Some GOOD health news!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2021
We have a Tonkinese little girl, Tessa, who is 3. She was abandoned and we have had her for just under a year. She came with a host of health quirks, but I have some good news!
Tessa has asthma. She was having attacks and even fainted. She was refusing the inhaler and needed steroid shots - which work for her but aren't great to use long term. Anyhow, I started over, had to be patient and persistent, but after three weeks of training, finally got her to use the inhaler, most of the time cooperatively. Here comes the amazing news.
She also had something wrong with her eyes and was having a hard time seeing. The vet recommended an opthamologist, but she'd been through so much at the time I didn't have the heart to put her thorough more. The vets didn't think there was much the eye doc could do but it was worth a shot.
I had noticed Tessa's vision problem kind of seemed to come and go, but I was focused on keeping her breathing. She's been doing great with the inhaler and her breathing has been MUCH better.
Anyhow, she went this week for a recheck. The vet confirmed her breathing was much better, and then she asked about her eyes and I said she'd seemed to be doing okay lately. The vet said "let's check while you're here" and she starts looking at Tessa's eyes and she says "OH MY GOSH! Her eyes look significantly better. She's focusing on me, she's tracking the light, and her pupils look normal and they are retracting they way they should. She wasn't doing any of that last time." The vet isn't sure, but she's wondering if the steroid in the inhaler is somehow positively affecting her eyes.
I don't know, but I'm thankful! I told my family and my sons said "she has been jumping a lot more accurately since she started using the inhaler regularly".
Anyhow - just thought I'd share a little bit of good news. The inhaler is VERY expensive, but cheaper than a trip to the ER vet, so I think it's worth it and we are blessed that it currently fits into our budget.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
This is wonderful news! Thank you for sharing such positive information! :woo:It made my day and may help others too! You are awesome for helping Tessa! I expect the love is helping her heal too!