Something That Appears To Be A Small White String About Coming Out Of My Cat's Back?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 6, 2017
Well Saturday i noticed something was just stuck on him so i tried to grab it off, he backed away and won't let me touch it again. I was wondering if someone thinks this is a tapeworm or another type of worm? He is mostly outdoors and gets flea medicine from vet. I realize flea medicine alone won't prevent worms. Also he doesn't go to the bathroom inside so i can't check his feces.

Looked all over the internet and tapeworm seems to be likely. But can't find anything about it coming out the back. I don't have the money to take him to the vet unless i'm certain. He is acting normal but i just noticed couple days ago. Think there might be warning signs before, because this thing would be huge at this point i'd think.

Alright say this is indeed a worm how can i try to prevent this from happening again? How long will this treatment last for? And is the only way to stop worms in cats is going to the vet every time?

Thanks if someone has the time to reply or not. Tonight if he is around i'll try to take picture and upload it.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 6, 2017
Here is a picture i just took of him laying down. I circled what i was asking about. Thanks.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
The white 'string' you are talking about is a tapeworm segment and will be coming out the anus, not the skin. They look like grains of rice, not that long and skinny (but it could be another type of worm he picked up outside.)All cats will have worms if they are allowed outside at all, tapeworms HAVE to have a rabbit/rat/squirrel/mouse to complete their life cycle, so cats will get them by eating these. You have to use a worm medicine specifically for tapeworm (NOT round worm/hook worm) in able to get rid of them. There are worm medicines online for tapeworm, Foster and Smith, Amazon, etc.. I give them a couple times a year to my cats, mixed in a small amt of tuna. One cat refuses to take them so for him, I go to the vet and get a prescription for Profender, which is a topical wormer and applied the neck, when I bring him in for his vaccinations. And every cat that is outside should have those, bats, squirrels, etc, may carry rabies or a feral cat might come and give them something else. Every cat that is outside even a little needs to be wormed.
As for what your cat has, it most likely is something he picked up and is trying to find a way inside him. I would pull it off and determine what it is, is it alive etc.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 6, 2017
The white 'string' you are talking about is a tapeworm segment and will be coming out the anus, not the skin. They look like grains of rice, not that long and skinny (but it could be another type of worm he picked up outside.)All cats will have worms if they are allowed outside at all, tapeworms HAVE to have a rabbit/rat/squirrel/mouse to complete their life cycle, so cats will get them by eating these. You have to use a worm medicine specifically for tapeworm (NOT round worm/hook worm) in able to get rid of them. There are worm medicines online for tapeworm, Foster and Smith, Amazon, etc.. I give them a couple times a year to my cats, mixed in a small amt of tuna. One cat refuses to take them so for him, I go to the vet and get a prescription for Profender, which is a topical wormer and applied the neck, when I bring him in for his vaccinations. And every cat that is outside should have those, bats, squirrels, etc, may carry rabies or a feral cat might come and give them something else. Every cat that is outside even a little needs to be wormed.
As for what your cat has, it most likely is something he picked up and is trying to find a way inside him. I would pull it off and determine what it is, is it alive etc.

Thank you for the reply Di And Bob!!

Yeah all i seem to find about the worms online are coming about the anus. And none of the pictures i found looked like you described or i seen.

I tried to get it off him few days ago and it seemed to hurt him. So not sure what to do.

Was going to give in time and see if it disappears on its own. Like you said it could be something trying to get in him. I'm stumped and kinda worried. Such shame doctors and vets are so expensive. That's life i suppose.

Will for sure check out worm medications reviews and start giving them to him.

Thanks again. Guess try searching more to find out what this is on his back.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
If there is anyway you can figure out a way to afford a vet visit that would be best. That it hurts him when you touch it makes me worry that whatever it is is burrowed in deep and could get (or already is) infected. To reiterate, it is not a tapeworm as those look different and come out of the anus. It looks and sounds more like a spiked plant fiber or something man made that has become embedded in his skin to me. If you will not take him to the vet, you need someone to hold him then part the fur around it so you can see what you are dealing with. Do not just pull it out as you may cause more damage.
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TCS Member
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Jun 6, 2017
If there is anyway you can figure out a way to afford a vet visit that would be best. That it hurts him when you touch it makes me worry that whatever it is is burrowed in deep and could get (or already is) infected. To reiterate, it is not a tapeworm as those look different and come out of the anus. It looks and sounds more like a spiked plant fiber or something man made that has become embedded in his skin to me. If you will not take him to the vet, you need someone to hold him then part the fur around it so you can see what you are dealing with. Do not just pull it out as you may cause more damage.

Thank you for the reply Kieka!!

Well i can take him to the vet if i need to.

Just trying to figure out if this is some sort of parasite or like you said plant fiber even something man made. That makes a lot sense because sometimes he comes home with bunch of hitchhikers.

If by chance it is plant fiber would it break free on it's own with time?

Will have to monitor though to see if it gets infected if i get that lucky.

Yeah just tried searching more and all i come across is websites talking about worms.

He's alright and acting normal, i can pet him. Just when i tried messing with it i could tell it hurt him. So i'm not going to pull it.

I'll part his fur and try to get better look like you mentioned Kieka.

Thanks for the help!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2016
I will add that your cat, especially since he's an outdoor cat, should probably be on a regular deworming schedule, which you can talk to your vet about. My vet recommends monthly deworming for outdoor cats, at least during the warm months to act as a preventative. Talk to your vet about the recommended protocol in your area and which medications to use.

I would say if it hurts, go to the vet. I always like to err on the side of caution. Then also bring up deworming so you get multiple things out of the way at once.


TCS Member
Sep 4, 2018
I had a mostly outdoor cat some years ago. I hated that he went outside but my moms husband kept letting him out.

He ended up with these skin worms that he got from eating seagulls. They burrowed into his skin, laid eggs and then burrowed out. I dont know what they were, but I do know that we didnt get him checked early enough and he had to be put down, he was full of them.

I dont remember seeing strings like that, but he did have quite a few hot spots from scratching so much.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
It could be a roundworm, if it looks like spaghetti. I couldn't really tell from the pic.
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TCS Member
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Jun 6, 2017
Thanks for the replies Aldewyne , BreeHowland , and Maggiedemi!!

I will for sure check on getting worm medication for him. And i completely agree better safe then sorry Aldewyne.

I'm so sorry BreeHowland for your loss. I lost my female cat of almost 17 years over 3 years now due to blood clot out of nowhere taking away her mobility in back legs. Was one of the saddest days in my life when i had to put her down.

I don't think it was a roundworm Maggiedemi. Yeah the picture was bad took it on my ipod.
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TCS Member
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Jun 6, 2017
Well i just seen him 30 mins ago and that thing disappeared. And he is fine nothing unusual at all. I'm going to try to keep eye on him best i can. He is outside all the time and i barely see him though. He tends to stay close to home when he is hurt feeling vulnerable.

I think it was something man made he got on himself. And it came off on his own. Sorry for wasting everyone's time. Just got worried, really appreciate the replies. This is a great forum with great people!

Will update if anything odd happens in hopes to help someone who might encounter this problem. Thanks again everyone.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I hope that you got him to the vet or at least called the vet for a dewormer. My outdoor kitty (long story) had tapeworms. We got 1 pill from the vet and that took care of it.