She's Gone...

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Sadly, no. We each will have 3 (2 indoor and 1 outdoor each)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Has Greyjoy gotten any friendlier since being neutered? Maybe there's a chance for him and Soots to get along someday. Are you taking Greyjoy to your new house to be an outdoor cat?
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Has Greyjoy gotten any friendlier since being neutered? Maybe there's a chance for him and Soots to get along someday. Are you taking Greyjoy to your new house to be an outdoor cat?
You know, Maggie, he really has. He still does funny feral things like hiss whenever he sees me, which I've learned is his way of saying "hello food lady...". He trots towards me with a bouncy step... hissing the whole time. It's such a mind game he plays with me!!!
He's at that in-between place- a semi social feral with an established food person. So he'll come close and even allow me to sit with him. But he doesn't know quite what to do with this giant monkey sitting next to him. We're the ones (w ferals) who understand that it's on us to bring the cat along, at its own pace... with a lot of patience and minimal expectations.
Anyway, he doesn't strike me as aggressive these days. He's put on weight (YES!!!!), isn't competing for food, no more insanity hormones running his brain. Yesterday I was in the back w my poor dear Soots, telling her all the ways it's going to be better... and I see Greyjoy through the wooden fence. There's a gap between the bottom of the fence and the ground and he stuck his little face in there to see what was going on. Neither of them were hissy or aggressive. Soots stayed on her back, enjoying her belly rubs... and he just seemed curious. Maybe if I could get them both onto the driveway (it can be their Switzerland!) for a sardine feeding or something. It's just that they never follow my rules. :whistle:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
That will be wonderful if you can bring Soots inside. I have five rescued cats in my home, 3 who were feral, and there is always an adjustment period with some hissing and drama (though surprisingly there was almost no conflicts or drama between my cats when I took the last Kitty in). My experience is that cats, unlike most humans, learn to adapt and get along and coexist peacefully. They realize it is in their best interest to do so. I'm sending prayers that your two latest rescued outdoor kitties will stick around and befriend each other, and will make a smooth transition to your new home in a few months. They know you love and care for them, and that is what matters most. After the initial stress of moving and the adjustment period between the cats, there will come a cold Winter's day when you look out the window and see the snow, and feel grateful and happy that your cats are safe and warm inside your home. And then it will all have been well worth it. This is how I always feel :)
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
That will be wonderful if you can bring Soots inside. I have five rescued cats in my home, 3 who were feral, and there is always an adjustment period with some hissing and drama (though surprisingly there was almost no conflicts or drama between my cats when I took the last Kitty in). My experience is that cats, unlike most humans, learn to adapt and get along and coexist peacefully. They realize it is in their best interest to do so. I'm sending prayers that your two latest rescued outdoor kitties will stick around and befriend each other, and will make a smooth transition to your new home in a few months. They know you love and care for them, and that is what matters most. After the initial stress of moving and the adjustment period between the cats, there will come a cold Winter's day when you look out the window and see the snow, and feel grateful and happy that your cats are safe and warm inside your home. And then it will all have been well worth it. This is how I always feel :)
You made me cry. Thank you. Seriously. That all went right to my heart.

Also, if I look outside and see snow, that's a problem as it likely means I got blackout drunk and boarded a plane to Wisconsin. I live in Oakland, CA. :flail:

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
My experience is that cats, unlike most humans, learn to adapt and get along and coexist peacefully. They realize it is in their best interest to do so.
Thank God that they do. I was so worried it wasn't going to work out for me but all 4 of mine get along well. 2 + 2 and I was worried 1 was going to screw it all up. Not only did he not screw it up he has become more affectionate. He is my wife's little baby and had he not adjusted I would not have been able to keep the second 2. I love my little Taz a lot and I am so happy he adjusted.

kikilove kikilove - Was great when I read about Soots coming home. And even better when I read about Greyjoy's progress. Your story started out making me very sad but it has an extremely happy ending:) Well done, God Bless you.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I'm not blackout drunk (oooh how I wish tonight -----clients! ;)) but I might have missed it - - when you said you're each "getting" two indoor and 1 outdoor, you do know about the confinement period for outdoor ones after moving don't you? Not that i want to overload your head anymore - - - splitting up with someone - - - and throw in splitting up living space AND animals and you've definitely got a REASON to get a bit tipsy! So I don't want to sound like I'm lecturing bc you've got enough on your plate it sounds like - emotionally/logistically/etc. But if you don't now about moving outdoor ones - - many on here have - -and we can point you in their direction for advice since it's not an easy process (is there EVER anything easy about moving ANY cat, no matter how social?).
I'm so sorry to hear you're splitting up. When I split up with my first husband I felt so guilty about leaving him (despite the fact that he put it as nicely as I can....a "threatening' type of guy) that I let HIM take all of our 6 cats and our dog since he said I "owed it to him since he'd be lonely." I found out later he moved to a new house and "to keep things nice" he kept all 6 cats in his "spare room" in the basement (re: an 8' x 10' windowless basement room with cement floors, a small throw rug, a cardtable with one chair - who has one cardtable chair - seriously?? - a dilapidated couch, and a tv that he visited "on occasion". Our beautiful, perfectly house trained, sweet, wonderful dog was relegated to the garage almost 24/7. When I think about it I still cry. Unfortunately I knew nothing about it until several years later when all of the animals had already passed on (they were already all very elderly seniors when I left). I'm CERTAINLY not saying your soon-to-be ex would do ANYTHING that hideous by any means. Just don't do anything (even when it comes to splitting up china or sheets or that little bag of extra chinese takeout duck sauce packets everyone has) without thinking long and hard that you're willing to give it up. There you go - unwanted, unasked advice from a stranger. Isn't that the best kind? ;)

Like msaimee msaimee - - we too have learned alot about introductions - the right and wrong way to do it. And this is indeed the one perfect time to retry introductions that might not have gone so well as ALL will be on neutral territory. So if you do want to bring Soot in and need advice ---or any other advice on helping any others get along ---- or just a place to tell us how you've put a pillow over your mouth and screamed for hours - - we're all here!

