Still Grieving


All Cats Are Special
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
Hi everyone
I haven't been on in awhile
Just not up to it...As most of you know I lost my precious Snowball this past July
I hurt so bad at times
Think of my baby constantly
And sometimes when I come on the site when I do
I see where members have made comments on some of my posts of snowball or where maybe I reply to someone elses post with a picture of snowball and it hurts when I see him so bad right now


Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
It's hard I know, I was and still sometimes get that way about my Tik. It was a year 15 August like you I have another little man in my life now. And even though I'm totally smitten with him I still think of Tik. But I can say from the heart it does get better and becomes less painful I've even found myself smiling at old pictures on here remembering the funny things Tik did. So hang on in there sending hugs and give Fudgey a cuddle from me. :alright:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 20, 2019
I'm so sorry :heartshape: I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Losing a cat is never easy, and I know exactly how you feel. I still miss my kitty Bella even though it's been well over a year. I have a bracelet with her name on it, and I love knowing that she's with me, maybe something like that might ease your sadness a tiny bit?
Please remember that you gave Snowball a wonderful life, and he was very lucky to have you.
Again, you are in my thoughts and my prayers ❤

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
The sadness you feel will of course be there forever, there will always be a hole in your life. But that hole gets a little smaller each year and the sadness will turn to melancholy and then gratefulness as you heal. You never get over a broken heart, you learn ways to live with it. One way is to distract your grief by opening your heart to another. It won't be the same, it can't be, but it will be added to Snowball's love, which you will always have, and grow to be a love that stands on its own. Snowball's legacy is that he showed you what true love is. To have it hurt so bad now is a testament to the love you shared.
Nothing lasts forever, not one of us is guaranteed a tomorrow. It is what we do with today that counts. We have our past to learn from, to bring up beautiful memories of the past, and bad memories, memories that can help us work towards our future. Snowball is a beautiful part of your past now, a part that will live through you now, a part that will be with you forever, joined to your very soul. He loved life so much, too much to want you to be so sad, to miss out on what truly living can bring. If you were the first to go I know you would never want him to miss out on what life had to offer, just as he wants for you now because that is love.
It's hard, it is one of the hardest things we are asked to do in life. To continue living after the death of a part of us. Snowball rests in peace because he has your love in his heart just as you have his. That will never change. He shared your life's journey for a while, and now he follows a new path. That path will parallel your own for eternity, tied together by the love you shared. He will always be as close as your thoughts and prayers. Be gentle on yourself. As long as you live you will always be capable of being happy once more, to live and love once more, just as you are capable of being so sad. It is a choice we all have to make at a crossroad eventually. Sometimes we come to that crossroad many times, it is a journey you must make yourself and everyone takes a different path. For some it is a short journey, for others, it seems endless. But eventually, we will all have to seek the beauty and happiness that life offers, because truly living demands it. Life itself is something that should be worth living, and your soul will long for happiness and love once more.
It takes a single step to start that journey to healing. Sometimes you have to force yourself to stand up. Don't look at the future as hopeless and with unending sadness, it is within your power to change. Don't look at the future at all right now. Just get through today, the next hour, the next minute, and the future will take care of itself. Live in the present and do things that bring you some joy and make you feel better about yourself. A walk, a donation to your local shelter, spending your time helping them socialize their kittens, helping others who are hurting just as much as you. Sometimes giving comfort brings comfort. But first, you have to take that first step, one day at a time while your soul begins to heal.......


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
This is not something we get over. We get through it. And the pain, while it will become less tearing and raw with time, never leaves us. You will reach a point when it is not even present every day. But it will come back. And the only thing to do is ride it to the bottom of that pit, and then back out again. Just yesterday, I was crying for the dog I had to have put to sleep 47 years ago. And I often cry for Gray, my remarkable tom cat who was with me for 17 years (at the same time as the dog, actually). It will get better. And it takes as long as it takes.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 4, 2015
Sending you love and hugs. I am in a similar place right now. 5 weeks and I count the dates religiously. It is hard but spending time here has helped me because this cat community gets it. Even my family members think I am prolonging it a bit much. I hope everyone here can offer you some comfort.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I couldn’t look at pictures of Dante for the first 6 months. It has been almost 2 years exactly & I still miss him! Now I love having his painting, that I finally hung up about 6 months ago. His painting is in a prime spot and I change the seasonal wreath above it. Now I wish I had more videos of him!

Please give yourself time & avoid Sonowball’s picture until you are ready. I still miss Dante, like a piece of me is missing still. You just get used to living without that piece.
