so I have a ghost cat... seriously


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
My heart and soul cat Swanie comes around occasionally with a "smell-o-gram"* but I don't sense him here all the time.

* When he was alive, he had tummy issues and had a habit of not covering when he used the litter. I would say Swanie I wish you would cover, then go I'd clean it. The night after he passed, I smelled it. We only had Cricket at the time, and she didn't smell like that, but I went around checking all the litter boxes anyway and they were clean. He's sent me that sign a couple other times. I think he knows when I'm missing him really badly .


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 3, 2021
Has anyone captured images of their own deceased cats on eg security cameras?


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
My house being built in 1830's actually has a ghost tied to it. I believe she is not malevolent though.

She has slammed doors and turned on appliances though (brand new dryer once turned on when nobody was near it.) I think she just wants us to know she is here. Supposedly there are love letters written by a forbidden lover somewhere in the walls or under the floors. Maybe she is just searching for them.

I also heard a cat catterwauling from under the fridge. It was really creepy considering neither cat was downstairs at the time.


TCS Member
Nov 6, 2022
I'm not sure where to post this. But I need to talk about it. I saw him today. I was going into my kitchen and saw my now only cat look at me and run into my room. I got his food dish and followed him. He wasn't in my room. I kinda knew where to go next. Boo was sleeping on my couch last I saw him... And there he was still sleeping. Ive seen this cat 10+ times in the last 2 years. I did lose a dark cat 8 years ago. I've felt a wet nose on my leg.. My pants rubbed against. I heard a hiss in the middle of the night when both my cats were asleep. i felt a cat walking behind me on the couch.... No cat. I saw a tail from my bathroom mirror walk into bathroom... No cat. of course if I'm just losing my mind I'd think I'd see other things. I have seen/experienced a few human spirits so I'm not sure if I'm seeing what some might not. My friend wants to have me believe it's evil. I never feel scared.. Except maybe the first time. In middle of the night I heard my 2 cats fighting. when I got up I felt very nervous about seeing what wss wrong. 1 cat ran into my bathroom... When I opened the door... No cat. both were found elsewhere. I guess I want to know if anyone else has experienced this. Thanks.
I also have a ghost cat and everyone else thinks I'm crazy.
I started seeing what looked like a cat crouching underneath the keyboard in my room, seemed to be hiding.
I keep seeing it in the same spot, and a few nights ago I dreamt that I had moved into a house and I saw a cat laying down on the bed. Everything around it was white including the bed and the walls. I somehow knew the cat was named Duchess, and she was fluffy, grey and white with light green eyes. The house was haunted, but I didn't feel scared. When I woke up, I remembered this cat so well that I was desperate to find one that looked like her I searched on google images and found some, but none of them looked close enough to her. That's when I saw her again, in the same spot and somehow I knew it was Duchess. I haven't really felt scared around her, and I told her that it was okay and she didn't have to be scared.
I have nobody else to talk to about this.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Aug 2, 2008
I also have a ghost cat and everyone else thinks I'm crazy.
I started seeing what looked like a cat crouching underneath the keyboard in my room, seemed to be hiding.
I keep seeing it in the same spot, and a few nights ago I dreamt that I had moved into a house and I saw a cat laying down on the bed. Everything around it was white including the bed and the walls. I somehow knew the cat was named Duchess, and she was fluffy, grey and white with light green eyes. The house was haunted, but I didn't feel scared. When I woke up, I remembered this cat so well that I was desperate to find one that looked like her I searched on google images and found some, but none of them looked close enough to her. That's when I saw her again, in the same spot and somehow I knew it was Duchess. I haven't really felt scared around her, and I told her that it was okay and she didn't have to be scared.
I have nobody else to talk to about this.
Well this is the right place. We believe you. :)
i haven't seen mine for quite awhile. I recently brought in a new cat (a feral who "tge ghost cat" knew) i was hoping he'd visit. But you can't predict. In my case anyway it just happens at random times... And who knows maybe he's moved on... Time will tell.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 4, 2022
I feel I had a few experiences about "ghost cat"
The first one I always remember was the scratching sound at the litter box at night. It happened maybe twice. The funny thing was I thought my Pushkin was on his litter only to see him sleeping close to me.
The feeling of something on my bed near my feet. Usually my cat goes there when he feels cold.
Or sometimes when he wants to nap.
But sometimes I think he is there but when I look around he is just chilling on the floor. ( I could feel an extra weight)
The last time was after I had a dream where I was calling my cat. When I woke up my cat was on the living room. The next day my cat went to sleep on the top of the closet. I went to the living room and while I was putting some books on the bookcase I heard a small meow next to me.
I turn around to see maybe my cat next to me but nothing. He was still sleeping on the closet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Slightly OT but a funny story, so ...

When my Katie crossed the bridge in 2009 she came back for a visit within days of going, brought by someone I loved who passed over long ago. It was incredibly comforting, I had dreaded losing her and when it happened she died in a fortnight of being diagnosed with cancer.

Some while after this I was seeing a psychologist, and I told him about this during one of our sessions. He was polite about it but obviously didn’t believe it, which was fine.

During this session he realised he had to get me some paperwork, and left the office to do so. While he was out a cat came in and hopped up on my lap.

When the psychologist came back in and saw this he nearly jumped out of his skin! I kid you not, he really did jump. :flail:Turns out the cat lived in one of the upstairs flats and used to visit occasionally, which neither the psychologist nor I knew.

So that’s my ghost cat and not-ghost cat story!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 29, 2022
When my Katie crossed the bridge in 2009 she came back for a visit within days of going.

This happened to me with my little boy MaoMao three times in the first week. It was really lucid, I knew he was visiting, but I knew each time he couldn’t stay long. One thing that happens a lot is feeling a cat jump up on the sofa and I look up and both my cats are somewhere else.


haunted by a kitty!
Jan 4, 2023
I also have a ghost cat haunting me. Not my house, just me. It's a calico with one black ear and one white ear, a large black spot on its back, and three of its paws are black. It has incredibly vivid green eyes that are almost glowing but not quite. It usually just follows me around and watches me, I've never heard it meow or anything. Whenever I try to touch it or talk to it it scratches me and it feels like red-hot knives, and I always get really big, swollen cuts.

What do I do?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 24, 2016
I like to believe some cats that passed still linger here. How else am I to explain the occasional rubbing on the legs or a cat lying against me but there's not.