Scary Incident Yesterday


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2018

I haven't posted in here in a little while, but I had a pretty bad experience yesterday. I have an 8 month old kitten, Emma. She is an amazing cat, and we definitely have built up a strong level of trust and we have a bond where she follows me no matter where I go.

Yesterday I didn't notice that she had come upstairs with me when I did laundry, so when I started going back down the stairs I didn't see her and tripped on her. This caused me to fall down the ENTIRE flight of stairs. I am okay, just bruises and sore. When I fell, Emma leaped down the stairs so quickly and hid behind the couch. After I collected myself I shook her treat bag to test the waters and it was the first time she did not come out for food. I left her alone, I know that you are supposed to do that if a cat is hiding to feel safe. The last thing she needs is a crazy human who she is currently scared OF to poke their head in her space. She ended up peering out about 5 or so minutes later, and ate the treats and then ate her dinner. The rest of the day she acted much more reserved than normal (if a cat can act reserved) and she didn't purr like normal. She did come over and lick my knee gently, that was where I was banged up the most. She just looked kind of sad :(

Today, she seems better. Still a little timid, but she snuggled in the morning and purred her normal loud purr.

I was a little worried at first that I had hurt her, but she is walking normally, eating fine, and bathroom is fine as well. It all happened so quickly that I don't know how hard I stepped. I think I also tripped on my dress, so it is all kind of a blur. Are there any signs to look for to make sure that the cat isn't in any pain? I watched her closely to make sure that she didn't have to be taken to the vet.

Is there anything else that I should do to normalize the situation? The last thing that I would want was for Emma to think that all happened on purpose, I am not sure how much a cat can understand an "accident"? After it happened she was very hesitant to come near me, but I left treats on the floor because I felt bad that she was so scared. All in all it was a very scary experience, but everything is okay. I also am relieved that she didn't react in an aggressive fashion, as I have read that cats can also go in that direction when they are scared.

Thanks for reading and any input is welcome :)


Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
Oh no! I’m glad you and Emma are ok. If I had a quarter for how many times I trip on my cat .... sometimes I think she purposefully leaps in front of my legs, the scamp!

If she’s walking fine and eating normal I think it will just take time to rebuild her confidence. Whenever we have a cat fight or a tumble, I usually touch the cat, firmly but gently gripping legs, abdomen, paws to see if there is a sharp pain response (if Emma lets you).

Also, I don’t think she thinks you did anything on purpose. Just like you not understanding if you tripped on a dress or a cat and everything being a blur, I think her experience was simply:

Walking with human, crazy noise!? crash! boom!, RUN (hide) treats? Dinner? Human :hearthrob: (hope crash! Boom is gone, but must watch and make sure.)

She’s probably picking up on your worry as well. I think she’ll be fine and come around. Sounds like you are doing all the right things
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2018
Thank you KarenKat! She does let us rub her stomach most of the time (certain moods are a no no), and my boyfriend did that this morning, so that sounds like a positive sign. I also ran my hand down her back firmly but gently just to make sure that she didn't wince or seem to have any pain there.

In general I am a pretty anxious person and second guess myself, so sometimes I just like to get a double check from people on this forum as I know that you all really care about the wellbeing of the kitty.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2016
So glad that YOU are ok! As for little Emma she is probably more "shook up" than anything. As long as she is eating, using the litterbox, and maintaining her normal activity level, she is probably fine. If you see signs of pain or any red flags I would take her to the vet. Better safe than sorry.
Give her some extra TCL and she won't hold a grudge. :)
I do think cats understand accidents. I'm not the most graceful person and have had my fair share of tripping over a baby. I always make over them and apologize. Instantly forgiven. :D Actually, my older ones are very considerate and talk to me when they are near my feet so I know they are there!:lol:


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm also so glad you are ok. :hearthrob: And poor little Miss Emma is probably worried as much about you, as you are about her. :petcat:

I agree with the other posters, just keep an eye on her, but as long as she is eating and using the litter box normally, she is probably fine. But, of course, if you see anything that seems off, call your vet for their advice.

I bet if we cat parents had a dollar for every time a cat managed to wind itself between our feet, we'd all be millionaires! ;)