Serious cat aggression.. owners sent to ER


TCS Member
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May 27, 2015
This is my first post here and I just wanted to apologize for just joining and asking for help. I dont know what to do.

My friend rescued a cat a few months back from a parking lot. She ended up being pregnant. She went ahead and let the cat(Annie) give birth. The kittens were only a few weeks old when Annie started "attacking" her dog. I put it in quotations because I asked her exactly what was happening and it sounded more like Annie wanted to play. So because Annie was "attacking" the dog she got locked in a room with the kittens. My friends adult son and fiance live with her and would go in the room ignore Annie and get the kittens out to play. Well one day Annie attacked them. Sent them both to the ER with multiple wounds needing stitches. She was put in quarantine at the vet where they had no problems with her. I'm not sure how old the kittens were when this happened but they were old enough to drink milk replacement from a bowl.

My friend was tore up over it because she loved the cats but her adult son was adamant that Annie never come back in the house. I live out in the country and have a barn and I told my friend that her cat could come live on the farm. I already have one barn cat and she is spoiled rotten. Well Annie got spayed and the vet put in stitches that needed to be removed. Her and the other barn cat fought pretty rough (no blood) for the first evening so I brought Annie in and kept her in the bedroom for fear of her stitches. Then she started chewing on them and I had to keep a cone on her. During this time my fiance became attached to her. A few days after she was in there I had been out petting the barn cat and came in the bedroom to feed Annie and love on her. my fiance and I were sitting on the floor. Annie saw her reflection in a floor length mirror and froze stiff. Then she turned growled and lunged at me. Thankfully I wear glasses otherwise I'd likely be blind in one eye. her claws slid off my glasses and put a gash in my nose. The gash likely needed stitches but I flushed it cleaned it and held it together with bandaids. I figured it was a fluke related to her smelling the other cat and being all hormonal due to the spay and the kittens never being weaned. So I forgave her and was careful from then on. So when the stitches came out we started scent swapping her with our other two indoor cats. It's been roughly 5 weeks and she doesn't seem to be getting any better. There are some times when she is hell bent on hunting down our cats. We will open the bedroom door to go feed her or so on and she will jet out of there and go straight for our cats no butt sniffing hissing or anything. No blood has been drawn but as soon as it happens we throw a laundry basket on her and slide her back into the room. This has happened 2 times with the indoor cats. Just last week she was across the house in the livingroom and my fiance opened the side door to feed the outside kitty and Annie shot through the house and right out the door to attack the outdoor cat. My fiance said it was like she planned it.

On Saturday I had a fellow rescue friend over and she smelled like her 3 fixed cats. Annie was fine until my friend put her hand up to the cat to let her sniff and then a switch flipped and she attacked her. gashes all up ad down her arm latched in with her teeth. I thank God that it happened to this friend because she is understanding and is used to getting bitten by animals working with rescues.

After this I don't trust her being an outside cat because she may maul someone and then we get sued. I also don't know if I can ever trust her with our cats. She been scent swapping for a month and still goes on a murderous rampage when she is out of that room with them.

I don't know what is going on with her!

I'm wondering if it's hyperthyroidism and I wanted to get opinions on it. She's a very slender cat and when I first saw her I was concerned the vet was starving her. She eats 3 cans of wet food a day while our other cats eat 1 each. She has a ton of energy. we try to run it out of her with the laser but she still keeps going.. she hasn't put on much weight. She doesn't like being held or petted for that matter. We can't keep going on like this. She is a terror but we love her. When she is not trying to murder humans or oher cats she is so sweet. She's gentle other than mauling us. She will eat from our fingers. She just is nuts.

Could it still be post mommy/spay hormones or is it something more?

The vet said she seems fine so no help there. I want to take her back armed with information such as the thyroid stuff.

Do you have any suggestions? If we can't keep her then the only other option is euthanasia. I can't give someone a cat that may hurt them. and I can't put her outside.

she's fully clawed and approx 4 years old..

Please help:(


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 8, 2014
Has she been dewormed at least twice?  Some parasites stubbornly hang on for dear life and it can take more than one dose of Drontal, etc., to get rid of them.  A negative fecal doesn't necessarily mean the cat is parasite-free.  If there has been any vomiting or diarrhea I would definitely go for an extra deworming treatment.

That being said, some cats are naturally slender.  The nice thing about genetically trim kitties is that you never have to worry about them overeating 
  I don't see why your vet would object to a T4 test.  A CBC/chem panel wouldn't be a bad idea, either, since kitties are very good at hiding illness and being sick can make them more prone to aggression.  Who doesn't get cranky when they're sick?  

What you've described sounds very much like fear-based aggression.  If you can avail yourself of an animal behaviorist (specializing in cats), I think that might be your best bet.  This doesn't sound to me like an issue that will be easily resolved with pheromones and side swapping.  You have a cat that's probably had to fight for her life at some point in the past and/or been abused by humans, and having to defend themselves against mortal threats leaves deep psychological marks.  It's rare that a cat with aggression problems is irredeemable, but you may have to consult a pro and medicate.  Prozac is a good one for aggression, though tricyclics can sometimes be more appropriate, it depends on the cat.  Sometimes vets will prescribe benzodiazapines, in addition to an antidepressant, in severe cases for immediate relief.  It can take a drug like Prozac a few weeks to really kick in.  

I am one of those cat owners that had to resort to Prozac because my boys wouldn't stop trying to kill each other, despite trying every behavioral modification trick in the book.  I finally had to admit that they're naturally high-strung with anger management issues.  Cats, like people, can have neurochemical imbalances or personality disorders, but people are more likely to get the treatment they need.  Cats are labeled "cat from hell" and passed from home to home to shelter, or euthanized.  

I resisted it with every fiber of my being at first, I don't like to medicate animals unless I'm 100% certain it's necessary, but that Prozac sure has turned out to be a miracle drug 
  They get mildly annoyed with each other from time to time, but no more fights!  No more injuries!  And despite their reputation, these drugs aren't "chill pills".  They don't have any effect on the brain if there isn't an imbalance that needs correcting, so if they're working it's because the cat's brain chemistry has normalized.  

She is gorgeous, btw!  I wish you and Annie all the best.  I honestly believe she'll improve with time and the appropriate intervention.  
 for better days ahead.  And please keep us updated!
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TCS Member
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May 27, 2015

Annie McPsycho is finally out and about with the other kitties. We started letting her out with 1 cat a few hours in the evening then separating them. Then both cats for a few hours when she seemed more comfortable with the one. Now she's been out with them for over 3 days and she's fine! She hasn't tried to murder anyone. They're eating and hanging out. They both still hiss at eachother and have some slap fests but otherwise they're fine!!

Also she's really fat now. Like 8lbs. :D I went with your idea that she was afraid for her life and i just let her be... let her get comfortable and feel safe. Then one cat at a time to keep her from feeling overwhelmed.

I'm so happy :D She's not the perfect cat but i think she will do more healing overtime. :):)