Saddest Day Of My Life


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2018
I euthanized my cat two days ago. She was 17.5 years old and considering all the medical problems she’s had since the day we got her, it’s a miracle she even made it this far (our other cat before her died at 14 of liver disease). My beloved kitty Shania was a survivor. She'd gone through three different households until she ended up at ours - at that point she had an eye and respiratory infection from two of the heavy smokers who were temporarily looking after her until they could find her a permanent home. So she ended up at our house. How could we refuse? At that point the 3rd person was going to take her back to the shelter who would surely label her too much trouble and put her down. So we saved her life. And for the last 17 years she has been OUR life. She brought so much joy and happiness to us. She was a hyper and playful little kitty who would always cheer me up whenever I was having a bad day.

But this kitty had a lot of medical problems from the start. She smelled like a damn ashtray when we got her so right away we had to treat an eye and a respiratory infection. Then a few years later she developed asthma so we started taking her for quarterly steroid shots. We knew the risks of that but were willing to deal with them, as long as she could keep living a productive and good life. Then she went blind (from the prolonged use of the steroids) and it was sort of all downhill from there. The blindness caused her already elevated separation anxiety to increase which led to heart problems (cardiomyopathy), and high blood pressure so now we had THREE medications to give her every day. In the last two years it just seemed like all we were doing was dragging her around to these stupid expensive vets, getting poked and prodded, all the stressful rides in the carrier back and forth and I think the fight just started slowly going out of her. Two weeks ago everything just started to go downhill SO fast. She wouldn't eat, she was drinking water excessively, losing weight, becoming lethargic and listless. She developed arthritis so it was harder for her to get around. But like the brave and determined little darling she was, she did her best to cope but it was obvious that this cat's quality of life was just sucking SO hard and we began to discuss putting her down, out of her misery. This poor cat had been through enough. We were tired of her being treated like a guinea pig and sick of paying for all these bullshit tests. She actually had a follow-up visit with the eye doctor the day after we put her down but we were DONE with this bullshit, putting her under all this unnecessary stress. It was time to just let her be, let her live her last few days at home with us who loved her and doted on her.

She was our entire world. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make and feelings of guilt and remorse were just overwhelming me because for the the last year she started yowling all the time - mostly for attention because of her anxiety, she really hated being alone. It got to the point where my mom would have to "babysit" her if I was gonna be out for more than a few hours. I never had kids because I like to be independent and it was the kind of responsibility I never wanted, yet here I was now with this "special needs" kitty making so many demands on my time and I imagine this is what its like to have a child. It was just constant vaccuming of cat litter, cat hair everywhere, my eyes getting irritated from all of that, how she ate SO much and would wake me up all the time wanting to be fed (and yet she never gained weight, she was always 8 pounds give or take a few ounces). Sometimes I'd yell at her when she'd start yowling - mostly when I was in the room - and she would stop, but most of the time I'd just call her over and she'd come (which is why I know she was just doing it for attention, or rather, wanted to make sure I was there). The guilt of that is really what is consuming me.

For the last 5 of her days I was trying to spend as much one-on-one time with her as I could, knowing the clock was ticking. Every day I cried, and she was still here! I could only imagine how much worse my grief would be once we actually euthanized her. I found a place that does in-home euthanasia ( - which I never even knew was an option but once I found it, I jumped right on it and made the call. And then we waited the 2 days until the scheduled time and place (our house), giving Shania more attention than she ever had before - and ironically, a few times she seemed annoyed that we kept trying to pet her (LOL!). The woman arrived at our house and was SO sweet, caring and understanding. She sat with us and made some small talk about animals and what she does, and how she feels about it. She said it’s not an easy job to do and sometimes it gets her emotional too, but she feels that she is offering a service to devastated pet owners who hate the idea of euthanizing their animals on a cold metal table in a depressing vet office. So she goes to their homes with her equipment and makes the process easy and less stressful than it has to be.

