Stray Cat Gave Birth


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
Hi. I just got this news so Im a bit in confusion.

When I used to walk my cat around my apartments , we met this skinny , bone skinny, black cat. She had bald spots and just looked like she needed someone to love her. For a few days , I would visit her and give her occasional food... when my cat went missing , I spent most of my time outside and she was with me throughout the whole day , even if I had no food to offer. I did every night give her food doe. I now continue to give her food and water. (My cat is back home btw). Soon another cat that I had seen before started meowing at me to give him food, my black cat wouldn't let him get close to the food. I kinda was glad they didn't get along since there both not fixed and I didnt want more homeless kitties. However , the tabby stole everyones heart , his meows were cute and he was very friendly with everyone. I looked evil not giving him food , so I did. They both became friends and well now she's pregnant. Sadly , the male stopped coming to me , he never said no to food , I wonder if anyone took him in since all my neighbors loved him or ifs he's hurt and injured. I look for him and pray he's okay. Thats not even the worst part , now my apartments landlord sent a note on how everyone is feeding feral cats and that they are dangerous and have been causing a mess. Next to my apartments , theres a house of outside cats , they are the ones that come and destroy the trash , even before I started feeding any cat.The trash is destroyed because the trash is either full or people are just lazy and leave it next to the bin , those 5 days I spent looking for my cat I was outside 24/7 I saw everyone including the cats , I know what goes on during the day. The note informed us to stop feeding the cats in hope of them finding a new place , and if not followed , we will get a fine and she will at some point reach her limit and call animal control. She did mention that I should try calling LAPS , our only non kill shelter , and I did. I have there personal numbers since im a volunteer , I hope they can help me out. I texted them my situation and offered to help pay for her spaying. I know , a little too late. I m going to call tomorrow if they don't answer , I was originally gonna call but they are close already. To make things worse , in October she hits that 3 month period , I hope she does not give birth until I find her a settled environment. I don't even know why im putting this here , but I just had to rant and hopefully some can share advice if anyones been through something similar.


Windy City Fosters
Alpha Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Chicago Suburbs
Ask your landlord and neighbors if they could chip in some money for a TNR situation. You'll need a humane trap and will have to pay for spay and neuter. Depending on where you live, there are clinics that will spay/neuter cats for cheap. TNR is the single best way to decrease the amount of feral cats outside, reduce cat fights, and stop kittens from dying on the streets. Keep in mind that even if the cats aren't "friends" nothing will stop them from mating. Ask if you could put something heavy on the trash lid, like a brick, to prevent the cats from spilling it.

If your shelter does get back to you, offer to take the time to trap all the cats for spay/neuter and ask if they could put out an advertisement to the community for barn cats. Often times people with barns will take on feral cats to help control pests.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
Hi. My landlord would not pich in money , she's so greedy. For the trash most of the time is peoples fault , my neighbor used to leave there trash bags outside their door for a week , even when the trashcan was empty. I talked to her about me trying to take them to the non kill shelter or finding her a home, she replied with "I have given you time ... I let it slide for a while ... we need to stop feeding them" I will still feed her while the shelter gets back to me , she comes every morning at 6am to get fed.About trapping , it will be very easy , once she got in my cats carrier without anyone asking.About the other cats , I will leave a flyer suggesting TRN... me and the "owner" of those outside cats aren't in the best terms. Today the shelter is open, I will be calling since they didnt respond to my text . Thank you for replying.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
Let us know what the shelter says! I hope they're willing to help!
The shelter is full right now and I haven't been able to contact the ones that actually know me , its weird... They did say if I find a foster they can help me. Ill be making facebook post to see if anyone is interested.I also messaged a vet that I think helps also.. Ill let you know more when I get more answers!
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
Hi. Short background story: My beautiful black stray cat I met got pregnant back on August and has finally given birth. ( Trying to find a foster since the shelter are full and my apt landlord wants the cat away from her apt -.-)

Whats next?

I have no idea where her babies are or if they even made it. It did rain with a bit of thunder when she gave birth. Afterschool , I alway see her and yesterday she didnt come to meet me , today in the morning I didnt see her either ... I went out and looked for her since im constantly worried for her ... didnt see her until I was heading up the stairs and she was waiting for me at the door. I gave her double the food since she just gave birth. She chilled with me for about 30 mins...

She acted fine and normal.

Now , how do I find her babies?I know where she goes during several periods of the day but obviously not her actual hiding spots , I usually just say " where are you" and she'll be right behind me so fast... I wonder if her hiding spots are closer than what I think.

I just dont think she would give birth close to my apt side since my neighbors are always outside drinking and smoking... I went around my whole apartments trying to hear kitties crying but nothing.

Any tips? I will need to find them for when I find her a foster
Also , how long till I can her spay her? Do I wait for her milk to run out / the kitties old enough to eat real food and not their mothers milk?

Since she is a black cat , many tell me to be careful who I give it to , now especially in October to protect her and not give it to anyone. Now , I think I can tell when someone is an actual cat lover or not sketchy but idk. Again , any tips?

That is her btw! She has had big improvements!!! She used to be bone skinny and bald and seeing her grow her fur and weight has been wonderful . I will try taking updated ( after birth ) pictures of her and the kitties if I find her


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! She's so gorgeous, she's lucky to have you!!

I gave her double the food since she just gave birth
Good for you!

You can have her spayed as soon as she is no longer nursing/the kittens are weaned, around 5 or 6 weeks after the kittens were born.

How Old Do Kittens Have To Be To Leave Their Mother?

She is probably a good cat mom, so the kittens may never cry. You'll have to try and follow mom-kitty, I think.

many tell me to be careful who I give it to , now especially in October to protect her and not give it to anyone.
This is a good point. If you can, ask for a re-homing fee. That's often one way to keep nasty people away. Also, you'll probably want to wait until after October anyway so that the kittens have more time with mom, as it says in the article above.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
Hi! She's so gorgeous, she's lucky to have you!!

Good for you!

You can have her spayed as soon as she is no longer nursing/the kittens are weaned, around 5 or 6 weeks after the kittens were born.

How Old Do Kittens Have To Be To Leave Their Mother?

She is probably a good cat mom, so the kittens may never cry. You'll have to try and follow mom-kitty, I think.

This is a good point. If you can, ask for a re-homing fee. That's often one way to keep nasty people away. Also, you'll probably want to wait until after October anyway so that the kittens have more time with mom, as it says in the article above.
Even if I wanna see the kitties and make sure they're fine , I'm glad she's hiding them since my apt lady says she dosent want any cats here ( I have a thread for this!) , I'm hoping to find a foster before my apt lady has a bad day and calls animal control on her :( But for now , I'm a grandma!
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
HELLO! I FOUND HER BABIES. There inside a car with a broken window , thankfully , the girl dosent mind them being there ... still in the search for fosters. I will try to convince my mom to let them inside since its raining!! If I find no shelter willing to help me , I will wait till their old enough to give them to their forever home , thats gonna be a whole different thread on advice on how to know if homes are suitable. Im so excited !!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 3, 2011
Montevideo, Uruguay
:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Congratulations!Your perseverence has been rewarded. Your enthusiasm is contagious. How many little ones are there? Very much looking forward to your new posts.

I hope your mum will let you bring the whole family inside. But what about your tom cat? Has he been fixed? I don't think you have told us his name? Do you know that your stray mom cat could become pregnant again right after delivery of her little ones?
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
3 babies! They all seem to have different patterns so she probably had different baby daddies ... this is her right now. The car she chose does have some broken glass so I might offer to clean the car to its owner if im not able to put her inside a home. I wish my phone hadn't stopped working for I could of taken better pictures . I have texted some of my neighbors to see if they are interested in helping and calling my vet to see what she recommends since im new at this whole thing.


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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
There inside safe and sound! It was a pretty easy transition , she is locked up in my closet since I do have a male cat. I 'm doing the under the door introduction but the mom just hisses... She is so beautiful, I am lucky to be witnessing her caring for her babies. Now need to find a foster before my landlord charges me for having a cat!

Also hoping she learns to use the litter box.. my cat ( also a stray) learned right away , didnt have a problem , hoping the same for her.

Will post pictures later since I dont have a phone to take any :(
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
questions now:

How long till she stops hissing at my male cat ? I understand her hissing and theres no rush for me to get them to tolerate each other but just wondering.

