Stray Cat In The Winter


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 28, 2018
Hello, my first time on here! There's a stray cat (who I assume is a her) in my apartment complex that always comes by around the evening and I always leave a bowl of food and water out. I was hoping to get some advice with winter coming and how to aid in her survival with the cold. She is TNRed I believe because her ear is clipped. Sadly, I cannot bring her in because I live with my parents in an apartment with a cat and dog already, and they've already said no about getting another pet. But I want to do my best to help her. Anything more I can do aside giving food and water? Also, my mom told me to never pet strays because of fleas and other bugs. Sometimes it's hard to feed her because she is so friendly and tries to rub against my leg, and I get worried when she does. Is there any serious risks if she does, or is it not a big deal as long as I don't hold her or anything? Thank you for any advice!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada
Would it be possible to put a house outside for her? Alley Cat Allies has a whole list of options
Obviously depending on where you live the more insulated the house would need to be, maybe even heated.

I wouldn't worry too much about her touching you or even you petting her. Just make sure you wash your hand afterwards. Also just check your clothes for any bugs on you when you leave. Does she appear to have fleas? Also since she is friendly could you put some flea treatment on her? The biggest worry I would have would be if she was aggressive and actually scratched or bit you when trying to pet her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Welcome! I am so glad you came to thecatsite! I am also glad you want to help that kitty. I have to say that I would never contradict parents. If you live with your parents then you need to pay attention to what they say. There are ways you can still help that kitty. You can make a shelter for her outside. You might also be able to find someone to adopt her. That would be best for her. From your description it sounds like she is probably tame and a stray or lost kitty. Maybe someone you know would take her in or maybe there is a shelter that would help. You will want to look for a safe, no kill shelter. If you need help with that you can send a private message to me or a mentor here on the site.
If you find she has to stay there then you can make a shelter many ways. I don’t know if you live where temperatures get very low but of course it would be best if she had a way to get heat. Since you live in an apartment I am guessing that can’t be easily done but you can still make a big difference for her. You will want to provide something that will keep her warm, safe and dry. If you can put something beside a building or under a roof or the edge of a roof it will help. You can use boxes or a plastic crate. She will like it best if it has a front and back door on opposite corners so the wind does not blow through. You could put a small box inside a bigger one to keep her extra snug. A tarp over the box or around it will help. A blanket inside will also help her to stay warm. Just make sure the blanket stays dry. An old towel or any old clothing will work too. Whatever you have. I live on my own so I don’t have parents to instruct me. I do handle kitties and have not gotten bugs but I can’t promise you that she does not have a flea. There are things you can buy to put on her to stop bugs. I don’t think a collar is a good idea for Ann outside cat because they can get hung up on things and get trapped. There are liquids that you can rub onto the back of her neck and if she could be taken to a vet that would be the best thing.
There are a lot of people here who will be interested in helping you and they will give you lots of good ideas on how to help this kitty. You just keep writing in with any questions you have and let us know how you and kitty are doing. I think you are wonderful for caring enough to help her. You are really making her life better. Thank you for helping her. I wish everyone cared as much as you do. She obviously loves and trusts you. :welcomesign::rock: