Still Missing Mickey - Three Years Later

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
Oh, my precious Mickey, how much I miss you!
I can hardly believe that three years has passed since you left me. Time seems to have stood still for me. I still miss you as much as ever , if not more , since that terrible night. I know it is supposed to get easier in time , but for me , that it not the case.
I still think about you every single day and still find myself crying over your loss.
July 4th was your birthday and I wish so much that you were still here to have celebrated your day.
I constantly talk to you , letting you know how much you are missed and still loved.
I know you see Shadow and Mittens in your home , and may wonder why.
They are not here to replace you. NEVER!!
No kitty could ever do that.
I needed them (just as they needed me).
They help me to deal with your loss. Yes,I love them both dearly , just as they love me.
However , you were my world , my "special" kitty. You are tucked away safely in my heart where you will remain always.
You took a huge piece of my heart with you when you left. My mom also took a huge piece. My heart still has lots more room ,though, to love other kitties.
Don't worry, loving others will not make me ever forget you. You were way too special to ever forget!
Please know how much I love and miss you!
My life will always be somewhat empty without you here. I just try my best , but my heart will never forget the night of July 8th, 2014 , the night you took your last breathe.
You took my heart with you that night and you will always have it , until we meet again.
RIP My precious , beautiful , baby Mickey!
July 4th, 2001 - July 8th, 2014
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Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014



Mickey - Always In My Heart!!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
The anguish we feel will always be a part of us now, we just learn to cope. You have to know Mickey only wants happiness for you, and although took your heart that night, left a piece of his behind to comfort the one he loves so much. Mickey will always be near, a love like you two had can never completely disappear. He sleeps now in that special spot of sun, waiting for the day when your paths will cross once more. I'll say a special prayer for you both, take care........


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
What a cutie pie, and I certainly can understand the emotions that you are feeling, my eyes filled up as I read this and thought of our Simon and Sebastian who have passed over the last 3 years, and how I got Sylvester out of that emotion who is a constant reminder to me of them as he looks like a combination of them, not a replacement but him looking like them certainly helps me deal with their loss, and he is a wonderful cat himself, the bond that I have with him is so strong because of this story that when his time comes to go I will be devastated but hopefully that day is far down the line. He makes me think of the boys, he looks like each one at different times so he is a constant reminder of them to me and that is a huge help, but I imagine your other two don't look like Mickey and even if they did they could never replace him. I fully know how you feel, the bond is so strong and will never be broken, but take care of these two newer ones and they will try to take care of you, you all need each other very much.

I wish I could take the pain away, but I can't....but I know what you are saying and feeling. But Mickey is on to the "promised land" and is just fine, it is you who is hurting, but you will see him again someday down the line. And anniversaries ALWAYS spark up emotions again, this past May 15th was 3 years ago we lost Simon and it hit me so much harder than usual, but I figured out why-we had Sylvester shaved down because he was matted, so he looked more like Simon that way because he was a short haired tuxedo so that made me see Simon a LOT more! Now as his hair is getting longer he looks like them both again as Sebastian was a long haired Chantilly, but the point is many things trigger the emotions, I know...

I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, and Mickey's spirit is still with you for sure. God Bless.....:alright:


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
It doesn't get any easier, does it?


We all have that special one. That cat that will never be forgotten and can never be replaced. I'm so sorry that you and Mickey have been apart for this long.

Happy Birthday Mickey. I'm sure you know how much you are loved and missed.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Micky, dream you deep. You live in your mama's heart always.

No, Darlin, he doesn't wonder why those other kitties are there. He knows. Just as he knows he can never be replaced. Just as he knows that in loving them, you honor him. Love never dies, you know. He is with you, only changed. No longer in his body, but so present in spirit.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Reading your post made me cry. That's how strongly your emotions came through in words. Mickey is lucky that he got to share his life with you, as are Shadow and Mittens.
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  • #9

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
The anguish we feel will always be a part of us now, we just learn to cope. You have to know Mickey only wants happiness for you, and although took your heart that night, left a piece of his behind to comfort the one he loves so much. Mickey will always be near, a love like you two had can never completely disappear. He sleeps now in that special spot of sun, waiting for the day when your paths will cross once more. I'll say a special prayer for you both, take care........
Thank - You so much for your kind words.
They mean the world to me , much more than you may ever realize.
I hope and pray Mickey is still near , looking down on me from his special place in Heaven.
He was truly a special kitty ,so very loved and so very missed!
Thank - You from my heart for your sweet words of comfort.
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  • #10

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
What a cutie pie, and I certainly can understand the emotions that you are feeling, my eyes filled up as I read this and thought of our Simon and Sebastian who have passed over the last 3 years, and how I got Sylvester out of that emotion who is a constant reminder to me of them as he looks like a combination of them, not a replacement but him looking like them certainly helps me deal with their loss, and he is a wonderful cat himself, the bond that I have with him is so strong because of this story that when his time comes to go I will be devastated but hopefully that day is far down the line. He makes me think of the boys, he looks like each one at different times so he is a constant reminder of them to me and that is a huge help, but I imagine your other two don't look like Mickey and even if they did they could never replace him. I fully know how you feel, the bond is so strong and will never be broken, but take care of these two newer ones and they will try to take care of you, you all need each other very much.