Now thats she's a mom , will she get bored ? I will be at school from 8-5 so she will be in the closet most of the time.. she has a scratching post and my mom will lock my cat outside the room and let my black cat out in the whole room since the closet is pretty warm.

About the kitties,

2 ( the tabbys) of them seem very funny already , I can tell one moves way more than the others and so far the one that catches everyones eye! The other moves too , but the black one ... moves way less than the others and dosent cry much either. I will be calling the vet to see what I can do , im new to this whole thing!

Btw , does she know when she's on top of her babies? The bed I bought her is a bit so small so when she gets on top sometimes she steps on all her babies and I have to move them since it appears she dosent...they all cry as soon as she steps on them so im assuming they dont like it?

Last thing , her eyes now look much more innocent and scared ... not of me , but just generally scared. I will be reading more about pregnancy and how the cat mom reacts. Have any of you dealt with pregnant cats before? Share your story!

I will post pictures tmmrw!***
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Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Thank you for helping this little family. To your questions,

  1. Your male should be kept out of whatever room she is in until the babies are weaned. Right now her protective instincts are on overdrive and your male is seen as a threat. It doesn't matter if he is the sweetest cat and he would never hurt the kittens. She doesn't know that and everything in her is telling her to keep the babies safe. Now is not the time for introductions. It will distract her from caring for her babies, keep him out of the room. Any other cats also need to be kept away and introduced once the kittens are weaned.
  2. She will be fine during the day without you there. She will probably sleep and take care of her babies.
  3. If the bed is that small, it is too small. She needs enough spaces for her to stretch out and the babies to crawl around. Try a large cardboard box with towels or blankets for better results.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018

My stray ( now inside ) cat has given birth to 3 kitties! Born Sep 28/29 2018! Very young still and the mother is about a year old. So far im feeding her dry food but I know I should change to something more nutritious, any brand suggestions?

Also , since she was on the streets ... when do I take her to the vet? She has no shots and obviously not spayed yet... I have a male tomcat so I dont know who I should fix first? when do I take her to the vet and with or without her babies?

Also , someone is bleeding! Yesterday , there was a very small blood stain , and today theres 2!I don't know who its coming from or if its something I should really worry about since its a very small amount of blood. They all seem fine to me , but I just dont know.

The mother cat seems so exhausted , I feel for her.

The tabby cats seem to be closer than with the one black one. The black one is also the last one to get milk , never finding the nipple , even if I help him!

Surprisingly , the mom trusts me a lot , I kinda already knew that but she lets me handle her babies, she won't even get up if I hold one ( now , idk if every pet cat does this , but it still makes me feel nice!)

The picture is the first day I brought them in! The bed I bought was too small so she went ahead and moved them to the floor ( with blankets) for she can stretch more when nursing , she does sometimes go and sleep there herself

If anyone would like to keep up with her , I'll be posting on my instagram! @catsofvm!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Are you keeping your male cat 100% separated from mom and babies for now? You should. He should be neutered now, but they should not be allowed to interact for at least a month after his surgery. He will still be fertile. How old is your male?

Mom should be spayed when the kittens are around 8 weeks old. She shouldn't need to go to the vet until then.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
Yes, they are separated and have no access to each other. He is also about 1 year old , I rescued him back in February but oh boy , has he been a cat with many many bills included...

and the kitties? Should I take them also when they turn 8 weeks?
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 11, 2018
I don't think you have told us his name?
Fun fact : I just cant name any cats! I call them all kitty... with very embarrassing phrases as names " bebe hermoso" and "quiddy quack" no idea why after a duck... but the name I have him as in the vet is "Ande" .. he responds to any of them so its good (for now)

Do you know that your stray mom cat could become pregnant again right after delivery of her little ones?
Yes, so thats another reason I wanted to bring her inside , away from all male cats. While kittens are the cutest , I would rather this be her first and last litter!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Yes, they are separated and have no access to each other. He is also about 1 year old , I rescued him back in February but oh boy , has he been a cat with many many bills included...

and the kitties? Should I take them also when they turn 8 weeks?
Yep! Kittens should start their vaccines at 8 weeks. Many vets will also spay and neuter at 2 months/2 pounds. They will need to be dewormed as well.


with Luciano since 12/5/16
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
Continued good luck with your kitties. I call mine kitty most of the time too, sometimes my kitty and only about 10% of the time Luciano (his given name).