She's Gone...

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  • #43


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Cats are ridiculous!!! I remove the possum to the POSSPITAL and Soots is back to eating like a champ. Plus the yellow jackets aren't around today. Wonder where they went? Anyway- I'm still taking her to the vet as she hasn't been in a couple of years- but I'm so relieved to know that yes, GJ has impacted her, but a possum in HER yard was really messing w her


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Well, that's a double win. The possum gets a better life, and Soots gets her yard back and is eating again - yay!

I'm glad you still plan to get her checked out at the vet. :)
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  • #45


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
My possum didn't make it. It was a she and was apparently in really bad shape. They gave her antibiotics and fluids and pain meds but she died during the night. I am so sad.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Oh no - -- my heart breaks for the opossum AND you :( I know I'd be bawling like crazy over that. But hopefully you're keeping in mind that you absolutely saved the opossum from more days of what must have been horrible, horrible pain and what would have been an awful death. Instead she was warm and pain-free.

It made me cry extra hard bc it reminded me so much of a feral we dealt with a few years ago. He was a big ol' orange tiger feral we'd been trying to TNR for around a year named "Harry" that we think had been hit by a car and bounced off the tire as he had - I'm not exaggerating - - a chunk out of his side about 4 inches x 6 inches that literally went down so deep you could see the muscle (most people on this site are probably too young to get this reference, but my husband - in an effort to inject much-needed levity into the situation - named him after a very early Saturday Night Live character - "Headwound Harry"). The first time we saw Harry we both thought "no way did we see what we thought we saw." We assumed it was a new wound - - then we found out from someone else in our neighborhood that he'd looked like that at least for 5 or 6 months ALREADY like that! (and of course no one was trying to help the poor guy - did I mention sometimes I just hate people?) So we set out to try to TNR him - and then just wing it from there! We worked on trapping for MONTHS. He made it through one winter before we'd seen him, then we tried for so long he went through ANOTHER winter with that horrendous wound! He used one of our heated shelters alot. We eventually did trap him, and took him immediately to the vet. We had a nursery set up in our usual fostering area to hopefully help him heal. But the minute the vet lifted the blanket off the trap even SHE teared up and said "How long has he been like this? The wound is awful but it actually looks old?" We told her he'd been like that for well over a year - including two winters. We explained we'd do anything - he deserved it. She said "This wound is so deep and so huge it couldn't be repaired even with multiple surgeries. He shouldn't have survived three or four days like this." I of course sobbed...even my hubby cried. He just kept saying "But Harry's SUCH a fighter, can't we try something?" The vet swore there was nothing - that euthanasia was far more humane. She couldn't believe he hadn't been killed by a larger predator since (as she put it - which REALLY got us) "He smells like death - - - he should be bringing every predator from miles around. I just can't believe he's alive." So we sat with him, talked to him, while they went through the process. I swear before she did it - Harry's eyes met mine and I could actually see relief in his eyes. We both told him he was the bravest being (not just cat!) we'd ever seen - and that he deserved the rest. He's buried in our yard under the pine tree where he often sat, with a tiny stone cat that says on the bottom "Harry - - the bravest cat there ever was.

I feel like the opossum was like that -- - he was terrified I'm sure - and had to have hurt horribly. I'm sure every trip to try to even eat was painful. So I'm just as sure he was relieved to not live in terror of being attacked anymore. You obviously couldn't have done a more humane, loving thing than what you did (and that place looks wonderful!!! We have one in Toledo too - - -I used to foster for them. God bless wildlife rehabilitators!!!!! And god bless you for getting him there.

And I'm so glad too that his legacy will mean that Soots gets a check up !!!!!! Since he did go back to eating - hopefully no tooth issues/mouth abcess/etc. You're right - cats don't show pain until it's gone SO far. So hopefully he's fine -but yeah, I'd still keep it. Good luck with it and let us know!!!!!

And I'm glad it looks like even the GJ issue may be resolved. Can you come troubleshoot MY neighborhood? It seems like you're the cat Harry Kissinger!

Keep us posted on how Soots does in his appointment! And glad to hear this whole process may have softened Boyfriend into realizing how IMPORTANT Soots in your life - - - - it's good he knows his place in the pecking order of your life ;)

(And glad you liked the pic of Jo from several years ago with our tiny foster Wylie -- Jo used to love foster babies@ Now he'd rather smack them on the head and tell them to get lost....but we loved reminiscing about how tiny little Wylie showed him who's boss!!!!! We just got three new fosters today -- - two tortie girls (one of which needs major socialization) and a little orange tiger boy - - - thinking we'll let Jo steer clear. He's cranky in his old age!)
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  • #48


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Harry's eyes met mine and I could actually see relief in his eyes. We both told him he was the bravest being (not just cat!) we'd ever seen - and that he deserved the rest. He's buried in our yard under the pine tree where he often sat, with a tiny stone cat that says on the bottom "Harry - - the bravest cat there ever was.
OH, Chick, yeah, that did it. I'm absolutely bawling. It's 5:45 am and now I'm going to go to work with big puffy eyes and it's all your fault. My god, what a story. I also have little use for human beings. I was playing with our youngest last night (she's, maybe, 1?), and the vulnerability is writ large. In my most morose moments, it crosses my mind that some people hurt beings like this for "fun." And I just want to scream. But then I try to remind myself that there are more people who are kind, and that there are people I volunteer with and people on a forum for cat devotees who all go to incredible lengths to help our feline friends, and there's a wildlife hospital a 20 min drive from my house where volunteers tried to save a little 3 legged possum. And I take some comfort in that. Thanks so much for sharing your story about Harry. Absolutely unbelievable what he suffered, until you and hubby interceded. And to everyone who saw him and did nothing... shame on you. Even Steve will say to me "that cat (possum, goose [yep, saved a goose a couple months ago... I'll save that story for another time]) isn't your problem." To which I say "then whose problem is it? Who is going to be responsible? And why not me?" Besides, what I do, while something, is a drop in the bucket compared to people who FOSTER on a regular basis (lookin' at you, chick...).
Again, thank you and hubby for finally giving that boy some comfort and dignity. He needed you so desperately, and you were there.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Awww - thanks! Right back atcha! It does get frustrating, sometimes feeling you're one in a hundred willing to do anything. And the ones who do nothing are generally the most vocal about "X" issue. I say often that's why I wish I didn't care - my/our lives would be alot simpler and I'd go through alot fewer Kleenex!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 17, 2017
Tampa, Fl
Oh no - -- my heart breaks for the opossum AND you :( I know I'd be bawling like crazy over that. But hopefully you're keeping in mind that you absolutely saved the opossum from more days of what must have been horrible, horrible pain and what would have been an awful death. Instead she was warm and pain-free.

