Should The Boys' First Outdoor Experience Be A Snowy One?


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
We've had Toffee and Fudge since December and the shelter recommended that due to their semi-feral background, if we want to introduce the outdoors to them, now would be the best time to do so. They're always keen to explore and we've started to let them venture into other rooms. They're getting very playful and restless indoors so we think they need to let off steam outside.

We were planning on doing so tomorrow; but here in London we're meant to be getting 20cm of snow and I think it seems a bit cruel to say "right, first time, off you go" in such weather conditions. Did any of you let out your cats for the first time in the snow? What was your experience? What are cats like with snow in general?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Maybe you could try bringing some snow inside (in a bowl or bucket), to see how the kitties react to it first.
What a fun idea!
My Big Guy is all about shaking one front paw, then the other front paw, then a back paw then the other back paw, but he's insistent that he gets his (supervised) walkabout LOL ..."but it's COLD mama!" ...he's so funny to watch.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Thank you both! We introduced some dry food to the boys yesterday, but it didn't seem to agree with them and they both have upset stomachs today and aren't very well, so we thought that with the cold weather it wouldn't be right to take them outside today. Once they're better we'll probably introduce them to the outside.

The snow indoors is a great idea - I'll try that when we next get snow so they can see it for themselves first!

mac n tosh

TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 29, 2016
Long Island, NY
I have 2 cats as you can see. Mac does not like wet, cold paws so he walks outside in the snow near the perimeter of the house where it's drier and warmer. Tosh LOVES the snow. He jumps right into it, frolicking about. He tries to catch the falling snow in his mouth. It depends on the cat. Mine will go out in the rain just to go out for a few minutes, but Mac will take shelter under trees and bushes. We have a large yard and cat lovers all around us. I don't leave when they are out and call them back every so often. I put bells on their collars so I can hear them outside. I love the indoor snow idea!!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Our cats don't free roam, but have access to a cat-proofed outdoors area 24 hours a day and they LOVE snow. This is partially why our catio is going to get a serious expansion, they love snow and our youngest loves chasing leaves about in the wind during the autumn months too. So cute.
If they're going to free range, I would be tempted to keep them indoors until they're 100% acclimated and comfortable with your house being "their home" so they don't wander. Make sure they're wearing identification and I like the idea of a bell collar for the noise factor to alert you to their whereabouts.
Also I love the indoor snow idea. I love snow as well, so I'd be totally OK with that! =D
Once they're well, hopefully they can enjoy a taste of the great outdoors! =) Cheers to you!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
It depends on the cat. Some love romping through the snow, and others hate the feeling of having cold, wet paws. Maybe you could try bringing some snow inside (in a bowl or bucket), to see how the kitties react to it first.

Have you seen our article about leash training yet? Harness And Leash Training For Cats
I love this idea and wonder why I never thought of it.
I absolutely delight in the first snow of the season with a new kitten or a new puppy, it's like watching Bambi all over again. Our youngest girl ran out into her enclosure, did a flying leap onto a bench and pinned her ears, then realized that snow can be flung, thrown, dived into, and she had the time of her life.
Our youngest dog ran out into the snow for about 6 steps, looked back onto his footprints, then hopped around, pogo-stick leg style, for about 30 seconds just enjoying the sensation. It was so, so, funny!