing that helped with us, but was unfortunate for him, is he was very lethargic and drugged up most of the time that he didn't really move around much so we just put a pee pad under him when he was hanging out with us, otherwise he was in his own quiet and calm room when we weren't home and at night, it helped contain his accidents and we put pee pads on all the surfaces he liked to lay on.


TCS Member
Feb 22, 2019
Is your cat better? My cat too has stress cystitis and I am looking for answers to my own personal issue with our cat, but also spreading the word today to others about Hill’s Science Diet CD Stress dry cat food. It worked miracles for us and our cat’s symptoms were soooo much more cleared up within a week or two of being on the food.