[Serious] Why do people who spend lots of time with cats often go crazy?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 8, 2016
Lots of single women who happen to like cats get labeled as crazy cat ladies because it's a very helpful stereotype in a society that is built around women relying on men to provide. Go too far outside that norm, and you'll be subtly degraded for it. Modern society doesn't like independent women.

Personally cats have a big role in helping with my depression, so I'd counter that cats keep me sane!

Toxoplasmosis is hugely prevalent. The numbers of Europeans who have been infected with it (huge majority of which will never have symptoms) is estimated to be around 60%, maybe higher. You can get it from gardening. It's a very complicated disease and the data on it is constantly changing because studies are conflicting. Some find a link between it and schizophrenia or alzheimers, some don't. Toxoplasmosis infection is higher in Europe, but they don't have higher rates of these diseases.

There is one thing that IS known, and that is the link to birth defects, but that is only during the active infection stage. I went to a talk given by a leading scientist in toxoplasma gondii research and the takeaway was that we don't really understand a lot, but she would recommend everyone get tested who is pregnant/planning to get pregnant. If you've already been infected at any time before, which you would not know without testing, you're immune and your baby is safe. Also if your cat is entirely indoors and has no contact with mice, they are also not going to be active carriers as long as it's been a few months, so you're safe to clean litter boxes.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 5, 2014
Eastern PA
Amazon sells a Crazy Cat Lady action figure set. It comes with 6 cats, so I guess that's the number they figure you need to be crazy? You can even get extra cats (if 6 isn't enough.) However, on closer examination of this action figure set it ain't the cats I worry about. Its her eyes... and the mop of uncombed hair isn't helping either.

Crazy or no, I prefer my women with a side of cats. I just "get" cat people way better. And for the life of me I can't discern why someone wouldn't want at least one of these stunningly beautiful and highly intelligent furry creatures around the house.

My "crazy cat lady", complete with kitten

Toxoplasmosis: There is a lot of sensationalized journalism and "science" regarding this virus. It sounds scary until it is placed in a larger context. There are 300,000+ known viruses in mammals alone. Note the word "known," it is likely there are millions. Very little is known about the vast majority of viruses. And most viruses mutate and change readily, so a comprehensive list of characteristics (like which mammals they infect, how they transmit and what they do) would be a moving target. We know very little about the roles viruses play in our health.. for good or for bad. We know even less about how viruses may be interdependent on one another. Were it not for the problem that toxoplasmosis causes with pregnancies, we likely wouldn't have ever heard about it. There have been a lot of poorly structured studies of toxoplasmosis, I guess its an easy one to get funding for. There have also been a lot of completely unsupported theories espoused, which seem to get a lot of media attention. When you see a study investigating if toxoplasmosis is related to a given disease, look to see what criteria prompted the study of this particular virus, and not one of the 300,000 others, as causative of the given disease. I haven't seen one yet that wasn't based wholly on simple corelation. And nearly every virus has a ton of corelations.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
Amazon sells a Crazy Cat Lady action figure set. It comes with 6 cats, so I guess that's the number they figure you need to be crazy? You can even get extra cats (if 6 isn't enough.) However, on closer examination of this action figure set it ain't the cats I worry about. Its her eyes... and the mop of uncombed hair isn't helping either.
Now that's funny! I'm surprised there isn't a picket line a mile long protesting Amazon by a feminist group over that! :p
Great info on Toxoplasmosis too!

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I am a crazy cat mama, and a crazy dog mama as well.

And I am so proud of it! :)

Seriously, my cats (and dogs) actually keep me from becoming "crazy". With my constant struggle with depression - without them I could be nothing now.


Time spent with cats is never wasted.
Top Cat
Apr 14, 2018
If it makes anyone feel better, I feed my cats raw poultry every day. They also stick their butts in my face every day, lick my face, and I give them nose kisses on a regular basis. I’m still alive and just a little crazy, but not crazy enough to be committed. :thumbsup:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
KarenKat KarenKat I wondered the same thing. I've never seen a green cat.
Maria Bayote Maria Bayote I feel the same way. I can have the worst day and when I get home and Manny comes running downs the stairs to greet me it totally changes everything. Almost like a sigh of relief.
A Azazel I think everyone is a little bit crazy in their own way. It's the ones that don't realize it that are truly crazy and should be feared!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Toxoplasmosis: There is a lot of sensationalized journalism and "science" regarding this virus.
Yes. Except that toxoplasma is a parasite not a virus ;).

