So... Think My Cat Is Broken

Anime Chick

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 26, 2018
Yukiko, the stray which has basically become my boy kitty's girlfriend and forced her way into my life on a possibly more permanent basis is one that I still struggle to figure out. Shes had a lot of weird habits that I've noticed since taking her in and I still am not fully sure about this cat.

She shreds paper for no reason.

She knocks things off the shelves not for entertainment because she doesn't want ANYTHING on shelves. Any time I put something back on them she knocks it off again right after. She'll just jump up when she sees it and pushes it right back off... so I had to clear all my manga and art papers out of her room(MY art room!) and remove anything breakable because she broke multiple things simply because she didn't want them on the shelves...

When she wants attention--and even my neighbors can vouch for this as they came to me when I was visiting with their daughter once to tell me that my cat--calls out 'MAMAAA!!'
She also screams out, 'MAAAA!', 'MOOOOOM!' and 'HELLOOOOO~?!'

She pulls everything, not just toys, but ANYTHING light enough for her to drag, INTO HER LITTER BOX when SHE wants it cleaned!

On top of that, shes confusing both me and 'her boyfriend' because she seems to not fully grasp what growling means...

She growls when she plays with him and makes him back off... and will add a hiss at the end... she growls when she bathes him... she growls when after she gets gone playing with him and no one is near her... she growls when I try to pet her after she plays with him... and will even throw in a cross between a growl and a purry 'Burrr~!' sound.

I really don't know about this cat. I think she may be broken, I wonder if she can be fixed. Probably gonna take some work. Lucky me to get a broken cat. XD


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Honestly she doesn’t sound broken at all. I would say high spirited, fun and quirky. As far as the hissing and growling, as long as she isn’t angry, it is just another sweet oddity about her. My girl hisses at her toys, at walls and sometimes at me when a hiss just slips out.

Having to keep shelves clear seems to me a small price to pay for having this very special cat in your life. Enjoy every minute.
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Anime Chick

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Jul 26, 2018
Honestly she doesn’t sound broken at all. I would say high spirited, fun and quirky. As far as the hissing and growling, as long as she isn’t angry, it is just another sweet oddity about her. My girl hisses at her toys, at walls and sometimes at me when a hiss just slips out.

Having to keep shelves clear seems to me a small price to pay for having this very special cat in your life. Enjoy every minute.
Heheh, shes a sweet girl, she even as friendly quirks, like being overly attached, as well as hugging my legs and feet. But poor Saru gets so confused because he tries to play with her or she'll go to play with him and then suddenly growl and hiss at him and he turns full submissive mode right after and backs up.

Mind you, hes NOT a submissive male. Only to her.

My concern is once shes out of her safe room, will she start causing havoc around everywhere else in the house too? XD! Just going around hissing at Saru and Atsuko and knocking things off everything?


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Do you have any idea how old she is? How long has she been in your home? I gather you have had her to the vet for a full check up and that she is spayed?

If she has a couple-few years on her, all this would appear to be behavior that was 'allowed' from where ever she came. It is possible that she was one of many cats in a household, got little attention, and no discipline. It is also possible she was either raised without a mom, or taken away from her mother too early and never learned 'traditional' cat manners/behaviors.

As long as her 'BF' tolerates her behavior, it would appear there is no real issue there. I am guessing based on what you've said he still wants to be around her, so while it may confuse him it is not making him dislike her or not want to be around her. With more time, she will figure a few more things out from her 'BF', and her 'BF' will also learn how to read her as well.

Depending on how long you have had her, I would let things slide until you feel she is really at ease in your home. I would also buy her a cat tree or two, and even put up some cat perches/shelves for her to climb and call her own. See if that might help entice her away from your shelves. If she starts to use these items routinely, you can start disciplining her in terms of what she can and cannot climb.
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Anime Chick

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Adult Cat
Jul 26, 2018
Do you have any idea how old she is? How long has she been in your home? I gather you have had her to the vet for a full check up and that she is spayed?

If she has a couple-few years on her, all this would appear to be behavior that was 'allowed' from where ever she came. It is possible that she was one of many cats in a household, got little attention, and no discipline. It is also possible she was either raised without a mom, or taken away from her mother too early and never learned 'traditional' cat manners/behaviors.

As long as her 'BF' tolerates her behavior, it would appear there is no real issue there. I am guessing based on what you've said he still wants to be around her, so while it may confuse him it is not making him dislike her or not want to be around her. With more time, she will figure a few more things out from her 'BF', and her 'BF' will also learn how to read her as well.

Depending on how long you have had her, I would let things slide until you feel she is really at ease in your home. I would also buy her a cat tree or two, and even put up some cat perches/shelves for her to climb and call her own. See if that might help entice her away from your shelves. If she starts to use these items routinely, you can start disciplining her in terms of what she can and cannot climb.
No, I didn't get her spayed yet, I can't till I can get all her shots and a full checkup which costs too much. As is, I have to get her brought up to get handled because shes having urine issues.