It made me cry extra hard bc it reminded me so much of a feral we dealt with a few years ago. He was a big ol' orange tiger feral we'd been trying to TNR for around a year named "Harry" that we think had been hit by a car and bounced off the tire as he had - I'm not exaggerating - - a chunk out of his side about 4 inches x 6 inches that literally went down so deep you could see the muscle (most people on this site are probably too young to get this reference, but my husband - in an effort to inject much-needed levity into the situation - named him after a very early Saturday Night Live character - "Headwound Harry"). The first time we saw Harry we both thought "no way did we see what we thought we saw." We assumed it was a new wound - - then we found out from someone else in our neighborhood that he'd looked like that at least for 5 or 6 months ALREADY like that! (and of course no one was trying to help the poor guy - did I mention sometimes I just hate people?) So we set out to try to TNR him - and then just wing it from there! We worked on trapping for MONTHS. He made it through one winter before we'd seen him, then we tried for so long he went through ANOTHER winter with that horrendous wound! He used one of our heated shelters alot. We eventually did trap him, and took him immediately to the vet. We had a nursery set up in our usual fostering area to hopefully help him heal. But the minute the vet lifted the blanket off the trap even SHE teared up and said "How long has he been like this? The wound is awful but it actually looks old?" We told her he'd been like that for well over a year - including two winters. We explained we'd do anything - he deserved it. She said "This wound is so deep and so huge it couldn't be repaired even with multiple surgeries. He shouldn't have survived three or four days like this." I of course sobbed...even my hubby cried. He just kept saying "But Harry's SUCH a fighter, can't we try something?" The vet swore there was nothing - that euthanasia was far more humane. She couldn't believe he hadn't been killed by a larger predator since (as she put it - which REALLY got us) "He smells like death - - - he should be bringing every predator from miles around. I just can't believe he's alive." So we sat with him, talked to him, while they went through the process. I swear before she did it - Harry's eyes met mine and I could actually see relief in his eyes. We both told him he was the bravest being (not just cat!) we'd ever seen - and that he deserved the rest. He's buried in our yard under the pine tree where he often sat, with a tiny stone cat that says on the bottom "Harry - - the bravest cat there ever was.

I feel like the opossum was like that -- - he was terrified I'm sure - and had to have hurt horribly. I'm sure every trip to try to even eat was painful. So I'm just as sure he was relieved to not live in terror of being attacked anymore. You obviously couldn't have done a more humane, loving thing than what you did (and that place looks wonderful!!! We have one in Toledo too - - -I used to foster for them. God bless wildlife rehabilitators!!!!! And god bless you for getting him there.

And I'm so glad too that his legacy will mean that Soots gets a check up !!!!!! Since he did go back to eating - hopefully no tooth issues/mouth abcess/etc. You're right - cats don't show pain until it's gone SO far. So hopefully he's fine -but yeah, I'd still keep it. Good luck with it and let us know!!!!!

And I'm glad it looks like even the GJ issue may be resolved. Can you come troubleshoot MY neighborhood? It seems like you're the cat Harry Kissinger!

Keep us posted on how Soots does in his appointment! And glad to hear this whole process may have softened Boyfriend into realizing how IMPORTANT Soots in your life - - - - it's good he knows his place in the pecking order of your life ;)

(And glad you liked the pic of Jo from several years ago with our tiny foster Wylie -- Jo used to love foster babies@ Now he'd rather smack them on the head and tell them to get lost....but we loved reminiscing about how tiny little Wylie showed him who's boss!!!!! We just got three new fosters today -- - two tortie girls (one of which needs major socialization) and a little orange tiger boy - - - thinking we'll let Jo steer clear. He's cranky in his old age!)
Such a touching story! It is people like you, and others on this forum that give me hope for humanity. These little creatures, no matter the species, are ALL important, and deserve love and kindness! :alright: Thank you! :thanks:


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
It's true that this site DOES give me hope - that not all people look the other way. It gets really hard to remember sometimes, but this site does help remind me. As do people like kikilove kikilove ---willingness to go out of your way to care isn't easy - which is why I love this site and the wonderful people on it!!!

So one last note on Harry---since I don't want to hijack kikilove kikilove 's thread :) .........

I have pics of Harry that I went back and looked through - and was going to post one that showed his injury - - but didn't want scare everyone. But I DID find the last pic we had of him as he was headed for the vet, brave till the end. And what was written on the front of his "memory box" we made (we do for all of our animals, and include pix, anything that might remind us of them - indoor or TNR - I know - we're goofy) - "We lost a friend this weekend...Harry was a good boy who defended his territory, despite great pain from a wound that should have killed him long ago. But Harry stayed alive (and eluded capture) for quite some time....becauase as resident "tough guy" (and honorary George Clooney of the group) he knew it was his duty to keep the area safe for his ladies. Rest in peace deserve it."