I picked up Shania in my arms who started to squirm (as I knew she would, she was all curled up in her favorite corner and now here I was disturbing her, but she never really liked being picked up in general) and then I put her down on her favorite spot on the bed and she finally stretched out and relaxed as I kept petting her and talking to her. Shania barely flinched when the sedation needle went in and within 5 minutes was in a total zen state of calmness. I’ve never seen her so calm and that brought me a bit of comfort knowing she was no longer stressed out and was just high as a kite without a care in the world. The whole time I was petting her and talking to her and then when her heartbeat had slowed down , she was ready for the euthanasia needle. The vet let us have a few more minutes with her, petting her, talking to her, kissing her and I even took some photos - mostly because it was the most calm I’d ever seen her (so it would be the last time for that). After letting her just lay there all gelled out for about 10 minutes, she did the death injection. The cat did not feel a thing. Then we waited as it took affect and I couldn’t even tell at that point when it did.

She still looked like our Shania - her eyes still half open (which they often were even when she as sleeping, because of the blindness her pupils were ALWAYS dilated so she still looked the same to me). She still FELT the same, her fur still so silky soft (the vet was amazed at how soft she was - I’m getting some fur clippings too, along with the special urn I picked that will have a photo of her on it, and an engraved brass plaque, plus a keepsake paw print stone with her name on it, and a keychain with some of the ashes that I can keep with me always). I managed to hold my emotions in until it started hitting me that even though she LOOKED the same - she looked just like she usually did when she’d sprawl out on the bed and nap - she was in fact, gone. It really looked like she was still napping. But of course the reality set in after a while and that’s when I started to lose it. I was crying, and saying loving words to her, saying how much I’m gonna miss her, kissing her on the top of her head.

We had towels, a trashbag and a blanket ready since we were told sometimes after death the bladder releases whatever’s left in it and also sometimes there is defecation. But Shania had not eaten anything in about 4 or 5 days, though she was drinking water like crazy. And yet, no spillage. After hovering around her limp and lifeless body for a few minutes, I finally gave the go ahead that it was OK to put her in the box. I had a square cardboard box ready that she used to love lounging in so I thought that was the best way to send her off. The vet wrapped her up in the pastel purple towel we gave her and placed her gently into the box, then covered it with the pink blanket we kept in her carrier when we had to take her to the vet. I was playing this really beautiful soothing angelic music during the whole time and it was lovely but SAD, so as soon as she was taken away, I had to turn it off after I came back up to my room and looked around as the reality what just happened finally hit me. I was sitting in the same spot where my beloved baby was and just sat there bawling my eyes out. My Goddess, the overwhelming grief and sorrow set off the worst panic attack I’ve ever had. My head was hurting so I took so a Klonipin praying it wouldn’t take too long to kick in. My heart is broken. My eyes were bloodshot and tears stuck to my face.

I haven’t moved any of her things out - the litterbox, the food and water dishes, her kitty condo, the table where I keep all the cat food (on top and under it), the paper bag she loved to play in, the other paper bag inside another cardboard box she loved to play in, some of the newspapers she liked to shred - there’s just still so much in here that reminds me of her and eventually I’ll remove it all but for now, I just feel like sitting here feeling like she’s not really gone. I don’t think it’s REALLY hit yet. She doesn’t feel gone. She didn’t even look dead when she left. She looked like she was taking another one of her long naps so that kind of messes with your head. So I guess I’m going through the denial phase of 5 Stages of Grief at the moment. It’s the only way I am able to even sit here and articulate this whole experience to share it with the world. I only hope some other pet owners read this and feel comforted knowing they’re not the only ones feeling this excruciatingly painful grief and guilt.

And oh that horrible guilt I feel for all the times when I was kind of mean to her with the yowling. How can I ever forgive myself? Am I having some kind of care-giver's remorse too? I mean, I feel horrible for even THINKING about how annoying she was becoming and getting so tired of the constant cleaning routine. My only solace is knowing that I put her down in the most gentle way possible - euthanized at HOME. is a wonderful resource, for anyone considering the option. I didn't even KNOW it was an option until I started researching about euthanasia. You can put in your zip code to find out if they have a service in your area since they are national. Dr. Christina Kincade - who services Massachusetts and Rhode Island - is the one who came to us and I cannot say enough great things about her. She was SO nice, caring, compassionate, understanding and was so gentle with my fur baby. She made the experience less painful than I thought it would be so if you are thinking about putting your own pet down in the privacy of your own home -which I highly recommend because it’s less stressful for the animal and my own cat is proof. It’s a little more expensive than a doctor’s office but it was worth every penny. The total all-inclusive cost (the drive time, the gas for the car, the visit, the medical supplies, removal of the body, delivery of the body to the pet crematorium, the cremation, a ceramic paw keepsake, the keychain, the urn, the engraving for the urn) was $840. She works with a pet crematory service in the local area so all that business is taken care of. Now I am just waiting for the urn with the ashes and everything to be shipped back to me.

Now my question is - am I the only one who feels this guilt because I sort of started taking her presence for granted? Is this normal? Sometimes I feel like I failed this cat but my friends and family insist that I shouldn't because she would not have even lived to be 17 were it not for all the care and attention I took for her, especially since she had so many medical problems. Sorry this took so long. I don't know how I could've really condensed it further.

Recent photo of my baby:


Feral Cat Mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2018
New York
Hey! So sorry for your loss. You aren't alone in the guilt. I went through the same thing when my first cat was put to sleep. I felt so bad for the times I hadn't been as nice to her as I should have. I would cry myself to sleep at night over it. It just broke my heart. But rest assured that she loved you and spending that extra time with her before she died let her know that you loved her. You did the right thing by her. My heart goes out to you at this tough time. I know it is heartbreaking to lose your cat.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2018
Hey! So sorry for your loss. You aren't alone in the guilt. I went through the same thing when my first cat was put to sleep. I felt so bad for the times I hadn't been as nice to her as I should have. I would cry myself to sleep at night over it. It just broke my heart. But rest assured that she loved you and spending that extra time with her before she died let her know that you loved her. You did the right thing by her. My heart goes out to you at this tough time. I know it is heartbreaking to lose your cat.
Thank you! This guilt is just killing me so I'm glad to know it's normal. I need to stop beating myself up over it and doing the whole shoulda-coulda-woulda. The silence in the room is still so deafening.

Feral Cat Mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2018
New York
I hear ya on how it feels silent with out her. After I lost mine my room felt so empty and silent without my cat. I missed having her sleeping on my bed with me. She was my constant companion. I got another cat about 6 months later and it helped me heal from her death. I still miss her sometimes even though it's been 3 yrs.
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2018
What happened with your fur baby? Part of me is sort of happy for Shania. They say animals can adapt but after she went blind, she didn't really seem to taking it so well. Didn't want to play anymore (tried all the noise toys), become more clingy, would follow me out of the room downstairs (she was fairly capable of navigating the stairs), or sometimes she'd be napping and if I wasn't in the room when she woke up, she'd either stand at the top of the stairs yowling, and when that didn't work, she'd go down. Her quality of life was suffering but of course, I just kept doing what I could do to keep her alive because she was still very loving and I started giving her more attention. It was important for me to always touch her so she knew I was there and she wasn't by herself.

Feral Cat Mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2018
New York
Mine got a blood clot that paralyzed her back legs. We took her to the vet in the morning and they weren't sure what was wrong with her so they sent us home and told us to see how she did but she got worse and worse so later we took her back they put her to sleep.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so sorry for your loss, what a sweet looking kitty, but you did above and beyond what many people would have done, you have NOTHING to feel guilty about, you gave her 17.5 wonderful years and rescued her from some bad situations (I HATE SMOKING), and the grief is what is causing you all these crazy thoughts and feelings and that is normal and will subside as time goes on. It is easy to feel these things, even though we know they don't live forever when they pass we feel we should have done something else to save them, should have seen this coming, should have tried this but the fact of the matter is when it is their time to go it is time, no amount of money or care can save them, we sometimes fight against losing them when the best thing for them is to go even though we don't want it, but she is fine now, no pain or problems, just fine again, and you will see her again someday.

