Siamese Cat Driving Me Crazy! Normal Behavior Or Demanding?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Minor thread hijack for a moment...
Snowshoe? But of course. Moo Shu won't have to do any drudgery here :thumbsup: :lol2: (for those of you unfamiliar, a reference to a very smarty-pants adjustment to a photo of a gorgeous Moo Shu, washing windows)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
This is a great thread. Yes guys may think you crazy but once he sees how happy the cat is getting to explore new areas he will come around....and if 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine said.....there's more fish in the sea lol.

I've not had a siamese cat before but I heard from friends they need interactions. Since you have a cat tree try tossing toy mice to your kitty when they are up top-they probably will bat them back at you.

My Honeybee is a calico and this is her favorite play activity. To watch the mice sail through the air then pelt it as hard as she can. Shes got a good batting arm.

Another thing is laser toy..string wand toy..make them run around and tire out.

The hissing is a great idea. I've done this before to Bee when she bites and it works. She gives me flat ears back but realizes that she can't bite without me hissing at her. She plays hard and claws like razors. Of course we tease her too but for most part she is getting better.

I think once the energy is run out of kitty they won't bite and scratch as much. And keep meowing back at them. Honeybee and I can keep a conversation going for quite some time.

Keep us posted and we love pictures of kitties too!


High Priest of Freya, The Slightly Bitey.
Super Cat
Sep 22, 2016
St. Louis Metro Area
Siamese cats are *very* intelligent and verbal. They like to talk and be talked to. You are very lucky your meezer doesn't scream at you from the other side of a door, because it sounds like a baby that is being boiled alive (and can go on hours!)

For example, I tell Freya stories like she is a little kid (I did it as a joke the first time, but she loves it.). She'll sit and gaze at me as I look at her and tell her all sorts of silly stories in a "story voice." When the story is over, I'll say, "the end", and more often than not, she will close her eyes and sleep!

She also mimics human words. Most of the time she'll hear my wife and I say a word and, from time to time will try and say it, herself, and most of the time she'll say it a few times and then never say it again, but there are a handful that she uses regularly (I think she learned them, because they were easier to say and aligned well with the usual feline vocabulary ( most domesticated cats learn to make around 25 sounds to communicate with humans, and I suspect that Freya found it fun and useful to make hers sound close to human words.)

As to things that have helped calm my cat and reduce yelling...

-Story time
-bird feeders
-window platforms (the suction cup type)
-puzzle feeders
-wand toys (lots of wand toys...)
-playing fetch
-playing with a ball in track toy with her.
-Talking to her in a calm quiet voice when she screams.
-Letting her hang out with me in my bedroom (I have a cat door for her so that she doesn't disturb me much while I sleep, and if she's bad lock her out, to keep her behaving)
-gazing back at her telling her how pretty she is. (be careful it is a blinky affectionate gaze and not an aggressive stare... Meezrs seem to like eye contact unlike most cats, but there is a fine line between gazing and staring/glaring even so.)
-fleece blankets
-kitty water fountains
-cat tv (search youtube for that phrase)
-many other tv shows that she enjoys watching with us like: , especially ones with more rural or wilderness settings, and without a lot of music, shouting, or crying babies. (she likes "turn", "the zoo" (a show she likes a lot more than I do...), "the world's most extraordinary homes."
-brushing her

My suggestion, above all, is to teach your cat to play fetch (get some kitty boinks for it...), because your cat will almost certainly enjoy it, and, because your boyfriend probably will, too, and it might help him to get over some preconceptions about cats vs dogs ( and thus help him be more supportive with harness walks.) Also, if he's a dog person, I've found cats who play fetch get pretty much instant approval from dog people (I think that they then classify them as small dogs on a subconscious level)

If you're curious, here are links of Freya saying Hello, saying rat when playing with her toy rat, and playing fetch with a kitty boink.

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