Scabs And Squinting And Spraying, Oh My!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 22, 2016

My kitten Luna is over a year old now and we've had her since she was about two months old and the entire time we've had her she's been a bit bumpy. In fact, I made a post about this last summer.

On the bottom of this post is pictures and a more concise list of her symptoms in chronological order of how they've developed.

Now, most bumps turn into scabs within a day or two. She used to just get bumps around her neck, in her armpits, and around her back but now she has scabs EVERYWHERE. The base of her tail, her stomach (which she licks til its red and raw) , behind the bed of her whiskers, around her ears, by her groin, and even on her nose!

Her eyes squint sometimes, she definitely has an upper respiration infection, and she sprays outside the box sometimes (tho that may be a behavioral thing? it's only once every few weeks). Each of her hind legs have ALWAYS had weird bald patches closer to her paw pads but now she has entire stripes of licked raw area down the length of them.

A month ago, she got feline acne so severe it got infected and bloody.

We have taken her to the vet several times and it's just getting too expensive. First time we went, he said fleas. We doubted it, as we comb her daily, but we treated her anyways. She got a cortisone shot that lasted about a week. Second time, he said allergies but not food allergies and refused to explain how to treat that besides vacuuming dust more. Second cortisone shot, took days to work and barely lasted a week. Third time, was for her infected acne, he said put aloe on it?? Fourth time was a different veterinarian at the same place; she was very rude and gave us a liquid antihistamine Luna drools out (GOBS of thick drool that trails to the floor). We told her we didn't want another cortisone shot.

What's wrong?? If it's an allergy, what is it and how can we help. The next step is moving onto pills for Luna since that might be easier for her to swallow. She's still mostly energetic and loves to play and meow at me but I'm scared for her.

LIST OF LUNA'S SYMPTOMS: Bumps on back/armpit/neck, bald patches on her hind legs, squinty eyes, bumps that turn into scabs slowly taking over her entire body (face, stomach, groin, base of ears, chin, base of tail, legs), upper respiratory infection (used to be sneezing, sometimes coughing, deeper meow, sometimes wheezing or audible swallowing), infected feline acne, spraying outside the box, and now excessive licking/scratching. Sometimes she throws up, mostly just liquid. Sometimes clear, sometimes brown. Never multiple times a week but when she DOES throw up it's twice a day.

TREATMENTS DONE SO FAR: flea treatment, trying to address allergens but not food because doctor said it isn't, antihistamine that she doesn't swallow.

PICTURES: Bald spot on hind leg she's had almost since we got her, swollen bump on her mouth, and example of the scabs on her head (some scabs around her body are more flakey, others are thick and black and crusty).

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Looks like injuries to me, from another cat or rose bushes! Thinning hair is not uncommon when there is a cut or scratch. Spraying and licking her legs like that usually means stress of some sort. Another cat coming around outside that she can see, frequent company, new children around? Reduce her stress and you reduce the problems. I hope you find what is doing it.