I hope your heart starts to heal a bit more each day, visit here often it helps, God Bless....:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2018
OMG, that is so sad! At least I knew the end was coming for mine so at least I had time to mentally prepare (didn't change the grief though). But our last cat went pretty fast too. She did of kidney disease we didn't even know she had until it was too late. She'd been eating and throwing it back up and the vet said it was because she was missing half her teeth so it wasn't getting chewed enough before digestion. Stupid quack obviously didn't see the signs and two days later she was gone. She went from about 13 pounds to 3 in 2 days. I had to work the morning we finally realized something was terribly wrong. My mom took her to the vet who ran down the list of options but obviously her quality of life was gonna suffer with all of them so she made the decision to euthanize her. She died in mom's arms and mom said Scarlet (the cat) gave her this grateful look. It was a horrible day for me knowing when I went home, she was not gonna be there. That's why we didn't want another pet.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2018
I am so sorry for your loss, what a sweet looking kitty, but you did above and beyond what many people would have done, you have NOTHING to feel guilty about, you gave her 17.5 wonderful years and rescued her from some bad situations (I HATE SMOKING), and the grief is what is causing you all these crazy thoughts and feelings and that is normal and will subside as time goes on. It is easy to feel these things, even though we know they don't live forever when they pass we feel we should have done something else to save them, should have seen this coming, should have tried this but the fact of the matter is when it is their time to go it is time, no amount of money or care can save them, we sometimes fight against losing them when the best thing for them is to go even though we don't want it, but she is fine now, no pain or problems, just fine again, and you will see her again someday.

I hope your heart starts to heal a bit more each day, visit here often it helps, God Bless....:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:
Yeah, I'm glad I found this site. That one post that keeps getting bumped written by Gareth was amazing. I have been sharing it with friends.

Feral Cat Mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2018
New York
I can understand not wanting another. I have had my times when I have lost other cats and I'm like no more pets! I can't handle all this pain! But in the end I can't imagine my life without my pets.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I don't think there is anyone alive that doesn't feel guilt about past memories when their loved one dies. Human or animal. I still cry when I think of my 17 year old Burt and his last days. He insisted on walking along that narrow space in front of the kitchen sink. And fell more than once because he was so weak. After catching him once again, right before he hit the floor, I ACTUALLY YELLED AT HIM TO STOP IT! The memory will haunt me forever. We all have things we did or said that will cause guilt. It is normal living day to day, things we do every day that we don't think of twice while everything is OK, but come back to cause us pain when we lose those precious babies. Things we do without thinking, sometimes out of anger, because we are not perfect. Everything cannot be perfect at all times. We fail, we hopefully learn from our mistakes and we live with what we did.
You saved that little girl's life, there is no doubt about that.You gave her what she wanted the most in this world, a wonderful home, care, and most importantly of all, your love and the love of a family. I think we get frustrated because we sense what is coming and it brings anger and denial. We don't want to lose them, though we know deep inside they have to go. You did a wonderful thing, giving her a calm, loving end to her pain. There comes a time when all the stressful vet visits, the endless test and meds, the fear and anxiety must end. You found the strength through your love to end Shania's stress and fear. There comes a time when living turns into existing, when there is no more joy in living, just neverending anxiety and pain. She was ready. She told you so and you knew. You didn't want to accept, but you knew the time had come. This brings on frustration and denial and that can bring on actions we wish we could take back, but can't. We aren't perfect and never will be.
You gave her joy for 17 years. You were her everything. You didn't give up, you provided the care and love she needed for all those years. You gave her the life and love she deserved, she needed, and she returned that love a thousand times over.Try not to dwell on the end, on the mistakes you thought you made, don't let that overshadow the years of joy and happiness she brought to you home and to your heart. She knows whatever you did you did out of love. That didn't change at all.
The bond you formed over those 17 years will always be with you.She shared you life journey for a while, and now walks a new path, healthy and whole, at peace. She will see you once more when your paths cross again at the end of your own life, she will always thank you for her life here on this earth, and love you for eternity. Because that is what love is, it never holds a grudge, it is never selfish, it is a spiritual bonding of the heart and soul that can never be taken from you. So celebrate having that little girl in your life, it would be unforgivable to never have known her at all. She would NEVER want you to be sad because of her, so bring sunshine and happiness back into your life, because that is what she would want for the ones she loves above all else. that is what you would want for her if you were the first to go.
My heart breaks for your pain, i know too well what you are going through. It hurts.Time is the only thing that helps to heal a broken heart, to form a new life order without them. But she will always be near, use your precious memories of happier times to bring comfort, you will always have her love. Take care.......RIP dear Shania. You will never be forgotten, you will forever be held in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again. Good night, sleep tight, sweet girl!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
N nessly ,
I am very very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Shania.
I felt every single word of yours hitting hard inside me, and I cried with you when reading your post, because I kind of relived my feelings when my sweet Lola left me 10 months ago.
I called my vet home to have her euthanized without further stress, fear and pain. I had planned it in advance, three months earlier, because she was feeling sick, very sick, and it seemed to me that her days were numbered, but then she bounced back several times until it was clear enough it was time.