I love the Archie McPhee Cat Lady figurine! I need to buy it someday. I don't think the cat is green; I think the coloring/lighting is a little wonky.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 20, 2019
Istanbul, Turkey
I think it's partially misogyny mixed with cat-hating. In Turkey for example there is no "crazy cat lady" thing because everyone likes cats. If you go Northern America, my understanding is that cats got famous with women(?) and I know there are multiple different terms that associate cats with women (catty, cat fight, catcalling, etc)

Some people everywhere also see other animals as inferior so anyone who spends too much time with an "inferior" creature like a cat or a dog must be crazy they think. I got in an argument recently in Istanbul because of this. Someone in my neighborhood stroll the streets to find sick cats, he takes them to the vet, get them treated and then release them back. Another person who is apparently his neighbor was talking about this as "he lost it with cats" in a mocking way. I told him there was nothing wrong or mocking with what he was doing, that he wouldn't think that if he was a sick cat himself, and if anything everyone owed him a thank you. He tried to twist it to "He doesn't just care for them if he sees one, he goes around the streets to FIND sick cats." I tried to explain to him that he probably knows sick cats hide and all, and that he has the time and finances to do so. (Which he has.)

Anyway, some people are just too ignorant or they are just too selfish they can't understand why someone would care for an animal. Especially if they don't like that species themselves.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 27, 2018
Yeah, I guess you're right. It's often reflected when someone writes, even on this forum, that they have a great cat because he/she behaves like a dog (meaning following humans, play fetch etc). I mean, really? Plenty of cats behave that way, there's no need to compare them to dogs. That's a cat thing too, that doesn't make them dog-like. (And since when being like a dog is a virtue ;))
Lack of need to please their humans and the fact that they care about themselves so much is what I personally love about cats, but I know majority of humans wouldn't agree, they value "loyalty" and obedience, and being worshiped by dogs more. There's this saying back in Europe: "if you want to be loved, get a dog. If you want to love, get a cat (and get a hamster if you want to experience their death)". Maybe since loving a cat doesn't come as naturally, as they don't necessary stare at us lovingly all the time, when someone do love cats, this love is somewhat stronger, crazy like? I'm just wondering.
Maybe you read my previous posts.
Playing fetch is largely associated with dogs, as a positive trait, because most if not all of them do, or at least can be trained to.
Cats either can play fetch, or they can't. Some just don't get it, and never will. Therefore, when a cat knows how to play fetch, it's an extremely positive trait that we associate with the dogs. As someone who hates dogs, they do have some positive traits.
My cat is also extremely loyal, in that she comes when called, almost always. That is something rare, which most cats only do at feeding time. However, my cat comes for no reason at all.
Again, the vast majority of cats do not come when called, and dogs do. So we associate it with dog behavior... either way, it's a positive trait and is uncommon in cats.
Finally, I don't mean to brag... just take exception to you saying my cat isn't special... even my vet says she is "very sweet". (and not just in passing, she really means it... she said "this is a very sweet kitten").


Time spent with cats is never wasted.
Top Cat
Apr 14, 2018
Maybe you read my previous posts.
Playing fetch is largely associated with dogs, as a positive trait, because most if not all of them do, or at least can be trained to.
Cats either can play fetch, or they can't. Some just don't get it, and never will. Therefore, when a cat knows how to play fetch, it's an extremely positive trait that we associate with the dogs. As someone who hates dogs, they do have some positive traits.
My cat is also extremely loyal, in that she comes when called, almost always. That is something rare, which most cats only do at feeding time. However, my cat comes for no reason at all.
Again, the vast majority of cats do not come when called, and dogs do. So we associate it with dog behavior... either way, it's a positive trait and is uncommon in cats.
Finally, I don't mean to brag... just take exception to you saying my cat isn't special... even my vet says she is "very sweet". (and not just in passing, she really means it... she said "this is a very sweet kitten").
Every cat I have ever had comes when I call them, not just for food. It’s completely possible to train cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Even goldfish can be conditioned to come to the top of the tank when you tap. Cats have different "currency" than dogs (some breeds may do what you want out of fear of pain or desire to please, those are not currency to cats) but once you know how to train them, cats are fully trainable.