Should I Install A Strong Glass Wall For My Aggressive Cat ?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 11, 2018
I have a Neutered cat named Leo who is 3 years old and I have my other cats who are not neutered or spayed. I’m looking to move to a bigger home and put the cats in a big room to stay, but for Leo I’m looking to install a strong glass wall in the middle of their big room so he can look at my other cats but can’t fight them and he stays alone in the room, is that the right approach ?

He usually fights atrociously like in YouTube with my other cats. He even fought his kitten who is 3 months old who is injured just behind his ear then I went to the vet to get him healed, thats why I Neutered him because of his aggression

He knows all my other cats and just before 2 months he got along with most of them and stayed with them.

So after I move into a new house should I install a strong glass wall to just let him see them or keep him alone in another room with no glass wall and interacting with the cats ?

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Yes, better to separate them with a strong transparent wall, so they can see each other.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
That would work, screen would work well too on a frame, or rabbit fence, to let them interact a little more. Something happened to make him want to attack them if he was getting along before, something new in the house, or a chnage. Cats get very nervous and agitated with change and this move will escalate it. But a bigger place would be wonderful in the long run! I suggest you have them all neutered and spayed. it helps them calm down immensely and helps everyone to get along. You will soon have hundreds of cats if you don't keep them separated, and that is almost impossible to do because the instinct to reproduce is VERY strong in cats. I had one little stray that had 18 kittens in one year. Thank you for trying tom help your boy, I hope you find the reson for his change, there is one out there.....