Shes been here since a little before Thanksgiving or a little after, somewhere around there. She was a stray at first and shes probably around my one year old's age since when I found her she was only a little smaller than him and shes still a little smaller than him now that hes one but seems to have grown.

No clue about her former owners as everyone just saw her as a stray and I tried to look for them but found nothing so they probably moved and left her. Shes a very sweet and loving with humans at least and tried to nest in the shop down at the bottom of my hill, which the woman who owns it handed her to me, asking if I could look after her.

I've added a bed for her in there, gave her a scratching post and a scratch box, as well as many toys, which she keeps hiding or putting in her litter box and Saru goes to play with her every day now so shes got plenty of social interaction with him. I can't afford a cat tree for her but I do want one for her... I am thinking of making one from scratch since I can't afford to buy one.

I am also leash training her and training her to feel comfortable inside my pet backpack so I can transport her easily. I'm also trying to get her and my other kitty, Atsuko on good terms so she can have more roam time since I can't let her use their box till she gets taken care of but play dates around the house would be fine.

I do everything I can to make sure things are alright for all my kitties, shes just a bigger investment because she wasn't fixed and I have to give her a bunch of shots before I get her fixed so another cat doesn't risk giving her something if shes clean.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
My mom owned a cat they said ‘letmeout’ while sitting in front of the door! I kid you not. That cat also taught himself to pee in the toilet and flush afterwards. Some cats are brighter than others. :geekcat:

Cats shredding paper is normal especially for kitten/teen cats. :dizzycat:

Cats knock things off shelves when they are bored. She might as well be shouting ‘I’m sooooooo bored!’ :gingercat:Play, puzzle feeders, a bird feeder in sight of a window perch and maybe daily harness walks should help. That sticky tape (made to train cats) should help her learn to stay off the counters. Smart cats get bored easier.
***When my punk :devilcat2: was 6 months old I wanted to shave him! Instead I let him outside every afternoon and he calmed down almost instantly!!! :angelcat:Something about outside time calms the hyper kitties down. (A catio is ideal but a harness walk will still let them be outside but keep them safe.)

Is she in the room for most of the day? That could be the cause of an explosion of energy. Keeping a cat in a room is like kitty jail and is not good for them long term. If you trap a little kid inside a room all day, when you finally let them out, they run around all crazy.... being hyper-er then usual. Is there a reason she is not running loose around the house?

Growling during play is normal. One of the kittens loves to grab a fur poof ball or fur mouse and then growl... then play keep away from the other kittens. I call it kitty soccer. They love it! In this case it sounds like he is the one not understanding her regular cat speak.

Lastly the hugging/grabbing legs sounds like play. Though it is best to teach all kitties that humans have fragile paper skin and not equipped to play rough and tumble with cats. A strict toys not hands policy (plus lots of wand toys) help. Also when she pounces on you, I would give a high pitched ow then ignore her. If in2 months when she is fully integrated into your home she is still doing this, then you can up your training of not pouncing the delicate humans.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Oh the litter box toy dunking? I have no idea! Sometimes cats are gross! I would buy her a cheap large open litter box and try filling it with other non litter things to see if she can dunk things in there instead? You might try plain sand from Home Depot (though they might use that as a loo) or unscented wood chips or litter pellets or newspaper etc.

Hopefully someone else has dealt with this before?


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
If she is not spayed a lot of her restlessness and vocalization is probably due to her being in heat. I assume your male is neutered?
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Anime Chick

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Adult Cat
Jul 26, 2018
My mom owned a cat they said ‘letmeout’ while sitting in front of the door! I kid you not. That cat also taught himself to pee in the toilet and flush afterwards. Some cats are brighter than others. :geekcat:

Cats shredding paper is normal especially for kitten/teen cats. :dizzycat:

Cats knock things off shelves when they are bored. She might as well be shouting ‘I’m sooooooo bored!’ :gingercat:Play, puzzle feeders, a bird feeder in sight of a window perch and maybe daily harness walks should help. That sticky tape (made to train cats) should help her learn to stay off the counters. Smart cats get bored easier.
***When my punk :devilcat2: was 6 months old I wanted to shave him! Instead I let him outside every afternoon and he calmed down almost instantly!!! :angelcat:Something about outside time calms the hyper kitties down. (A catio is ideal but a harness walk will still let them be outside but keep them safe.)

Is she in the room for most of the day? That could be the cause of an explosion of energy. Keeping a cat in a room is like kitty jail and is not good for them long term. If you trap a little kid inside a room all day, when you finally let them out, they run around all crazy.... being hyper-er then usual. Is there a reason she is not running loose around the house?

Growling during play is normal. One of the kittens loves to grab a fur poof ball or fur mouse and then growl... then play keep away from the other kittens. I call it kitty soccer. They love it! In this case it sounds like he is the one not understanding her regular cat speak.

