Second Opinion On Fip Diagnosis?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 12, 2016
A little backstory first: My husband and I took in one of our apartment complexes community cats back in December due to him being extremely ill. We brought him to the vet and they diagnosed him with having a really bad respiratory infection. It took two rounds of antibiotics, steroid shots and antihistamines over about 6 weeks for him to recover. He started doing really well and we were able to get him dewormed and vaccinated recently.

A few days ago he began to go downhill again, not eating, just laying around and not “talking” to us like he usually does, so it was back to the vet again. This time they did X-rays and blood work which the vet then suggested he had FIP and since there is not a cure that we should probably get him euthanized. X-rays showed nodules on his lungs and the blood work was consistent with a FIP diagnosis. Also he tested negative for FIV and FeLV which was determined in the first vet visit. I had them go ahead and give him some antibiotics to try and make him feel better while my husband and I prepare for what’s to come.

Since then, been a little over 24hrs, he’s perked up a little bit, has been eating some and drinking water too. He’s been more talkative with us and has started moving around a little more. We were thinking about possibly getting a second opinion in the hopes that he doesn’t have FIP and has something that we can actually do something about. I’ve been doing some research on it and the only physical symptoms he has consistent with FIP is lethargy and weight loss (from not eating). I couldn’t find anything about nodules in the lungs but the vet explained that it could affect other organs. Also hes never had a fever during any of this which seems to be a pretty common symptom. The vet also mentioned that he would just get sick again once the antibiotics wore off but the time between this illness and his last vet visit was 8 weeks which during that time he was perfectly fine. So if he’s had FIP this whole time wouldnt he have gotten sick again sooner than 8 weeks later? I’ve never even heard of this virus until now so any thoughts, opinions and advice would be extremely helpful.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm so sorry your cat is sick, and that the probable diagnosis is FIP. I don't know much about FIP either, but just looking at the TCS article about it, isn't too encouraging. Hopefully some members with more knowledge or experience with FIP and the symptoms/treatment will reply.
Meanwhile, here's the TCS article: Fip In Cats
Hugs to you and your kitty. :hugs: :redheartpump: :catrub:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
For peace of mind, I would seek a second opinion as well as research alternative medicine. As a feral cat rescuer, I have had FIP kitties before and the antibiotics help for awhile. The virus does come and go. To me, it seems that L-lysine and slippery elm and marshmallow root help, too. I have lost a few but they lived to between 1-2 years. The dry FIP is easier than the wet FIP and the older the kitty gets, the more time between spells of symptoms.
I am so, so sorry that your precious cat and you are dealing with this horrible disease. I will be following your updates with great interest - this is an excellent opportunity for other cat guardians to benefit from your experiences.
The biggest take away is that he is enjoying the lap of luxury - a good, safe home where he is lavished with love, good food, toys, affection and has a real name!!:petcat::catlove: