Someone tell me it's going to be ok?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 14, 2009
Hi everyone. My first post here. I posted this on another pet forum but I don't know how long it will take to get a response, so I'm posting here, too.

I'm sorry this is so long but I really need some reassurance! Please!

I have a male cat who is 14. I used to have another female cat who was two years older than him but she died last year. When I first introduced them, they didn't like each other much. He was like 2 or 3 at the time and she was like 4 or 5 at the time. But they gradually started getting along and they became bestest buddies. He used to groom her all the time whenever she would go and cuddle with him. It was so cute! So you can imagine that when she died, he got pretty upset. He became my shadow. Literally, he wouldn't leave my side when I was home with him. (I live alone, no kids, no other pets).

So I thought I'd try to get him a buddy. I found a sweet kitty at the pound, also male (mistake?), he was about 2 or 3, they didn't know for sure cause he was dropped off there about a month prior. I probably didn't introduce them properly but it's because when I tried to put him in his own room, he meowed his head off and wouldn't stop, so I just let them deal. They never really got along too good so I ended up giving that cat to my parents. They like him a lot but he meows so much it drives my parents crazy. But that's another story for another day.

Anyway, that was in August of last year when I gave that cat to my parents. Since then, it's just been me and my 14 year old. He continued/continues to be my shadow.

Some friends of mine found a stray kitten, 6 weeks old-ish, in their garage. They called around to all of the pounds in the area but they all told them they're full up and will euthanize within a couple of hours if they drop him off there. So I said geez man I can't let that happen! So I told them I'd take him. Now I'm worried as heck!

This little guy is a male, 6 weeks approximately. I'm picking him up next weekend and taking him to the vet next Monday. I fully intend to keep them separated by keeping the kitten in my spare bedroom with food, water, toys, litter box, etc. I am hoping if I follow all of the steps for the gradual intro that they will be ok. You know, rubbing a towel with each of their scents and letting them sniff under the door, etc. I'm going to do that.

But I'm SO worried! My older cat has become the king of the castle and he absolutely hated the other cat, the one I gave my parents. He has become accustomed to it just being me and him. And I really wish this kitten was a female because I really think it would work a little better. But unfortunately it's a boy kitty. I really really want this to work because I hate the idea of having to find a new home for him. I want my older cat to have an eventual playmate and companion for while I'm at work. And I really want to believe that if I do the intro as gradually as possible that maybe, just maybe, it will work out. But you guys I'm so scared! I'm scared that it will prove to be too much for my older cat!

The last thing I want is for my older cat to feel in any way replaced or displaced or unhappy. I want him to know he's still the primary cat in the house and this kitten is not taking his place. But I want to make sure I raise the kitten to be as loving and cuddly and sweet as I raised him to be, because I love the fact that my older cat always wants to cuddle. I don't like these aloof cats who are completely anti-social. So how do I ensure they are both comfortable and happy and that neither one of them feels like they are less important?

Any reassurance ya'll can give me would be greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 5, 2009
First off, take a deep breathe and relax!

It sounds to me like you know your stuff. Everything you mentioned on how you plan on introducing them is great.

As you know, this isn't going to be an over-night thing, so patience is the key. After a few weeks of being separated, allow timed (not too long) and watched visits. During these times, spend more time with your older cat while the newer one gets accustomed to it's new surroundings. You'll already be giving your new kitty lots of lovin' so make sure you give your older one all of that, plus extra!

If they decide to meet, watch them closely. If you see anything slightly aggressive, place the kitten back in it's room and try again another day. Do this for a while until your older kitty gets used to the new one. Remember to play with the younger one a lot, divert it's energy into toys instead of bouncing around and bothering your older one.

And when it's the right time, make sure you get the youngin' fixed.

If you take all the right precautions, like I am sure you will, I'm sure your two kitties will end up as pals. You'll do fine!

Good luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
Welcome to TCS! And you are doing the right thing for your old cat by trying to find him a buddy, since he is used to one. It will probably be much easier to introduce a kitten rather than an adult cat, and the fact that it is male will not make too much difference - in the end, it all comes down to personality and training.