I wish I could take the pain away, but I can't....but I know what you are saying and feeling. But Mickey is on to the "promised land" and is just fine, it is you who is hurting, but you will see him again someday down the line. And anniversaries ALWAYS spark up emotions again, this past May 15th was 3 years ago we lost Simon and it hit me so much harder than usual, but I figured out why-we had Sylvester shaved down because he was matted, so he looked more like Simon that way because he was a short haired tuxedo so that made me see Simon a LOT more! Now as his hair is getting longer he looks like them both again as Sebastian was a long haired Chantilly, but the point is many things trigger the emotions, I know...

I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, and Mickey's spirit is still with you for sure. God Bless.....:alright:
Thank - You for your comforting words.
So truly sorry for your loss of Simon and Sebastian. I know how painful their losses must be for you. Glad that you now have Sylvester to help your heart heal.
It is so sweet that he reminds you of your two kitties , and resembles them both.
Really sweet!!
No , my two don't look anything like my Mickey , but that is okay too. I do love them for who they are , just like you love your Sylvester. Yes , the new kitties need us , and they help our hearts to heal. My Shadow and Mittens are truly wonderful kitties , and very spoiled and loved. They may be more spoiled than Mickey was , as I know they had a hard life before coming to live with me. I am trying to make up for any pain they may have endured before being with me.
They both deserve to be loved and cherished , and I promised them both they always would be.
Mickey came to me when he was almost 6 months old , from a friend. He never had a cold or hungry day ever. He was loved and spoiled all his life. Now, I want to make sure these two kitties know the same.
I have always had cats in my life , and I do miss every one of them and will remember them always.
Mickey stood out ,though.
It may be because he was the one that helped my heart heal after my Mom's passing. Mickey needed me and let me know I was loved. He will always be special to me , just like my Mom.
I like to think they are together now , watching me and loving me from afar.
I need to think that!
Yes , anniversaries , birthdays , any special days are especially hard on the heart.
Both my Mickey and my Mom are my heart!
The majority of my heart remains with them always!
Thanks again for your kind and thoughful words!
Will include a picture of my kitties now , for you to see.
Okay , picture won't seem to post.
Will try in separate post.


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Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
I see now it did post.

This is a better picture anyway.
Shadow is greyish kitty.
Mittens is orange and white kitty.
They are both big kitties , while Mickey was always small and dainty.
Totally different in looks.
All loved!
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  • #12

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
It doesn't get any easier, does it?


We all have that special one. That cat that will never be forgotten and can never be replaced. I'm so sorry that you and Mickey have been apart for this long.

Happy Birthday Mickey. I'm sure you know how much you are loved and missed.
No , it never gets any easier.
You are so right!
Thanks for your comforting words.
They mean so much , more than you could possibly realize.
No , Mickey can never be forgotten or replaced.
He was the special kitty for me!
Thanks for the Birthday wishes.
I am sure he heard them and is thanking you too!!
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  • #13

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
What a handsome boy, I am sorry you lost your little furry soul mate. Mickey was a lucky boy to have known your love. RIP sweet boy.
Thanks for the compliment on my heart and soul kitty!
Also , for your words of comfort.
Truly meant the world to me!
Thanks again!!
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  • #14

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
Rest you gentle, Micky, dream you deep. You live in your mama's heart always.

No, Darlin, he doesn't wonder why those other kitties are there. He knows. Just as he knows he can never be replaced. Just as he knows that in loving them, you honor him. Love never dies, you know. He is with you, only changed. No longer in his body, but so present in spirit.
Thanks so much for your kind words.
They are a great comfort to me.
It was sweet of you to say that he understands why other kitties are in his home now.
I hope you are right and he feels I am honoring the love I have for him.
He will never be replaced , as this will always be his home in my heart.
Thanks again for your kindness!!
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  • #15

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
Reading your post made me cry. That's how strongly your emotions came through in words. Mickey is lucky that he got to share his life with you, as are Shadow and Mittens.
Your words of comfort made me cry.
You are so sweet!
Thanks for saying Mickey was lucky as are Shadow and Mittens.
I feel like I am the lucky one.
I have had amazing cats in my life , all very loved and missed.
Shadow and Mittens are now safe and very loved as well.
Thanks again!!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I see now it did post.View attachment 187876

This is a better picture anyway.
Shadow is greyish kitty.
Mittens is orange and white kitty.
They are both big kitties , while Mickey was always small and dainty.
Totally different in looks.
All loved!
They are both so cute!!! Big and as my wife would say "very squeezable" as she scoops them up and gives them a big hug!!!


TCS Member
Nov 1, 2015
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy. He was very loved, and well remembered, and who could ask for more than that?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
I am so sorry for what you are feeling Mickey. I get scared reading these months and years later, knowing that I might still feel all the pain I feel right now over losing Meela. I still can't go to her grave with out crying. I find it hard to talk about her without much guilt and pain. I am sending you a bunch of hugs!!!! Hang in there.