Lastly the hugging/grabbing legs sounds like play. Though it is best to teach all kitties that humans have fragile paper skin and not equipped to play rough and tumble with cats. A strict toys not hands policy (plus lots of wand toys) help. Also when she pounces on you, I would give a high pitched ow then ignore her. If in2 months when she is fully integrated into your home she is still doing this, then you can up your training of not pouncing the delicate humans.
Haha, yeah the 'broken' thing was more a joke. I had a few cats who learned other words too. Normally only one two two syllable ones. Like, 'Ma', 'No', 'Yeah', 'Mom', ect. so I'm used to that.

And yeah, unfortunately. I do take her out at times tho on a leash but that training is just started recently. I suffer from Clinical Depression so I don't have a lot of energy a lot of the time. It comes and goes. I am starting on moving her to different rooms tho so she has more to explore.

And yes, because I haven't gotten her merged fully with the other kitties yet, only one of them, not the other one. But I am gradually working on that. She also hasn't been checked for any sicknesses and I don't want her using their litter box. The vet said its fine if they play, she just can't share litter box and stuff like water and wet food.

I will be helping her to get merged in soon, I just need to handle the medical stuff first.

And nah, its not even play. My boy will play like that, I've seen play. Shes doing it as a possessive manner of affection. She gently jumps up and wraps both paws around, meows and nuzzles me.

I actually hold a different approach to rough play tho. I taught my boy Saru how to play rough but gentle. Same with my girl Atsuko. You say 'ow', 'easy', 'gentle' and it shows them they are being too rough with it. Atsuko is so in control she barely touches me anymore and purrs when we play. Saru I sometimes have to remind but most of the time hes barely biting and just mouths. Atsuko doesn't even use claws and Saru learns he can't use them either and if he does to only slightly so it is enough to hold but not hurt.
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Anime Chick

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Adult Cat
Jul 26, 2018
If she is not spayed a lot of her restlessness and vocalization is probably due to her being in heat. I assume your male is neutered?
Some of the time its heat, but shes vocal even when shes not in heat. When shes just insisting on attention. Normally if I go in or Saru is let in, she will stop.

And yes, hes neutered.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I hear you about depression! Finding the right medicine really helps! It is a chemical imbalance and nothing to be ashamed of. Thank you for being upfront about it instead of pretending you don’t have depression (like so many do.)

Hmmmm can you lock the other cats up (with their litter/food/water) and give her free run of house for 12 hours each day?

Because walking hurts I bought a 26 foot leash. So I sit down while my boy explores/tried to tangle his leash by wrapping it around bushes. Then I get up, untangle his leash and sit again. Yes his tangles are a pain because if he gets the leash firmly caught on something he can wiggle/Houdini his way out of his harness sometimes. Still it beats standing/walking for an hour and hurting. Plus it often lets him get an hour or two of outside time instead of 15-30 minutes (my on my feet limit.) I love his kitty holster harness and he seems to like the Velcro vest ones better to. I bough his harness a little big thinking he had more growing to do at 5 months old. So provided I put it on extra tight, he can’t wiggle free. He enjoys thinking he can catch a bird, chasing lizards and catching little flying insects!
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Anime Chick

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Adult Cat
Jul 26, 2018
I hear you about depression! Finding the right medicine really helps! It is a chemical imbalance and nothing to be ashamed of. Thank you for being upfront about it instead of pretending you don’t have depression (like so many do.)

Hmmmm can you lock the other cats up (with their litter/food/water) and give her free run of house for 12 hours each day?

Because walking hurts I bought a 26 foot leash. So I sit down while my boy explores/tried to tangle his leash by wrapping it around bushes. Then I get up, untangle his leash and sit again. Yes his tangles are a pain because if he gets the leash firmly caught on something he can wiggle/Houdini his way out of his harness sometimes. Still it beats standing/walking for an hour and hurting. Plus it often lets him get an hour or two of outside time instead of 15-30 minutes (my on my feet limit.) I love his kitty holster harness and he seems to like the Velcro vest ones better to. I bough his harness a little big thinking he had more growing to do at 5 months old. So provided I put it on extra tight, he can’t wiggle free. He enjoys thinking he can catch a bird, chasing lizards and catching little flying insects!
I'm glad you understand, I get a lot of people saying bad things about it, we can talk in PM about that if you want.

And yeah, I occasionally will lock Atsuko up for a bit while Yukiko and Saru roam. But only till Atsuko insists on coming back out. I don't wanna stress her out since she has breathing issues and around 9 or 10 years old.

And I don't mind bringing Yukiko out with me on good days, its just be so stupidly hot lately that its impossible without putting myself at risk.

Also, I can't let her go into bushes or tall grass right now, tick season is REALLY high where I live right now so she has to only be on pavement or cut grass.

Atsuko and Saru are both leash trained and Yuki is doing REALLY well on a leash so far. She does get panicy tho if she hears a car so I'm working on making her pay attention to me and ignore the car when one goes by. Shes slowly getting the hang of it~.


Tilly’s hooman maid
Super Cat
Apr 14, 2019
Boston ma
Mine are broken I try to re set them but it didn't work their crazy it's just the way cats are
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Anime Chick

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 26, 2018
Mine are broken I try to re set them but it didn't work their crazy it's just the way cats are
I've helped my cats improve before.
Its not easy but with patience and time it can be done.