I had, and still have, the same sense of guilt for losing my temper with her, when in her last days she was really demanding and I was giving all my life to her. I, too, yelled at her a couple of time.
I will never forgive myself for what I did, and since then I tell others not too lose their patience when hospicing their pets at home.
I'm still crying, grieving and feeling bad after 10 moths, probably I will never get over this. So I fully understand how you're feeling and I'd like you to know you're not alone in this.

Shania was a beauty, and you must be proud of yourself for giving her a whole life of love and attention, of loving cares and treatments for her diseases.
Not so many people would go that far for a pet, but you did, and this is a gold medal that nobody will ever take from you.
You were also lucky to have everything going smooth and easy at home. Some people experience bad outcomes from procedures like that, and what happened will haunt them forever.

RIP Shania, you knew the true meaning of love!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
What a sweet kitty, Nessly. You two were lucky to have each other. You gave her a wonderful home.
I recently lost my cat Timmer and I too had yelled at him during our time together. He was a very aggressive toward my other cat for years and i kept them separated. But he was a sweetie with me.
What gets me are the times I was reading or playing a computer game and he was on my lap. I'd put the book down and he would be staring at me. I'd give anything to look into his eyes again.
I believe they understand. I can't tell you how to feel, just know that you are not alone, and I am so sorry for your loss.
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2018
I don't think there is anyone alive that doesn't feel guilt about past memories when their loved one dies. Human or animal. I still cry when I think of my 17 year old Burt and his last days. He insisted on walking along that narrow space in front of the kitchen sink. And fell more than once because he was so weak. After catching him once again, right before he hit the floor, I ACTUALLY YELLED AT HIM TO STOP IT! The memory will haunt me forever. We all have things we did or said that will cause guilt. It is normal living day to day, things we do every day that we don't think of twice while everything is OK, but come back to cause us pain when we lose those precious babies. Things we do without thinking, sometimes out of anger, because we are not perfect. Everything cannot be perfect at all times. We fail, we hopefully learn from our mistakes and we live with what we did.
You saved that little girl's life, there is no doubt about that.You gave her what she wanted the most in this world, a wonderful home, care, and most importantly of all, your love and the love of a family. I think we get frustrated because we sense what is coming and it brings anger and denial. We don't want to lose them, though we know deep inside they have to go. You did a wonderful thing, giving her a calm, loving end to her pain. There comes a time when all the stressful vet visits, the endless test and meds, the fear and anxiety must end. You found the strength through your love to end Shania's stress and fear. There comes a time when living turns into existing, when there is no more joy in living, just neverending anxiety and pain. She was ready. She told you so and you knew. You didn't want to accept, but you knew the time had come. This brings on frustration and denial and that can bring on actions we wish we could take back, but can't. We aren't perfect and never will be.
