Run free Precious - I will always remember and love you....


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Apr 14, 2013
Stamford, CT USA
Ahhhh the emotions....ok...deep breath....   Precious passed about 10 days ago from what I believe was IBD but none of the 3 vets that saw her were sure.   She was about 14 yo.  On the last day she was incredibly weak I took her to the vet.   Her body temp was well below norm and the vet said it was likely her systems were shutting down.   The vet was giving her fluids and put warm towels around her.   Then she said to me let me know if you want to let her go.   I looked at her with a blank stare - its something you need time to think through.  She said, you know miracles sometimes happen.   I`m a believer so I said lets give it 30 minutes.   She said OK and left.   About 15 minutes later she hugged me and said Precious made the decision for us.... she had a heart attack.   I was sad but also relieved....  no more suffering.   The IBD gave her terrible bouts of vomiting when she had flareups.

Precious was an Alpha Cat to the max.   She had no use for other cats especially the younger boys that always wanted to play tag with her.   Her nature was paradoxical.   She would get frightened and hide under the bed for hours at unfamiliar sounds and such.   But when it mattered most she had the heart of a LION.   I witnessed it with my own eyes one night.....

There lived a family of racoons in the roof of our condo and at night they would climb down a tree and forage for food.   Well one night I was in the bathroom and heard an INCREDIBLE commotion coming from the living room.   What sounded like a schoolyard gang fight.   When I rushed into the living room, I was stunned to see the huge fat momma raccoon, dad, and 3 of the fully grown children  walking around like they owned the place.   Then I realized they helped themselves in through the pet door we built into the screen for the cats.   Anyway, there was Precious attacking them with the loudest growling ever and fending off their advances.   In truth, she did keep the Raccoons at bay though thoroughly outsized and numbered.  All they wanted was to get around her and into the kitchen were the scent of food was coming from.   At that point I got my trusty broom as was able to coax them back out the door outside.  I will never forget her courage.  Those raccoons could have ripped her to pieces.

What I loved about Precious:

- her sweet disposition

- she would lay right near your head at night and lull you to sleep with her purring.

Quirks I could do without:

- she had a habit of opening the bathroom door after you just walked in and would walk in and then right out.   Sort of the bathroom inspector general.

- Scratching in the litter box as if she was digging a hole to China.   I mean 3AM she dug around so much I was hoping she would at least strike oil.

- she hated other cats and kids.  A kitty Diva I suppose.

Precious was the first cat that I really had to go the extra mile cause of her health.   I`m sorry you went through it Precious but I swear it was not in vain.   For you have prepared me to be a much better caretaker of those who will follow in your paw-steps.

Thanks for keeping me company on those lonely nights friend.   I`m sure we will see each other again.   And yes, I`ll remember the freeze-dried chicken treats for you!!




Here is Precious in her chubbier days.   Here she is waiting for me to rub her belly which she absolutely loved.  A session would go on for 20 minutes while she daintily flexed her front paws - alternating one after the other.   Must be a girl thing.

Here is Precious at one of the very rare times she would rest next to Max.   She saw him as an annoyance when we got him as a kitten about 5 years younger....  always wanting to play .... hmmmf.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
What a beautiful tribute for a beautiful cat! 
  It made me cry. It made me laugh. I'm sorry she struggled with her illness, but you did a great job caring for her and giving her your love. It's clear to me how much she meant to you...quirks and all. Precious will always have a place in your heart. She'll never be forgotten.

Rest in peace, sweet girl. 
  You are free from pain and running free at the bridge.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Apr 14, 2013
Stamford, CT USA
Thanks.  I still think about her every day..... alot.    Usually in the morning she would start pestering me for food and get me out of bed.   Now I cant get out of bed....  it`s too silent without her.

I have ADD so it is hard for me to turn off my mind and I continuously analyze what I could have done differently.   But I guess in the end it wouldn't matter ---- her diet was poor for too long before I was educated about food and the damage was done.    It seemed all the world to me like IBD.   My vet on the day she passed said she thought it was something else - but couldnt say what.   We will never know but I have learned alot from this cat.

Thanks for your support... it really helps.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
It's completely natural to question and ask the "what if"s. What matters is that you did the best you could and you loved her. Sure, it was a learning experience. I didn't know a thing about pancreatitis, or even that cats could get pancreatitis, unless Sebastian got pancreatitis. That's how it goes. It only takes one experience like this to change your entire thinking forever. 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I know words fail to comfort at a time like this, but I hope you know we all will keep you in our thoughts and I will include Precious in my prayers. She will live on forever through your loving tribute and I'm sure dwells safe and warm in  your heart. Memories are the best legacies that exist, treasure them and share them with people who care and understand, as you are doing now. It definitely helps in the grieving process. I'm so sorry for your loss and that you have to go through this, I know it leaves a scar that never seems to heal. But with time you will treasure your love you shared with her and begin to heal and become stronger for it. Be gentle and patient with yourself, it takes a long time. Take care....... RIP beautiful Precious!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
My condolences. That was a wonderful tribute to a cat that was very obviously cherished. You'll continue to miss her, of course, but in time those 14 years of good memories will take the upper hand. RIP, Precious. :rbheart:
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Apr 14, 2013
Stamford, CT USA
Thanks for the touching comments.

Wanted to say, in the first photo where you see precious looking chubby. This was at a point she was eating carb-loaded kibble. Cats fed this will become obese. They will eat plenty but still be hungry since their bodies are not getting proper nutrition. The years of eating this is what lead to her ill-health IMO.

Lastly, I still am trying to work through lingering anger toward the 3 vets that were "treating" her. I have left one a bad review on Angie's list. Hopefully it will spare others the bad treatment we received. On the plus side it taught me not to blindly trust them and do my research... Which led me to TCS in the first place.

Now all that is left is to follow the teachings of Yeshua and forgive. This will allow me to move forward.

God bless