(and don't you wish we could ALL get along as well as these two guys in my pic? Jo - the big white one - who hates kittens - - met his match in a ball of unbelievable ball of foster cuteness named Wylie.

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  • #28


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Hi Shane! And gah!... every time I meet an unapologetic Cat Man, I get a jolt of righteousness. SEE!!! Smart men get it!!! And thank you for the support. Though we're definitely not out of the woods yet. I mentioned the yellow jackets? They're vicious this summer- I put food down and BAM, 2 or 3 nasties show up. Greyjoy is pretty m'eh about it, but Soots freaks out. I also think she may be having trouble w her teeth. So she's just a mess right now. I noticed last night how skinny she's gotten. Yesterday she got smooshed up tuna, almost a tuna soup, and I sat guard for yellow jackets (sting me you bas**rds!!!!) while she ate. So now I'm thinking "aw fudge... there's no way that taking her to the vet NOW is going to help anything. Unless... could she be in pain? Cats are so funny- they're so good at hiding discomfort. Unless they're hungry.
kchick I'm getting back to you in a bit... still trying to digest the cuteness overload. That picture is perfection. Look at those tiny toe beans!!!!
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Lordy... what a morning. The possum was back eating Soots' food.
I tried to shoo it away but it wouldn't go. It finally turned to leave but was moving very slowly which is when I noticed it only has 3 legs and I just broke down in tears. Like everyone else on this site, there are mornings I simply cannot take the suffering of other living beings.
Anyway, I need to trap possy and then I'm going to take him to the local wildlife hospital/sanctuary (so blessed to live in a place that has one of these!) I'm also going to ask our neighbors if they'd mind if I lured GJ to one of their yards. I'll continue to feed and care for... I just want Soots to have her front porch back. She's sooooo skinny these days. Won't eat. Lives in a box. Cowers in one little corner of the yard. Dealing with a foreign cat, a possy, Jack (my indoor/outdoor... he's so old he just lies on the deck and sleeps), and yellow jackets. And I think the bad tooth. You're right sarthur, she needs to see the vet. It's been a couple of years anyway. Cr**. She's going to leave me forever after this one. So looks like this weekend is for trapping! Possum, cat and we'll see what else wanders into the yard today. Pleasenoskunkspleasenoskunkspleasenoskunks

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
It finally turned to leave but was moving very slowly which is when I noticed it only has 3 legs and I just broke down in tears. Like everyone else on this site, there are mornings I simply cannot take the suffering of other living beings.
So very true. I got caught feeding the raccoons at work and my co-workers and bosses were not impressed. I felt so bad for them because they were going to the dumpster in the middle of the day which is odd. Typically they come at night. I figured they must have been starving and fed them some cat food. I guess it really isn't a good idea to encourage them to come around by feeding them so I only did it a couple of times.

I would feel really bad for the possum with three legs. That is sad regardless of what animal it is.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
Yes, get Soots to the vet and bring her indoors. Put your foot down with your boyfriend on this issue and suggest that he sleep outside in the pet house if he doesn't want Soot inside (some more unsolicited advice from someone on the internet!). It sounds like she may have parasites and may need a dose or two of drontal or some other dewormer. Outdoor cats frequently get parasites, and then no matter how much they eat they always feel as though they are starving. She could have an abscessed tooth. If you get lab work done, then you will have a profile of her entire health which will give you peace of mind. Cats are very forgiving about vet visits. They don't hold a grudge. They know deep down that everything we do is to help them.

If it takes awhile to get the oppossum trapped and into the sanctuary, you might consider leaving out a bowl of food for it as well as for Soot. I came home from work one night to see an opossum eating out of my feral cat's food bowl on my porch and they were sitting together quite happily. Opossums and cats can get along quite well and will share food sources. Not that you want to become caretaker for an opossum right now, especially since you will be moving soon.
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  • #34


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Thanks everyone so much- I really appreciate the input. And you make me laugh.
So, here's the plan- until the trap closes behind Mr (Ms) Tripod, both it and Soots get fed. Once possy is caught, he's off to the sanctuary (I called earlier and they said they'd be happy to have him). In the meantime, I've called the vet and made an appt for Soots. We have a room right off the kitchen (small but big enough for a cat to catch its breath and feel safe) where I'll keep her both before and after visit. If bf says boo I'll break up with him... oh, wait... I'll pay a pet deposit or flat out lie and say she needs to recover from a felinehypoectomy or something.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Yay for Soots coming inside! I can't wait to see how this all turns out. Maybe Greyjoy will be next...:D


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
Over the years I have noticed that the cats that I have that stay mostly outside slim down in the summer and fill in again in the winter. I think the heat affects their appetite. Also having less insulation means they can cool down faster I believe. And no its not fur. They do get winter coats but they also fill in a lot usually starting in the fall which is October here. I have one that turns into a little butter ball. Right now she is about 1/3 less than in the winter but is perfectly healthy and not any more hungry than usual.
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  • #40


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 28, 2016
Oakland, CA
Is she getting enough nutrition in the meantime?
She may not be but she also won't expire in 2 days. Though this eve I mushed up her chunky wet food into a paste and sat w her to protect her from
All That and watched her gobble it all up.