Should I get my kitten a companion?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 30, 2014
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this - I wasn't sure where I put it.

I recently moved out of my parents house and into an apartment with my 5 month old kitten, Boone.

Boone is my shadow. I'm having a very rough time adjusting to living on my own in a city away from my family and boyfriend, but having him is a huge help. He follows me from room to room and is always cuddling with me. He sleeps in my bed with me as well.

BUT - I work 20-30 hours a week (shift work) and come January I will be going to school full time and maybe working 10 hours on top of that. I know that I eventually want to add another cat to my home.. But I'm wondering if it should be sooner rather than later.

Me and my boyfriend have talked about it a lot, and I think it would be a good idea because Boone would having company while I am not home... And also because I believe that as a kitten he will be more accepting of another cat. It might be a smoother transition to introduce another kitten to him now than it would be if I waited a couple years. My landlord has okay' the second cat and I've done the math and know I can afford to care for another.

There are only a few things holding me back.
1. I frequently travel back home for 2-3 days at a time. Boone Always comes with me and gets along with my parents cats and dogs fine. I would need to make sure my parents are okay with my bringing a second cat home with me during these times. (I have a room there they can be separated in if necessary.)
2. My boyfriend has slight allergies to cats and we want to make sure he can handle two. He is convinced he would be totally fine - just might have to take an allergy pill once a day. I'm thinking maybe about getting him to talk to his doctor first to see what the options are.
3. When I'm done school I'll be moving back to the town my family lives.. And having two cats will make finding an apartment a bit harder. (Though I'm sure I would eventually)
4. I'm scared that even though Boone's a kitten he won't accept another.

Sorry for such a long post!! I just really want to make the right decision. Thoughts and opinions?


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I always recommend 2 kittens if you can afford it!  My 2 are litter mates and it was so much easier having them together as kittens.  They slept together, played together and snuggled.  DH and I both worked full time when they were kittens so I do think having company helped.  Plus; they got into less trouble because they were playing together.  I didn't have any night crying and they adjusted to our schedule (sleep at night, play by day) pretty well.  We did crate them at night in a large wire dog crate that held their litter box, bed, toys, water dish, etc.  It was plenty of room for 2 tiny kittens.  I used to have a fish tank that wasn't very kitten proof and the girls could get out of our spare bathroom by crawling UNDER the door.  They were 10 weeks when they came to us.  

My DH is allergic to cats and 2 is our limit.  He takes meds and we vacuum and things regularly.  Someday we will replace our carpets with solid flooring because that is easier to clean.  The girls aren't allowed in our bedroom and that helps him the most.  He is good about changing his shirt before bed if he's held them and washing his hands regularly.  

If you do decide to adopt another; this article explains how to introduce cats to cats:  

Good luck!!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 30, 2014
Thanks so much for the reply! Very helpful.
I should probably stop letting Boone sleep in my bed, then. My boyfriend does not live with me but I'll be moving in in a couple of months. I wouldn't feel right locking Boone out on his own at night unless he had another kitten to keep him company so there's another reason to adopt! :)

Tomorrow two shelters in my area are having adaptations at two different locations so I am going to go to those and check out the actual shelters as well.

My other idea was to perhaps become a foster home. But I'm unsure if that is a good idea because I want to have Boone be comfortable with another cat completely. Having cats coming and going would be stressful for him, I would imagine.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It may take a while, but kittens usually adapt to one another quickly. I highly recommend always having two cats, another male if possible, I have found that females tend to be 'Queen' of the household and are bossy. (although there is nothing wrong with that! 
) Having to would be perfect for you to leave alone, they would keep each other company and not be so lonely. Try to match the personalities too, if your cat is laid back, DON'T get a high strung companion, my two at home are opposites and fight pretty often. Good luck, and keep us posted on what you do!

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
I do NOT recommend more than you can handle!  Why?  Because one more means more food, litter, toys, vet care, etc.  And, it means more time.  Cats can do just fine on their own.  They are not pack or pride animals.  They are solitary.  They can enjoy the company of others.  But they never asks us for it!  When we bring another cat in, it is our choice and we are the ones that have to deal with the consequences. 