You gave her joy for 17 years. You were her everything. You didn't give up, you provided the care and love she needed for all those years. You gave her the life and love she deserved, she needed, and she returned that love a thousand times over.Try not to dwell on the end, on the mistakes you thought you made, don't let that overshadow the years of joy and happiness she brought to you home and to your heart. She knows whatever you did you did out of love. That didn't change at all.
The bond you formed over those 17 years will always be with you.She shared you life journey for a while, and now walks a new path, healthy and whole, at peace. She will see you once more when your paths cross again at the end of your own life, she will always thank you for her life here on this earth, and love you for eternity. Because that is what love is, it never holds a grudge, it is never selfish, it is a spiritual bonding of the heart and soul that can never be taken from you. So celebrate having that little girl in your life, it would be unforgivable to never have known her at all. She would NEVER want you to be sad because of her, so bring sunshine and happiness back into your life, because that is what she would want for the ones she loves above all else. that is what you would want for her if you were the first to go.
My heart breaks for your pain, i know too well what you are going through. It hurts.Time is the only thing that helps to heal a broken heart, to form a new life order without them. But she will always be near, use your precious memories of happier times to bring comfort, you will always have her love. Take care.......RIP dear Shania. You will never be forgotten, you will forever be held in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again. Good night, sleep tight, sweet girl!
Thank you for your kind words! The fact that everyone here actually took time out of their day to offer me condolences and comfort means a lot. Sorry I haven't responded sooner - I belong to SO many different kinds of sites online and often just forget to sign in to see the latest updates, news and replies. You and others here are so very kind!
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2018
N nessly ,
I am very very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Shania.
I felt every single word of yours hitting hard inside me, and I cried with you when reading your post, because I kind of relived my feelings when my sweet Lola left me 10 months ago.
I called my vet home to have her euthanized without further stress, fear and pain. I had planned it in advance, three months earlier, because she was feeling sick, very sick, and it seemed to me that her days were numbered, but then she bounced back several times until it was clear enough it was time.

I had, and still have, the same sense of guilt for losing my temper with her, when in her last days she was really demanding and I was giving all my life to her. I, too, yelled at her a couple of time.
I will never forgive myself for what I did, and since then I tell others not too lose their patience when hospicing their pets at home.
I'm still crying, grieving and feeling bad after 10 moths, probably I will never get over this. So I fully understand how you're feeling and I'd like you to know you're not alone in this.

Shania was a beauty, and you must be proud of yourself for giving her a whole life of love and attention, of loving cares and treatments for her diseases.
Not so many people would go that far for a pet, but you did, and this is a gold medal that nobody will ever take from you.
You were also lucky to have everything going smooth and easy at home. Some people experience bad outcomes from procedures like that, and what happened will haunt them forever.

