Socialization of feral cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 29, 2020
Hello! I recently adopted a cat, approx 2 years old from a shelter. She was initially part of their TNR program but they believed she was a good candidate to be in a home. She is a lovely girl but I am struggling with helping her adjust. She is locked in a bedroom with all of her food, litter etc. and has been for the week and a half I have had her. She is hiding constantly, as soon as she sees me or hears me she runs and hides. If I pull her from her hiding spot she absolutely soaks up love, purrs and cuddles right in, but any small noise or movement will cause her to run away. She has not initiated any interaction yet, which suprised me because she seems to love attention. Any suggestions on how to help her?


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
:hellosmiley:and welcome to TCS! Thank you for taking in this kitty and for giving her a warm and fur-ever loving home and a safe sanctuary to live out her life :clapcat:

Here's a very recent thread that I've replied to and it's very similar to you case. :- how-to-help-my-new-feral-cat.423043

I copied my reply and post it here is to have your questions answered ASAP so that you can help your kitty sooner.

'Apart from what you've been doing and what others have said, get some clean, unwashed non perfume garments that you and your family have been wearing and lace it near and around where Freya is. This is to let her get use to the scents so that whenever you guys approach her, it is the same familiar scent as the garments.

Talking about approaching her, each time any of you enter the room where she is, always approach quietly before entering the room but announcing your arrival with calling out he name in a soft loving tone and do not just walk right in. As you enter, squad down and look in while still calling her name with the same loving tone and see where she is and stay here for a moment to observe her. Always repeat this and each time just progress into the room little by little and sit a distance away from her ad talk to her and have a cat toy or cat wand to entice her to play or have some food a hand. And do not wave the toy especially he cat wand furiously so annoy to scare her. Just place it on the floor and slowly move it right and left and do this only for a minute or so then stop. She may not be interested or she may be afraid of it.

Don't look directly into her eyes. Look way and peek from he corner of your eye. And if you do want to look at her, always squint your eyes and keep slow blinking at her and at the same time talk to her sweetly saying things like 'Mommy loves you, don't be afraid' and whisper to her by saying 'blink eyes'

Repeat several times a day and each time move a little close while sitting on he floor. By sitting on the floor makes you look smaller and less intimidating. Also when you guys pend time with her, you may want to leave some soft soothing music and read a book to her. This way, she gets used to the voices and sounds around the house. Try to reduce any loud sound in the house like sudden shouting, screaming, talking, music and banging of stuffs.

What Freya needs now is total trust. As we do not know her past, it may take awhile before winning her heart and also she needs to gain confidence. Remember these 3 things - Patience (lots of it), Love (lots of it) and Routine. It may tale weeks or months but just don't give up. Many thing are going through her mind right now as she had gone through quite a bit herself and make this time a last time for her to go through any unpleasant transition so that she knows this is her true home that loves her.

Feel free to ask questions and many others may share their experiences with with you so that Freya may lead a happy life living with you guys.

Don't give up!'

As for her running away at small movements or noise, that could be she had a bad experience somewhere in her life and that's why she behaves this way as we do not know her background.

My boy is a rescue and he was abused before and he too jump and hides at the slightest sound and each time he does that, i reassure him by saying to him it's ok, it's just a sound.

It's good that your kitty cuddles and purrs but it's good to ket him come to you on his own but this may take awhile before he does that and if he does that, it means that he has gain more confident by doing that.

As usual, the saying is 'don'r give up'. Feel free to ask questions and I'm sure many members with such experiences will share their tips with you.
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Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Congrats on your new rescue kitty. I took a 3 month old kitten off the streets who was a complete Nervous Nelly when it came to noise and certain people who are very loud. She got better after being with me, but still has her triggers. If my brother (who is a loud talker) comes to visit, she would hide under the bed until he is gone. This is pretty much part of her personality.

I think that with rescue kitties we have to remember that they have been out on the streets trying to survive. Who knows what my kitty and your kitty had to put up with on those streets or whatever outdoor environment they grew up with. They have become conditioned to being on high alert because there were a lot of dangers out there. It may take a while for your kitty to let her guard down and feel more at ease in her new home. Just be patient and try to reassure her that she is safe with you. Give her a room or area with a place to hide and play with her toys. It is pretty common for rescue kitties to lay low until they feel more comfortable with you. Talk to her in a soft voice and praise her. When you are near her sit on the floor or kneel (this makes you look less threatening). Play with her and try to work up her confidence. Also have perches or a high place she can chill. When a cat gets more comfortable in their environment they will go to these places. You may try one of those pheromone sprays to calm her. It doesn't always work, but worth a try.

Well, I hope that helps. tabbytom tabbytom offered some good tips. I hope all goes well. Don't hesitate to ask, if you have any more questions.🙂