As said, you are planning all the right things - get them used tot he smell of each other first, learn to associate that smell with treats or favourite foods by placing them on towels that have been well rubbed, mix litters. etc. Then maybe if you have or can borrow a cage, put the kitten in it for a while each day there they can see each other, while making a fuss of your original cat. Then gradually let them meet and sniff each other. It may take a few weeks and the slower the better, though sometimes cats just immediately take to each other - you never know. If one stage does not work, go back one step and try again.

Good luck and do stay here and let us know how it goes. WE also love photos in due course. You will find so many people here who can help you.


TCS Member
Jul 15, 2003
There's no place like home
First of all, please let us know your older cat's name.

The issue with the kitten is not going to be so much the male-male thing, it will be that the kitten will have a tremendous amount of energy that your senior boy may not entirely appreciate. The kitten will try to engage your old boy with play (I guarantee that), and your old boy is going to put him in his place. You will be naturally concerned when he does it and will over analyze if your old cat is going to hurt the kitten. We all do it. Senior cats are set in their ways and it is harder on them to adjust, even if they've lived with another cat all of their lives.

There are a few schools of thought about adopting a second cat with a senior. Some people will find another senior who will not threaten them. Others will wait on adopting until after the senior has crossed. And there are others (most) who want a younger cat or kitten. My advise to the last group is to adopt 2 kittens, so that they take their energy out on each other. It's easier on the senior.

There is a thread here where people have given ideas on how to make introductions successful. You might find ideas here that you haven't thought about:

You'll be OK - you are going into this with the right mind set, and that is the probably the most important factor.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 14, 2009
Thanks everyone, for your support! I feel like I'm preparing a lot better this time as compared to the last time, so maybe there really is a chance that this will work.

I would have loved to get another kitten for this one to play with, but I live in a townhouse and we have a 2-pet rule, so that's not an option. I realize there will be a difference in energy levels for both of them but I will do my best to keep the kitten occupied with toys for play fighting and stuff so maybe he won't annoy the older one.

If anyone has any additional info, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will post up and keep everyone updated once I have some new news.


TCS Member
Jan 28, 2008
It varies so much by cat that it's impossible to know for sure.

We have a little foster kitten. Well, not so little, any more, because I'd guess he's 4 months old.

When we brought him in, pretty quickly Sterling just loved him. Punkin mainly ignores him, but no big thing. Ella says she hates him. She develops a bad transmission and an air leak. At first, that happened as soon as she saw him. Then, he just had to get too close to her. Now, she occasionally even initiates play with him, but she'll still panic and scream if she doesn't feel in control. My guess is that if he were to stay, she'd be cuddling with him in a few weeks.

So, even if you do the slow intro, it doesn't always work out immediately.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
He might adjust better to a younger kitten then the older cat. First you need to get the kitten neutered by 12 weeks old. Second, I would give it a 6 month trial and see how things go.

His age IS against him, but it could work and not cause too much stress on the older one. Good luck and hope things work out for both of you.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 14, 2009
So, I have an interesting turn of events that may work in our favor! My friends said they figured out the kitten is actually female!

I feel some relief at this point because my older cat got along so much with my previous female so I think its going to be ok!

Now just to find an appropriate female name....

My older cat's name is Micky. Named him after Micky Dolenz. I was going to name the new one Davy but I don't think that would work for a girl. Lol!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 15, 2007
how about Minnie.....Minnie Dolenz? lol

Good luck btw,,,,,,if you take it slow they should at the very least learn to co-exist.


TCS Member
Nov 11, 2009
middle of nowhere, Georgia
everything you mentioned should work to at least get them used to each other.. older cats tend to be a bit impatient with kittens..
my mom has one that's about seven years old and one that's about six months old.. the six month old loves to play with the seven year old.. and he looks VERY bothered by it.. but i think he understands that she's just a baby.. he tends to be a pretty agressive cat but he's not done more than just swat her once or twice when she's pounced on his last nerve..
i think if you do everything you described, your two will be just fine with each other..
good luck and let us know how it turns out!!