RIP Shania, you knew the true meaning of love!
Thank you! And right back at you! Processing grief is so hard and it never gets easy. There are certain songs I was listening to during her last month with us and now I can't even listen to them without crying because they are a glaring reminder of what I have lost. It's crazy the way grief can play out. I am starting to have more good days than bad although I still can't bring myself to remove her litter box, kitty condo (2-story scratching post) or her food placement setting (her wet food/dry food/water dish on a placemat next to my desk). I did manage to donate all the unopened wet food, a new bag of dry food I hadn't opened along with a new container of litter, some of the toys she stopped playing with when she went blind, and even most of the medication syringes. I brought them to a local animal shelter I like (that I also donate money to every year) and they were thrilled with all the donations but sad at the reason why. I'm not beating myself up as much over all the shoulda-coulda-woulda thoughts, now it's just feeling sad because the room is so empty without her in it and I'm still getting used to the change. I still hear noises sometimes that I think are her, or I see flashes of movement out of the corner of my eye. The other day I thought I saw her sitting at the edge of the bed - where she would sit to get my attention - but it was just a pile of clothes I hadn't put away. But even knowing that, I would STILL look thinking it was her. It's crazy the way your mind works when a beloved animal companion is gone. I hope and pray for you as well, that you will find healing and solace.
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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2018
What a sweet kitty, Nessly. You two were lucky to have each other. You gave her a wonderful home.
I recently lost my cat Timmer and I too had yelled at him during our time together. He was a very aggressive toward my other cat for years and i kept them separated. But he was a sweetie with me.
What gets me are the times I was reading or playing a computer game and he was on my lap. I'd put the book down and he would be staring at me. I'd give anything to look into his eyes again.
I believe they understand. I can't tell you how to feel, just know that you are not alone, and I am so sorry for your loss.
So sorry to hear about your Timmer! Shania LOVED being in my lap and after she went blind I actually encouraged her to do it. She would sit at the edge of the bed and I'd put my legs out and she'd walk across with me vocalizing to her so she followed the sound of my voice and my hands patting the legs. Then she'd plop down and just enjoy chilling out there - usually after 15 minutes she'd get up and go back onto the bed. So yes, I think they definitely understand. It's like we have this special silent way of communicating with our animals and unless you've had one to care for and love, it's hard to understand that almost-psychic bond. I am starting to realize now how much of my freedom I am getting back. It sounds kind of mean but I didn't realize just how much of my time and energy I'd been devoting to Shania until I got it all back. I imagine this is what every caregiver goes through when the ordeal is over and it's back to living life without the burden you had for so long. I know Shania would want me to enjoy my "freedom" so I try not to feel guilty about it. I actually sat down and wrote a list of all the good and bad this situation has brought and believe it or not, it was 22 vs 13 in favor of the GOOD which made it all the more real and gives me more reason to stop feeling guilty for just wanting to enjoy my life without the additional stress a special needs kitty gave me. And crazy as it sounds, I actually talk to her ashes! LOL! I put them in a special spot she LOVED - the window! She LOVED lounging on the window so I thought it was the best place for them. And my bed is next to the window so they are right next to me at night. And this strange thing just happened: I was telling my mom about how I wished we had the chance to see her grow as a kitten because she was already 4 or 5 months old when we got her so we missed out on seeing her as a LITTLE growing kitten. And wouldn't you know the NEXT DAY I happened to come across this foster cat lady's YouTube channel and one of the first videos I saw was this adorable mother cat named Chloe and her five kittens - one of which was the SPITTING IMAGE of Shania! This kitten had her EXACT same coloring (a tabby/calico mix) and it also had her feisty-ness! It was like Shania was giving me a gift - as though I was watching HER as a kitten so that was really interesting. All 5 kittens and mother did get adopted too! The girl showed the photos of them from the new adopters and they all looked very spoiled. So now I like to go there when I am missing Shania and get a dose of "cute". I would actually love to have another cat someday just not right now. I enjoyed the companionship Shania gave me so one day I would like to have that again. I would like another female and already have a name picked out (Ivy).
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 26, 2018
Well, I finally mustered up the willpower to remove the rest of Shania's things from my room. First it was the litterbox, then the food dishes, then the scratching tree. It was an odd feeling at first - I moved some things around and while I was doing that I realized again, how much space I made for her at the expense of my own. So the room is back to normal but there's that certain song I was listening to a lot and I listened to it again for the first time last week and yep, STILL made me cry. I don't know if it's the melancholy sound or the lyrics but probably both.

Tell yourself you control it from the inside
Losing streak: you realize you're letting go
Holding on: exploding from the inside
Far Beyond...
Feel terror cloud your senses
Silently, you fall away...

I feel her presence in the room sometimes. Her spirit is nearby - like she's joined the other two angels who watch over me (my baby brother and my grandmother). I know it sounds crazy but I'm very spiritual so I pick up energy sometimes that no one else does. So, feeling a bit better but missing her like crazy. I feel like I'm ready for a new kitty but still putting that on hold because my mom hast Stage 3 or 4 Renal Failure and for the last month has needed a lot of my help, so it's really not a good time to bring another cat into the house.