In a perfect world... YES... Please adopt as many cats as you like.  I am an adoptions director at a clinic/shelter.  But, I am very realistic and picky over whom I choose to let the animals go to.  They have to know what they are getting into and have a realistic idea of what to expect from a pet.  Often people do NOT.  They think "Oh my cat is lonely because I work a lot.  I'll get him/her a friend and they'll be best friends."  Then the cats end up having problems because they didn't do it right and now they are deciding what to do and who to keep.  Not good. 

You need to have the time and patience to do a proper introduction.  Cats do not like change.  It will  take time.  If you do not have the time, don't get another cat.  You'll more than likely be back on this site trying to figure out how to fix the fighting and them "hating" each other. 

Jackson Galaxy "My Cat From Hell" has many excellent videos on proper introductions and how to go about it.  It takes lots of time and  consistency.  And even if you do it right, it's the cats' time table, not yours.  Behaviorists say it takes a month for cats to accept each other.  Some times it's less, some times it's MORE.  And even then, I recommend that people have a realistic view and not expect them to be best friends... But to peacefully coexists.  That way, whatever else happens is icing on the cake. 

IF you have time to do this and IF your bf can help out, because him living there, he needs to be part of it too and accept it... Because if he resents it, it won't work.  Then by all means... But, if you cannot say that you can do this... Please don't.  You'll only possibly create problems where there are none.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 30, 2014
I did not say I could not handle it. I am quite aware of the importance if properly introducing cats. I just thought that it would be EASIER to introduce two kittens than it would be to introduce two adult cats. I have a separate room done up in my apartment for the new kitten (if I do adopt) until he/she is ready to have free range of the apartment.

I wasn't expecting a quick and easy introduction so no worries there :) If it takes a week or two great - if it takes months than that's fine as well! Even when I'm working/at school full time I will still be spending every evening/night at home with them.

Also, I won't do this unless my boyfriend is completely on board. It's something we have talked about a lot and we are leaning towards adopting a second kitten but it's still something that needs to be discussed a bit more. He LOVES Boone, and is a big part of helping me care for him. Even if he doesn't move in with me right away he's already explained to me that they are HIS cats too, even if he doesn't live with us :p


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
I can see you're thinking this through really carefully and have an understanding of the pros and cons, @Emilly

 MoochNNoodles and Di and Bob have given really good advice with their experience of two cats and I tend to agree with them. But then I would as I just love having my two, even through they aren't best buds.  It's worth noting that they may not always get on, but will do so in their own way.  My two argue incessantly but not badly, if you know what I mean.  I think they'd be a little lost without each other though.

I think you are very wise to talk it through really carefully with your boyfriend and consider all the issues. Many people don't!

Do let us know what you decide.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 30, 2014
Okay, so after another lengthy discussion me and my boyfriend have adopted a 4 month old kitten from a local TRN program. He is being quarantined in a seperate room right now. We are very excited :)

I do have a question regarding how much water he drinks, though!! He's only been here for a day but I've noticed he drinks A LOT of water compared to Boone. I suspect I will need to create a seperate thread for this but am wondering if it's something I need to worry about.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
That's lovely... You know about introducing, so that's covered, but do ask any questions here if there are any issues.  And keep in mind that we love pictures.

Kittens do drink and eat a lot!  But do post in health about it, if you're at all concerned.

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
People think it's easier to introduce kittens.. Normally it is.  But, you have to take into account that kittens are like their adult counterparts and do not like change, either.  So you need to expect hissing and growling and swatting.  Even fighting.  Just because they are young, it does not mean it will be easier and that it won't take the same amount of time and consistency.... This belief is a myth.  I did not say you couldn't handle it, but I think people recommend another cat way too often on this site as a "band aid" and do not realize they may be giving very bad advice and creating problems where there are none.  Yes, if YOU want another cat, then do it.  But you still have to be prepared for the work no matter the stage of life the cat is in. And you need to be realistic... This was my point.  People get this idea in their heads that their cats want or need a companion.  This is not so.  Cats can be very happy as an only pet. 